Jill Biden should have tod him.." Get the fuck out of my face"...The BIDEN YEARS are over. She should have let loose on him.

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Jill should have raised her hand and asked to be moved elsewhere.

As for Faulkner, we can see why you're on Fox. What a shameless shill.

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It was 100% clear that Jill was holding her breath. It said that Macron's wife was seated between them. She must have been outside gasping for breath or throwing up.

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My son and his wife live in a high rise without fire sprinklers so I bought them smoke respirators with a hood to cover head and shoulders. I woulda sent Jill one if I had known she was gonna sit near him. One for Mrs. Macron too. That woulda been a priceless pic!

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I was thinking that they should have supplied her with one. Who was the idiot that seated them that close?

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Between diaper load himself and now a disgusting perfume that probably smells like his socks and ass, Jill was her usual classy self inspite of burning eyes and nausea. Those anti vax numbskulls will probably be told by dear leader that wearing his so called perfume will protect them from the fallout of being exposed to those who are vaccinated. Hard to believe that some of these asshats actually have an MD next their names.

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I think the Chinese got the label wrong on his cologne when they packaged it. It should have been Fart Fart Fart.

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Haha, so sad but true. Rand Paul, Quack Oz, we’re looking at you

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“Doctor” Naomi Wolf is not a medical doctor. She has a PhD and uses it to sound (vastly) more intelligent and important than she really is.

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Even better—Wolf's degree is in English Literature!

Because I always take medical advice from people who misquoted the historical record on their Doctoral thesis.

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It is?! Geez criminy. WTF is she opining about vaccines then?

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She's been a whackdoodle for years.

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You can get many things by signing up for crap on a matchbook cover.

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Between the heavily soiled diaper, malodorous codpiece and stench of rotting lab grown meat, I’m surprised that anyone was left inside the beautifully restored Notre Dame Cathedral!

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now I know why Macron's wife looked so pinch-faced in so many photos.

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Of all the shills on faux news Faulkner makes me nauseous 🤢 literally cannot stand the sight of her.

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😂😂No doubt!

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She should have raised her hand and smacked him right across the face.


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Token Faulkner.

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Yeah. I wasn’t going to say that, but yeah. Yeah.

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I’ve certainly been thinking about the token thing here lately as LDFF names his cabinet nominees & others for positions in his administration. Where are Tim Scott & Brian Donaldson? What do they get for debasing themselves so thoroughly during this campaign?

Sure they’ll say the Rethugs can’t afford to lose seats in the House or Senate; but that didn’t stop him from pulling a couple of white people from the ranks.

Other than Vivek & Marco, has he named any people of color to any post?

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Like I’ve said before, I hope she sues his ass off. And adds Faux for the gross innuendo🤮

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Ben Meicelas of Meidas Touch Network is an attorney who does just that kind of work. He suggested that Dr. Biden should sue the felon for $100 million for using her image without her consent.

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I totally agree!! That clown fuck pos!!

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Yes she should've done that but she has more class than the orange idiot has in his big toenail

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Eeewww. You made me think of his toenails. Blech.

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Ditto on the very nasty thought Cassandra!!

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Big toenail? Small feet. Everything else is miniscule on that clown.

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Jill is a class act. She was representing the US and she's not capable of acting otherwise. She knew he was a piece of shit and everybody else knew too.

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I wouldn't want her to act like a classless POS. That's too Trumpian.

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Don't be too hard on the Big Orange Blob! Remember, the best part of him ran down his father's leg!

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Damn! That’s some scorched earth

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And I have seen pictures of the crowd sitting around that area, looking with total distain and discussed at the orange turd.

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We are the ones who were taught “to be nice”. What a crock. WE NEED TO UNLEARN IT.

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Yeah, but just because they are crass, cruel and stupid shouldn’t make us that way

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I think we need to get toughened up. This would not have happened if those in charge had acted.

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Yeah, we do. And Merrick Garland was a disaster

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Apparently you don't spend much time on social media. I would love it if people went back to being civil to each other.

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No social media for me. I tried it many years ago. Even with strict security settings, the trolls started getting in. Shut that shit down.

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And Dr. Jill is VERY protective of her family. Of course, she's also a gracious lady and it's hard to break those habits.

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I often wonder if the adoring followers get a head high each time they take a deep breath of i-don't- have-to-think-anymore. It must truly be a calming, non-stressful, Maria singing in the Alps feeling of joy.

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Whatever she does would just amplify the disrespect.. a media master ;/

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DOGE?? I thought it was 'DOUCHE' Dumbfuck Obnoxious Ugly Children Hating Everyone.

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DOUCHE…definitely more on point!

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We will officially pronounce DOGE in that way. A soft G...

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I thought the C was for Charlatans, or maybe Caaaksuckers

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Dr Biden oughta sue that nasty old fuck. Thats the most obscene thing Ive ever seen. OK. One of the most obscene. And for Faux News to do that? Disgusting. Nancy Mace is crazy as a loon. These people...how do they get elected??? Because their constituents are crazy, too.

"vaccine particles aren’t leaping off your seatmates and landing on you." 😂😂😂 And Bret Stephens...what the hell? Looking for readers?

This was one of the best summaries because it further points out how wildly dumb people are. I fear for our society.

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What I'm envisioning is Jill, smiling politely, telling him what a stinking bag of worthless flesh he is. The thought makes me happy.

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She is such a classy lady, she could totally pull that off, too. 👍

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Arne, would have loved Jill, tilting her head, smiling at convict-elect, saying in baby voice "Ooh, little boy just made a poo poo!! Stinky baby!!!" Then plugging her nose and reseating herself. Gloves gotta come off.

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Teri with a WINNER!!

Oh little boy just made a poo poo


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Even if rump was to be told what a rotten lump of rot he was, he either wouldn’t hear it or sue you.

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I posted this below but... It is rumored that Trump shit his pants in Notre Dame and everyone tried to move away from him. Search for it on Xitter or Bluesky to get a good laugh. My new hashtag #TrumpShitShow

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We can abbreviate that to TSS.

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TDS- trump diaperload shitshow

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Wunnerful…. we’ve got a piece of shit

making a piece of shit!

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Not to worry Susan, they’ll destroy themselves! Unfortunately, taking a rather large swath of our planet with them!

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That’s what I said! Damn it! I wouldn’t let him get away with that crap 💩

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Bretbug (he tried to get a guy fired for calling him a "bedbug") has the absolute, head up his ass, worst takes. I can't believe they pay him to be so wrong!

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I’m surprised the NYT pays him at all. He’s among the worst, if not the worst Op-Ed writer they have. And they have Ross Douthat, who’s one smug MF.

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You read my mind!

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I read one op-ed by Douthat(DoucheHat), it was an anti abortion piece & I immediately despised him.

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Hi Jeff, word this morning and u probably didn’t receive it in time for you Substack, is that these oligarchs want to tear down our banking system, tear down FDIC, tear down the bank requirements to have so much $$$ in reserve. My friend, we are entering an era that was vanquished by our president FDR to prevent a run on the banks, to prevent peoples life savings from being appropriated. When you have a country run by oligarchs, well, they just don’t give a shit about the rest of us. One more question for MAGAS, did you really vote to have Elon as your co president? Did you really vote to have Musk and Swarmey dictate cuts or total abandonment of federal agencies, Social Security or Medicare? But hey, it’s all in P 2025, exactly as planned. Fuck these traitors…. Best to all, buckle up, I think we just hit one of many pot holes.

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The Republicans have wanted to destroy the last vestiges of the New Deal and the Great Society and may have finally succeeded. Their hatred of FDR never died.

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Their hatred never dies.

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Yes, they’ve been trying to destroy the New Deal since it was passed

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The irony is that FDR saved capitalism and the capitalists never forgave him.

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Ironic, indeed

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Rush fucking Limbaugh bragged about destroying FDR’s legacy.

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David, geez, I had no idea. Hell's hottest 🔥🔥🔥 are for

filth & hate roach l.

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I hope he's roasting like an overstuffed chestnut

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I am still recovering from my last and final marriage to a MAGA. Rush was screaming through the house on the radio every morning. If we went in the car the only thing on the radio was Rush! I can hear his voice every time I see his name😩

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I’m so sorry you had to endure that & so glad you are out of it now. I will never even date a maga or even a regular ol’ Republican.

We just wouldn’t have the same moral standards.

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Smart! In my defense, I really didn’t get it until it was too late. I regret it but am very happy being alone

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True dat Linda!!

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Linda, thanks, didn't know that.

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I saw that about the FDIC. Time to put my 💰 in my mattress

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Stuffing your mattress with all of your money Kay-EI, may make for an uncomfortable nights sleep!!

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Nah, Patrick, I’ll sleep better knowing it’s safe. :D

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It is very concerning. I am retired and have a lot of investments in FDIC insured financial vehicles. I always tell my broker that I want only insured investments. Now, I don't know what to do. Maybe "going to the mattresses" has a new meaning in today's financial world?

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Same here, but I trust my broker. That bitcoin bullshit is not going to fly. Even the über wealthy aren’t going to want to lose all their ill-gotten gains on nothing actually tangible.

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Don't freak out just yet. Changing FDIC rules isn't simple. They need Congress to make any changes and there are a lot of moving parts. It would mean a complex legislative effort. Could they? Yeah. Would our elected officials want their money uninsured? I don't think so.

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I hope they get knocked back by GOP Senators.

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I am definitely planning on withdrawing a large amount of cash before Jan 20.

I don’t trust those mofos not to tank the entire financial system. They are saying they’re going to exchange a big chunk of gold in the reserve for fucking bitcoin!!

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I’ve actually been thinking the same. Waiting a bit to see

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They want to start a huge run on banks so they can promote Bitcoin cuz we all know that's a safe place for your money.

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Orange dumbass wants to put national assets into crypto. If he's for it you know it's a stupid idea

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Yeah, of course it's safe. Trust me, right?

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Fredo, thanks for giving the alarm on banks. Bc we don't know how far they'll go, I have been considering withdrawing my entire Jan SS money & savings pre-Jan 20. I have money in a trust for emergency. Panic forced the depression, right?

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Teri, u hit the nail on the head..panic forced depression, yup, history repeats itself.

Personally I feel bit coins are for criminals, drug dealers, manipulators trying to run drugs, guns and money, bit coins are just another way to hide money similar to bank accounts offshore.

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Yep, crypto is the province of miscreants and I include all these get rich quick cryptobros with them. So when they get scammed and lose their money, FAFO greedy assholes

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Sounds like this incoming administration. That’s why Dear Leader had started a bit coin company

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I get SS and pension which has to be deposited into our account! We can not just stop that. I also pay my bills on line. This is fucking crazy!

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I pay everything with a check.

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