
dammit, the sentence fragment "Nebraskan migrants walking dozens of miles in hopes of a better life in South Dakota" just popped into my head, and why now? why not an hour ago, when I was writing the damned thing

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Kristi Noem really will and DOES say anything, do anything, in her ongoing quest to become DJT's VP and get the fuck out of South Dakota.

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We saw Fargo. Can we blame her?

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Yes, we absolutely can still blame her.

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The malfeasance in Brainerd is all on her.

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She's fleeing the interview!!

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Afraid she’ll have to get in line behind the Queen of Idiot Douchebaggery- Sarah Palin.

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True - plus it's important to remember that while she does look good on a horse, she's breathtakingly boring to listen to. She's very much a female Ron DeSantis.

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We'll add it on in our heads. No worries.

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“Give us your tired, your oppressed, your cornhuskers, yearning for Waffle House.”

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I just spit out my soda! It was the Waffle House that did it.lol

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But then we get the lagniappe!

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A lovely little nugget, a kind of PS.

Thank you!

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The way to get a better life in South Dakota is to leave South Dakota.

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Because, reasons.

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Nebraska here ✋🏻 I happen to live on the Nebraska/South Dakota state line, and I can tell you that racist POS mean-girl bitch of a governor is talking about the 9 Native American reservations in her state. During the pandemic, she tried to force them to open their borders and they told her to take a hike. She's done her worst to try to control their sovereign nations and they just laugh at her. So I'm not surprised to hear that absolute waste of skin considers herself in the same situation as Abbott; always playing the fucking victim, when in fact, they are the soulless aggressor.

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Love it! “Mean girl waste of skin” But Mean Girls are “the Plastics” so I doubt she has any real skin She’s just Mean Barbie - soulless brainless heartless and hateful!

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That is the best description of that lack of integrity gov.I heard in long while. Minnesota here, saying what would it look like if another bimbo governor Palin stayed in office? Well there she blows... and she has designs on the Whitehouse, please.

Then again looking at this week's clown show... go figure.

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Minnesota/SD border here also-Your comment is Perfect! Thank you!

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An island of sanity amongst the cultists clinically in need of a brainwash!

Nice to know my fellow peeps!

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I lived there as well, this is SPOT ON.

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Meanwhile back at the ranch!

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I had to have my eyes tightened because they got loose from rolling so often this year. That was not cheap.

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😵‍💫i should go in for a tightening! Of my eyes!🤭

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Point me to your eye roll doctor, l think l need a tightening.

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Any skilled opthalmologist should be able to manage.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

Hope it came with a warranty.

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No, but insurance covered 80%.

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I bet you never imagined that you would become the digital historian of stupidity. I’m glad you saw a need and championed it. Thanks for the well needed levity.

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This will make a best selling book as a collection.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I loved watching Gov. Snackpack searching around the stage trying to decide if he should raise his hand to trash democracy. Or perhaps he heard someone crack open a pudding cup.

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Gov. Snackpack! 😂😂

You win!

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LOL, LOL, so funny!

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He was ready to wrestle Christie for the donuts.

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Thanks, Jeff, for reminding us of the weekly GOP race to the bottom. Amazing that Kristi Noem has time away from trying to ‘bolster’ her daughter’s real estate career.

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OMG, that too! Sheesh that must be a rough market selling housing to all those cattle.

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Prairie dogs are a better demographic.

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Jeff, I gotta tell you all the examples you gave this morning show these individuals were home schooled then went to Trump U or a shitty little law school such as the Patrick Henry whose president was and probably still is an advisor to to Donald. These folks are melting down as reality comes fast and furious. Sooner or later they will conclude that Donald doesn’t give a chicken fried fuck about them because everything Donald touches turns to shit as I love to tell my MAGA friends. Enjoy and recharge fellow travellers.

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They know, in their heart of hearts Donnie is going to jail, and they know why. They are clutching desperately at straws.

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That Patrick Henry "College" is really kind of scary.

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Your usage of the word homunculus is perfect. There should be a prize for that.

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Hope your toe feels better soon.

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I loved that comment! And - “fuck those border-crossing Nebraskans”! 😁🤪😁

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Being a Nebraskan that lives on the South Dakota border, I can tell you that we often go to Rapid City for medical care, as no legitimate HCPs want to come to Bumfuckt Nebraska to practice medicine. So yes, Nebraskans do, in fact, cross the border on a regular basis 😂😂

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And the 10-20 bed hospitals every 50 miles or so in the Midwest are rather scary.

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Especially here in MN.

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Joe Biden petting a dog is his tan suit moment. I mean, their guy is a twice impeached, convicted rapist with 91 indictments, they gotta do something to both sides this. So yeah, Biden is a dog petting fiend, the monster!

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If a dog won't trust you or worse, you don't have a dog THAT is the easiest

test of why you should not be anywhere near the Whitehouse.

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Agreed, moving forward that should be the litmus test of all would be Presidents.

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I've stopped rolling my eyes at these twits, because I have indeed rolled them often enough to confirm my brain is intact, and still behind my eyeballs.

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You nailed it this week, Jeff. I have to say, I was wondering who you were going to select for Wednesday’s Stupid nominee. There were so many to choose from! You had an entire stage full of stupid!

Vivek and Ronnie ran close ties as my choices. Vivek with his stern stance on becoming Frumpy’s running mate, with his stupid grin, insulting behavior, and just plain stupid looking.

DeStupid is, well, where she’s one start with that?

He opens his mouth, it’s a lie.

He moves, it’s a lie.

He wakes up, it’s a lie.

Wait! That’s describing Frumpy! Is it possible we have a clone?

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Many unfortunately.

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Thanks for the recap Jeff! I turned off all the news this week in protest of the mf absolutely plastered everywhere and look at the good stuff and shit I missed! The levity I needed 😊

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Well done sir! So much stupid in only a week!

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Brad's mom did a great job on his county fair sewing project suit!

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OMG that is really funny. You get it.

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Did you hear him actually speak? 🤦‍♀️😂

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Oh, yeah. Lives in Mommy's basement.

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wow -- that guy has practiced being Trump in the mirror for a while now! The hand guestures, the pseudo-legalese... all he really needs now is a teleprompter, some spray-on tan, and a comb-over with a little more pouf to it!

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BTW Jeff... your slipping... No mention of Sarah from the far north and her civil war bs.

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Civil War Sarah was in yesterday's post

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I did see that, but hey, at 71 my mind wanders.... Thanks Jeff.

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If you start finding one of those red MAGA hats tempting, get back to us immediately.

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I do have a red MAGA cap.. it’s all in Russian for all my MAGA friends... but they can’t figure it out, they don’t read Russian... Sad 😢

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Yeah WTF? Isn’t that illegal? To call for civil war? Is that covered under Freedom of Speech ? cause that’s inciting violence and a whole bunch of other shit IMO. Crazy-Ass Stupid woman is what she is. She needs to stay in Alaska and keep her mouth shut. Doesn’t she have some snow to shovel or plow or something? Isn’t it dark there most of the time? She needs to go to bed and stay there. Someone spike her tea with Ambien or Valium or Xanax please and then sew her mouth shut.

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They get away with some much shit, no wonder they are freaking out when one of their own finally recieves accountability.

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Trump and his kids are slimeworms. They've always been able to slither away.

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