Thank you for my first big laugh of the day. Your use of adjectives doth endlessly entertain as well as being spot-on. I hadn’t heard about this latest scammy brouhaha, but damn, Chuck Grassley has some years behind him 🤣🤣🤣.
At the risk of sounding age-ist - I’m feeling strongly bipartisan on this issue. Neither are giving their best to their constituents. They both should retire.
Agree. just like RBG should've retired under Obama - well, early enough in his presidency for McCuntell to think it was allowable for a sitting president to appoint a judge.
Democrat here. She seems naive, incoherent and/or dementia ridden for years and should’ve retired years ago. Her misplaced faith in Trump, demonstrated in the first impeachment, was the last straw for me. It has nothing to so with her age; rather it’s her seeming lack of cognitive abilities.
President Biden was VP at the time this "alleged" scandal occurred so I believe that's why Grassley used the title of VP. Not that I'm trying to justify it, but that's what I thought when I read it...
They can’t prosecute a sitting president, and, since they need their scandal right now, they have to reach back to the period when he was Vice-President.
Hi Jeff, I ran across this line the other day which perfectly sums up our reality.... “People give up on democracy when they believe that they cannot create the country they want to live in using democratic means” Teri Kanefield. That’s it in a nutshell...seems like a valid interpretation of where our Civil War originated and why MAGAS so desperately want to change our democracy into a fascist or authoritarian way of governing, or put in another context, if they don’t get what they want they will bring the whole system down, as Steve Bannon, the self proclaimed Leninist has stated. Reminder, Lenin also stated that the last phase of capitalism is fascism..... a piece of Leninist ideology Bannon has never spoken about to his audience.
Or maybe the Magats will just give up when trump loses AGAIN, and crawl back under the rocks they slithered out of in 2016. They're all cowards so this scenario is not farfetched.
I'd say one can only hope - but in this case we gotta get out there and do EVERYTHING to get EVERYONE to vote. And support all running against Magats. Cuz I believe they'll only slither back underneath their rocks if they've faced a very real and huge blue tsunami. IMHO A wise person once said "hope is a discipline." How very true, no?
And the crazies keep coming. Rep. Anna "Lunatic" Luna tried to get a censure resolution passed against Rep Adam Schiff due to his work in the impeachment of trump and wanted him to pay a $16 million fine. LOL Surprisingly she only got 20 GOP to vote for it. But don't worry, she's going to try again next week.
when i am lied to, and the low quality message makes it clear the liar assumes i am a fool, i remove that liar from my world---now in the case of tfg, i keep paying attention--but he's proven dangerous, despite that he's a complete imbecile-----
im shocked that the magats tolerate continually being played as fools by their idols--id be insulted
When facts can be "alternative" there's no lie "compass." That's why they can't recognize hypocrisy or projection. They're part of a cult. You could tell them the sky is purple with green dots and they'd believe it.
Chuck is allegedly alive in this video, but is he? Is he really? Because I’m not buying that either. You’d think that at 174 years old, he’d start worrying about his legacy. Rudy’s just building an insanity defense for the Jan 6 investigation. Just kidding.. he’s nuts.
If the Republicans in Congress worked as hard on their promised 2022 campaign issues” (i.e. inflation, immigration, crime) as they have worked trying to take down Biden and the entire “weaponization” bullshit issue, they might actually accomplish something meaningful for our country. When will the citizens ever catch on to these dimwits? So much tax-payer money spent on THEIR witch-hunts!
Older Son was on Capitol Hill for work last week and saw three senators. Said he was shocked at how old and decrepit they look. He complains about the super aged in government a lot, though he'll agree that an aged Biden is hands down preferable to the Orange Pus Bucket. He said Bernie is fairly spry but hunched. He said Grassley looks like he's already in the grave. And he was shocked at McConnell, how aged he looks. We acknowledged MM has been ill. And we spoke of Feinstein. We also talked about how difficult it would be to arbitrarily set an age limit, but like someone else said already, shouldn't there be something to determine straight thinking? Orientation? And maybe a little knowledge about the Constitution and US government? I mean, MTG obviously couldn't pass a 9th or 10th grade civics quiz....
The GQP is very concerned about their fabricated criminal activity but are completely defended against actual crimes committed, dreading that the DOJ will come after them.
It's just so obvious that the branding of terms as smears sticks with the weak, feeble minded fucking nut jobs. It turns my stomach knowing just how shitty so many of our fellow countrymen are. To see overweight, repulsive women walking around with "Grab my pussy" signs over their crotches, nazi flags (as Sporkfoot has a hyena over a gay pride flag) & the asinine Biden flags is making me feel guilty by association. My friends in Europe, Canada & Australia don't get it. I don't get it. The one thing I say is if it were Obama we'd be hearing for them to Pence him. What is it with these wackos? He's done nothing for the J6ers other than make $ off his stupid recording, he even promised food yesterday at the restaurant he'd never eat in then left w/out buying anything. Yet, they still cling to him like a drowning person to a buoy in a storm. The image that was like a dagger in my heart was seeing the Orthodox dude, yarmulke & all, praising him. WTF??? He's supporting a klanmanbaby who thinks nazis are very fine. And you don't have to be a Jew to find that offensive, you have to be human!
And it seems to get worse by the day. I just had to turn MSNBC off because Nicole Wallace's (I love her) quest was explaining how trump and his sicko allies have a mapped-out plan to take down the DOJ and basically make him in charge WTF? You know if he ever became pres, he'd jail Hillary and Obama in a heartbeat. This plan made me truly think, every red state is going to throw the election to him no matter what.
I’m listing to a Pod Save America live show. Guests are Letitia James and Hillary. I want to cry. She was the most experienced candidate and she would’ve been a great president. Instead, we have a mentally illl sexual predator who has tried to subvert democracy and shown confidential documents to god knows whom. And if Trump is re-elected, he’ll put Hillary in jail.
It's mind boggling! And the irony is he looks down on all of them, would have them tossed off his property, give them nicknames yet they still seem to think he gives a rat's ass about them. And a "billionaire" begging for money? If that isn't a slap in the face/wake up call, what is? I can't believe the idiots we have in this country.
I'm also heartsick that Hillary lost. I remember election night like it was yesterday & watched in horror. No matter how I tried I could never accept that buffoon, esp as a NYer having to hear him for decades bloviating. We'd never have the hate, the lies, the chaos but that's his brand. I'm banking on the loss of insurance, books, womens' rights & LGBTQs & their allies to show up in force. This nightmare HAS TO END. I have no cable news & don't miss it. I listen to Meidas Touch, Brian Tyler Cohen, Harry Litman, Glenn Kirschner & Mary Trump. I don't think that once red states really start to suffer & as the Gen Zers come out in force that this backwards trend we're going thru is going to last for too long. But, I've also learned nothing is a sure bet anymore.
They love him because he’s as deplorable as they are. He’s the ID, he hates the same people they do, he’s *macho* and he keeps women in line. He’s one of the worst people in the world and they love him for it.
I remember when the FBI was just bad guys doing bad guy stuff reliably. And like the line goes in Miller's Crossing, if you can't depend on a fixed fight, then you're back in the jungle with the animals.
Another day another outrageous set of pathetic near-allegations and when your witness can't come forward, well, now has conveniently died. It's interesting that anyone will allow the thoroughly disgraced and always disgusting and reprehensible Ghouliani is allowed to make a statement on any publicly distributed whatever. This is certainly one of your funniest and best for us and as always, we appreciate getting to blow of the outrageous with you. And goodness, Ron Johnson, the one I thought was the absolute dumbest Senator for a long time, until Tuberville came along, said Tubs who couldn't take the vote to trash one of Biden's nominees because he was so thrilled to attend Trump's arraignment party in New York. We are in amazing times. And poor old Grassley, too old and demented and exhibiting the classic signs of too old to engage with others, getting mad enough to say in many ways: I don't care if it's true. This is what I was handed and I do my pathetic part.
Look Jeff, it’s not their fault that once all of the imaginary stones were turn over, we didn’t see anything. We just didn’t make a wish before moving them. 🫣
OMG you made me SNORT!!! Fucking awesome. Thank you. YOU need to be on the news. Seriously. Everyone needs to hear these lies debunked from YOU in the way only you can deliver.
But he couldn’t be Jeff on the news-they’d have to bleep so many words we wouldn’t get it. And without his unique verbiage it wouldn’t be the same would it?
Thank you for my first big laugh of the day. Your use of adjectives doth endlessly entertain as well as being spot-on. I hadn’t heard about this latest scammy brouhaha, but damn, Chuck Grassley has some years behind him 🤣🤣🤣.
Oh but Dianne’s ok for Chuck to be in his dotage but not Dianne...
At the risk of sounding age-ist - I’m feeling strongly bipartisan on this issue. Neither are giving their best to their constituents. They both should retire.
Agree. just like RBG should've retired under Obama - well, early enough in his presidency for McCuntell to think it was allowable for a sitting president to appoint a judge.
Lol. Jeff had a commentary just a few weeks ago that she needs to retire.
Thank you.
Who says? No Dem I've heard.
Democrat here. She seems naive, incoherent and/or dementia ridden for years and should’ve retired years ago. Her misplaced faith in Trump, demonstrated in the first impeachment, was the last straw for me. It has nothing to so with her age; rather it’s her seeming lack of cognitive abilities.
There is not what I’d call wide support for Dianne save the “elder “ stateswomen of the party: Amy Klobuchar, Kristin Gillebrand etc.
This Dem does
Come here often?
We just got a letter from her/her office signed by her/her office on an important matter so she’s back at work.
Patience.... Give Chuck his chance to screw up their vote.
You need to run for office!!!!
Wait, Grassley said, “Vice President Biden”? Has anyone given Grassley a mental status exam to be sure he’s oriented to place and time?
President Biden was VP at the time this "alleged" scandal occurred so I believe that's why Grassley used the title of VP. Not that I'm trying to justify it, but that's what I thought when I read it...
Hmmm... good point!
They can’t prosecute a sitting president, and, since they need their scandal right now, they have to reach back to the period when he was Vice-President.
Hi Jeff, I ran across this line the other day which perfectly sums up our reality.... “People give up on democracy when they believe that they cannot create the country they want to live in using democratic means” Teri Kanefield. That’s it in a nutshell...seems like a valid interpretation of where our Civil War originated and why MAGAS so desperately want to change our democracy into a fascist or authoritarian way of governing, or put in another context, if they don’t get what they want they will bring the whole system down, as Steve Bannon, the self proclaimed Leninist has stated. Reminder, Lenin also stated that the last phase of capitalism is fascism..... a piece of Leninist ideology Bannon has never spoken about to his audience.
Or maybe the Magats will just give up when trump loses AGAIN, and crawl back under the rocks they slithered out of in 2016. They're all cowards so this scenario is not farfetched.
I'd say one can only hope - but in this case we gotta get out there and do EVERYTHING to get EVERYONE to vote. And support all running against Magats. Cuz I believe they'll only slither back underneath their rocks if they've faced a very real and huge blue tsunami. IMHO A wise person once said "hope is a discipline." How very true, no?
Hope is an attitude to me and life is depressing without it.
I have been an activist for 7 years and now live in Mexico. I plan on returning for a while to fight the 2024 fight.
The RNC are STILL following Bannon’s playbook and never stopped.
And the crazies keep coming. Rep. Anna "Lunatic" Luna tried to get a censure resolution passed against Rep Adam Schiff due to his work in the impeachment of trump and wanted him to pay a $16 million fine. LOL Surprisingly she only got 20 GOP to vote for it. But don't worry, she's going to try again next week.
when i am lied to, and the low quality message makes it clear the liar assumes i am a fool, i remove that liar from my world---now in the case of tfg, i keep paying attention--but he's proven dangerous, despite that he's a complete imbecile-----
im shocked that the magats tolerate continually being played as fools by their idols--id be insulted
They do not even have a clue that they are being made fools of.
Amen! He is so in tune with their racist, fascist beliefs that they don’t even notice or care that he’s making a fool of them.
When facts can be "alternative" there's no lie "compass." That's why they can't recognize hypocrisy or projection. They're part of a cult. You could tell them the sky is purple with green dots and they'd believe it.
Chuck is allegedly alive in this video, but is he? Is he really? Because I’m not buying that either. You’d think that at 174 years old, he’d start worrying about his legacy. Rudy’s just building an insanity defense for the Jan 6 investigation. Just kidding.. he’s nuts.
If the Republicans in Congress worked as hard on their promised 2022 campaign issues” (i.e. inflation, immigration, crime) as they have worked trying to take down Biden and the entire “weaponization” bullshit issue, they might actually accomplish something meaningful for our country. When will the citizens ever catch on to these dimwits? So much tax-payer money spent on THEIR witch-hunts!
Nicely and hilariously summarized, as usual. 👏👏👏
Older Son was on Capitol Hill for work last week and saw three senators. Said he was shocked at how old and decrepit they look. He complains about the super aged in government a lot, though he'll agree that an aged Biden is hands down preferable to the Orange Pus Bucket. He said Bernie is fairly spry but hunched. He said Grassley looks like he's already in the grave. And he was shocked at McConnell, how aged he looks. We acknowledged MM has been ill. And we spoke of Feinstein. We also talked about how difficult it would be to arbitrarily set an age limit, but like someone else said already, shouldn't there be something to determine straight thinking? Orientation? And maybe a little knowledge about the Constitution and US government? I mean, MTG obviously couldn't pass a 9th or 10th grade civics quiz....
You can take the Trumper out of the Stupid, but you never can take the Stupid out of the Trumper.
The GQP is very concerned about their fabricated criminal activity but are completely defended against actual crimes committed, dreading that the DOJ will come after them.
It's just so obvious that the branding of terms as smears sticks with the weak, feeble minded fucking nut jobs. It turns my stomach knowing just how shitty so many of our fellow countrymen are. To see overweight, repulsive women walking around with "Grab my pussy" signs over their crotches, nazi flags (as Sporkfoot has a hyena over a gay pride flag) & the asinine Biden flags is making me feel guilty by association. My friends in Europe, Canada & Australia don't get it. I don't get it. The one thing I say is if it were Obama we'd be hearing for them to Pence him. What is it with these wackos? He's done nothing for the J6ers other than make $ off his stupid recording, he even promised food yesterday at the restaurant he'd never eat in then left w/out buying anything. Yet, they still cling to him like a drowning person to a buoy in a storm. The image that was like a dagger in my heart was seeing the Orthodox dude, yarmulke & all, praising him. WTF??? He's supporting a klanmanbaby who thinks nazis are very fine. And you don't have to be a Jew to find that offensive, you have to be human!
And it seems to get worse by the day. I just had to turn MSNBC off because Nicole Wallace's (I love her) quest was explaining how trump and his sicko allies have a mapped-out plan to take down the DOJ and basically make him in charge WTF? You know if he ever became pres, he'd jail Hillary and Obama in a heartbeat. This plan made me truly think, every red state is going to throw the election to him no matter what.
I’m listing to a Pod Save America live show. Guests are Letitia James and Hillary. I want to cry. She was the most experienced candidate and she would’ve been a great president. Instead, we have a mentally illl sexual predator who has tried to subvert democracy and shown confidential documents to god knows whom. And if Trump is re-elected, he’ll put Hillary in jail.
It's mind boggling! And the irony is he looks down on all of them, would have them tossed off his property, give them nicknames yet they still seem to think he gives a rat's ass about them. And a "billionaire" begging for money? If that isn't a slap in the face/wake up call, what is? I can't believe the idiots we have in this country.
His cult believe he represents the “common man” but how many common men have gold toilets in their million dollar homes?
It boggles the mind.
I'm also heartsick that Hillary lost. I remember election night like it was yesterday & watched in horror. No matter how I tried I could never accept that buffoon, esp as a NYer having to hear him for decades bloviating. We'd never have the hate, the lies, the chaos but that's his brand. I'm banking on the loss of insurance, books, womens' rights & LGBTQs & their allies to show up in force. This nightmare HAS TO END. I have no cable news & don't miss it. I listen to Meidas Touch, Brian Tyler Cohen, Harry Litman, Glenn Kirschner & Mary Trump. I don't think that once red states really start to suffer & as the Gen Zers come out in force that this backwards trend we're going thru is going to last for too long. But, I've also learned nothing is a sure bet anymore.
They love him because he’s as deplorable as they are. He’s the ID, he hates the same people they do, he’s *macho* and he keeps women in line. He’s one of the worst people in the world and they love him for it.
Voting against their own interests and all they want is more.
Go figure.
I remember when the FBI was just bad guys doing bad guy stuff reliably. And like the line goes in Miller's Crossing, if you can't depend on a fixed fight, then you're back in the jungle with the animals.
Shit, I quote Miller's Crossing all the time
As fine as a film can be. Blended Red Harvest and The Glass Key and still made it original. Pretty much perfect.
Another day another outrageous set of pathetic near-allegations and when your witness can't come forward, well, now has conveniently died. It's interesting that anyone will allow the thoroughly disgraced and always disgusting and reprehensible Ghouliani is allowed to make a statement on any publicly distributed whatever. This is certainly one of your funniest and best for us and as always, we appreciate getting to blow of the outrageous with you. And goodness, Ron Johnson, the one I thought was the absolute dumbest Senator for a long time, until Tuberville came along, said Tubs who couldn't take the vote to trash one of Biden's nominees because he was so thrilled to attend Trump's arraignment party in New York. We are in amazing times. And poor old Grassley, too old and demented and exhibiting the classic signs of too old to engage with others, getting mad enough to say in many ways: I don't care if it's true. This is what I was handed and I do my pathetic part.
Look Jeff, it’s not their fault that once all of the imaginary stones were turn over, we didn’t see anything. We just didn’t make a wish before moving them. 🫣
fair point
OMG you made me SNORT!!! Fucking awesome. Thank you. YOU need to be on the news. Seriously. Everyone needs to hear these lies debunked from YOU in the way only you can deliver.
But he couldn’t be Jeff on the news-they’d have to bleep so many words we wouldn’t get it. And without his unique verbiage it wouldn’t be the same would it?
Maybe his own show on YouTube? Except he's got a good thing going right now that maybe shouldn't be messed with.