
I can't believe I wrote the whole thing and then proofread it and then tweaked it and then proofread it one more time and then made some changes and then proofread it one more time and was just about to send it out and I read it one more time and ... huh, what the fuck, where's Monday? I must be going senile

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Get in line for your meds; no cuts.

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You chose well. But is it ever tough. I mean, 11-yr old pregnant child brides and defunding libraries in the same week makes Missouri, where I made a home and got my schooling, look like the gol-durndest cradle of the dumbassedness in this land.

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it's a fine line between stupid and evil but when I do the 'week in stupid' I try to stay on the stupid side of the line, because spending the rest of my time writing about evil wears me down

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Don’t forget defunding libraries in MO.

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Hi Jeff, this morning I’ll direct my comment to Congresswoman BoBo and her son you mentioned. It appears that pills and weed were found in the car or on the other teen in the car, and we are told that... no, her precious son was not on drugs. Well, excuse me all to hell, but if you believe her son did not partake I’ve got beach fucking property in Siberia I will sell for $1. Does BoBo think we are as stupid as she is? I mean WTF? Did LE conduct any type of drug screening? If they did what were the results?JFC my man, it’s not even 9am in AZ and I’m already curling in a ball on the floor, smoking Lucky Strikes, drinking MD 2020 and I’ve filled my bong with tears of laughter after reading about... Son of BoBo... Have a great weekend my friends.

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To answer your question, “Does Bobo think we’re all as stupid as she is?” The answer is she doesn’t know. She has no cognitive abilities.

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She’s always sucking an invisible cock

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But it doesn’t rub off her lipstick.

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these weekly round-ups are just awesome! please be sure to keep them coming, as it seems as though there will never be a week lacking in stupid ever again

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Apr 14, 2023·edited Apr 14, 2023

Somehow I got through this week missing all that stupid information Jeff. I don’t know yet whether to bless you for filling me in or blast you for exposing my blissful ignorance to all that stupid.

So, let’s see - I’m reminded that idiots are still sending money to tfg, that Bobo and Marge hold actual office and America still has a state that’ll elect a Huckabee to be Governor. Did I miss any? Can I go back to reading my book now?

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Your "week in stupid" columns always bring to mind a famous quote by the German poet and playwright, Friedrich Schiller... "Against stupidity, the gods themselves contend in vain."

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Makes sense. And the Missouri crap tilts toward evil.

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The Week in Stupid sure comes around fast. Unfortunately, no shortage of material. Maybe Monday isn’t the stupidest day. By Friday, who can even remember Monday.

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