Dear Jeff: you need your own TV show! Your own podcast! We need to get your word out because you just keep hitting the nail on the head. Thanks for your opinions … which are actually facts.

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I agree with this👆💯 !

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"I mean, when you’ve lost Steve Doocy..." lol

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The Republican party is not to be taken seriously. What a bunch of performative nonsense. I feel sorry for anyone who still clings to this ridiculous party of no ideas.

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When the cult speaks in conspiracy for so long, they can't even create a narrative string enough to get past...FOX?? Truly they are a disgrace to governing bodies the world over..

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Are FOX and CNN switching places now?

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CNN would like to think so.

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CEO of Warner's, David Zaslav is a Trump supporter. Mystery solved!

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I hope to gawd not!

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Right Wing Nut Jobs everywhere,

Set off smoke bombs and piously declare, "where there’s smoke, there’s fire",

Nothing is what’s there.

Nothing’s on fire but your hair.

…and maybe your pants, you liar.

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Excellent comment, I'm jealous.

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Yup. Even "nebulous" is something of a reach, as it implies that something will form from it as it coalesces.

Fucking racist traitorous monsters.

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I've said, many times, that when facts can be "alternative," truth goes out the window and there's no such thing as accountability or hypocrisy. They've gaslighted so much, they're gaslighting themselves. They don't know fact from fiction. Adam Schiff was right, the clown car has come to Washington. But, then, we all KNEW this was gonna happen.

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We gotta get rid of those "clown cars" b4 they ruin America.

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If this were happening in some banana republic, I would snicker and say yeah, of course. In the US of A? I am sick of seeing this dumbfuckery, this delusional hoopla of a nothing burger coupled with all the yammering about Biden's age. I work with a number of people in their late 70s and early 80s. Smart and sharp as a tack! How and more importantly, WHY did we get here???

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Our right wing media (and make no mistake, our media is going fascist) just keeps amplifying the propaganda and giving the lie a boost.

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Indeed. Run a muck with right wing billionaires that is obvious. Just what happens when everything has a price tag. Buy your media empires and get the low information lemmings to follow along with the hate and fear messages. Don't expect to replace the "talent" as they refer to the Tuckers of the TV personalities with the political hacks in Congress. Of course now we have blend of both with the new performance seekers like MTG.

Just curios...

Now that horse face shed a husband is going to be MT?

Honestly even this farce has limited capacity. Just how long can the great conspiracies last?

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Brings to mind the last sensible thing that drunk uncle Rudy said about 2020 election fraud:

"We have lots of thoeries, we just don't have any evidence."

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I think the last sensible thing was, "never mind the bathroom, I found one in my pants."

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It’s the same nothing burger as Obama’s birth certificate…. And pretty much everything the GQP has been saying for years before and since.

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it has been several years since Republicans had any policies or ideas worth listening to because they have become the TMZ of government, always trying to catch Democrats in a gotcha moment. They even talked about attacking Biden & his family before they were elected. They are only interested in money for themselves & their donors & are worthless as representatives for their voters

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And yet they keep getting elected

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They quietly moved into place multiple processes for cheating. They aren’t ‘winning’ elections according to polling. They’re gaining office by other means. Well, this is what I’m reading and that only 30% of the country actually votes for these guys. Do I believe it? I don’t know what to believe anymore.

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Brilliant! I am embarrassed to say Ron Johnson is from Wis!!

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the entire wingnut outrage-industrial complex sprang into action. the howling screech monkeys turned it up to eleven. done. My personal favorite:

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But Jeff! They NEED to keep blathering this unfounded crap out because their base will cease voting for them if they actually start to do things that DON'T involve "getting <insert culture/political war point of the day>, and owning the libs!"

tRump has so accustomed his cult to hearing BS and buying into it, that the Grotesque Old Pedophiles party is now obliged to spew the same nonsense in order to keep them engaged.

These people are absolutely some of the most useless idiots ever to be elected to the halls of Congress.

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Reminds me of Mark Twain's opinion of Congress: "MARK TWAIN ON CONGRESS":

Definitely a man before his time!

Suppose you were an idiot.

And suppose you were a member of Congress.

But I repeat myself.

-- Mark Twain, a Biography

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there

is no distinctly native American Criminal Class except Congress.

-- Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar

Fleas can be taught nearly anything that a Congressman can.

--What Is Man?

All Congresses and Parliaments have a kindly feeling for idiots,

and a compassion for them, on account of personal experience and heredity.

-- Mark Twain's Autobiography; also in Mark Twain in Eruption

...the smallest minds and the selfishest souls

and the cowardliest hearts that God makes.

-- Letter fragment, 1891 Mark Twain on Congress

Mark Twain/Samuel Clements was a man before his time!

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Love you Jeff, you have a way with words that melts my little heart (I was going to say, fucking heart but decided against it).

As I was reading your piece, I had a brilliant idea for Faux News. Since CNN is attempting to steal their now pissed off viewers, they should do unto CNN what CNN has done unto them, steal their now extremely pissed off, boycotting viewers.

Fox could have left wing quests, while CNN begins having more right-wing-nuts.

Then, both sleazy, lying, money grubbing networks going down the preverbal, fucking tube, may just be a possibility.

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Mark Pomerantz, the subpoenaed ex Asst DA, summed it up perfectly in invoking his 5th amendment rights during his "hearing". He called it nothing more than theatrical performance, an overreach into a state case & unethical to divulge any currently investigated evidence. What can we expect from a party of fools, uneducated imbeciles & clowns? How these crackpots get elected is a shock, how they get reelected is a travesty. So much for owning libs. All this on taxpayer money; it should be taken out of their own pay.

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Look how downcast Li’l Jim looks

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