this Supreme Court is making my fucking head explode
once again, our corrupt Court laughs in our faces.
our shithole Supreme Court was up to its usual bullshit last week. here’s what happened:
there was this meddlesome piece of shit homophobe, and she was completely freaked out by the idea that one day a gay person might want to hire her to create a gay wedding web site.
nobody had actually asked her to design a gay wedding web site, mind you — she was just so full of hatred that the mere possibility of it completely fucked her shit.
her shit was so thoroughly fucked that she decided that the only solution was to invent a fake gay person and claim that this imaginary gay person was forcing her to design a gay wedding web site — and she filed suit against this nonexistent gay person, claiming help, help, my religious freedom is being repressed! and naturally she got laughed out of court.
because courts don’t like to have their time wasted on stupid bullshit.
so she appealed her crackpot case based on a fantasy, and lost again, and appealed again, and lost again, and appealed it all the way up to our corrupt Supreme Court, and bingo! — now we have state-sanctioned discrimination.
great fucking country we have here.
now you may be asking: can the Supreme Court really take a case based on a hypothetical? in order to have standing to bring a case, doesn’t the injured party have to actually be, y’know, injured? in fact, doesn’t our Constitution explicitly spell that out?
and normally, you would be right. a normal Supreme Court would have laughed as loudly as the lower courts did, and refused to hear this case.
but our current Court is not a normal Court. this Court is different. this Court is using a brand new legal doctrine that evidently we’re all going to have to get used to.
that doctrine is: “because fuck you, that’s why.”
elected Republicans discovered the doctrine of “because fuck you, that’s why” a few years ago, and have been using to their advantage ever since.
why is it ok for the House to censure Adam Schiff basically out of spite? “because fuck you, that’s why.”
why is it ok for Ron DeSantis to sign one unconstitutional law after another? “because fuck you, that’s why.”
why is it ok for Tommy Tuberville to block all military promotions? “because fuck you, that’s why.”
and now, the concept of “because fuck you, that’s why” has come to the Supreme Court.
why is it ok for Sam Alito to accept lavish vacations from passing plutocrats? “because fuck you, that’s why.”
why is it ok for Clarence Thomas to have pretty much his entire entitled life bought and paid for by Harlan Crow? “because fuck you, that’s why.”
why was it ok for some still-unknown oligarch to pay off Blackout Brett’s mortgage, credit card debts and country club fees? “because fuck you, that’s why.”
why is ok for the six conservative members of the Court to refuse to agree to a set of ethical guidelines? “because fuck you, that’s why.”
and why is it ok for the Court to take up a case based on a hypothetical and rule on it, when Article III of the Constitution specifically forbids doing so?
you guessed it:
“because fuck you, that’s why.”
that’s just great for them, but government of the shitheads, by the shitheads, and for the shitheads isn’t working out so well for the rest of us.
Nothing more need be said. Except that Justice Jackson, in particular, has just been magnificent. Oh, what a world we might have had if only the email lady hadn’t been shat upon by Sarandon and other Russian dupes/agents.
"Don't like it? Vote."
I am fucking sick and tired of being told to vote, as if that's the only solution to this country's fascist takeover. If "one person, one vote" was actually true then it would be the solution. It's "one dollar, one vote " and we're being outspent by billionaires. One way to make our voices heard is a nationwide strike. Unfortunately it'll never happen.