
someone just pointed out to me that the rally poster says "June 13, 2022." oh my god, THESE FUCKING IDIOTS

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I agree that Biden needs to push back & push back hard. Tired of wimpy calls for bi-partisan cooperation in the wake of repeated threats & actual aggressive behavior directed at the civilized citizens of this country. Biden needs to remind them that there have been many rebellions put down since the original one: the Whiskey rebellion that Washington handily took care of. I'm old enough to remember cities burning in the 1960s in the wake of assassinations and major civil rights upheavals so Biden should tell them: "no problema MAGA fools, we've got it covered. Martial law and National Guard will be called upon if you throw a shit fit."

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Noticed that too. Also gotta love, "Bring snacks."

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Couldn't be MAGA without misspelling

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That’s a good thin right? Trump 06/13 2022! Oh wait...

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It would have been funnier if they said "June 13, 2020" and could have happened because they are so obsessed with the 2020 "stolen election."

Alas, it was just a case of laziness and lack of proofreading. Still hilarious.

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It can be seen from Clay Higgins' tweet that he has a genuinely skewed view of what is taking place with the arraignment hearing. This one line demonstrates this to be the case, "This is a perimeter probe from the oppressors. Hold. rPOTUS has this."

What he is saying is that the arraignment is to be understood as a test by the DOJ, Law Enforcement, and the Biden Administration to gauge the Trumpenkrieger Army reaction in any number of ways, from the size of reactionary forces, to the command & control structure, and overall organizational qualities, etc. The admonition to "Hold" is a calculated deference to the Trumpenkrieger's complete and total Authority, wherein Higgins' is essentially telling his followers that their Fuhrer is in complete command and control of the situation in view, the arraignment and by extension the battle with the so-called oppressors;

This tweet message is an excellent example of the Fuhrer Prinzip, which translates into English as meaning the Leadership Principle; this is a well studied concept that came into prominence during the Nazi era, and was essentially an almost unspoken understanding throughout German society, but most especially amongst the SS and active members of the Nazi Party, whereby it was understood that all leaders made decisions, commands, orders, statements, etc. that were supposedly and assumedly to be in the best interest of the Supreme Leader, and oftentimes was an unrealized expression of what the lower level leader perceived and understood his Supreme Leader wanted.

All in all it was/is a very psychological means of manipulation, not too unlike a type of organized gas-lighting.

In Higgins' case he is attempting to preemptively establish himself as a significant voice and an assumed link in the perceived chain of command that leads to Trump. If what he had to say is/was an actual command then he for all effective purposes is establishing his guilt as an outspoken insurrectionist, otherwise if it is/was a real command then I think it is highly unlikely it would have been broadcast so publicly; it is more likely being done for its intimidation value than anything else.

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you are clearly more fluent in militia-speak than I. thank you for expanding on this

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You are welcome, and I want to thank you for your no bullshit manner of telling it like it is. I very much enjoy and look forward to reading what you have to say everyday.

Ps. This post today inspired me to work up a post using the above material with some added advice to all who might be genuinely concerned with such inflammatory messaging.

Please, if you are so inclined to do so check it out at my Substack. I would be most honored by a reading of this post by you.

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folks, here's the link to Robert's substack: https://robertjrei.substack.com/

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Apparently I gained so many subscriptions from this comment that it triggered a restriction on my account until Substack can respond to my "Trust & Safety" issue request. What a headache! Not that you are at fault in any way, it's the automated algorithmic system response that has caused this problem and like many automated systems it is very user-unfriendly.

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well that's weird

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Tex (Substack, Inc)

Jun 13, 2023, 10:50 AM EDT

Hi there,

Tex here from Substack Trust & Safety. Thanks for taking the time to submit this appeal.

It appears that one of our platform safety detection mechanisms erroneously flagged your publication as spam. I've reactivated your account so you should be able to start publishing again immediately. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if there's any other way I can assist.


Tex @ Substack

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Substack like many platforms that deal with large numbers of users conducting a variety of different tasks ie. emails, postings, commenting, etc. relies on algorithmic monitoring programs that automatically trigger established response protocols within a set of predetermined parameters. More often times than not these days the reconciliation systems are also predetermined and formula driven. In Substack's case the AI managed systems operate in conjunction with what is already a complex technical architecture that is still under development and as I mentioned already mostly user-unfriendly, most notably in that programmers still have not worked out or completed lower order systems such as the problem request system which is apparently a semi-prefilled out form report/request system. It's just plain and simply speaking fucking aggravating because it is virtually human-free until such a time as within the stated 48 hour after request submission time an actual human looks at the problem ticket that is generated by the system. Most people simply give up and probably do not bother trying to use Substack anymore. It's something of an unrecognized problem, by and largely due to the fact that no one wants to bother trying to break through the automated system via direct email or persistently using the request system until a flag ticket is generated.

Anyways, today was one of the best days I have had at Substack pretty much thanks to you and your gracious attention to my writing, and it was very encouraging to me to experience such a surge in subscribers. Anyways thank you again for simply being yourself and kindly drawing attention to me and my work. It is greatly appreciated. I cannot post or edit any new writing until a human from Substack takes note of my account. And to think that I invested in Substack via the Wefunder offer.

I think I am going to have to write a long good old fashioned pen and paper letter to the Substack Offices in California to address these issues.

Well I'm getting off for the night, no use remaining frustrated with this situation until it can be resolved.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

There was also the idea of "working towards the Führer."

From a 1934 speech by Speech by Werner Willikens, State Secretary in the Ministry of Food:

"Everyone who has the opportunity to observe it knows that the Führer can hardly dictate from above everything which he intends to realise sooner or later. On the contrary, up till now everyone with a post in the new Germany has worked best when he has, so to speak, worked towards the Führer. Very often and in many spheres it has been the case—in previous years as well—that individuals have simply waited for orders and instructions. Unfortunately, the same will be true in the future; but in fact it is the duty of everybody to try to work towards the Führer along the lines he would wish. Anyone who makes mistakes will notice it soon enough. But anyone who really works towards the Führer along his lines and towards his goal will certainly both now and in the future one day have the finest reward in the form of the sudden legal confirmation of his work​."

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Yes, the idea of working towards the Fuhrer is an interesting area of study in Nazism. Sir Ian Kershaw, one of the world's leading expert on Hitler and Nazism had some important observations to make about the importance of this idea as it is applied to the success of the Holocaust overall from a bureaucratic perspective.

I have not had an opportunity to investigate Kershaw's work on this particular topic, but I am sure it is well worth looking into.

As for me I suspect that the idea in and of itself contributed greatly to the development of the Fuhrer Prinzip, albeit in a nascent manner. Willikens was essentially a political bureaucrat whose work contributed to the eventual Gleichschaltung (Process of Nazification) of German Society.

During his time in the Ministry of Food he worked closely with Richard Darre and Herbert Backe two men who were primarily responsible for the "Hunger Plan" which was an active pogrom to starve "racially inferior" peoples during the early war years, this pogrom resulted in millions of people being intentionally starved to death.

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Not many are aware of the inner Nazi circle's fascination with the occult. They were absolutely batshit. Some believed that we live in the interior of the world.

Many believed that the Russian cold would retreat before their advance since they were so awesome an' stuff, which is one reason the army wasn't issued anything like the cold weather gear they needed. Didn't work out too well. So it goes.

Life in the Third Reich was unimaginable. If you went to a bakery you did the salute and called out "Heil Hitler!" on entry and again when leaving. Yeah, hail Trump.

I've read informed speculation that the Jews were just to get the machinery up and running, that the real Raßenwissenschaft goal was the global extermination of the black and then the Asian races. Hitler was never heard to rant about the Juden outside his speeches.

It's one word, Führerprinzip. With the umlaut.

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Yes it is one word in the original German you are correct, I separate it because it’s easier for English speakers to understand and I confess my own English skills simply separate the words out of habit of translated thinking.

My own nascent thinking about Hitler’s true deeper motivations is that the focus on inferior people was a mechanism for providing others with a visible target that had an old history, while in the meantime he for himself quite simply wanted to be obscenely rich so as to be able to live the Bohemian lifestyle that he sought out from the early years of his life in Vienna; to be sure my thoughts are somewhat more extensive than the few sentences stated above, but that is the essence of my thinking.

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I feel that one gains a good understanding of the White Supremacist Militia in this country from Prof. Kathleen Belew's book, Bring the War Home: The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America. I had stopped following the White Supremacy movement over 20 years ago. Prior to that, I got briefings from the Southern Poverty Law Center. I regained my alarm over these groups in the spring of 2020 when I started reading signs that Trump was planning a Coup. I think we are getting a good sense of the values of many of the Red Staters from series that highlight's the creepy Duggar Family who are members of IBLP Institute of Basic Life Principals. They represent the disgusting lifestyles promoted by White Supremacists in these Evangelical Christian Cults. That we live in a country with so many brainwashed people, who are following some simple but crazy rules which are nothing but oppressive for women and really don't include anyone non-White, with perhaps a few exceptions. This is a global movement, but not large enough to truly accomplish their goals of taking over the world. When I listen to these cultists, I wonder why we have to play pretend that they are belonging in real religions and why they should get tax exempt status. However, no administration could last in this country that took on both corporations and religious institutions financially. What the Evangelicals do is get their flocks to vote for Trump, and his ilk, and the militias, who are closely related in their religious beliefs to the Evangelicals, but might have Odonism as part of their worship ideology, are all about violent overthrow of the democratic government we are living with. Fortunately for us, several of the people involved in the January 6 insurrection have already been tried, convicted, and sentenced and are doing time. In fact, some of them are out already, which means that they are available to start more stuff. However, unless they are in love with prison, or Donald Trump, they are not going to be so eager to get in trouble again. Having worked with hundreds of children over the year, I see that punishment can be a deterrent to people, who do not feel rewarded by following the rules. The fact that there are starting to be real consequences for these villains by the Justice Department might make people less eager to stand up. I noticed there was no real presence when he was tried in NYC. Still, this is going to also be a reconning for Governor DeSatan. How will he handle a potential violent crowd? Will he get out the state militia and assure his citizenry that he has things under control, or will he say they have a right to commit crimes and it is A-Okay with him because he backs them. That is what I am curious about too.

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Job very well done!

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Good analogy. It ‘know your bridges’ what would that mean? I know what it could mean in an actual invasion.

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In the immediate context of the line in question and message in total it means that the those awaiting instructions are to remain in position no matter what they think they should do until the situation turns from a perimeter probe into an actual attack at which point know your bridges is understood as knowing when and where to cross over into the new situation. Again I would like to emphasize that the likelihood of any actual command and control system existing is extremely low and that this tweet from Rep. Higgins is essentially an attempt to rile up the MAGA base and at the same time create an environment of intimidation.

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I hope law enforcement is doing more than just fucking monitoring this. Did anyone learn anything from Jan 6? I fucking well hope so.

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If law enforcement is laying low and not preparing like they did on 01/06/22 then all hell is going to break loose. It its not like they are not being warned!

There must be laws like not shouting fire in a theater for people screaming for a civil war!!!

This is not funny any more since most if not all democracy loving men and women are NOT loading their weapons ( which most do have by the way) and in some hotel rooms in Miami waiting to start shooting. No it is the MAGA crazies like Lake and her nimrod accomplices.

I guess we must just wait and hold our breath and hope to God that law enforcement is locked and loaded and ready for anything.

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Lake will show her armpit and the crowd will go apeshit.

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I hope the police at least close a lot of the roads around the courthouse so these buses can't get close forcing these maniacs to walk in the Florida heat.

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I picture the MAGAts that take buses to Ronald Rump rallies to be trash talking weenies more accustomed to their Bark-O-Lounger and remote. Just saying. 😜

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Let's see how fast they get around in the heat in their scooters beeping at everyone to

get out of there way. LOL

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It would be a shame if a concerned citizen sent "alternate buses" to pick up those going to the rally, only to deliver them to the middle of a gay pride parade, or Disney World!

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Like JT here, I also write on Substack, and invite everyone to check out my blog.


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I love this creative thinking.

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Hell, just send buses if MAGA over a cliff.

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Guess we’ll see whose side the National Guard and police are on.

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I prefer "when they go low, we get high." But to each their own.

But yes, the gloves are off. I know Joe is from the late Cretaceous and still believes in fighting the good fight and no hitting below the belt. Generally, I agree. But this is the GQP putting on hobnailed jackboots and stomping our faces. We're gonna have to play at least a little outside the rulebook to curb this extremism.

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Hi Jeff, right on point this morning. May I remind our fellow travellers of Malcom Nance’s book “They Want to Kill Americans”, IMHO Malcom tells the truth straight up and no chaser. We should be worried about tomorrow in Miami if it’s anything like the parade of delusionals yesterday at Mar L Dumpo. Hold tight ....these Confederates want to return to 1861. And yes, it is a call for war, no doubt.

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We had plenty of warning about 1/6 and the authorities did not stop it from happening, so they better be prepared this time! You are right, if any of us said any of that shit like Kari Lake we would be arrested pronto so WTF is going on in our country????

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And DeSatan with his Nazi sympathizers had a rally near Disney World over the weekend. He’s not competent and probably not in state, out campaigning 1500 miles away. Grateful I’m far away in a deep blue state and community. Just hope the US Marshall’s have hundreds of handcuffs and shackles ready. Paramedics and ambulances.

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I cannot imagine living in a red state. I am to your north! Our state is fragile though, unfortunately.

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I left the USA in 2010. Palin was the last straw for me. I never foresaw Trump. Holy fucking shit.

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Someone needs to hold Lake’s head underwater for a few minutes.

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Does this stupid bitch (Kari Lake) think that if she just says, 'this is not a threat', that absolves her from any responsibility for her words? Oh yeah, she's so friggin' ignorant, she probably does.. God, I loathe these people....

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Is there no way to stop this call to war from the Trumpists

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Easy! Muster 2nd breakfasts


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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I don't see anything in Higgins' bio about military service. So he's nothing more than another Chairborne Ranger who thinks talking tactical shit makes him sound all strac and macho. Probably jerks off with a GI Joe doll in his free hand.

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I read somewhere this morning - sorry, can't quote the source - that feds are very aware of the internet traffic regarding plans for tomorrow at the courthouse. We'll see if they really ARE paying attention, won't we? Anyone who lived through January 6th should NOT BE STUPID!

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We can still go high and have a contingency plan. The only reason police were not ready for January 6th is because Trump wanted them unarmed. I think/hope Joe would take the advice of senior security officers.

I am saddened that two of the dipshits mentioned are from my state! But it does not surprise me being ranked 45th in Education. The correlation is strong between dumbassery and education.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Are we just ignoring the "A FFaRT" acronym on that poster?

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