I’m not a baker. But I think I’m going to file a hypothetical lawsuit and take it all the way up to SCOTUS. It will be as follows:

I am not a baker. Nor do I own a bakery. But if I WERE TO BECOME A BAKER, and DID OWN a bakery, and some trashy, low-life, AR-15-toting NRA member asked me to bake a cake for their son’s birthday party, could I tell them to get the fuck out of my hypothetical bakery?

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In grade school, in the mid-1960s, I remember a running joke was threatening to refuse doing something because it was, "Against my religion". This came on the heels of "banning" prayer from public schools. I wish it were harder to believe that a 60-year-old schoolyard joke has become the law of the land.

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Oh, wow, I love the way you put that.

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You could hypothetically tell them to get out of your bakery, and then they would point their guns at you, and then you would bake them a Fuck Joe Biden cake for their 10 year old with an AR-15 on it.

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I have a pretty wide knowledge of mind-altering substances, both as an ex-addict and as an addiction treatment counselor. I have no idea of what combination of drugs one would have to take to achieve Jr.’s state of fucked-upedness. Truly spectacular.

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The best thing is, you know how when an actor is playing someone who is really drunk or extremely high, and you can tell it's just an act? It isn't realistic or convincing at all, and is really pretty laughable. A lot of otherwise fine actors can't do it right.

Well, this ain't that. Don Jr is obviously WAY wacked out. I find it hilarious that he and his dad harp on Hunter for doing the same thing they do. Especially Jr.

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I think you called it!

Here is Jr trying to act straight while zipped'-up high as "2 kites" no doubt.

His problem, amongst many is we have seen both sober and trashed, so no denying it here!

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Takes one to know one 😉

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Fair enough. I'll just say it's obvious to me.

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I'm saying for Don Jr to call out Hunter... Jr should know!!

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Yeah, I think both Dons make themselves look worse each time they use social media.

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Yes! You're so right!

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It’s impressive isn’t it?

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It sounds like these clowns are perpetually dosed on bath salts.

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"they went over to twitter to whine about it, and of course the most tiresome gazillionaire in the galaxy had to give us his two cents (marked down from 44 billion dollars)"

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I know, right!


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Can someone please put a stake in RFK Jr? We need to move on from this whakadoodle.

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And, maybe a bulb of garlic in his mouth??

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He is truly an embarrassment. You'd think his "new" wife, Cheryl Hines, would step in but maybe she's crazy herself, and if not, she should realize that's what people will think of her. What a terrible legacy for the Kenedy's, it trashes their name.

I thought the same with Kim Kardasian when her nutcase hubby ran for president for all of 5 minutes.

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I don’t think she’s too thrilled about his run for president, but she’s not saying much. I don’t know how she got involved with that nut-job to begin with.

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he's a Kennedy. big fucking deal, right?

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Well, there's that... really trashed the rest of whatever was left of that legacy name.


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I recall him on Air America... even then one had to ask, WTF?

SO much worse. He really fell of the canoli wagon and WTAF, hit his head a few timed?

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Yeah, I dunno. Somehow I'm not rushing over to Threads with the Cambridge Analytica data-selling dude. While I would like a viable Twitter alternative - or tell myself I would - I'd like one not run by a billionaire prick mainly in it for the money which...ohshit...Fuckerberg also qualifies for!

Nah I'll just sit around on Substack and Discord and wait for someone who doesn't cozy up to authoritians every chance they get to start a viable alternative.

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I find Post pretty normal and not ugly.

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Thanks Jeff for posting the totally off the hook Jr. At 71 I’m very familiar with folks on substances, but not familiar with children of the privileged doing coke, then appearing on a media platform to showcase how fucked up they are. This boy is headed towards serious health issues, a stroke or heart attack in the near future if he continues to hoover up at least an 8ball daily. Woo boy...how much does he share with his energized, plasticized “girlfriend”. BTW... is she still yelling “the best is yet to come” after every line? Inquiring minds want to know... Have a great weekend to all fellow travelers.

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Junior is just mad they found the baggie of blow before he did.

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I’ve never been on Facebook or Instagram, so I’m sure as shit not going on THREADS.

There’s got to be an alternative to two fascist billionaire’s platforms.

Also, the parents who gave their child that AR15 birthday cake should be arrested for child abuse.

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That Qrazy Qaren, A/K/A Chick Sporting a Back With a Crack, is a Feng Shui interior designer. I guess she gets feral when she's outdoors & looks like post pandemic they're still out in force. I've reached the point where I'll just let Twitter die & leave all SM behind but continue w/Substack since it's private & more personal. And how could I miss a Jeff free day to keep me going? Right now my biggest concern is the Brown Shirt Moms for Hitler invading schools all over. My kids are grown but I've got 3 grands & weren't we raised to prepare our kids for the world, not terrify & indoctrinate them? Sadly I probably won't live long enough to attend MAGA's funeral but at some point I just want peace, normalcy & sanity.

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I’ve been glad that I found you Jeff with a lot of other folks that are honest, funny, intelligent and amazing. But, alas, I was thrown off twitter a few years ago for making a stupid comment about MTG, “someone should smack her” for what MTG had said about someone else. This was before Musk took over and there were tons of people with large followings who expressed themselves frequently against twitter rules i.e. shitty orange clown and were allowed to continue on with impunity. In the end I’m glad that happened to me and I barely look at twitter since then - strangely (after being on it all the time) I haven’t missed it in the least. I think if/when it completely implodes people will find a landing place and they won’t miss it at all.

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I moved on over to Substack because it was my favorite journalist, historians, lawyers, professors all in one place! I don’t miss Twitter in the least. But, sometimes I go over to Crazytown to see who’s trolling and the ridiculousness of tweets. Whoa! I’m telling you, it’s a festering bog that is eating itself up.

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The "likes" that were penis videos was my line in the sand.

I liked following scientists and similar writers. Now, they are likely run off the site. A shame.

But it would be a bit of fun if the one billionaire put a stake in the heart...or wallet of the other. Kind of a Chunga"s revenge for ruining a good thing.

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I got kicked off Twitter as a near newbie for wishing that Alex Jones would stroke out. At least it was honest. I didn't post his address. Unlike tfg.

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Exactly the same thing happened to me on Twitter about 6 months ago, also involving MTG.

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Rather than alter/update Godwin's Law, how about "Six Degrees of Joseph Goebbels" in which you see how many steps it takes to trace some current asshole back to der führer's favorite anti-semite.

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Jeff, thanks for the fresh allotment of wing-nuttery. So glad to be me when I see *them*.

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Sorry I don't have a screen shot of this, but last week, Gov. Kristi Noem filed once AGAIN to have fireworks at Mount Rushmore in 2024, and all the wingnuts came out to support it, because after all, she said, "We will keep fighting to host fireworks at Mount Rushmore and celebrate our freedoms.” Well, some of us pointed out that we are and have been in a major drought in South Dakota, especially West River, and the wing-nuttiest of them all said, "Yeah, bunch of libtards forgot that Mount Rushmore is made out of ROCK! And ROCKS DON'T BURN!!!"

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Thank you for the insight...but meanwhile back at the ranch...where some dry grass leads to an out of control wildfire and forest fire

No that could never happen, right Karen


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Thick as planks each and every one.

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You delight me.

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Amazing that I missed most of the week right up to Thursday, but still managed to hear about 3/4 of this stuff. Wow. I either hang out with the right people, or the wrong ones!


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