Nothing more need be said. Except that Justice Jackson, in particular, has just been magnificent. Oh, what a world we might have had if only the email lady hadn’t been shat upon by Sarandon and other Russian dupes/agents.

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James Comey

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yep, Comey and Rudy G. who put him up to it.

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Whether it was Rudy, Russians or just him acting on his own, Comey, IMHO, was the straw that broke the camel’s back as far as scuttling Clinton’s chances and getting America’s nightmare into office. She was so qualified and had paid her dues and then some. I will never forgive anyone who helped trump into the presidency. We’ll never fully recover.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

Damn, you just reminded me of stupid Sarandon! I have forgotten about her with so so many people to be disgusted by. It repulses me that these bullshit artists have their ACT, their whole ‘morality’ performance while screwing over our democracy and doing exactly what Jeff says, “Fuck you, that’s why.”

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My family used to have a ‘competition’ when discussing ‘can you believe how ignorant this person is?’ Or ‘wait to you hear about these morons?’ Now we just sit dumbfounded by the tsunami of stupid.

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It worked, I'm feeling completely revolted.

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Don’t forget the earnest Chris Hayes and morning Joe. such bullshit

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Also let me point out that bernie voted against the assault weapons ban. He may have adjusted lately but just f him too I’ve had it. Signed (by me, admittedly) Every parent and grandparent.

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In hindsight how clear of a picture will it have been that Bernie was just another Ross Perot 25 yrs later (?)

In it just to take votes away.

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The Clinton ban that lasted a decade made no measurable difference, according to FBI, so I could understand why Sanders would not vote for another one.

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I must have missed something. What did Chris Hayes do or not do to help Trump get elected?

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October 28, 2016.

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"Don't like it? Vote."

I am fucking sick and tired of being told to vote, as if that's the only solution to this country's fascist takeover. If "one person, one vote" was actually true then it would be the solution. It's "one dollar, one vote " and we're being outspent by billionaires. One way to make our voices heard is a nationwide strike. Unfortunately it'll never happen.

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And in a time when so much disenfranchisement is allowed by right wing state legislatures that is a ludicrous statement to think is reality. Too many people in this country just assume we aren't on the brink of collapse, because democracy.

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THANK YOU! It's obvious that our votes may not even matter by 2024.

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No thanks to the arcane and obsolete Electoral College, they pretty much don't matter already, regarding presidential elections.

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Boy, you have hit the nail on it's proverbial head. A national strike or some other mass non-violent civil disobedience is required because as you have pointed out, the minority party has rigged the election systems in red states and have done a slight-of-hand to our whole voting process rendering many people's votes null and void.

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A national strike has been engineered to be an impossibility. Union members, maybe, but half of us can't afford a $500 emergency. There's a reason so many have been impoverished into a paycheck-to-paycheck existence.

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I agree. OTOH, it's only going to get worse. Then what?

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Not waiting. Doing the thing NOW that the right does so effectively, and en masse: make noise. They seem a bigger share of us because they are so fucking NOISY, and we outnumber them ~2:1. If our Dem reps are too polite (and more so, mooning for a vanished "statesmanship" that we see 45 years later was always a crock), we should be bringing the hammer down daily, or nothing changes. (Our GOP reps get a slightly different tack.) Democrats need an ocean's worth of messaging help, too; that diffuse and mealy-mouthed approach is not working. They should never shut up about what the GOP has done and continues to do. I want to see some damn outrage instead of the party-wide whattya-gonna-do shrug.

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

Yes, I agree. Make noise.

SC doesn't like this kind of spotlight... that's why they came to power through the back door.

When the general public is voting I don't think they are ALSO thinking about who that potus is nominating for the SC and how SC decisions are going to affect them but I hope they do now.

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I've read Biden is not going to run on it or talk about it, but that expanding the court is on the table. There's no way to address the current horrifics at SCOTUS without winning the WH, Senate, and House in 2024.

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You got it 100%!

Do marching/demonstrations help? Phone calls to reps? What are the best ways to make noise?

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

Indivisible ((https://indivisible.org/ -- remember them from the post-2016 election? Former lege staffers that recommended what actions were most effective) has resources rolled up and guidelines for how best to take every action -- call and write your reps regularly to register your opinions, write letters to editors, demonstrate, volunteer, provide campaign support (textbanking, phonebanking. postcards (e.g., https://postcardstovoters.org/), and of course money, which seems to be very at making noise. Right now, my focus is voters' rights, like Fair Fight, the org that Stacey Abrams started, who I will always adore for her passionate spreadsheet approach to goal-setting.

The dearth of Dem candidates is worrying. I love that group Run for Something (https://runforsomething.net/). The GOP took note early on that there are many, many races not running Dem candidates, so the GOP run the worst of the worst and win, and we get the hellscape of state leges (and school boards!) that we now have. Run for Something has done and is still doing a lot to address it.

These are for a start. I don't really have an answer for the "best ways" to make noise, but I'm in the throwing-everything-against-the-wall-and-seeing-what-sticks mode. When in doubt, cash is always welcome.

Thanks for the oppo to reflect, Margaret!

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Thanks for your thoughtful answer. I'm doing some (postcards, money, demos, letters) and will adopt at least one more.

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It's never been "opov". If it had, the FF's would not have created the Electoral College.

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In english, One Person One Vote.

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True. Damn it.

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You mean like refusing to pay our taxes en masse? That might be interesting.

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They can't jail all of us. We are many, they are few.

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The great setup, I'm with you, no money, no vote. All crap, both sides, left, right, up and down.

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And why is it alright that Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett LIED in their confirmation hearings, stating when asked that they would not fuck with Roe? Because fuck you, that's why. They LIED to Congress, which is an impeachable offence. We don't need to pack the court (and we shouldn't, because that will come back to bite us in the ass) -- we need to mount a HUGE public and media campaign to fucking IMPEACH the Justices who LIED their way onto the Court. And in order to be able to do that, we need to make sure the White House and both branches of Congress are firmly in the hands of Democrats. Enough moaning and hand-wringing about what could've been if only RBG had retired, if only HRC had won. We progressives made a grave error in believing our hard-won gains were entrenched in law. Let's learn from our mistakes, our complacency, and get busy now. We've got some hard fighting ahead of us if we want to preserve our democracies.

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And Susan Collins is VERY concerned that Kavanagh lied to her, but does nothing about it. I used to think that John Roberts cared about the reputation of his court - he does not. His only concern was the appropriate vitriol in the dissenting opinions (can't we just all get along SCOTUS members?) The FF depended upon REASONABLE PEOPLE in government. That currently does not exist. We have ONE party standing between The American Experiment and Fascism. The only way to begin to correct this is to vote BLUE in such numbers in 2024 as to re-elect Biden, increase the House and Senate numbers so that bills can pass without the Joe Manchins of the world stopping progress and PACK the SCOTUS.

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Dem complacency landed us here. Gonna be tough to dig out of the hole that started with Reagan.

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Proving for decades now that nice guys are idiots and finish last. Time to be mean as hell and start slugging.

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exactly! not idiots but we need to find a way to fight back against the garbage and do it effectively.

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Control of the House was lost due to fewer than 10K votes in a handful of districts. That--plus the fact that in just a single year, we've erased 5 decades of progress--should reinforce the fact that EVERY VOTE MATTERS. Imagine where we'd be had those few districts had better gone the other way. Instead of looking backwards and bemoaning what could have been, let us take this past year as a lesson for what happens when we take our eyes off the ball for a second. I fear what will happen to our country if we fail to learn that painful lesson.

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I'm ready. Where's the sign up sheet?

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It would not be packing the courts. There's supposed to be one Supreme for each circuit.

I think there's twelve.

It would require 2/3 of the senate to impeach and that's what is never going to happen.

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There are 13 federal district courts.

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Thanks. So there should be 13 Supremes which obviously is an odd number.

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What's more, a Repub majority House will NEVER vote to impeach any of "their" shill weasels. Not in this current "fuck you, that's why" substitute for ethics.

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I like this. A LOT (absent the infuriatingly epic corruption being an impeachable offense). And a start to laying the groundwork now is not out of the question.

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Who believes that a R-majority house will vote to impeach any if these Republican shill weasels?

I have a great deal on a bridge that runs into Tacoma across Tacoma Narrows from Gig Harbor for them.

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is that the one that fell down from bad vibes??? you are better off buying the one in brooklyn that I have for sale. if the dems had any serious thought of fixing the SC it would have been done already. the party is complicit as far as I can see. don't they all take $$$$$$$ from the same donors???

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Republicans only understand $. Our strike may end up taking the form of depositing our tax payments into an escrow account. If we defund Congress it may get enough attention to repeal Citizens United, which has turned Congress into the source of the best legislation money can buy; if corporations and special interest groups can’t buy legislators (or SCOTUS) they might actually begin to represent us.

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No matter what names we call them. No matter how many times we pull back the curtain on the Great Oz. No matter how many times we shout ‘the emperor has no clothes’. THE RIGHT WING MINORITY IS STILL EATING OUR LUNCH. What are we gonna do about it? ‘Vote them out’, you say? They’re covering that base too and we’ll lucky if women don’t lose the vote next week along with everything else - because fuck us, that’s why.

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Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 3, 2023

At what point does rage turn into full-blown revolution in this shithole country?!?!

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Hell, this little old lady is ready. Where do I sign up? Talk is cheap. I want to fight these bastards.

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This old bird wants to kick some butts! Hoping for a signup sheet soon!

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Revolution? They’ve got the guns. Maybe if we can hang onto the military...

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Democrats own guns, too. I pray that it doesn't resort to that. I believe that all of us, left, right, and center, want peaceful solutions.

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I don’t have a gun and don’t want one. I have no wish to end the sparkling, fizzing, one-to-a-customer thing that is life. I have, however, no compunctions about knocking them down and kicking them in the fork.

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the right wing fascists are peacefully taking over the country.

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An alarming number of whom are MAGA supporters

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Not all of them. ;-)

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They’re sickening. Our only hope is that these decisions will have the same election effects as overturning Roe had. Gay people should not be paying taxes at this point. Actually, neither should women.

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Once again, you nailed it! My question is, shouldn't Lorie Smith be facing perjury charges?

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you would hope something would happen to her. I didn't get into this in my post, but she used the name and address of some actual person in her suit, and claimed he was the person asking her to create a gay wedding site. this person — who is hetero and already married — didn't know anything about it until the media contacted him and ask him what he thought about being the defendant in this famous case. you would think that HE would have recourse

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And what does it say about our media that it took until NOW for anyone to uncover the fact that the case was entirely a hypothetical, based on total fiction?

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Still it feels like she should suffer some consequence. Don't these shitheads care that they were duped? So in this country, just make something up and keep appealing. She must have a lot of money to waste on court after court...or she is financed by some right wing nutjob.

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Let’s find and fund a litigator. I’m in for that.

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Neal Katyal is already offering his services.

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Really? Go Neal!!!

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sounds like fraud to me. I bet someone's writing an appeal as we speak.

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And we’re gonna have to live with this shit for years. We badly need term limits on the court, as well as in congress.

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see my rant from 2 days ago about $$$$$ and term limits. yes desperately needed, no, not gonna happen.

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It seems to me that someone should write a Declaration of Freedom from Student Loan Debt.

Or as I have been thinking about it, Just say NO! To student loan payments; and the Supreme Court’s Conservative Majority .“because fuck you, that’s why.”

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Seriously, why should we abide by the flawed decisions of a crooked, bribed bunch of hacks?

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This sentiment is beginning to show up in the multitude of articles about this lousy SC. Posed as "What if people sstart ignoring their little pronouncements." It's galling to be "ruled" by corrupt actors.

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And guess what, The AG in Arizona has said flat out: Discrimination of all kinds is against the law in Arizona and that's what we're enforcing. So in other words, kiss off Supreme Court. You can't carve out a class and say it's okay to discriminate against them.

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I think that was what happened with the Dred Scott Decision by those supremes. It made the divisions over enslavers larger, and led to war.

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The AG of Arizona said she's not observing the SC's ruling and they will not be discriminating against a protected class in Arizona. So it's happening. I hope all the Blues join this. Let the red states be the hellscapes.

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That’s excellent news! Time for a blue rebellion!!

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I am having this same discussion elsewhere in comment sections of other Substack publications I read.

Among the many frequent responses to my call for protests via non-payment is the all to common appeal to the damage such non-payments would do to an individual's credit report/score. Here below is one of my shorter responses to the credit worriers:


XXXXX, I am quite well aware of all the things you have mentioned.

For myself personally I find the entire "Credit" industry to be reprehensible and a significant part of the problem in the most systemic of ways, across all of society. The connection of student loans to the credit reporting agencies, a private business industry that encourages and depends on the existence and sustainment of "Debt" as they, credit reporting businesses, currently operate, rewards people for maintaining debt, whereas individuals who deign to maintain a zero debt level lifestyle will more oftentimes than not find that the agencies in question are of little help to them in their choice of living a debt-free life.

At the root of all this is one problem, greed.

I will never purchase a mortgage, nor will, at this point in my life now, I ever actively seek to obtain any type of loans, or large credit line, especially as long as the current system of corporate profiteering aided and abetted by the credit reporting industries continues to exist.

On top of all this is the fact that the Supreme Court's Conservative majority has only made matters worse and has essentially empowered the credit industries and corporate profiteers and emboldened them to depend on peoples' continued unquestioning compliance to their dependency upon the vicious cycle created by the interdependence that exists between profit oriented businesses and credit reporting businesses.

While I certainly can understand and appreciate your comment and all that you have to say from your personal experiences with student loans, I genuinely do not think that what you have to say actually helps to address the actual problems inherent to the the matter, and in fact think that what you have to say, albeit unintentionally on your part I expect, does more to dissuade people from engaging in the only truly effective means to get the message of just how unacceptable the Supreme Court's Conservative majority is and the behind the scenes business interests that also benefit from their ruling, which is to refuse to participate in the decision and the system that it supports by way of protesting via non-payment.

Now is not the time for compliance, obedience, and submission to the large personally uncontrollable factors that seek to maintain and sustain the greed that has created the problems. I certainly have more to say about the matter particularly about the insularity of higher education and its part in the whole matter, but I will refrain from saying anymore for now.

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All of this is why Biden's administration needs to start just saying the same thing to the court. Why the fuck they are still pretending this is legitimate council is beyond me. There is a reason their powers are separated, and a reason why they can curb out of control justices. If Biden doesn't realize he needs to come out hard on this, he has even less of a chance of people seeing him as a good option for leader..

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The most brilliant and perceptive political analysis I have read in the last few years. "Because FUCK YOU, that's why" is the single most concise reason for the rape and pillage of American laws, norms, and values. Thanks, Jeff. You nailed that mofo. Hard.

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A new legal definition (and a new legal precedent?) for "Certiorari”: “A party seeking to appeal to the Supreme Court from a lower court decision must file a writ of certiorari which can be denied."

Earlier this past week: "Bring us any old made up case - the crazier, the better." The US Supreme Court

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One solution is a requirement that the Supreme Court should always be balanced between R and D appointed justices, along with ethical requirements and monitoring, term limits, and continuing educational requirements. In case of a tie, each side will need to convince at least one Justice from the opposing side to achieve a majority.

When Justices error because of a failure of their vision, corruption, or a knowledge void, there should be a panel of experts available for them to consult with and if necessary to protect us from the predictable consequences of their ideological and/or religiously based decisions. We don't want a Court that will poison people, accelerate our extinction, accelerate inequality and monopoly, undermine Lincoln's view of our democracy, favor a political party, or grievously violate or undermine our Constitution in other ways.

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Sobering to realize how much of our dysfunctional government needs to be restructured. We really should just start over, and get it right this time

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As usual your comments are on point and highly satisfying to someone like me who literally cannot FUCKING STAND this not so SCOTUS. Thanks for doing the job of speaking out truthfully and so effectively

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Welcome to why I'm leaving this country. It's ceased to be worth fighting for.

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I have lived in Mexico now for two years. It does lessen the anger and stress but not completely by any means.

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I left ten years ago.

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Civilizations do fall. I wonder why.

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