That MAL photo… washing my eyes now. That such a world exists, baffling. National Geographic level baffling.

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More like alien level baffling, Neal. Perhaps why Jeff was having such difficulty assigning the correct species. They are deep ocean, never seen these creatures before plastic injecting moronic organisms. Personally I thought it was a collection of blow-up sex toys.

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They remind me of the cheap blow-up sex dolls, like the one Bud Bundy had on Married With Children

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That is such an apt description. I looked at all four of them, each looking in the mirror and saying, “Yes. This is the look I am going for.” Bat. Shit. Crazy.

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I have an unfortunate niece who 46 (?) years old who aspires to this look as she teaches pilates to like minded women. She was born naturally born beautiful with the blondest hair and honey skin. By four years old and beyond she made any cheap clothes look like a million bucks, as opposed to her uncomely younger sister who couldn’t make anything look good. She’s still striking w/o makeup and thin model figure. But the duck lips ruin her already beautiful face. As shallow as they come, poor girl.

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Ah, memories .....

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You used to be a blow up sex doll? Or did you just own one?

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You really have to ask?

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🤣🤣🤣 Keep the vinyl leak repair kit handy

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I'm glad we could amuse you. Is it stormy up there today? Just blah down here.

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Am in California. Getting stormy here! Happy New Year!

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Every year at Fantasy fest in Key West there is a lady who dresses up as a blow-up doll. She's great!

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If it ain't plastic, it's pasted. Double-sided tape: it's what's for boobies!

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I suppose that's the objective, to look plastic and pliable with a hole for a mouth. Wow, what times we live in.

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New rock band name:

Four lb lips.

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Reminds me of the scene in the movie "First Wives Club" where Goldie Hawn shrieks I want Mick Jagger lips!" Then after surgery, her lips are so big she can't hold her cigarette.

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Dang! That's brilliant.

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Vagina Lips.

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Yup, that's the point, then use bright red lipstick to mimic arousal. Or so the sociologists and anthropologists claim.

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Now Natalie, be honest. WHERE did you read that?!

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no- vacuum cleaner is the model.

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It does seem to be the look that the men whom the women are aspiring to please, find attractive. It's beyond sad that the so-called 'men' who hang-out at Mar-A-Lardo seem to find women who look as though they had been drawn as comic book characters more attractive than the real thing.

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Also bleach-blonde, a color many have when young, when they spend much time outdoors, but hair darkens as we age.

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Stepford wives?

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More like the creepy brothel "Jezebels" in "The Handmaid's Tale".

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*Stepford second wives

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The Stepford wives were at least somewhat human looking, and they definitely had more class.

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Not really, Paula. They were very robotic. These women here might be humanoids. 🤓

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Perfect description!!!

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Vegas whores have more class than those wannabe-bimbos.

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Well yeah, they are honest about the sex being a transaction.

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Trapped in the movie ‘Brazil’…😞

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Katherine Helmond in Brazil was my first thought when faced with that pinnacle of plastic.

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Words fail.

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Wonderful role models for women around the world 🤢

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Yes, examples of western decadence they can show in Russia, and China to make their audience despise the USA.

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What really makes me laugh (not) is that they probably think I'm jealous and wish I was one of them....

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Kinda like the 9th Diocese.

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Jeff Bezos clearly likes the look….he’s marrying this (https://www.today.com/popculture/news/jeff-bezos-lauren-sanchez-engaged-rcna85703) or maybe already did…he’s here in Aspen, we live in the area. Fuck nut jd vance is attending the wedding. Bezos had to do this here, during the busiest time of the year because he’s an arrogant narcissist ass. And fucking vance has an entourage of 60 secret service agents following him around and fucking up traffic everywhere. I hate these people. Couldn’t bezos do a really cool wedding on fucking mars? Or the moon? Test his penis rocket at the same time? Ugh. 😑

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So baffling. I keep imagining the moment before these creatures leave the house, checking the mirror and going, "Yeah, perfect."

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They look, all right. And they ARE critical … as they speed dial their plastic surgeon. More. More. I need MORE!!

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You can tell it is an addiction with them. Look at Kimmy Gargoyle she looks like a caricature of herself.

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Each time they have their faces yanked further up, their mouths get wider and then the lip pumping makes their mouths look like exhaust pipes on a Porsche Cayenne (not that I have something like that).

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I absolutely get the visual, though. The first time I assisted on a facelift was weird, they undermine the facial skin, and it peels like a mask. Not my favorite surgery to assist by far.

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She was a pretty young woman, way back when. I think having all the coke in the world just warped her senses. Now she looks and dresses like a crack Ho. Sad.

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They can never conquer the demons they have created.

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The thing is, the puffier they get the older they actually are…dead giveaway. Sad to say, it will not age well. In fact it begins to turn quite hideous and the point will be lost entirely. They will become more freakishly old looking. Natural aging is never freakish, it’s beautiful to behold the graceful aging process. Vacant pursuit matches the vacant look in their eyes and on their faces. The internet will no doubt be as cruel to them as they’ve been to themselves.

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Yes. I saw a person recently in public. She was at least in 70’s, as I am. But her face was a mess. And it wasn’t due to natural aging. The lips, once puffed, were deflated. Literally skin hanging down. He whole face sagged from the bottom of her eyes downward to jowls. Her neck was hanging over her collar. It’s possible that she’s had a major weight loss that left her that way. But one can tell the difference. She had remainders, and reminders, of that weird cat thing these plastic people do. How can they not see the cat effect?

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It reminds me of what a late lamented female friend said about this lady in the office that I had a thing for: “It’ll be easy, but it won’t be cheap.”

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They only look cheap

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Maybe MAL denizens get a discount on plastic surgery? 'Cuz it sure looks like those "women" had the same handiwork done.

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There is a (cut-rate) surgeon member there who probably actually specializes in ENT, who took a week-end seminar would be my bet. There is one in my town that does that, and his work looks very similar. Once one gets work for cheaper, they all will. They obviously want to flaunt their wealth, that they could afford to have work done. An actual Board-certified plastic Surgeon can fix them in a way that is barely noticeable. I worked with a couple of great ones.

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My first thought was too much botox. Also, is this the world of Florida women? Yeech!

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It looks more like a Chlamydia convention.

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I know. I am. 😉😂

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Keep it up!

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I’m still laughing at the response to those wax figures from Donnie’s private wax museum!!

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It's like a ghoul museum! Creepy!

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👆👆🎯😁👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Although I have seen more lifelike waxworks at Madame Tussads.

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when I used to go to florida to help my parents, I had natural white hair- I am certain that I was the only female I ever saw in Boca Raton with undyed hair. I was so grateful to get home to Vermont!

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I belong to the same club of undyed White haired women and men. Just look at DT. However, I started getting my first white hairs when I was around 11. They were just strands. My friend Michael teased me that for my 40th birthday he would give me Lady Grecian formula, a hair dye. I said no thanks. As an undergraduate I still have the sprinkling but one women I knew had totally white hair at 24. It was years later that she dyed it. Now it is in to have White hair, but only if it is unnatural. Crazy hunh?

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The Unreal Housewives of Mar A Lago, coming soon. However I won’t be, unless I can get that damned MAL picture out of my head. Saltpeter has nothing on that picture

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Seriously! They are the epitome of 'hideousness'!

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Damn. Sold my Botox stock too soon.

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If you saw one of them walking down the street, you know just what would pop into your mind...

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Yes, get as far away as possible.

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Run don’t walk, as I read the explanation of them being showy drag queens it all made sense, over the top makeup everything done to get attention, show biz. But no real, in a comedic sick way. I will not look again I feel damaged.

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Let’s all take a step back from criticizing women’s looks. That they’re at Mar-a-Lago is enough to criticize their taste in hosts.

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Even if they were the most beautiful women I've ever seen, they're at Mordor-a-Lago. That's the only red flag I need.

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As a retired Surgical Assistant, it is offensive to my craft when women go to cut-rate surgeons for bad work. On the other hand, I will absolutely praise aesthetically pleasing work. I am, a professionally trained observer.

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The thing is, good surgical work is virtually undetectable.

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Bah. These women CHOSE to look like this. All the silicone, filler, Botox, fake eyelashes, and mascara money can buy.

They themselves think they look fantastic, and we are free to disagree.

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This is what happens when you have too much money. More dollars than cents (sense) as my mom used to say.

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Don't worry Doc, we're just playing and venting.

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They look holesome.

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So you’re saying it brought tears to your eyes, looking up at Donnie’s brood Neal??

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I think he means tears of LAUGHTER.

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I think my governor Kristi looks like this more every day. We will be rid of her shortly, maybe, but I can't wait for the shitshow of a conformation hearing for her dream post....

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Dec 28
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Keep it classy, Floriduh

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Floriduh wouldn't know Classy if it came up and kicked Floriduh's ass.

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Florida has been The Capital of Kitch, the tackler the better, since gators arrived.

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*sigh* They are an infestation. And are ruining my once beautiful state.

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Dont blame us. It’s all a bunch of Yankees at MAL, including the Head dip Shit in charge.

Palm Beach was the only County in Florida that voted for Biden.

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I did not know that. Thanks, Palm Beach county

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🤣🤣🤣 too late, I think.

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Except that the females at the Playboy Mansion were attractive

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Jeff, I start smiling the moment I see your email in my inbox. Thank you.

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It's a terrible addiction, I can't really start my day before I read Jeff's diatribe. Am I in a cult?

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If you can question yourself about being in a cult, you're probably not in a cult. Or at least not for long

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