Trump should receive the same "fairness" given to Bobby Seale in Chicago in 1968.
For those too young to remember, here's a tidbit from wikipedia
"Seale was one of the eight people charged by the US federal government with conspiracy charges related to anti-Vietnam War protests in Chicago, Illinois, during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Seale's appearance in the trial was widely publicized and Seale was bound and gagged for his appearances in court more than a month into the trial for what Judge Julius Hoffman said were disruptions."
Everyone should read Project 2025. Especially chapter 3 on staffing the executive branch, chapter 28 on the FCC (say goodbye to freedom of speech), and chapter 29 on the Federal Election Commission.
I have written a series of posts on my feed Polytricks. Each post covers a chapter or so, and consists of excerpts from the given chapter. No commentary by me is given, as I believe the excerpts speak for themselves. If you haven't the time (or the stomach) to read the project in its entirety, consider checking out these posts.
Thanks Munchy for the link. Everyone should be aware of the proposals of the project.
Absolutely, anyone planning to vote this fall needs to be exposed to what is in that 900 pg document & the vast majority of people will not have the time, ability, or inclination to do that. Having people such as yourself to present it in digestible bites is super important.
I realize there is massive competition for eyeballs & subscriptions on this & all other platforms, but I want to promote another writer who is also doing what you are, the more voices the better.
Andra Watkins has a unique viewpoint on the content since she was raised & indoctrinated in the Christian Nationalist movement & that community’s strong belief in the superiority of Old Testament Biblical Law is foundational in that document
I apologize for not knowing how to link her Substack, I’ll just give the title: How Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life.
I have been reading her articles for a while & they are powerful, & now I will also be reading & promoting your articles.
I’ve also been urging the msm to start devoting more airtime to Project 2025.
OMFG! "concentration-camp aficionado and Nosferatu cosplayer Stephen Miller" 🤣🤣 And, I need someone to explain to me HOW the cultists can continue to make excuses for this abhorrent orange turd. He's certainly not worth setting yourself on fire. 🤡 The psychology is way above my pay grade. The Internet never disappoints...perhaps my favorite is HabbaHabba dinging with the clothes pin. #DonFartelone Ahhh... genius. Thank you Jeff for a perfect start to the weekend. ✌️
It has been suggested they came up with this acronym to thumb their noses at Congress. I suggest that they are accurately naming themselves and know who they are. What they don't know is that this is not cool, and it is not okay to be FARTS in Congress or in life.
The FARTers must have been hee- hawing all over each other about their cleverness with the acronym. Boldily emissions of hot stinky air seems to be the Theme of the Day for MAGAts, from Dear FARTing Leader down to the FARTdumb Caucus.
Remember, a lot of his sycophants are auditioning for their berth in tRumpWorld 2.0. Probably had to go catch COVID so they would lose their sense of smell.
It never ceases to amaze/appall/disgust me that Stephen Miller is Jewish. (If we had a pope, he would've been excommunicated years ago.) He is a vomit.
The person who self-immolated was clearly mentally ill; we will never know for sure but can assume he was making a statement that was rational —- only to himself. From scanty reporting, thus far, he man’s action was not like Buddhist nuns setting themselves on fire in Tibet, protesting the cruel takeover by Han Chinese.
Re the, uh, farting: Mrs. Betty Bowers ("America's Best Christian") notes, "At least now we know why all those men calling Trump 'sir' had tears in their eyes." (Find her on Twitter.)
He should have embraced Bill Clinton's support too, but he shut him out because of that stupid Monica Lewinsky BS which seems downright quaint at this time.
1. Junk fees. I once got hit even though I paid by the due date. Numpty on the phone tells me it takes 3 days to process so I was late. I asked what was the point of a due date if you’re going to add 3 days. Obvs was to hit you with the fee. I got it reversed then closed my account.
2. Agent Orange’s toxic gas = he should be there one wearing a hazmat suit. Why should anyone else be inconvenienced?
It won’t dispose the jury favorably if the row haze wafts towards the jury box on a regular basis.
Anybody know where tfg is taken for potty reaks/diaper changes? Does he have to use a shared restroom? Just wondering. That would be a frequent insult to someone who never had to mix with anyone from “non Trump approved” backgrounds
Yes, a commentator on MSNBC said he has to use the "general restroom" in that area, part of dfg's rude awakening that he's just like any other defendant. Prob has Secret Service agents with him.
God yes, these people are literally making a fortune off his court appearances and endless appeals. (the money is coming directly or indirectly from campaign or PAC donations, not trump himself, of course). The least they can put up with are a few days of horrible odors!
Imagine being in a cult that worships an Orange being, farting( it’s the special sauce)and sleeping in court..Imagine you are so far into this cult that you drive from Florida to NYC, then set yourself on fire to show the world you are the bestest in the cult and then die for your Dear Leader. Above and beyond N. Korea level of cult worship…. These are very demented delusional people we are talking about… Happy 4-20 to all those who celebrate and please… stay away from the “special sauce”.
For what it's worth, the guy didn't set himself on fire for Trump. Read his manifesto at Newsweek. He set himself on fire because he Did His Own Research and concluded that a worldwide conspiracy is promoting a cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme that will destroy civilization. Its players include big corporations, Harvard, and the writers of The Simpsons. Ask me if I'm kidding.
Yes, the poor young guy was on to a few things but he was deep into crazy conspiracy land and clearly needed mental health help. The Simpsons has always been anti-establishment, ridiculing Trump, the right wing, greedy corporations, etc.
I see now that comments under the post have been shut off. when they were visible, they were running about 50% "dude, you rock" and 50% "dude, you're a fucking moron"
I don’t know what to make of the writings of Max Azzarello but the last thing I’m going to do is dismiss it out of hand and say he’s a poor disturbed flake. Flakes always have a tell and I see none in this writing. And man, it absolutely feels generally true.
I don't think people who are disturbed or mentally ill are flakes. My mother and brother had bipolar illness and were extremely accomplished, hard-working, loving and deeply loved.
Very tragic. Sounds like he was schizophrenic and spiraled down after his mom died. That's also when Kanye starting really acting crazy - after the death of his mother.
His manifesto is on Substack and I read that crazy shit too. The thing that was mind blowing was his conviction about all of the conspiracy theories. It was also very articulate for someone who was planning on setting themself on fire for a cause. It wasn't for tfg. He was also one of the people he named that was in on the whole crypto conspiracy.
That's funny as hell. It was quite the blowout with the ripper king showing us again how toxic he really is across the board. There was a real hilarious ad on Twitter this morning that showed Trump selling his farts in a can for like $249.99. Wouldn't put it past the grifting fucker to attempt to sell his farts and his loyal following of dumbshits who would actually be happy to buy his putrid suffocating gas.
I had tears running down my face I was laughing so hard. Trying not to smear my mascara. Jeff outdid himself today. My favorite part of the day - reading what Jeff has come up with. The sad thing is that it's all true. None of this is made up.
How she dealt with the mushroom 🍄🟫 while not laughing…. That was a feat. Maybe she couldn’t control the disgust but Mr SexKing surely interpreted any noise she made as an indication of his sexy appeal
Ok, I've recovered now, but this one got me
“tarted-up rodeo clown with a piss-yellow badger pelt stapled to his forehead”
Ditto here. Just fucking GOLD
Trump should receive the same "fairness" given to Bobby Seale in Chicago in 1968.
For those too young to remember, here's a tidbit from wikipedia
"Seale was one of the eight people charged by the US federal government with conspiracy charges related to anti-Vietnam War protests in Chicago, Illinois, during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Seale's appearance in the trial was widely publicized and Seale was bound and gagged for his appearances in court more than a month into the trial for what Judge Julius Hoffman said were disruptions."
Everyone should read Project 2025. Especially chapter 3 on staffing the executive branch, chapter 28 on the FCC (say goodbye to freedom of speech), and chapter 29 on the Federal Election Commission.
Scary shit these mf’ers want to ram down our throats. Keep up the good work Maga morons— you have no clue what’s coming to you soon if tfg wins…..
This is an encapsulated version of Project 2025. Good stuff:
I have written a series of posts on my feed Polytricks. Each post covers a chapter or so, and consists of excerpts from the given chapter. No commentary by me is given, as I believe the excerpts speak for themselves. If you haven't the time (or the stomach) to read the project in its entirety, consider checking out these posts.
Thanks Munchy for the link. Everyone should be aware of the proposals of the project.
Absolutely, anyone planning to vote this fall needs to be exposed to what is in that 900 pg document & the vast majority of people will not have the time, ability, or inclination to do that. Having people such as yourself to present it in digestible bites is super important.
I realize there is massive competition for eyeballs & subscriptions on this & all other platforms, but I want to promote another writer who is also doing what you are, the more voices the better.
Andra Watkins has a unique viewpoint on the content since she was raised & indoctrinated in the Christian Nationalist movement & that community’s strong belief in the superiority of Old Testament Biblical Law is foundational in that document
I apologize for not knowing how to link her Substack, I’ll just give the title: How Project 2025 Will Ruin YOUR Life.
I have been reading her articles for a while & they are powerful, & now I will also be reading & promoting your articles.
I’ve also been urging the msm to start devoting more airtime to Project 2025.
We need to stay engaged. The media should keep the repeating their headline stories everyday. We can't afford to get complacent.
Thanks Bob. Maybe that image of Bobby Seale needs more visibility. The Coddling of King Trump is enough to make the sane among us lose our minds
Agreed! It's time to put a ball gag on the SOB.
I really liked 'Don Fartleone'!
Jeff's eloquence with this kind of verbiage is unmatched!
I was just about to write the same you beat me to it!! I think it’s the best ever!!!😂
OMFG! "concentration-camp aficionado and Nosferatu cosplayer Stephen Miller" 🤣🤣 And, I need someone to explain to me HOW the cultists can continue to make excuses for this abhorrent orange turd. He's certainly not worth setting yourself on fire. 🤡 The psychology is way above my pay grade. The Internet never disappoints...perhaps my favorite is HabbaHabba dinging with the clothes pin. #DonFartelone Ahhh... genius. Thank you Jeff for a perfect start to the weekend. ✌️
I call Miller "Himler 2.0".
Member of the New American Nazi Party and the Old German one.
Excellent! The best renaming for this weirdo to date.
I'm enjoying the FART double entendre myself. Thank you HOUSE MAGAs, otherwise known as the FART brigade!
More accurately, he's SHARTING
Accidentally accurate 😆
Unsurprisingly appropriate acronym from an ignorant and immature caucus.
It has been suggested they came up with this acronym to thumb their noses at Congress. I suggest that they are accurately naming themselves and know who they are. What they don't know is that this is not cool, and it is not okay to be FARTS in Congress or in life.
Once again, if you made this up, no one would believe it. It would be as effective to call it FRAT, or F-FAT: Fast Floor Action Team.
But much less accurate description of who is behind it. They are a bunch of FARTS. All they do is Fart around.
They self-own on the regular
The FARTers must have been hee- hawing all over each other about their cleverness with the acronym. Boldily emissions of hot stinky air seems to be the Theme of the Day for MAGAts, from Dear FARTing Leader down to the FARTdumb Caucus.
Remember, a lot of his sycophants are auditioning for their berth in tRumpWorld 2.0. Probably had to go catch COVID so they would lose their sense of smell.
That's spray on HATE HAIR, called TOPIK
It never ceases to amaze/appall/disgust me that Stephen Miller is Jewish. (If we had a pope, he would've been excommunicated years ago.) He is a vomit.
Maybe that is why she always had a sour look on her face; the smell.
And why Melania breathes through her mouth, looking like a fish out of water.
Yes the clothes pin really had me laughing and spinning all over the kitchen. Oh my god!!
The person who self-immolated was clearly mentally ill; we will never know for sure but can assume he was making a statement that was rational —- only to himself. From scanty reporting, thus far, he man’s action was not like Buddhist nuns setting themselves on fire in Tibet, protesting the cruel takeover by Han Chinese.
You're always good, Jeff. But sometimes you're priceless. Thanks.
Jeff's got "all the best memes."
Re the, uh, farting: Mrs. Betty Bowers ("America's Best Christian") notes, "At least now we know why all those men calling Trump 'sir' had tears in their eyes." (Find her on Twitter.)
Let's celebrate 420 and imagine what the world would be like if Donny Shitstain's mother had gotten an abortion.
Or if Al Gore had fought harder for his rightful place in the White House.
Or if FLORI - DUH, had continued to COUNT BALLOTS
Or if Ralph Nader would’ve stayed out of the race.
Or Hillary since she won the popular vote by over a couple of million votes.
If he had only won his home state of Tennessee!
He should have embraced Bill Clinton's support too, but he shut him out because of that stupid Monica Lewinsky BS which seems downright quaint at this time.
Yes, quaint is indeed the word for it!
Happy 420 to all
1. Junk fees. I once got hit even though I paid by the due date. Numpty on the phone tells me it takes 3 days to process so I was late. I asked what was the point of a due date if you’re going to add 3 days. Obvs was to hit you with the fee. I got it reversed then closed my account.
2. Agent Orange’s toxic gas = he should be there one wearing a hazmat suit. Why should anyone else be inconvenienced?
I really don't mind his lawyers having to smell it,though.
Yeah, they deserve it. The rest of the court doesn’t need his noxious fumes
It won’t dispose the jury favorably if the row haze wafts towards the jury box on a regular basis.
Anybody know where tfg is taken for potty reaks/diaper changes? Does he have to use a shared restroom? Just wondering. That would be a frequent insult to someone who never had to mix with anyone from “non Trump approved” backgrounds
Yes, a commentator on MSNBC said he has to use the "general restroom" in that area, part of dfg's rude awakening that he's just like any other defendant. Prob has Secret Service agents with him.
Attendees are forbidden from lighting matches, to mask the stench.
But the Pyro in the park . .
God yes, these people are literally making a fortune off his court appearances and endless appeals. (the money is coming directly or indirectly from campaign or PAC donations, not trump himself, of course). The least they can put up with are a few days of horrible odors!
In 60+ years I've been late maybe 5 times on a credit card PMT. 2 mos. ago, a $30 LATE FEE, on top of interest. Then I understood "junk fees".
It really is a shakedown.
Imagine being in a cult that worships an Orange being, farting( it’s the special sauce)and sleeping in court..Imagine you are so far into this cult that you drive from Florida to NYC, then set yourself on fire to show the world you are the bestest in the cult and then die for your Dear Leader. Above and beyond N. Korea level of cult worship…. These are very demented delusional people we are talking about… Happy 4-20 to all those who celebrate and please… stay away from the “special sauce”.
For what it's worth, the guy didn't set himself on fire for Trump. Read his manifesto at Newsweek. He set himself on fire because he Did His Own Research and concluded that a worldwide conspiracy is promoting a cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme that will destroy civilization. Its players include big corporations, Harvard, and the writers of The Simpsons. Ask me if I'm kidding.
this substack post alleges to be from the guy who set himself on fire
While I agree that crypto is a scam, using The Simpsons as some kind of weird analogy is bonkers.
Yes, the poor young guy was on to a few things but he was deep into crazy conspiracy land and clearly needed mental health help. The Simpsons has always been anti-establishment, ridiculing Trump, the right wing, greedy corporations, etc.
Yeah, and they’ve often been prescient regarding politics but that’s because they have great writers who pay attention.
Longest running Sit Com
on Television.
Must be their overlapping upper lips 🤔
Yes, this is what I read at Newsweek. One odd thing is, it's very well-written.
I see now that comments under the post have been shut off. when they were visible, they were running about 50% "dude, you rock" and 50% "dude, you're a fucking moron"
It's the FIRST 50% I'm worried about!
I don’t know what to make of the writings of Max Azzarello but the last thing I’m going to do is dismiss it out of hand and say he’s a poor disturbed flake. Flakes always have a tell and I see none in this writing. And man, it absolutely feels generally true.
I don't think people who are disturbed or mentally ill are flakes. My mother and brother had bipolar illness and were extremely accomplished, hard-working, loving and deeply loved.
The guy was highly intelligent and had advanced degrees. He went off the deep end after his mother died 2 years ago.
Very tragic. Sounds like he was schizophrenic and spiraled down after his mom died. That's also when Kanye starting really acting crazy - after the death of his mother.
I read it last night and had to go to sleep after reading it with my mind blowing. 😳
Whatever reasons he gave, burning yourself alive is a tragic and very painful manner in which to die. Condolences to any who loved him.
Thanks Ellis. I posted similarly … the burned man was not demonstrating about Trump
Oh my. Maybe he should have read some books instead.
His manifesto is on Substack and I read that crazy shit too. The thing that was mind blowing was his conviction about all of the conspiracy theories. It was also very articulate for someone who was planning on setting themself on fire for a cause. It wasn't for tfg. He was also one of the people he named that was in on the whole crypto conspiracy.
That’ll show ‘em!
That'll teach ' em ! 🤣
Yeah, that self immolation had nothing to do with Trump! Maybe read some articles about it.
The memes got me laughing so hard I threw myself into a coughing fit! And no, I have NEVER seen deader eyes...truly scary!
I can join you in the laughing til I pass out stage. The memes are priceless but the legal team in gas masks made me fall right out of my chair.
That's funny as hell. It was quite the blowout with the ripper king showing us again how toxic he really is across the board. There was a real hilarious ad on Twitter this morning that showed Trump selling his farts in a can for like $249.99. Wouldn't put it past the grifting fucker to attempt to sell his farts and his loyal following of dumbshits who would actually be happy to buy his putrid suffocating gas.
Miller’s eyes = Putinesque. Sociopath.
Black & empty.
I had tears running down my face I was laughing so hard. Trying not to smear my mascara. Jeff outdid himself today. My favorite part of the day - reading what Jeff has come up with. The sad thing is that it's all true. None of this is made up.
Ummm, Stormy Daniels is a porn actress, not a prostitute. That negates even more of what that pretzel-twisting MAGA said.
And she says that the sex was not altogether consensual. Kinda like, " oh shit
I'm a porn star, might as well get it over with." 🤷♀️ IDK
He has a nasty habit of not waiting for ‘yes’..
How she dealt with the mushroom 🍄🟫 while not laughing…. That was a feat. Maybe she couldn’t control the disgust but Mr SexKing surely interpreted any noise she made as an indication of his sexy appeal