Best weekly news roundup by far. Don’t ever stop writing, Jeff.

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I gotta hand it to you, my brain seizes up when I cast a semi-jaundiced eye upon the landscape of genuine, deep idiocy, that hairball that passes for the Republican ideal in these benighted times. These columns set my mind right to take on the challenge of the day, and -- as Sam Moore so magnificently declared -- I thank you.

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I can’t stomach his rhetoric at all. Never watch it

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I love all of these. I love the smash the reporting line for trans reporting. Hilarious! I love it all. As miserable as these creatures are, humor makes it bearable at moments.

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I effing hate MTG! She is the dumbest bimbo on the house floor! Someone needs to explain to her what climate change is, amongst other things!

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Do you think she could comprehend anything like that? Impossible. Brick wall

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Sadly, you are right, she could not comprehend.

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We all know what needs to be done about her and Boebert. And Kari Armpit. But we don’t want a visit from the FBI so we don’t post it.

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Why it's clear!!! Neanderthals started using fire and up went the greenhouse gases. Folks used less fire in the Middle East and that's why Civilization started there and not amongst the freakin' Anglo Saxons. (I say this as a bonafide Anglo Saxon). Sorry Margie--your logic puts down your favorite ethnic group.

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She has no clue what she talks about! Like I said, her fellow rep. need to lock her mouth up. Remove her from her committees. Start telling her to STFU and STFD!

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Good thing I grew up watching lots of science fiction. This is all so surreal.

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You need to *read* science fiction. Heavy on PKD.

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Re Ron, lets not forget the other clown supposedly didn't have a chance of being President either.

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Fair is fair, if the Democrats had actually coalesced around Clinton, instead of either voting against her because they didn't like her, or voted for Bernie because they loved him, or simply didn't vote because they didn't like any of the choices, the other clown wouldn't have been President.

But DeSantis has a lot more problems than tRump. At least tRump has enough charm that knuckle-draggers will love him. Ronnie, not so much.

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The Smarter Trump is already out.

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Well, I counted at least 10 to 12 good belly laughs from today’s This Week in Stupid. I’m going to keep reading it throughout the day just for fun and to release more of those feel good hormones endorphins.

Great coverage Jeff on the brainless dupes crossing the airwaves this week. I know it was a full week & hard to make a decision on choosing just the worst of the worst, but you managed to fill our heads with more stupid than we could handle- seriously, one can only take so much.

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It’s funny because it’s true. It’s real. Many truths are told in jest. It’s easier that way. But it’s still true

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Predictably, I agree with everything you said but here’s a segue: Backpfeifengesicht of the day - nay, the WEEK: Little Ronnie D, he of the fat little fingers he’s sticking everywhere, puddling included. He’s gone to war with Disney, the largest employer in the state, a source of gazillions of bucks in revenue because Mickey Mouse supports the LGBTQ community. He’s also not a fan of books, or a woman’s right to control her own body, and don’t let’s talk about drag queens. But guns make his heart sing. He wants everyone to own a gun because how could one go to Dunkin’ Donuts without an AR-15??? (What if a rogue cinnamon raisin bagel suddenly attacks?? It can happen, people!)

Add to all of this, he’s a sour puss, he’s cold, completely devoid of charm or a sense of humor. If ever there was a face needing a fist, it’s Little Ronnie DeSaster.

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I used to have to go to Florida for the dreaded Annual Meeting ( w/ golf? the Death March IMO) but happily retired so FL could fall in the ocean for all I care. Definitely the weirdest state but one very dependent on tourism Remembering that oil spill it was crybaby time but now, do they not see their governor is also a self-inflicted wound on their livelihood? I guess not.

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I watched Sporkfoot trying to belittle an educator.

In her usual “fingernails across a chalkboard” style of screeching words combined with an IQ hovering somewhere around 50, the committee patiently waited for the demonic creature that inhabits her body to finish it’s repeatedly failed attempts at making us believe there’s someone dumber than her. Denied again.

Going up a against an educator with, you know, a career in education as opposed to a career moron is an avoidable annoyance for us.

But, Ms Weingarten showed her credentials as she tolerated Greene’s unacceptable behavior and conduct like any respectable educator would a kindergartner having a meltdown. Professional vs Peabrain.

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True. I followed that as well. SPORKY ops, caps...has an a college degree and did well for herself with a construction business. So, you would think she has to have at least an average intelligence. But it is her lack of emotional intelligence that is revealed in all her outbursts and attacks

She is so interested in attacking people she forgets at minimum human dignity and runs roughshod over common ground we all have in being parents. Or having parents.

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My grandson in middle school is more self aware than 3 Toes.

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Intelligence loses to a mind filled with hate & venom. What she said to Weingarten is shameful. Love Jeff’s work - to counteract the evil.

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Thanks for continuing to add new words to my vocabulary. :)

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There should be a Jeff dictionary. Or better just add add Jeff’s vocabulary to Webster

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ok, I don't remember inventing any new words for this piece. what have I already forgotten?

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Lots, if you’ve lived a full life.

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Oh not just for this piece and it’s not so much the words as how you use them to accurately describe what’s happening but with that extra flavor that people love.

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I wish I could 'heart / like' this more than once! Fantastic summary! ❤️❤️

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I can't watch Sporkface anymore. It really hurts my brain! Thanks for the laughs though! Keep 'em coming, keeping the rest of us sane in an out of control GOP world.

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Truth is told in jest

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I’m crying laughing! OMG you are the only way I can read news on this republican shit show anymore!

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Outstanding news roundup. Loved the dog pic also.

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Awesome... I am a fan for life!

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I mercifully missed most of this. A pain flare up kept me out of the mainstream this past week. Feeling better but I wonder now, catching up with events here, if I wasn’t better off?

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