Yeah, that is not a great look, and there are plenty of pics like this of him, especially golfing (I guess the girdle and manzier get in the way of his swing).
Jeff, thanks? Never have I given a single brain cell the task to imagine convict-elect without his wig & war paint. JFC, Jeff, did we anger you? It's Christmas 🎁🌲! OTOH, spreading this pic far and wide will be a gift to send maggot trolls in X!
Some of the people who voted for him walk around in golden diapers and lots of them seem to be characters in the same bad movie that he is starring in.
Much worse than Earls 59.95 paint job special, with leaves and dirt, a peeling layer of disgust sprayed over that rusty old beater Kay-EL!! I got a good laugh out of your comment!!
You gave me a good laugh, now I’m feeling quite a bit older… considering I followed a buddy in the late sixties -early 70’s to spruce up his beater before he sold it there!
Scary, ugly, moron, self-deluded POS stops by to check out if people at Moron-a-Lago are Repugnantcans. We can’t blame any of his behavior on being old, he’s always been a demented, exhausting, bullshit, self-promoting hag.
I don’t think O. Fuckwit would have left his room looking like that a year or 2 ago. He either wandered away from his handlers/monitors or he’s so demented he doesn’t remember he doesn’t want to be seen looking that bad. It’s either dementia or Putin’s threats that are keeping him under pres-not-elected musk’s thumb. It’s not laziness/lack of interest in governing, because his narcissism would find a way around that. And walking around without hair, make-up, or foundation garments suggests at least some of it is dementia.
Donny looks like a corpse without all the spackle and industrial strength hair spray. He reminds me of my grandfather in his high waist pants that start under the armpits. Where are the suspenders?
That shade of pink is not a good look -- but really, the bronzer is too too much too. He desperately needs a little help from the ladies at the Macy's Estee Lauder counter.
I seriously wonder what the IQ of these people is. And remember the “dementia test” that Donny passed? “Elephant, man, camera” or whatever the objects were that he supposedly identified to prove his competence?
It’s back. It’s all back. It’s like watching the sequel to a bad horror movie. “Don0ld & the MAGAts Return”
But apparently the NYTimes is still reminding us that Joe Biden continues to be old. They are claiming his staffers have been keeping his age a secret and keeping him away from hostile journalists, etc. Shocking! He should have to face tough interviews, same as Trump. (Sarcasm)
Seriously Carol, catch the Medias Touch Network interview with Biden. It was done this month and is on YouTube. Ben Meislas is the interviewer. It's a reminder of what we are losing.
I just watched it. Imagine, talking coherently for half an hour without blaming, name-calling, scowling, ranting, making up statistics, projecting your own intentions on others, or taking credit for other people’s work. Who knew it was possible for someone soooo old to talk sense?
But, his memory! Talking about the new NATO members, he forgot the name of Finland and had to refer to it by its 800-mile border with Russia. Terrible memory, except for details that matter, like why Finland felt compelled to join NATO.
He wasn’t asked why he didn’t believe Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas, or if he was still being played by Bibi Netanyahu or other “Have you stopped beating your wife?” questions. It’s amazing how much you can learn when someone is not being badgered. Even if you wanted to know more about topics avoided.
It certainly warns us about the state of education in Alabama. I have a girlfriend who moved back there (from California) and she's already posting "Jesus this", and "god that." We met in a nudist/ sun club!"
Exactly. I saw a movie the other night from 2012 about one case in the phone scam where a guy pretending to be a detective would call restaurants and tell the manager an employee had stolen money and since he was shorthanded the manager would have to strip search the employee. And all of the accused were teenage girls. The managers were both male and female and most of them complied. This case happened in Kentucky at a Mcdonalds - the girl was 18 and her female boss had her strip in the office looking for the "stolen" money. Manager then had to get back to work so the caller had her get a man to "watch her" until the cops could come. Caller had man babysitter make her jog in place naked and do jumping jacks to "shake" out any hidden money. He did a cavity search too, spanked her bare bottom and have her give him oral sex. This was just 1 case of about 70 all in rural areas. These ppl all fell for this. I thought who is this stupid? Then I thought these are the ppl that would vote for trumpf. They're not only trumpf VOTERS but people who were voted into congress and other government positions-the mtgs, tubervilles, cruises. boberts, etc.If you doubt this hoax google Louise Ogborn.
I know right? I mean, I sympathize with the young women who were naive and gullible enough to obey this "detective" on the phone, but cripes. I worked at Wendy's in my teens and I would like to believe that if my manager had told me there's a cop on the phone that says I have to strip search you I would have said fuck no and walked out.
They probably had the old dial phones. Do you think the scammer also told them that their refrigerator was running and they’d better catch it before it ran away?
Or much of anything else. The dimly lit Senator definitely has a few bulbs missing and he's probably been that way even before he took too many hits to the dome. Like his not all the time orange hero as shown in Jeff's video, this dumbshit has more than likely been vaccinated for everything but common sense.
My Grandfather died of diphtheria in 3 days and left 5 children and a wife. And when I say died-I mean his throat slowly closed so he could not breathe and he suffocated to death. Yeah let’s bring that back! This would all be hysterical if it weren’t so fucking scary! Tuberville needs to STFU! My god how did this man get elected???
Susan I ask myself all the time who voted for these dunces. Who listened to Tommy or MTG and thought that is the person I want to represent me? How can so many Americans be that ignorant?
I got every childhood disease there were no vaccines for in the ‘50s and ‘60s. My grandmother told me stories about nursing my dad through diphtheria and others; I can still feel her fear. These antivax loons are out of their minds and a danger to our children.
On another note, I just finished my Alma mater’s (Boston University for those who are interested) alumni magazine article on their Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center, where many athletes have donated their brains postmortem. Perhaps Tubby would like to make a donation now?
I had measles at age 4 and still remember the excruciating earache I had. Fortunately, I didn’t lose my hearing, which can be a result of measles. Those who didn’t live in an era where many of the diseases folks suffered and died from don’t realize how fortunate they are that vaccines are available.
My grandparents' first child died as an infant from diphtheria, same way -- I learned about it when I was still a kid and it was completely terrifying to think of dying that way. And this is one of the things that ol' BrainWorm wants to bring back, too...
Orange Fuckwit came down to mingle sans his get-up?! That natural look is as fugly as his usual Earl Sheib paint job.
Yeah, that is not a great look, and there are plenty of pics like this of him, especially golfing (I guess the girdle and manzier get in the way of his swing).
He’s obviously not been fitted properly.
Jeff, thanks? Never have I given a single brain cell the task to imagine convict-elect without his wig & war paint. JFC, Jeff, did we anger you? It's Christmas 🎁🌲! OTOH, spreading this pic far and wide will be a gift to send maggot trolls in X!
I can't seem to share the clip. I'm so sad.
OMG! totally accurate!
I wonder if the people who decided our awful future would have still voted for him if he walked around like this all the time. What a horror story!
Now wait just one damned minute! That's Lady Candy you see walking through that entrance hall there! yessirree.
With boobs like that, looks more like a Beard. . .
Haw haw.
Some of the people who voted for him walk around in golden diapers and lots of them seem to be characters in the same bad movie that he is starring in.
Much worse than Earls 59.95 paint job special, with leaves and dirt, a peeling layer of disgust sprayed over that rusty old beater Kay-EL!! I got a good laugh out of your comment!!
I actually named a black kitten of mine Earl Sheib back in 1971 when I was living in Somerville Massachusetts.
This is a totally mainland thing like Burma Shave,- how old is this reference anyway? (asking from Honolulu where nobody has ever heard of Earl Sheib)
You gave me a good laugh, now I’m feeling quite a bit older… considering I followed a buddy in the late sixties -early 70’s to spruce up his beater before he sold it there!
I remember when it was 29.95 I'll paint any car any time for 29.95 .
Yes, when I lived in LA, 65 to 70.
I remember one here in FL in the 80's!
My black cats are always Sabrina. One is in my lap as I thumb my phone.
So did I!
Scary, ugly, moron, self-deluded POS stops by to check out if people at Moron-a-Lago are Repugnantcans. We can’t blame any of his behavior on being old, he’s always been a demented, exhausting, bullshit, self-promoting hag.
"I'll paint any Shitgibbon for $99.99. No ups, no extras!"😂😂
*Bondo is extra.
There’s not enough in the world to smooth that mess out
Well dug Cassandra!!
Earl Sheib! 🤣🤣 That is a throw back to my youth in NY!!
And mine in DC. Thanks for the memories Kay El!
I don’t think O. Fuckwit would have left his room looking like that a year or 2 ago. He either wandered away from his handlers/monitors or he’s so demented he doesn’t remember he doesn’t want to be seen looking that bad. It’s either dementia or Putin’s threats that are keeping him under pres-not-elected musk’s thumb. It’s not laziness/lack of interest in governing, because his narcissism would find a way around that. And walking around without hair, make-up, or foundation garments suggests at least some of it is dementia.
Donny looks like a corpse without all the spackle and industrial strength hair spray. He reminds me of my grandfather in his high waist pants that start under the armpits. Where are the suspenders?
Earl Sheib indeed! Sponsored the LA Roller Derby in the 60s. Remember with fondness.
I had forgotten that. I remember the paint garages. I remember roller derby. Forgot they mixed into one low life promotion.
There's also the small pile of I'm not Secret Service people hanging around him trying to look like that meme. "HELLO, FELLOW TOURISTS."
What a shitty assignment. Plus, paying double for rat-infested rooms.
And they pay for the pleasure of renting from him.
Those rats are their dinner!
... and their donors!
Not even the *King Crown Treatment* from Earl.
Right?! Lol
OMG, you guys are killing me. "King Crown"? I forgotten that.,
That shade of pink is not a good look -- but really, the bronzer is too too much too. He desperately needs a little help from the ladies at the Macy's Estee Lauder counter.
“I can paint any moron for 29.95”
I can’t unsee this and my mouth has rancid in it.
I remember Earl Sheib from around 1963. Still in business?
Nope. Folded in 2010
That's an insult to Earl Sheib paint jobs, Kay-El!
Cheap as they are, at least they look good at first—just long enough to sell the car to some poor sucker.
Lol, exactly
For fuck's sake. Tuberville can't even spell science!
What did you expect from a guy that didn't even know what the three branches of Government are? Tommy certainly puts the stupid in stupid.
I seriously wonder what the IQ of these people is. And remember the “dementia test” that Donny passed? “Elephant, man, camera” or whatever the objects were that he supposedly identified to prove his competence?
It’s back. It’s all back. It’s like watching the sequel to a bad horror movie. “Don0ld & the MAGAts Return”
But apparently the NYTimes is still reminding us that Joe Biden continues to be old. They are claiming his staffers have been keeping his age a secret and keeping him away from hostile journalists, etc. Shocking! He should have to face tough interviews, same as Trump. (Sarcasm)
Seriously Carol, catch the Medias Touch Network interview with Biden. It was done this month and is on YouTube. Ben Meislas is the interviewer. It's a reminder of what we are losing.
I just watched it. Imagine, talking coherently for half an hour without blaming, name-calling, scowling, ranting, making up statistics, projecting your own intentions on others, or taking credit for other people’s work. Who knew it was possible for someone soooo old to talk sense?
But, his memory! Talking about the new NATO members, he forgot the name of Finland and had to refer to it by its 800-mile border with Russia. Terrible memory, except for details that matter, like why Finland felt compelled to join NATO.
He wasn’t asked why he didn’t believe Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas, or if he was still being played by Bibi Netanyahu or other “Have you stopped beating your wife?” questions. It’s amazing how much you can learn when someone is not being badgered. Even if you wanted to know more about topics avoided.
"The Return of the Son of DonOld & the MAGAts" now playing at a drive-in near you.
I’m guessing collectively they aren’t in the double digits!
Head of the peerless in vacuous idiocy class Puro!!
We have SO MUCH work, education and legislation post POS.
It certainly warns us about the state of education in Alabama. I have a girlfriend who moved back there (from California) and she's already posting "Jesus this", and "god that." We met in a nudist/ sun club!"
Senator Potato Head has no graps, oops, garps, ooops, grasp of anything science-y or teckinkal, oops, tecknickal
What does it say about the folks who voted for him?
Exactly. I saw a movie the other night from 2012 about one case in the phone scam where a guy pretending to be a detective would call restaurants and tell the manager an employee had stolen money and since he was shorthanded the manager would have to strip search the employee. And all of the accused were teenage girls. The managers were both male and female and most of them complied. This case happened in Kentucky at a Mcdonalds - the girl was 18 and her female boss had her strip in the office looking for the "stolen" money. Manager then had to get back to work so the caller had her get a man to "watch her" until the cops could come. Caller had man babysitter make her jog in place naked and do jumping jacks to "shake" out any hidden money. He did a cavity search too, spanked her bare bottom and have her give him oral sex. This was just 1 case of about 70 all in rural areas. These ppl all fell for this. I thought who is this stupid? Then I thought these are the ppl that would vote for trumpf. They're not only trumpf VOTERS but people who were voted into congress and other government positions-the mtgs, tubervilles, cruises. boberts, etc.If you doubt this hoax google Louise Ogborn.
I know right? I mean, I sympathize with the young women who were naive and gullible enough to obey this "detective" on the phone, but cripes. I worked at Wendy's in my teens and I would like to believe that if my manager had told me there's a cop on the phone that says I have to strip search you I would have said fuck no and walked out.
It's beyond comprehension. I'm with you. I woulda walked out and reported the guy.
I watched that movie the other the other night. "Compliance". And multiple times I said, "How can people be so stupid?"
You would hope and think so all at once.
I remember that case. I wondered at the time how someone could be that stupid.
I guess all those 'rural' businesses didn't have caller ID?!
They probably had the old dial phones. Do you think the scammer also told them that their refrigerator was running and they’d better catch it before it ran away?
Or prince Albert in a can
He used phone booths and phone cards. They star 69 but….
They’re Alabamans, what did you expect? Rational choice? Introspection and clear thinking about what needs doing? Klan think I suspect.
There’s no accounting for ignorance Puro!!
They are dumb as hell. Never read a paper.
This is the common clay of the old south , you know, morons. Sorry Gene wilder took over my thumbs 👍.
Nothing good
Or much of anything else. The dimly lit Senator definitely has a few bulbs missing and he's probably been that way even before he took too many hits to the dome. Like his not all the time orange hero as shown in Jeff's video, this dumbshit has more than likely been vaccinated for everything but common sense.
My Grandfather died of diphtheria in 3 days and left 5 children and a wife. And when I say died-I mean his throat slowly closed so he could not breathe and he suffocated to death. Yeah let’s bring that back! This would all be hysterical if it weren’t so fucking scary! Tuberville needs to STFU! My god how did this man get elected???
Susan I ask myself all the time who voted for these dunces. Who listened to Tommy or MTG and thought that is the person I want to represent me? How can so many Americans be that ignorant?
Don’t forget gerrymandering and voter suppression. Red states do as much cheating as possible.
Ignorance runs rampant throughout the country and is highly contagious Cathy!!
Too bad there’s no vaccine for ignorance; but then they wouldn’t take it anyway.
Ignorance is virulent.
If they bother to vote at all, they just look for the (R) and check that box. No critical thinking or research necessary.
While we’re at it, why not bring back typhoid and tetanus, too! Make infant mortality great again!
These shitheels are actively working towards a new Dark Ages.
As in “Make the plague great again”?
I got every childhood disease there were no vaccines for in the ‘50s and ‘60s. My grandmother told me stories about nursing my dad through diphtheria and others; I can still feel her fear. These antivax loons are out of their minds and a danger to our children.
On another note, I just finished my Alma mater’s (Boston University for those who are interested) alumni magazine article on their Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Center, where many athletes have donated their brains postmortem. Perhaps Tubby would like to make a donation now?
As my dear departed father would say "might as well donate his brain to science, he's not using it."
Good for dad. If I had a dad that funny, I would miss him.
My great aunt lost her only child to measles at age 5.
I had measles at age 4 and still remember the excruciating earache I had. Fortunately, I didn’t lose my hearing, which can be a result of measles. Those who didn’t live in an era where many of the diseases folks suffered and died from don’t realize how fortunate they are that vaccines are available.
It was a truly dangerous disease.
Grandmother died at 28 from TB
My grandparents' first child died as an infant from diphtheria, same way -- I learned about it when I was still a kid and it was completely terrifying to think of dying that way. And this is one of the things that ol' BrainWorm wants to bring back, too...