“Police camera video from his arrest shows (Indiana State Rep.) Lucas telling officers he has a gun in his waistband and that a round was in the chamber.” Hey, Kids! February is Black History Month! Write a synopsis of how it would have gone down if Rep. Lucas had been a young black man. In a hoodie.
I say this as a privileged white person. I am amazed and sad as an intelligent and thoughtful person how little I saw my privilege until unfortunately until not to long ago.
I am an elderly white woman, and disabled. My little neighborhood is mostly younger black people, a wonderful, caring group who ALWAYS make sure that I'm ok, and don't need help with heavy things. I've gotten in the habit of going out and sitting on my porch with my phone when there is (very occasionally) a police car at one of the houses, videoing...just in case. And I can do that pretty safely, mostly because the police are NOT willing to take on an elderly white woman on a walker...there's just no good optics on that one. I KNOW what would have happened if that had been a young black man...with or without hoodie!
To be fair, Marge's mispronunciation may be less caused by her illiteracy and more by her obvious obsession with dicks. Hunter Biden's dick in particular.
(All I can say is it's a good thing for Marge, and most members of the "Freedumb Caucus" that breathing does not require rational thought.)
And this is America? JFC! We should all be afraid...very afraid. Between Margie 3 Toes and the poor woman own her scooter, I'm dead! ☠️☠️ Seriously, how do we get a shot of intelligence into our government? Our stupid will be our undoing. Outstanding column today! ✌️💙
I laughed out loud at "Cokey McSnortnostrils". 🤣😂.
And yep, sadly this is MAGA's America. Uneducated, willing to use their Trucks ( and scooter) to support Abbott in Texas without really understanding what they are for or against...MAGA talking points are all they can manage as way of explanation.
What about work? Can these people really afford to be convoying for several weeks? How will they be able to afford to give money to their Orange Idol? 😂🤣
Yo, Kimberly! Work??!?! They don’t worry about WORK. They gaslight imaginary immigrants who have “stolen” their jobs! They can blame eager newcomers’ work ethic and desire to earn a living for having taken away their (birthright) jobs. None of the worst protestors/cultists seem to hold jobs.
Hey Lisa! Thanks! I’m diving in… I have gotten so much from the Jeff, Jay, Alicia stacks and actually met people for lunch by meeting them here! Seemed like the thing to do after I shut down my web site!😎
Wait, wait, wait! Empty G and indiktable have a twin. Didn’t you hear Cokie McTrumpkin say that “they” are using a “crudgel”? Is that like a cudgel you buy in a German bakery?
Hard to pick. I guess gun-flashing is more worser than MTG having dick troubles, and she's obviously looking to run up the score in the self-own stoopid contest, but flashing a gun on children takes this contest.
Ms. Faulkner looks like a space alien looking for a ride home. Tommy Tubberville can be the national spokesman for CTE after his Senate career. There's more marching powder to be had in Peru. You're lucky, teenage girls. Rep. Lewis could have flashed his other gun.(🤢🤮) Sporky sure has Dicks on her mind. Truckers spread crabs and other venereal delights as they travel. Well, that about takes care of it. Have a good weekend everybody.
There is no bottom with Rethuglicans. For decades I have been saying that the "bottom of the barrel" with these mofos is through the molten Earth and out the other side.
I hadn’t heard any of this, but not surprising living in my igloo north of the 49th. Sometimes my government doesn’t allow us to hear or view some of the sheet that’s going on down south. Being Saturday, and the gov closed for the weekend, we canucks can rejoice in some really important pieces of info. Thank you for the superb recap to the week. 😉😁
“Police camera video from his arrest shows (Indiana State Rep.) Lucas telling officers he has a gun in his waistband and that a round was in the chamber.” Hey, Kids! February is Black History Month! Write a synopsis of how it would have gone down if Rep. Lucas had been a young black man. In a hoodie.
now there's a point I wish I'd made in my post
Sadly a black man in the same situation as Lucas probably wouldn’t be here to tell the story!!
The everyday experiences of the white population give them no insight into the lives of the poor or black population.
I say this as a privileged white person. I am amazed and sad as an intelligent and thoughtful person how little I saw my privilege until unfortunately until not to long ago.
Yup, me too. I guess we were asleep, but now we are fucking woke. Never to sleep again… and the GOP’s worst fucking nightmare.
In my limited experience, most ppl do not recognize their privilege for what it is. Good for you! 👍🏼
Excellent point!
I am an elderly white woman, and disabled. My little neighborhood is mostly younger black people, a wonderful, caring group who ALWAYS make sure that I'm ok, and don't need help with heavy things. I've gotten in the habit of going out and sitting on my porch with my phone when there is (very occasionally) a police car at one of the houses, videoing...just in case. And I can do that pretty safely, mostly because the police are NOT willing to take on an elderly white woman on a walker...there's just no good optics on that one. I KNOW what would have happened if that had been a young black man...with or without hoodie!
Rebecca, thank you for caring, and for being such a great neighbor! 👏❤️🥰
THEY are the great neighbors! It's one small service I can do for all that they do for me!
A "mutual aid" neighborhood - it's admirable all the way around. I'm sure they appreciate your watchful eye as well.
Yes, when I see that woman on that ridealong thing, the first thing I think is, "Warrior."
The first thing I thought was, "She stole that from Walmart!" Broken truck, my ass.
Haha! Oh yeah maga, we be trembling in our boots. NOT.
Hey, at least they have 49 trucks — that's an improvement over the last time I read this when they had five?
Keep it up, truckers! At this point you might get to 700,000 before the heat death of the universe.
"Heat death of the universe" - 'I can't even'......just trying to say I loved this issue of 'This Week in Stupid' !
I know who I’m calling if shit goes south!lol
That’s the female Road Warrior. Mad Maxine !wants to make her next stop The Capitol,The Thunderdome ! Vroom !
Yepper, get along, doggie!
“We need you to be warrin’ fer us”. Don’t worry, I’m worrying enough for all of us.
Hilarious 🤣
Marjorie, you are in fact in-dick-table. Congrats girl!
Thank you, no, I'd rather my in-dick-able partners have at least something going on upstairs?
She got something going on upstairs...it’s called Bats in the Belfry...although I heartily second the Eww!
Okay, then—something ELSE going on upstairs besides Bats in her Belfry.
Came here to say that! I don't even have a dick and but it shrivels in my mind at the sight of Sporky. Ugh!
Love it!
Was Donnie indicked for the rape trial !
To be fair, Marge's mispronunciation may be less caused by her illiteracy and more by her obvious obsession with dicks. Hunter Biden's dick in particular.
(All I can say is it's a good thing for Marge, and most members of the "Freedumb Caucus" that breathing does not require rational thought.)
Reading teacher (retired) here. This is what you get when you throw out Whole Language and focus only on phonics instruction, as Georgia has.
The word "phonics" doesn't even start with an 'F'. This is why aliens fly right past us.
Yup, here in good ole P-ho-E-nix, we get it!
No wonder the kids don’t no wat the phuk iz hapnin round the kuntree!
A+ for you in fa-nix!
Beautiful! One of my students pointed this out also.
Since kindergarten I have always wondered about Fonics with the ph ?? wtf ?
Blame the Phonecians.
Haha!! 👍🏻
Hey they threw out phonics as well, and turned it into some kind of exploratory guessing games.
The rules of phonics work a lot of the time. It is not fool proof though.
Whole Language? Is that writing and reading with phonics? My kids did that in the 1990’s. They were writing in kindergarten.
Yes. It puts the fun back into learning.
She's an erec-tion-ist.
I think that Marge would like to have one of her own.
Anaconda envy
Hunter’s dick lives in her head rent-free.
"Cokey McSnortnostrils" 🤣
And this is America? JFC! We should all be afraid...very afraid. Between Margie 3 Toes and the poor woman own her scooter, I'm dead! ☠️☠️ Seriously, how do we get a shot of intelligence into our government? Our stupid will be our undoing. Outstanding column today! ✌️💙
I laughed out loud at "Cokey McSnortnostrils". 🤣😂.
And yep, sadly this is MAGA's America. Uneducated, willing to use their Trucks ( and scooter) to support Abbott in Texas without really understanding what they are for or against...MAGA talking points are all they can manage as way of explanation.
What about work? Can these people really afford to be convoying for several weeks? How will they be able to afford to give money to their Orange Idol? 😂🤣
Exactly. In the words of every Republican when progressives protest.. “Don’t they have jobs?”
Yo, Kimberly! Work??!?! They don’t worry about WORK. They gaslight imaginary immigrants who have “stolen” their jobs! They can blame eager newcomers’ work ethic and desire to earn a living for having taken away their (birthright) jobs. None of the worst protestors/cultists seem to hold jobs.
Meryl, it does seem that's true for many who are protesting against those willing to actually work doing jobs they would never do. It's maddening.
Susan is writing a Substack!😀😀😀
Well, imma gonna try. 😂 Time to write something else besides advertising copy!
You got this!😃😃😘
We'll see! I now owe you a beer! :)
I did not know this, but I always enjoy both your and Susan’s comments. I’ll be subscribing!
Thanks. I'll be looking forward to it.😀💙
Hey Lisa! Thanks! I’m diving in… I have gotten so much from the Jeff, Jay, Alicia stacks and actually met people for lunch by meeting them here! Seemed like the thing to do after I shut down my web site!😎
Omfg Cokey Mcsnortnostrils Killing me!!!!!! Ahahahahahha!!!!!!!!
1. UFO’s aren’t coming here as long as GPO dipshits are running the House.
2. Cocaine Jr. Is trying to shove the other Jr down our throats
3. How did Lucas not shoot himself? That would have been the better lesson.
4. Convoy got a 56% rating from Rotten Tomatoes. The remake isn’t any better.
GOP not the Government Printing Office 🙄
The GPO actually would do better job.
I was waiting for Lucas to shoot himself. That would have been epic! 😂
Like Elmer ? 😉
Wait, wait, wait! Empty G and indiktable have a twin. Didn’t you hear Cokie McTrumpkin say that “they” are using a “crudgel”? Is that like a cudgel you buy in a German bakery?
The crudgel is next to the stollen (election) in the display case.
I heard it and you're right! He wants his crudgel with powdered sugar!
“No, Donny, it’s sugar. Unroll that 20 and put it back in your wallet.”
Cokie McTrumpkin….this keeps getting better
Hard to pick. I guess gun-flashing is more worser than MTG having dick troubles, and she's obviously looking to run up the score in the self-own stoopid contest, but flashing a gun on children takes this contest.
Ms. Faulkner looks like a space alien looking for a ride home. Tommy Tubberville can be the national spokesman for CTE after his Senate career. There's more marching powder to be had in Peru. You're lucky, teenage girls. Rep. Lewis could have flashed his other gun.(🤢🤮) Sporky sure has Dicks on her mind. Truckers spread crabs and other venereal delights as they travel. Well, that about takes care of it. Have a good weekend everybody.
If he had flashes his other gun, he could join Boebert’s husband as a sex offender! We have truly hit rock bottom with these troglodytes!
There is no bottom with Rethuglicans. For decades I have been saying that the "bottom of the barrel" with these mofos is through the molten Earth and out the other side.
See, this right here is why I always read the comments! 🤣🤣
Charlie you're a bad boy.
Fanomanil !
I hadn’t heard any of this, but not surprising living in my igloo north of the 49th. Sometimes my government doesn’t allow us to hear or view some of the sheet that’s going on down south. Being Saturday, and the gov closed for the weekend, we canucks can rejoice in some really important pieces of info. Thank you for the superb recap to the week. 😉😁
Hey CaroleAnn ,I’m half Canuck if the shit hits the fan down here in November,ya think you could leave the back door at the border open ? Ay?
Too bad there isn’t an anti-stupid ray gun.
Set phaser to stun would help.
If only. Or the “cream pie” setting ..
I think they’ve already been hit with the stun phaser. None of them are operating with their brain fully engaged.
Physics! What’s the hold-up??
So much stupid…so little space! hahaha They just make shit up to look good for the idiots with no brain cells! Have a nice weekend everyone!