“Rotty Steve is being forced to bathe…. “ Water shot out of my nose, right onto my iPad!!! Jeff, you just keep getting better and better. 🤣

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About time three shirts and his malodorous codpiece met soap and water!!

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5 shirts

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Since the prison is being accused by Rudy of torturing Steve anyway, it might as well waterboard him as a first step in getting that crud out of his hair. And mouth.

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"We're not 'waterboarding' Steve Bannon—we're just trying to give him a bath!"


I need to apologize to Bill Watterson now for comparing Bannon to Calvin from CALVIN AND HOBBES....

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The horn inmates are complaining that he's filthy & they cant....I dunno...'consummate their union with a brother felon....hes disgusting'

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OMG - I can’t decide if that’s totally hilarious or totally disgusting. Probably equal amounts of both. Now I can’t unsee it!!! He’s such a crusty, unshaven heap of cholesterol … why would anyone want to come within a hundred feet of him?

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That is a perfect description of the sentient skin tag!

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Although, skin tags are far easier to get rid of.

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That's a big problem. This constitutes a cruel and unusual punishment for the other inmates.

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He should immediately be sent to Gitmo, washed or unwashed. A multitude of problems solved! 🤩

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T H I S 👆‼️🌟🌟🌟

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Yeah, the Bannon part got my biggest laugh - 3 shirts lol lol.

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Someone funnier than me said Steve Bannon looks like he tried to cure skin cancer with whiskey.

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No Mary, Steve Bannon looks like he tried to cure skin cancer with a fork.

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This is perfect, Margaret!! Jeff needs to add it to his description!

On the somewhat serious side...hasn't it been wonderful that at least Bannon's been one POS we haven't been subjected to lately. His not being around has been a major air purifier!

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OMG, now that made me guffaw right out loud! Thank you!😊

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Gin, he's a human gin-blossom.

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They should be giving him around the clock enemas to bathe that twisted pus ridden brain lodged in his ass cavity ! Fuck him the rat traitor bastard!👎🖕🏿

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“One man Leo er colony Steve Bannon!” I hurt myself laughing. 🤣

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I haven't been able to find out - did they cut his hair, too? And was washing it part of the shower?

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One can only hope they cut that lice motel hair right down to the roots. Probably the first time he has actually been clean in decades. I know his belief is that drinking a quart of whiskey a day will keep him

‘clean’, but I would beg to differ. I bet his neighbors will be grateful, too! Ewwwww …

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I'm partial to "somewhere in Kentucky a hog wallow is missing its idiot."

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Hey, Rep Fudd, if you don’t like more govt, maybe you should ease off on Proj 2025 with its menstrual police and religious police and porn-review commission.

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Unbelievable that this shit is on the table while felonious fuckface continues to deny having any knowledge about it. Gimme a break. Can only imagine who would head these bizarre nightmare commissions. Pervy Matt Gaetz or Rev. Mike Johnson are probably willing to arm wrestle or sword fight on who gets to be the head of porn monitoring. Any chance that any of this monitoring would include the GOP Congress? I'd have to say not a snowballs chance in hell.

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Many Repugnants are clamoring to join the porn review board.

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Mebbe Gaetz and Johnson would split the monitoring duties. Gaetz would do females 16 and under and Johnson gets the rest

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Omg. I’m losing it.

First glance … I thought I read “bizarre nightmare emissions”!!!

If you don’t hear from again, it’s because I gagged to death.

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I'm pretty sure MTG has earned that cabinet post.

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Click this link to see the amazing job that Democratic presidents have done in terms of job creation compared with Republican presidents. 🧨🧨🧨🧨 It's 50 million jobs compared to one million jobs! Unbelievable!


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Please send money to Erin Marshall to get rid of Homer Comer. Jesse Watters Mother must be reconsidering not having an abortion. I thought Carlson was bad, but he's diabolical. The good news is that I got a Blackout on my Batshit Bingo card. All I needed was Bobby "Baby Bear" Brainworm Backs Bullshitting Bully Bonespurs and I finally got it!

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Love the alliteration.

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I hear it’s a thing! (Jasmine Crockett!)

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My family is a big fan of alliteration. I used to waste time calling DT treacherous, treasonous, traitorous, tantuming, Trump. However, he is not worth my time writing that all out, and Q-T is too cool for him, as in quintuple-T.

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Read a juvenile book series once called Unwind, by Neal Shusterman that was about a society that allowed retroactive abortions.... it was a dystopic fantasy where once a child turned 13 their parents were allowed to turn them over to the government to be euthanized and all of their body parts were used for transplants in other people. Problem is... who would want Jesse Watters crappy body parts.

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When my daughter turned 30 I made her watch 'Logan's Run' with me...she has a good sense of humor though...

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Anita for the gold!!🤣🤣👏🏼👏🏼

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Your brain is wormy

Your politics, squirmy

Your voice and your morals are that of a goat

Now you bow to Orange Nero

You overbred zero

May a Kraken come snatch you

Right off of your boat

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BRILLIANT AND I LOVE IT - BUT! It should be your voice and your morals are THOSE of a goat! You are welcome! :)

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Oh, gosh, you are correct!

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Brilliant! Love this.

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Pox upon thee little fellow,

Creep and fink with stripe of yellow…

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1. Jesse Watters mom is the best thing on Fox

2. Bannon’s podcast might be an improvement with those two jokers at the helm

3. Everyone with a brain knows those nutters don’t have a pipeline to God, Q or anyone else. Their “gift” is grift.

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If Fox Noise would team her, Watter's mom, with the org.'s only honest personality, Neil Cavuto, maybe they could give them that wacko Maria Bartiromo's timeslot.

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Why does she even work? She’s married to a billionaire’s kid. Even I know more about economics than she does! Give me her job! I can do it! I think I have a tube of mascara somewhere…

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Maria doesn't even need to work she's married to an obscenely wealthy man. And she looks like"her cheese has slid entirely off her cracker" and has hit the floor.

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Remember when she was doing finance for nbc? Or msnbc? A long time ago. If I remember correctly, she got lots of kudos from many of corners for functioning well and being hard hitting in a typically male environment. I think she was normal then, wasn’t she? Or not? Whatever, her butter slipped right off her noodles.

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She’s always been a nutcase, case in point, she adored Roger Ailes and he scripted her, so she sounded competent. In a way she was the first Fox bimbo, a trial run for what he wanted to build.

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Was Bartiromo always like this? I never watch Fox so I just know her from the time of the Terror (2015-2024).

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Yes, Roger Ailes scripted her when she was playing the "money honey". She followed him to Fox (so-called) News and soon showed her true colors.

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She was ok when she wad on the business side - then they switched her over to news - and fugetaboutit!

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I can’t help but wonder if the derps we see here each week compete for the honor of Jeff’s Saturday column???

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No, when she was on CNN @ a decade ago, she was a serious money “honey”

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Even next to Rudy, the prophet, the Qidiot, crap pillow Mikey, Jimmy C easily manages to come across as the looniest of the bunch.

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I personally feel Jimmy’s official name should be Gomer. Then he could be Gomer Comer. Perfect!🤩

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Oh no you didn’t! But yes, YES, you did. GOMER COMER! Hee hee hee hee hee.

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I love this! Let’s just say his legal name is Gomer James Comer, Jr so Jimmy is his nickname.

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Around here it most certainly is. Middle name Pyle.

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But Gomer Pyle had a real, working heart and a conscience! On top of that, he could sing!

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Lol! That’s good! 😂😂

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Somehow he does.

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Oopsie. Comer Fudd let it slip that “we are the strongest economy in the world.” Investigate that for the next 3 months.

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Yeah, that jumped right out at me! They are finally admitting it and oh but I am looking forward to LDFF's meltdown over this comment. (Also: tagged #KamalaHQ on Twitter with this clip.)

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Didn’t see your reply before I said the same thing. Needs to be a Harris/Walz ad

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Hi Jeff, thank you so much for preaching about these 2 preacher prophets (profits) Julie of course is Eric’s personal prophet…that’s the E in DEI… Donald Jr. , Eric and Ivanka… Jeff, gotta love your piece today, the cherry on top was Comer Pyle… I challenge you to find a dumber Congress critter… Best to all fellow travelers.

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Oh I don’t know…how ‘bout Lil Bo Beep and her arch enemy, Marj Three Tows?

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Tommy Tubbyvile has entered the chat

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Oh yessss, forgot about him!!

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Clever how you came up with the trump Org.'s very own DEI hires!

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I love that! Wish I had thought of it, but now every time I hear one of these asshats screaming about DEI, I’ll remember who the REAL ones are. 😂😂

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And to think Comer chairs a committee!

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Does that mean the other committee members get to sit on him?

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Never forget that Mikey was owned by a 12 year old.

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Lindell; 'Your information is out of date son'

Kid; 'How's your bankruptcy going?'

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Oh, my. That was a beautiful, beautiful thing. It really gave me hope for the future. As an aside, why is he bothering little boys in the airport?

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Unfortunately the 12 year old can't sell him & he can't GIVE him away.

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My joy will overflow in November when every last one of these rubes is sent packing.

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With respect, we need to accept that that's never going to happen. The world is about 50% irrational ppl, and irrational ppl elect irrational ppl.

We have to remain vigilant, so we can quickly and effectively fight back against their dangerous initiatives (ex.: fresh attempts to interfere with certifying the election; Project 2025).

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Oh, it'll never end, but we'll grab any moments of joy we can!

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Thank you, Steve. Joy is a damn juggernaut of an engine for change.

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We don’t want more Government. We want more effective Government. No billionaires, but many, many, many more prosperous Americans.

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The last 2 years the House of Representatives has wasted taxpayer money investigating conspiracy theories and any Trump political opponents.

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I’d love to get an exact figure on that Bruce because it would be a great campaign fact to use against them.

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I'm pretty sure it's been the least productive 2 year term in terms of legislation ever in US history,obviously they've been trying to show government doesn't work,by them not working,or just taking orders from their deranged,failed orange leader. And I saw during the convention Fox conveniently edited out anyone who mentioned Trump killing the bi-partisan border bill.

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I've seen it written somewhere on line the "do-nothing congress" (the worst in history (before these chucklefucks, anyway) ah, here it is:

“The tempestuous 113th Congress has limped out of Washington for the last time, capping two years of modest and infrequent legislating that was overshadowed by partisan clashes, gridlock and investigations.”

“How's this for a legacy? More than 200 bills became law during the past two years, according to congressional data. That was the fewest since at least 1947 and 1948, when what President Harry Truman dubbed ‘the do-nothing Congress’ enacted over 900 laws.”

“This Congress did less than the do-nothing one.”


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Thanks for sharing this....valuable. I swear to god these people are wasting every dollar we give them. 😭

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Steny Hoyer brings the facts.

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Your first sentence 💯💯💯

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And before that all the Hillary hassling. Kevin McCarthy even admitted they knew it was bogus, they were just trying to hurt her political chances.

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Regarding Prophet Julie, I was raised fourth generation RLDS, which is a splinter of the Mormon church. One of the doctrines that was taught in that church is that God reveals himself personally through people. In other words, people can say they are speaking under the spirit, and what they say is taken as revelation.

I left the church when I was 20, mostly because they were in the middle of a huge flap over the ordination of women and I was tired of all the fighting. I do not think it is a good idea to encourage anybody to think that if there is a God, that God will speak through a human being. Talk about manipulation.

One reason I've never forgotten this doctrine is that a family of my acquaintance in the church was murdered by a cult leader who claimed to be doing God's bidding. A husband, wife, and three daughters, murdered and thrown into a pit in a barn because some dude thought God told him to. Is it any wonder I am a staunch atheist now?

To be fair to the RLDS Church as it is now, they changed their name to the Community of Christ in 2001 and repudiated most of the stuff that Joseph Smith started out with, and now they're sort of way out there like Unitarians or something. 😂 But I still don't agree with religion anyway.

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I remember that , about the murdered being thrown into a pit in a barn. It was a militaristic faction.

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Of course it was, the sick bastards.

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