Ok, I've recovered now, but this one got me

“tarted-up rodeo clown with a piss-yellow badger pelt stapled to his forehead”


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OMFG! "concentration-camp aficionado and Nosferatu cosplayer Stephen Miller" 🤣🤣 And, I need someone to explain to me HOW the cultists can continue to make excuses for this abhorrent orange turd. He's certainly not worth setting yourself on fire. 🤡 The psychology is way above my pay grade. The Internet never disappoints...perhaps my favorite is HabbaHabba dinging with the clothes pin. #DonFartelone Ahhh... genius. Thank you Jeff for a perfect start to the weekend. ✌️

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You're always good, Jeff. But sometimes you're priceless. Thanks.

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Re the, uh, farting: Mrs. Betty Bowers ("America's Best Christian") notes, "At least now we know why all those men calling Trump 'sir' had tears in their eyes." (Find her on Twitter.)

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Let's celebrate 420 and imagine what the world would be like if Donny Shitstain's mother had gotten an abortion.

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1. Junk fees. I once got hit even though I paid by the due date. Numpty on the phone tells me it takes 3 days to process so I was late. I asked what was the point of a due date if you’re going to add 3 days. Obvs was to hit you with the fee. I got it reversed then closed my account.

2. Agent Orange’s toxic gas = he should be there one wearing a hazmat suit. Why should anyone else be inconvenienced?

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Imagine being in a cult that worships an Orange being, farting( it’s the special sauce)and sleeping in court..Imagine you are so far into this cult that you drive from Florida to NYC, then set yourself on fire to show the world you are the bestest in the cult and then die for your Dear Leader. Above and beyond N. Korea level of cult worship…. These are very demented delusional people we are talking about… Happy 4-20 to all those who celebrate and please… stay away from the “special sauce”.

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The memes got me laughing so hard I threw myself into a coughing fit! And no, I have NEVER seen deader eyes...truly scary!

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Ummm, Stormy Daniels is a porn actress, not a prostitute. That negates even more of what that pretzel-twisting MAGA said.

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And there’s the NYT again… sharing the opinions of people who still have landlines and either haven’t figured out to screen calls or are so desperate for human contact that they just pick up the phone, whether it’s an NYT Survey, a scammer or a robocall from Don Jr.

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And this guy. Arizona MAGA election critic Austin Smith, who claimed officials didn't check voter's signatures closely enough. He forged voter signatures on his own petition to run for state office. Another MAGA dumbass who should be banned for life for serving in a public office. After he serves some prison time for fraud, we pray.


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I’m sure I was an eight year old boy in a previous life because I’m having an asthma attack about Fartleone. He is repulsive to sight, sound, and smell. Maybe Stormy knows about taste, sorry dear Stormy.

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This was a particularly stupid week. But all kidding aside, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with Stephen Miller. Does he have an actual diagnosis (aside from Nazi)? He and sanity don’t even live in the same universe.

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Thank you, Jeff, for keeping us laughing! It’s the best medicine for what ails us.

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Oy, gevalt… wotta week.

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Stephen Miller indeed has the deadest eyes, and a soul that smells like one of Dear Leader's post-McDonald's farts

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