Trump crawled out of his rat infested motel to go to Montana and attack Senator John Tester.
The reason he did this is because he hates Tester for keeping drunk Ronny Jackson from heading Veterans Affairs. Trump was at his pathetic hate rally calling Tester fat.
We can’t lose our majority in the Senate, so PLEASE support Senator Tester. 🙏💙
I imagine that his winning the state by 16 points or something was a factor. He needs, NEEDS to be in front of a friendly audience, even if they have the collective IQ of a mini-fridge. No new votes there. Great use of your Trump campaign donations, idiots.
What was the total price of that MT trip? Fuel, pilots, airport fees, pay for #Turd hangers on to fly to a blood red state? #Turd hates Dem senator John Tester for keeping drug supply Dr Ronnie Jackson off VA slot.
I'm actually ok with that -- we don't know who he'll be replaced with on the ticket. It would be ok if JayDee got the top slot and brought someone like Cucker Tarlson to run as veep, but they might actually hit on someone people liked, as unlikely as that seems. At the rate the Blob is deteriorating, I like Harris's chances...
Just like Georgia,Trumpy spews some hate at his enemies,real or imaginary,and then flies back to the roach motel,to rage-tweet on his failing app and whine on Fox,or sometimes whine ABOUT Fox not doing enough.
What Trump does that I like to see is how he walks out of Trump Tower to a nearly empty street...and waves like he's in front of a crowd. He did the same thing at an airport looking out over an empty tarmac save for a few workers, and again waves and gave his clenched fist salute. He's either totally demented or the neediest man on the planet.
The big reason Donny went to Montana was because it’s a short trip to Jackson, Wyoming which is where he held a big fund raiser with the Jackson billionaires. It’s all about money-he doesn’t care about promoting the GOP Senatorial candidate (whatever his name is)-it’s all about Donny & his money
He's not going to beat MTG in a district that 77% white. They did the same with Marcus Flowers. Holly McCormack might have had a chance. It's a conservative, racist district.
Is it Flowers again? I supported him last time around, but NW Georgia is chock full of blood red extremists who obviously don't care about being represented in Congress.
I hope I'm wrong about this but I'm willing to bet the Harris campaign has NO field offices in MT, which one would think could give at least something of a downballot bump. I went to phone bank on Wednesday here in MN, and was shocked to learn there's no Harris/Walz campaign office in MN, and there's not going to be. Supposedly campaign views it as a lock, and it probably is; however, Hillary only won by 40k votes here in 2016 & our local gov only came on within the last week. I said I want to talk to undecideds bc I'm enthusiastic about this ticket, and got referred to a PAC in Chicago to make calls into Wisconsin.
Especially with all the R voter suppression fuckery, it's alarming if the campaign isn't even trying anywhere other than swing states.
A lot of the red states were purple under Obama. Esp w the OTHER fuckery of the electoral college, for the party to walk off & shrug f these rubes seems...unwise.
The location of offices is often highly strategic. Maybe Tester doesn't want a Harriss office in Montana because he would like to stress his independence from her. She might be an albatross around his neck in MT. I can't imagine Tester asking Harris to do a campaign event in MT.
On the other hand, MN has been reliably Democratic state, so maybe it would be a waste of money to set up an office there. I think they will open one up now that Walz is on the ticket.
Another thought: if you live in a sizable town it could be that the county Democratic Party is putting on a phone banking effort, and or possibly the state Democratic Party.
That’s the reason we are going through this bullshit ! No Citizens United and the crazies have far less power and influence to put the country through this crap every election cycle! Sooner or later they will buy the Presidency! They’ve got half of Congress and 6 fascist justices on the Supreme Court!Throw in the state governments that they control and the scales are all the fuck out of whack ! Money 💴 is going to be the downfall of the United States!🇺🇸The remaining democracies fall like dominoes once that happens!🤕😵💫😵
For the last two years, I’ve created a list of folks I watch closely to re-elect or support as candidates on their first run for office. I give tiny donations, but that allows me to spread those donations out to as many as I have on my list. A $5 can make a difference!
tRump calling ANYONE ELSE fat is so rich. Oh, yeah, remember when drunk doc Ronny was the WH physician and he said president porky was 239 lbs? People on social media posted pics of a very buff Colin Kaepernick, who was a GENUINE 239 lbs., albeit a few inches taller. But still, uh, they did not look like they weighed the same.
He hides his true height and weight,he hides his medical records,going so far as having his goons storm the WH doctors office,he hides his grades,he hides his tax returns,he hides his real wealth,he hides behind his NDAs, everything about him is fake or made up,he relies on Foxaganda to con the cult,and who are we kidding?? He ran for president because his reality show failed,and he needed a new grift,and he ran again to keep his sorry ass out of prison.
Thank goodness for the edit button, because we on here strive for accuracy and literacy, unlike the other platforms. For example, on Substack I've never seen people confuse your and you're like the MAGAs do on Twitler
We know he wears lifts in his shoes-that’s why he walks leaning forward & apparently can’t stand up straight with shoulders back like a normal person. Remember when he got hit by something at his rally in Pa where there was an assassination attempt, he was screaming “let me get my shoes” while the SS was trying to haul his fat ass up off the ground? He didn’t want anyone to see the lifts in his shoes
djt is definitely heavier than 239, but he might (*might*) not weigh much more than that. Muscle is much denser than fat, so 239 lb of muscle takes up far less space than 239 lb of fat. Doctors can verify this.
(And, I know this from experience: Bc of serious illness, I'm down to 105 lb; when I weighed that in college, I was about a size 6, but because I've lost so much muscle recently, I'm now a size 10. Fat definitely takes up more space.)
Calling Tester fat?? Boy, that's A+ projection for you. And does he ever look at some of his supporters? Many of them should ask for Ozempic for Xmas. Trump is so out of control that he's almost like a made up cartoon character. Who else has ever acted like this? I don't even remember famous alcoholic/drug addicts acting this bizarre all the time. If he wasn't a threat to our government, he'd be the best comedy routine ever.
Why no orange make up at motel- a logo "rambling train wreck"? Not smart enough to provide microphones so questions can be heard, but yeah, he wants nuclear launch codes again.
No mics for the reporters was intentional. Observers couldn't hear the question so Trump just started his usual bullshit hate rally stump speech as an "answer" to an unheard question. The TV networks gave him a free televised hate rally. Just like they did in 2016. Morons.
For once Lawrence O'Donnell has redeemed himself by excoriating the shameful pandering and subservient enabling they demonstrated at that circus event at Motel-A-Lardo.
I tweeted @lawrence and @msnbc. Thanking Lawrence for his excellent coverage over the years, and told MSNBC "if you fire L for telling the truth, you're going to lose millions of Lawrence fans.
I tweeted @msnbc unloading my frustration with them carrying his lie-fest live. He only lies, then they (MSNBC) go into fact check mode for hiurs. WTF? HE ALWAYS LIES. CUT OFF ALL COVERAGE OF HIM. Unless he's convicted.
A disclaimer……the following statements are more than likely lies or demented rant’s please be advised this is hazardous to your mental health! Children up to the age of 65 are advised not to watch !😅
I think the networks should cover him & then factcheck him because it’s negative publicity & people who don’t pay attention to politics get more opportunities to see what an idiot he is. It’s horribly wrong to cover his crap like it’s normal & there’s no difference between the parties (the way a lot of uninformed people think). CNN does that but I still watch it sometimes
Bc he seems even more unhinged lately, I've started wondering why ivanka hasn't tried to step in and help. Maybe she has but has been ineffective, or maybe other people who are close to him are so invested in his winning on Nov. that they're badmouthing her to djt )so that he ignores her advice) or are keeping her at bay.
I don't imagine that she loves him -- I don't think that he, or any of his wives, or any of his children know what love is. But I would think she'd be worried about her brand -- about how negatively most people will view her, down the road, for not taking away his car keys now (metaphorically speaking).
I wondered why he had such a bone to pick with Tester. I can’t imagine how HORRIBLE it would have been to have Ronny “Johnson” as the head of the VA. Thank God Tester blocked him.
Saw a photograph of that rally. It was...kinda sad. Looked like a YUGE crowd of a couple of hundred. Of course, that's about half the population of Montana, so there's that...
Food (pardon the pun) for thought. Early retirement for you. They'd sell out in an hour. I'm sure MAGA would loan you a "bleach blonde bad built butch body" for the ads. MTG might be free this weekend. Love me some Jasmine Crockett LOL.
Mark, you could imbed a "Pocket Pal" into a generic cushion which could then replace any other couch cushion; that way the incels could obtain entertainment from any couch they have, "on hand".
I did not recognize Barr in Brainworm's bear necromancy confessional video. But I was like who the f is that ridiculous woman listening to him like a little perched parakeet? So, it figures it's her.
is there any help out there available, professional or not, qualified to go into the realm of Roseanne Barr crazy? And if so, how did they achieve to that level?
When you see Rosanne having this discussion with her son as well as a sitting Congress person, I am lost for words when I realize that there are people who actually think this way. And not only that...but they have no compunction to saying this stuff out loud and in public! And all three are just chatting as if it's a normal information-exchanging conversation!!!!
I can't even begin to wrap my mind around this!😵💫🤯😡
Jeff explained it one time. She was in a beach photo that looked like she only had three toes resembling a spork. Sometimes she is called "three toes" as well.
I eat at McD's all the time. So that's why their cheeseburgers are so tasty recently. Roseanne Barr should marry the Pillow Guy. They are truly NUTS. I don't feel with them it's an act.
She is a real piece of work. Makes me wonder why Tom Arnold, who unlike her is a sane person, ever married her. After their acrimonious divorce, she sniped at him by saying he had a small penis. He responded with "even a 747 is small when it lands in the Grand Canyon." Boom
I had the misfortune of catching RFK Jr.’s desperate need for attention that manifested in his dead bear cub story, and I thought in those fleeting moments he was telling Rosanne the story? I’m thinking damn if you’re in the room with her & SHE looks like the sane one that doesn’t bode well. Maybe it was all a fever dream 🐻🧔🏻♀️😵
"Maggot" Haberman made my day. She's complicit in the normalization of trump from 2015 onward. If the NYT had done it's fucking job then, with the 30 years of dirt they already had on the grifting con man, all of this misery could have been nipped in the bud eight years ago.
While Trump is shitting bricks over the NYT questioning him, because they are so out of practice with fact checking that they picked the wrong story to fact check, others are actually reporting. Trump was shocked because they never do this, which is why he is throwing a hissy fit on them, which if what I hear is true about his treatment of the MSM will soon escalate to death threats on their families, including the owner Sulzberger, while Biden sits back, out of the fray watching them reap what they sowed. Meanwhile, ProPublica just did a big reveal today with their story on Project 2025. They have been leaked 14 hours of training videos from the project which they summarize with clips to illustrate points so we can see just what weird looks like. At the end there is a link to all 14 hours. Please share it. Americans deserve to know what Trump has in store for them.
And please contribute to ProPublica if you can; they do an amazing job of shining light on things we need to know about, such as the two most corrupt SC "justices" in US history and their emotional-support billionaires.
(ETA: I love that final phrase. I can't take credit for it; I don't know who coined it.)
You're right about that. It really irritates me that Biden sits back and watches D☭Иald TЯUM₽ ‘s threats and crimes go unchecked and doesn't even encourage his worthless AG, Garland to do anything about it. I wish Garland was 1/10th as proactive and aggressive as Bill Barr was with TFG....Death threats should not be tolerated and we are so sick of seeing the orange stain get away with it so much...
I sure Hope Kamala Harris shakes down that 24-7 criminal factor a lot more than Biden has, or hasn't.
Garland's department has its hands full with criminal politicians and their acolytes. However, I am bothered that he is trying too hard to balance sides. Was much more effective at prosecuting Mendes, but then Mendes probably did not get millions from Egypt to defend himself like Trump did to win in 2016. Catching up is just hard with so much new crime coming to light. Bill Barr has a lot to account for too. He is the one who decided that he would not investigate Trump's illegal campaign funds from Egypt. HoweverJames, I have to beg to differ about Biden. He is letting his AG be independent, instead of what Trump plans to do to the Department of Justice. Also, he is not sitting back, he is busy. Remember we still have not freed all the hostages from Hamas. Also, if you do not know what he is busy with you should subscribe to the Substack What did Joe Biden do Today. I do.
I hope that if VP Harris is elected, Garland will consider retiring &she can choose someone with a more aggressive approach to political criminality without making it look like prosecuting political enemies for just having different opinions
Katy, I hope so too, but I also feel badly for Garland because we don't walk in his shoes and so much of what goes on is confidential. Republicans never worry about seeming impartial, at this point to the extreme. They are supercilious crooks. Dems have accepted their narratives of us, and bent over backwards to be fair and democratic. However, fair means everyone getting their needs met. In many ways it would be good if there was not a huge replacement of department heads because so much time gets lost. In terms of prosecuting Trump and a lot of other Republicans there might be a reset and more gets done, or it will seem like Kamala is dangerous and vindictive in the way we feel Trump is now, to many mainstream Americans.
So, I don't know. I just don't think it is that simple.
Trump crawled out of his rat infested motel to go to Montana and attack Senator John Tester.
The reason he did this is because he hates Tester for keeping drunk Ronny Jackson from heading Veterans Affairs. Trump was at his pathetic hate rally calling Tester fat.
We can’t lose our majority in the Senate, so PLEASE support Senator Tester. 🙏💙
I imagine that his winning the state by 16 points or something was a factor. He needs, NEEDS to be in front of a friendly audience, even if they have the collective IQ of a mini-fridge. No new votes there. Great use of your Trump campaign donations, idiots.
I thought he was there for a dog hunting trip with Kristi Noem.
I’d be happier if he went on a duck hunting trip with Dick Cheney.
I wonder if anyone can just talk him into that... 🤔
The Spawn would go
I bet Liz would like to be on that trip too!
They included RFK jr as cook for the trip !😂🍖🦴
What was the total price of that MT trip? Fuel, pilots, airport fees, pay for #Turd hangers on to fly to a blood red state? #Turd hates Dem senator John Tester for keeping drug supply Dr Ronnie Jackson off VA slot.
And think that we the people paid for the Secret Service team to go to Montana with him.
His SS minders are probably thinking, "Well Montana is better than we'll have to put up with protecting him in his cell.
I'm actually ok with that -- we don't know who he'll be replaced with on the ticket. It would be ok if JayDee got the top slot and brought someone like Cucker Tarlson to run as veep, but they might actually hit on someone people liked, as unlikely as that seems. At the rate the Blob is deteriorating, I like Harris's chances...
Just like Georgia,Trumpy spews some hate at his enemies,real or imaginary,and then flies back to the roach motel,to rage-tweet on his failing app and whine on Fox,or sometimes whine ABOUT Fox not doing enough.
What Trump does that I like to see is how he walks out of Trump Tower to a nearly empty street...and waves like he's in front of a crowd. He did the same thing at an airport looking out over an empty tarmac save for a few workers, and again waves and gave his clenched fist salute. He's either totally demented or the neediest man on the planet.
The big reason Donny went to Montana was because it’s a short trip to Jackson, Wyoming which is where he held a big fund raiser with the Jackson billionaires. It’s all about money-he doesn’t care about promoting the GOP Senatorial candidate (whatever his name is)-it’s all about Donny & his money
That wouldn't be a smart fridge, would it?
And not frost free either.
I've been contributing 10 Bucks a month for about a year.
I would but Sporktoes has a great guy running against her so I just sent him money yesterday. Maybe next week I can do Tester. He’s another good guy.
Don't do more than you can, but Tester is critical to maintain control of the Senate.
I support Tester and Brown's campaigns. It's important that they return to DC.
Rest assured, their opponents are not getting $$$ from the RNC.
That's for sure! Lara is hoovering it up, faster than Don Jr and the Gargoyle, go through "Bolivian Marching Powder".
He's not going to beat MTG in a district that 77% white. They did the same with Marcus Flowers. Holly McCormack might have had a chance. It's a conservative, racist district.
MTG moved to the district because of that.
Yes, she did, she knew her voters, they are as awful as she is. (with apologies to the good blue voters there.
I’m familiar. I’m from that neck of the woods but up in NC
That's a perfect reading of NW Georgia. Deliverance country.
Is it Flowers again? I supported him last time around, but NW Georgia is chock full of blood red extremists who obviously don't care about being represented in Congress.
I hope I'm wrong about this but I'm willing to bet the Harris campaign has NO field offices in MT, which one would think could give at least something of a downballot bump. I went to phone bank on Wednesday here in MN, and was shocked to learn there's no Harris/Walz campaign office in MN, and there's not going to be. Supposedly campaign views it as a lock, and it probably is; however, Hillary only won by 40k votes here in 2016 & our local gov only came on within the last week. I said I want to talk to undecideds bc I'm enthusiastic about this ticket, and got referred to a PAC in Chicago to make calls into Wisconsin.
Especially with all the R voter suppression fuckery, it's alarming if the campaign isn't even trying anywhere other than swing states.
A lot of the red states were purple under Obama. Esp w the OTHER fuckery of the electoral college, for the party to walk off & shrug f these rubes seems...unwise.
The location of offices is often highly strategic. Maybe Tester doesn't want a Harriss office in Montana because he would like to stress his independence from her. She might be an albatross around his neck in MT. I can't imagine Tester asking Harris to do a campaign event in MT.
On the other hand, MN has been reliably Democratic state, so maybe it would be a waste of money to set up an office there. I think they will open one up now that Walz is on the ticket.
Another thought: if you live in a sizable town it could be that the county Democratic Party is putting on a phone banking effort, and or possibly the state Democratic Party.
All of MN has high turnout, and I'm in St. Paul but it feels somewhat futile volunteering just to run up the score at home.
Trump allegedly has or is opening 8 campaign offices here - which I highly doubt - but still I fear the Ds are taking too much for granted.
Trump is way behind opening the up campaign offices everywhere.
He doesn't really want to win, he just wants to grift.
And this election is too important to take for granted anywhere in the country.
With all that money rolling in wouldn’t Walz insist on an office in the TwinnCities? Whats $2million or so going to hurt? It is HIS home
Especially when they have so much money. Southern states are complaining too. Which is why they control so many state governments.
Very. They need to be in EVERY state. Take the Dem consultants out and shoot them!!
Charles Austin, I hope you are being facetious. Fortunately, and unlike some Trump fans, Democrats do not view threats of violence seriously.
Of course. Just trying to make a point about their stupidity.
Typo alert: remove the words “do not”!
Helena is a good place for a Harris-Walz field office. A bluish spot in a red state.
That is worrisome.
Hopium has a list of campaigns that need support.
ActBlue also has two general funds for the candidates in the tightest races, in the House and in the Senate.
It's kind of sad $$$ has become so determitive in our politics since Citizens United, hopefully they'll be some campaign finance reform in our future.
There better be!!
That’s the reason we are going through this bullshit ! No Citizens United and the crazies have far less power and influence to put the country through this crap every election cycle! Sooner or later they will buy the Presidency! They’ve got half of Congress and 6 fascist justices on the Supreme Court!Throw in the state governments that they control and the scales are all the fuck out of whack ! Money 💴 is going to be the downfall of the United States!🇺🇸The remaining democracies fall like dominoes once that happens!🤕😵💫😵
It's very sad, and you can thank the Supreme Court for opening the $$ floodgates. Once opened, you either go with the flow or go under.
So, maaaaybe the Ds could consider a strategy to get some of these 900 or so seats back?
For the last two years, I’ve created a list of folks I watch closely to re-elect or support as candidates on their first run for office. I give tiny donations, but that allows me to spread those donations out to as many as I have on my list. A $5 can make a difference!
Thanks for the link, I just donated to his campaign.
tRump calling ANYONE ELSE fat is so rich. Oh, yeah, remember when drunk doc Ronny was the WH physician and he said president porky was 239 lbs? People on social media posted pics of a very buff Colin Kaepernick, who was a GENUINE 239 lbs., albeit a few inches taller. But still, uh, they did not look like they weighed the same.
Jackson reported that TRump weighed 239 pounds! Yeah, right... And I have some oceanfront property in Oklahoma to sell. 🤣
He's probably got 20 lbs of diaper and girdle.
Does the ocean front have a dock?😹😹😹
Sorry, 239. Yeah, gonna edit my mistake. Thanks!
He hides his true height and weight,he hides his medical records,going so far as having his goons storm the WH doctors office,he hides his grades,he hides his tax returns,he hides his real wealth,he hides behind his NDAs, everything about him is fake or made up,he relies on Foxaganda to con the cult,and who are we kidding?? He ran for president because his reality show failed,and he needed a new grift,and he ran again to keep his sorry ass out of prison.
Well, that pretty much sums it up.
Thank goodness for the edit button, because we on here strive for accuracy and literacy, unlike the other platforms. For example, on Substack I've never seen people confuse your and you're like the MAGAs do on Twitler
That bugs the heck out of me. How about they're and there and their?
There, their, they're...
Also there, their,they’re
Honestly I find myself doing that when I’m tired or pissed off about an issue !their I said it! Your next !🤪😜😅
The only reason Shitler always lies about being 239# and 6'2" is because if he said he was 240# he would be in the OBESE category on the BMI chart.
I wonder if he’s 6’2”. That might be exaggerated too to reduce his BMI
We know he wears lifts in his shoes-that’s why he walks leaning forward & apparently can’t stand up straight with shoulders back like a normal person. Remember when he got hit by something at his rally in Pa where there was an assassination attempt, he was screaming “let me get my shoes” while the SS was trying to haul his fat ass up off the ground? He didn’t want anyone to see the lifts in his shoes
Is that verified?
djt is definitely heavier than 239, but he might (*might*) not weigh much more than that. Muscle is much denser than fat, so 239 lb of muscle takes up far less space than 239 lb of fat. Doctors can verify this.
(And, I know this from experience: Bc of serious illness, I'm down to 105 lb; when I weighed that in college, I was about a size 6, but because I've lost so much muscle recently, I'm now a size 10. Fat definitely takes up more space.)
I’m aware muscle weighs more than fat. I don’t imagine Trump has a whole lotta muscle 🤷♀️
But quite a bit of fat between the ears……. Especially 😆!
Only in his mouth.
Sending wishes for good health your way. 🙏
I wish you good health and more fat.
Hope your recovery will be complete as soon as possible.
He obviously "got high on his own supply" and/or is numerically dislexic, he meant 329!
Calling Tester fat?? Boy, that's A+ projection for you. And does he ever look at some of his supporters? Many of them should ask for Ozempic for Xmas. Trump is so out of control that he's almost like a made up cartoon character. Who else has ever acted like this? I don't even remember famous alcoholic/drug addicts acting this bizarre all the time. If he wasn't a threat to our government, he'd be the best comedy routine ever.
Tester would kick Trumps delusional ass into next year. 😂😂
Why no orange make up at motel- a logo "rambling train wreck"? Not smart enough to provide microphones so questions can be heard, but yeah, he wants nuclear launch codes again.
No mics for the reporters was intentional. Observers couldn't hear the question so Trump just started his usual bullshit hate rally stump speech as an "answer" to an unheard question. The TV networks gave him a free televised hate rally. Just like they did in 2016. Morons.
For once Lawrence O'Donnell has redeemed himself by excoriating the shameful pandering and subservient enabling they demonstrated at that circus event at Motel-A-Lardo.
I tweeted @lawrence and @msnbc. Thanking Lawrence for his excellent coverage over the years, and told MSNBC "if you fire L for telling the truth, you're going to lose millions of Lawrence fans.
I tweeted @msnbc unloading my frustration with them carrying his lie-fest live. He only lies, then they (MSNBC) go into fact check mode for hiurs. WTF? HE ALWAYS LIES. CUT OFF ALL COVERAGE OF HIM. Unless he's convicted.
A disclaimer……the following statements are more than likely lies or demented rant’s please be advised this is hazardous to your mental health! Children up to the age of 65 are advised not to watch !😅
I think the networks should cover him & then factcheck him because it’s negative publicity & people who don’t pay attention to politics get more opportunities to see what an idiot he is. It’s horribly wrong to cover his crap like it’s normal & there’s no difference between the parties (the way a lot of uninformed people think). CNN does that but I still watch it sometimes
More like traitors.
Agolf never does anything himself except talk excrete, and eat.
An absence of normal 'press conference' equipment would have been discussed and modified to suit the purpose as directed by the Liar-In-Cheap.
It was definitely intentional to not be able to hear the press’ questions
Bc he seems even more unhinged lately, I've started wondering why ivanka hasn't tried to step in and help. Maybe she has but has been ineffective, or maybe other people who are close to him are so invested in his winning on Nov. that they're badmouthing her to djt )so that he ignores her advice) or are keeping her at bay.
I don't imagine that she loves him -- I don't think that he, or any of his wives, or any of his children know what love is. But I would think she'd be worried about her brand -- about how negatively most people will view her, down the road, for not taking away his car keys now (metaphorically speaking).
As Jeff once wrote : she hates him because she thought by now she would be inheriting his stash ( not a direct quote, of course)
That's the same reason Melania hates him!
I think him and his clan often confuse love of money for actual love
Dictionary ,Dysfunctional … a family photo of this family is all the definition the word needs ! 🤪😵💫😅
Hahahahaha…Ozempic for Xmas just made me howl!😂😂
I was just in MT & there are Sheehey signs in all the fields. I then had to contribute to Tester’s campaign
Mailed him a donation this morning 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙
Tester voted to convict
I wondered why he had such a bone to pick with Tester. I can’t imagine how HORRIBLE it would have been to have Ronny “Johnson” as the head of the VA. Thank God Tester blocked him.
Saw a photograph of that rally. It was...kinda sad. Looked like a YUGE crowd of a couple of hundred. Of course, that's about half the population of Montana, so there's that...
And the ones that were there had to drive hundreds of miles to get there
Donated today!
I have supported Sen. Tester AMAP. I hope the good people of Montana show up and protect the only guy in the Senate looking out for them.
One way to help Senator Tester is to support Four Directions Montana - Native Vote. They work for ballot access for the Native Tribes in Montana. The Tribal Vote makes a big difference in Montana -
If I marketed sex toys, the JD Vance "couch potato dildo" would be hitting the market right about now.
Food (pardon the pun) for thought. Early retirement for you. They'd sell out in an hour. I'm sure MAGA would loan you a "bleach blonde bad built butch body" for the ads. MTG might be free this weekend. Love me some Jasmine Crockett LOL.
Mark, J.uvenile D.elinquent Vance, is Trump's juvie sidekick. Of course little juvie would love that.
Maybe JD would smell the money opportunities and get his venture capitalist on
Seems to me Juvie only gets things done if Peter Thiel backs them. Do you think Thiel would be interested?
Yes J.D. Werewolf has been a failure at everything, until he started fondling Peter Thiel's
Juvie Werewolf. Sounds like something you don't want to get when using an outhouse!
Bromance ! For sure. Prostitution would be a better description!🤔😅
Definitely Ted Nugent would invest,he did an interview once with about 20 dildos behind him.
Well he is an Ammosexual.
😮😮😮😮😮🤯🤯🤯🤯 Ted forever ruined "Cat Scratch Fever" for me. Great song.
Might be a little cumbersome, tho'
It would come with a starter kit of butter pats.
Don't forget the sour cream and bacon bits
I like it! Sour cream for a gentle ride, bacon bits when you like it a bit rough
OMG 😲 😱 🤣
Ick though. Anti-erotica on a stick. 🤣
It would look more like a tater tot, though!
Mark, you could imbed a "Pocket Pal" into a generic cushion which could then replace any other couch cushion; that way the incels could obtain entertainment from any couch they have, "on hand".
“Fake fetus meat”. My mind is officially blown.
Roseanne Barr has me wondering— exactly how many brainworms are there out there? 78 million?
Barr is repulsive. Ick.
Clearly, there's something medically wrong with her.
I heard an interview with her ex-husband Tom Arnold and he said she is nucking futz (my words).
Pretty sure she was shitfaced for that little hootenanny with Sporkfoot.
One would have to be, to listen to that donkey-bray of hers.
She always was, I never "got" her 'humor'.
I did not recognize Barr in Brainworm's bear necromancy confessional video. But I was like who the f is that ridiculous woman listening to him like a little perched parakeet? So, it figures it's her.
She seriously needs professional help
I am so cynical I think she is just looking for any press. This could be a low point, but I doubt it.
is there any help out there available, professional or not, qualified to go into the realm of Roseanne Barr crazy? And if so, how did they achieve to that level?
I'm hoping it's a mental illness with a physical basis. Sometimes it's that simple.
Drug abuse=dead brain 🧠
Apparently you have to “get back in to” QAnon
When you see Rosanne having this discussion with her son as well as a sitting Congress person, I am lost for words when I realize that there are people who actually think this way. And not only that...but they have no compunction to saying this stuff out loud and in public! And all three are just chatting as if it's a normal information-exchanging conversation!!!!
I can't even begin to wrap my mind around this!😵💫🤯😡
Apparently you don’t live in the South -this line of thinking is fairly common amongst TRumpanzees
That video of RB and MTG reminds me of a Dianne Arbus photo. Take your pick.
Holy Qnon Batgirl! that babe is from
Planet 9.
She obviously needs corrective medication, for that brain chemical imbalance.
She definitely sounded drunk or high on something-she was slurring her words a lot
“Fake fetus meat”?
What does that even mean?
Meat but not from fetus?
Meat from fake fetuses?
From fetus but fake meat?
Neither (real nor fake) fetus nor meat?
Inquiring minds want to know!!
Impossible Fetus™️
LOL! 😂
Hahahaha 🤣
Omfg 😅😂🥂
I believe you'd have to be as shit faced as these morons were, except of course Sporkfoot,attention whore parasite.
I try to filter out anything about mtg. I’ve missed why she’s called sporkfoot or sporky? I do know what a spork is, i think.
Jeff explained it one time. She was in a beach photo that looked like she only had three toes resembling a spork. Sometimes she is called "three toes" as well.
Thank you. Gotta keep up!
I was going to look it up and then Jeff told us one time. I often look things up in "urban dictionary" if it is a younger slang thing.
Obviously plastic doll meat (huh)! Barr shares the RFK brainworm issues!
Oh no! Not Barbie!
Roseanne's been nutty for awhile.
Ask Marjorie Taylor Greene.
It's like listening to a chorus of minor demons from the eighth circle of Hell.
You can't make this shit up and when you put MTG and Roseanne Barr into to mix, it's going to be light years away from the truth.
The chemical combination of stupid and deranged is a strange brew indeed
I think the worms that were in RFK Jr.'s brain made it over to Barr's brain too.
It's a helluva drug
I eat at McD's all the time. So that's why their cheeseburgers are so tasty recently. Roseanne Barr should marry the Pillow Guy. They are truly NUTS. I don't feel with them it's an act.
Match made in heaven!💭
How about the other place!😈😈
Do you think he'd share his crack?
They don't look like either one shares...anything except maybe a braincell.
Haha. Well, that makes sense. Only one of them can use it at a time
She is a real piece of work. Makes me wonder why Tom Arnold, who unlike her is a sane person, ever married her. After their acrimonious divorce, she sniped at him by saying he had a small penis. He responded with "even a 747 is small when it lands in the Grand Canyon." Boom
"THey all bathe in baby's blood!" WHen they lose in November, they should blame it on Baba Yaga.
I had the misfortune of catching RFK Jr.’s desperate need for attention that manifested in his dead bear cub story, and I thought in those fleeting moments he was telling Rosanne the story? I’m thinking damn if you’re in the room with her & SHE looks like the sane one that doesn’t bode well. Maybe it was all a fever dream 🐻🧔🏻♀️😵
Yes, RFKJr was telling the story to Rosanne, it was not a fever dream but rather another manifestation that this is the stupidest timeline.
Probably RFK Jr has some in his fridge...
I can’t even….🤮
"Maggot" Haberman made my day. She's complicit in the normalization of trump from 2015 onward. If the NYT had done it's fucking job then, with the 30 years of dirt they already had on the grifting con man, all of this misery could have been nipped in the bud eight years ago.
While Trump is shitting bricks over the NYT questioning him, because they are so out of practice with fact checking that they picked the wrong story to fact check, others are actually reporting. Trump was shocked because they never do this, which is why he is throwing a hissy fit on them, which if what I hear is true about his treatment of the MSM will soon escalate to death threats on their families, including the owner Sulzberger, while Biden sits back, out of the fray watching them reap what they sowed. Meanwhile, ProPublica just did a big reveal today with their story on Project 2025. They have been leaked 14 hours of training videos from the project which they summarize with clips to illustrate points so we can see just what weird looks like. At the end there is a link to all 14 hours. Please share it. Americans deserve to know what Trump has in store for them.
And please contribute to ProPublica if you can; they do an amazing job of shining light on things we need to know about, such as the two most corrupt SC "justices" in US history and their emotional-support billionaires.
(ETA: I love that final phrase. I can't take credit for it; I don't know who coined it.)
You're right about that. It really irritates me that Biden sits back and watches D☭Иald TЯUM₽ ‘s threats and crimes go unchecked and doesn't even encourage his worthless AG, Garland to do anything about it. I wish Garland was 1/10th as proactive and aggressive as Bill Barr was with TFG....Death threats should not be tolerated and we are so sick of seeing the orange stain get away with it so much...
I sure Hope Kamala Harris shakes down that 24-7 criminal factor a lot more than Biden has, or hasn't.
Garland's department has its hands full with criminal politicians and their acolytes. However, I am bothered that he is trying too hard to balance sides. Was much more effective at prosecuting Mendes, but then Mendes probably did not get millions from Egypt to defend himself like Trump did to win in 2016. Catching up is just hard with so much new crime coming to light. Bill Barr has a lot to account for too. He is the one who decided that he would not investigate Trump's illegal campaign funds from Egypt. HoweverJames, I have to beg to differ about Biden. He is letting his AG be independent, instead of what Trump plans to do to the Department of Justice. Also, he is not sitting back, he is busy. Remember we still have not freed all the hostages from Hamas. Also, if you do not know what he is busy with you should subscribe to the Substack What did Joe Biden do Today. I do.
Merrick Garland is as useful as a raft made of Alka-Seltzer tablets.
I hope that if VP Harris is elected, Garland will consider retiring &she can choose someone with a more aggressive approach to political criminality without making it look like prosecuting political enemies for just having different opinions
Katy, I hope so too, but I also feel badly for Garland because we don't walk in his shoes and so much of what goes on is confidential. Republicans never worry about seeming impartial, at this point to the extreme. They are supercilious crooks. Dems have accepted their narratives of us, and bent over backwards to be fair and democratic. However, fair means everyone getting their needs met. In many ways it would be good if there was not a huge replacement of department heads because so much time gets lost. In terms of prosecuting Trump and a lot of other Republicans there might be a reset and more gets done, or it will seem like Kamala is dangerous and vindictive in the way we feel Trump is now, to many mainstream Americans.
So, I don't know. I just don't think it is that simple.