In the grand arena of American politics, Liz Cheney emerges — not exactly the poster child of my fevered dreams but hell, the woman's got a spine when it counts. Today, she took a flamethrower to Mike Johnson, that craven courtier, for his shameless genuflection at the altar of his orange-tinted demigod. And what pressing matters of state could possibly be diverting Johnson’s attention? None, friends. Instead, he's frolicking in the legal playgrounds, defending a criminal he adores with the fervor of a zealot. It reeks of the most abominable kind of bootlicking, a spectacle of sycophancy that would make even the most hardened stooges blush.
I feel the same. She’s one of the few who publicly call Mr. “Very Too Bad” on his bullshit. I don’t agree with her politics in general but she’s the enemy of my enemy. And she knows as a woman she will get death and rape threats. So on that, good for her.
Liz Cheney is very brave to take on the Orange Snake. I have the utmost respect for her. It matters not that she is a Republican. She is doing the right thing and demonstrating how America can truly be great again.
Let's say the hypocritical J.D. Vance stupidly signs on to be Trump's Vice President (emphasis on 'vice') and Trump loses the election. Will his VP status be regarded as a badge of honor when Trump attempts another coup, or will he be reviled? Don't these aspirants know that anyone and anything Trump touches go down in flames. Do they ignore the fact that he is a psychopath? These sycophants have nowhere to go but down.
Absolutely loved the irony of Mr HillBilly trailer trash, white ghetto boy whinging about a dingy court room. How distasteful!! How far he has risen above those left behind.
I wonder how Johnson, of the "purity balls" and the porno tracking to stay on the straight and narrow, rationalizes his support for a man who flagrantly cheats on his wife with sexy playmates and porn stars and doesn't give her a second thought while doing it. Yes, there will always be a gold digger who will put up with an increasingly demented fat narcissist for his money, but his choices "in the market" will be limited.
Enough playing the Nice Guys—it's a worn-out act that's getting us nowhere fast. The truth is, we're knee-deep in a wildfire of decay, and it's spreading like hellfire. If we don't come together and crush these parasites, make no mistake, they'll drag us down into the ashes with them. It's kill or be killed in this twisted arena, and it’s high time we sharpen our teeth and get our hands dirty. Let’s rip the veil off and call it what it is: a war for survival. Let’s stop tiptoeing around and start throwing some punches.
Not sure when the sleep walking Dems will mount an effective comms program. We have been waiting. Biden has nothing remotely close to the talent that helped Obama…. Not in the WH and not on his campaign crew. Tragic
YES!!! The Democrats need to take off the gloves and get to work. Donnie has crazy lying mf-ers at Faux News and Newsmax making shit up 24/7. Dems have to get busy and make America sane again!
Everytime I drive by fucking Sinclair Broadcasting in, get this, Cockeysville Maryland, which is frequently, I think to my older female self, "shoulder mounted grenade launcher, shoulder mounted grenade launcher, you dicks!"
And today Jeff we find the Speaker of the House in attendance at Lord Fartboy’s trial. When asked upon receiving enough votes for Speaker what his policies were, Holy Moses Mike said, everything I believe is in the Bible. So Holy Moses Mike shows up at a trial for a citizen who raw dogged a porn star, paid her off to silence her prior to the 2016 election and the defendant wants to be president again.. Now Jeff…please point out in the Bible, new or old version, where this conduct is approved.. I’m can’t find it and I sincerely doubt Holy Moses Mike could either… it’s a fucking cult with more dedicated cultists than what you find in N. Korea. Best to you and fellow travelers.
No, it’s not in Leviticus. That’s all about not eating pork and shellfish. Jesus doesn’t come in until later. After the intermission. And both the Corinthians come even later with the grand finale being the wild, hallucinated “Revelation”. No S. Very entertaining. Thanks and good night.
If only this shitshow trial of farticus shitstains was televised live for the world to see. With all of that farting, dozing and then the fucksticks of the GOP showing up to give support for their mindless demented leader. At this rate, both Rev. Johnson and intellectually challenged Tuberville are going to need extra Chapstick, breath mints and knee pads for that level of kissing that crusty old ass.
I’m crossing my fingers that somebody has a couple hidden video cameras connected to a feed somewhere in there that will be leaked when the trial ends. The world needs to see it.
Under the circumstances, a trial involving a former POTUS should supersede the federal court ruling that this trial not be televised. Of course it should be.
But then what? How do we keep voters in the dark? Three criminal trials have been buried. Due I’m sure to Clarence Thomas’s instructions. Televising the trial would bury The Tangerine Twat’s chances for re-election whether he’s found guilty or not.
Fuck that guy. And also that other guy. And the other other guy. And that other guy as well. Also fuck that guy next to the guy that's the other guy, yeah, fuck that guy, too. Seriously. But funny and sad and pathetic as they are, none of them are as hilariously pathetic as Judge Wine Box. She is hilarious. Jeez.
Also, one of those analysts quoted is that guy with the toilets that keep low-hanging balls dry. So not sure about that guy. Nah, just kidding. Fuck that guy.
my grandson was 4 when trump sleazed into office. He is very smart: he said "Donald Trump can't go poop because Donald Trump is poop." We knew we had a genius on our hands.
My favorite line today was: “ oh my god. they should show these videos to high school athletes as a cautionary tale about why you shouldn’t play football without a helmet.”
Keep it coming Jeff. Your newsletter is the highlight of my day.
My dad played football at Rutgers in the days of leather helmets. Whenever he would say something screwy, my mom would blame it on playing football with leather helmets. Those guys must have suffered through a hellava lot of concussions.
Yes it’s true. So is Mike Johnson I bet. They are all so odd looking. Cartoonish and goofy-looking men that I can’t imagine anyone taking seriously. Throw Rick Scott (creepy guy from Poltergeist), James Comer (porky pig), Jim Jordan (Gollum/Smeagol) in with them too. I’m sure they’ll make an appearance! Oh and don’t forget Miss Lindsey in an Easter bonnet!(mother goose)
And today... they are uniformly dressed in trump attire - navy suits, red (or kind of red) ties and standing together. What they really should be wearing are brown shirts. 🤮
Holy Mike is there today I think. Some Christian HE is. It’s a clown show. Unreal. A courtroom is depressing but a prison cell is even more depressing. Seems Trump might owe $100 million plus fines and interest on his taxes too. Please. Lock him up and let him have a coronary in a “depressing” jail cell.
Susan, right? What the hell is any “Christian” doing supporting a lying, cheating, insurrectionist, rapist skuz bucket like the orange turd? He is the complete opposite of anything christian.
Sarah Huckleberry Sanders springs to mind. In fact, ANYBODY who uses religion as a crutch for entering politics is a 100% hypocrite and a fake Christian, no better than that ridiculous circus act with Russia's evil "Christian Orthodox" church promoting mass murder of Ukrainians.
Lynn....The Secret Service protecting D are all MAGA.... many say. The entire agency is suspect....remember the freekin Director had all the phones wiped clean after Jan 6? We will never know what bad info was on phones
Too bad a couple of them held the fort, and didn't drive their boss into the fray of Jan 6....would have LOVED to have seen him leading the charge so there would be no confusion as to his mounting the insurrection. So yes, Douglas, thanks for that memory! That was the lamest excuse ever for a cover up. If the SS team is of the MAGA persuasion then they will enjoy feeling self righteous, being disgruntled, feeling persecuted, and blaming everyone else for their choice of career-- which has landed them in the clinker for days and nights on end with a broken and horrendous human being. I am praying that will happen and it will be GOOD for the country to have a wee bit of justice. Also glad to hear about the drip drip drip of justice today when the court ordered Bannon to serve his term for contempt of Congress.
I remember reading Hillbilly Elegy when it first came out. I thought it was a weird dedication to the woman who raised him who was so deeply private she didn’t want people in her family to talk to others about what her socks looked like. But she died so JD did the opposite of respecting her privacy and broadcast her life story to everyone even though she was the one who gave him a stable home. It’s amazing how quickly that guy can sell out once he sees something shiny. Also the entire plot to his book, point by point, was stolen from Legally Blonde.
The book was cringey. An “exposé” of his mostly trashy, knuckle dragging, nose picking, bottle tossing, drug addled family. Meemaw and PawPaw and HeeHaw. Then he saw the light at Yale Law and had a true conversion experience. Did his stint to build his CV with a VC firm here in Silicon Valley. Found Brioni suits and 4-digit bottles of wine and never looked back.
He is seated on the gravy train now. He is far from stupid, that is why Vance is dangerous. He fits in with the people who never felt included in elite circles (Teddy Cruz, DeSantis etc) who bring bitterness and envy into everything they do.
Orange Turd’s tawdriness and vindictiveness makes Vance feel at home, close to his roots.
“He fits in with the people who never felt included in elite circles (Teddy Cruz, DeSantis etc) who bring bitterness and envy into everything they do. “
Theres something evil or scary about JD that I can’t pinpoint. Maybe this is it. The guy truly seems willing to do anything for power.
Huh, comparing the blotchy babbling butthead to a rat doesn’t sit well with me. A rat is a rat. It behaves as a rat is expected to behave.
The diaper model is loosely described as human. He does not appear to behave as a human. He is well-honed monster. He has nailed the frightening characteristics of a model monster.
He should be caged and we should all turn our backs on him.
It has become clearer and clearer every day he is absolutely insane. And all of the evil and grifting people who are hanging on have zero morals, zero patriotism, zero desire for a democratic republic and it becomes more and more disgusting every single day.
which boosts my confidence that more voters will vote for Biden this November ---
including, wait for it, including some of his former (moderate) supporters...
I believe there are more moderate republicans out there than we realize who will not be voting for the orange turd. if he can lose in 2020 he will surely lose now without a doubt in 2024. Its just a dog and pny show until then... enjoy the popcorn moments and hope he might actually some day get real justice before he is rid out of our lives.
Yeah Tommy Foghorn Leghorn, "the most depressing thing" is right. Can you imagine how low our country has sunk? That a President would be such a crook - a depraved abomination beyond comprehension. But, yeah bust out the knee pads, Tommy. Maybe you and JD could have a competition?
Didn’t Vivek implode? Or did he buy his own media network? He is dog shit in Silicon Valley… he couldn’t survive with people as egocentric as he is…. Without the veneers and greasy hair.
It is weird how he sucks people in. His Maggots (oops, spelling) can't believe they will ever get any money from him. I suppose they are just in it for the entertainment value. Those who suck up believe that they will benefit financially, I suppose. They are incapable of embarrassment. It's is we who are ashamed for them. How did we get here?
Isn't it telling that Trump's cronies talk about how depressing the courtroom is. They don't give a shit about the average person that goes through courtrooms just like that all over America EVERY DAY of the year, year in and year out. And many of these poor souls have not been convicted of a crime, but they don't have bail money. Where is the indignation and awareness campaign around that? Everyone on Team Trump is coming to disparage the process, the location, the judge and his daughter, and how Trump is being treated (which is the same as any other defendant) just to get around the gag order. Just like every other interaction in Trump world, it's transactional. And as for treating Trump with respect--he lost it when he tried to overthrow our election. And were he not trying to delay, delay, delay, this would have been over years ago. He's now appealing delays upon delays. If Trump is innocent, let him present his case in court. Why delay unless he's afraid because he's guilty.
Yeah. Maybe we could have nicer courthouses and schools if you and your fellow grifters could make your oligarch buddies pay some fucking taxes now and then!
In the grand arena of American politics, Liz Cheney emerges — not exactly the poster child of my fevered dreams but hell, the woman's got a spine when it counts. Today, she took a flamethrower to Mike Johnson, that craven courtier, for his shameless genuflection at the altar of his orange-tinted demigod. And what pressing matters of state could possibly be diverting Johnson’s attention? None, friends. Instead, he's frolicking in the legal playgrounds, defending a criminal he adores with the fervor of a zealot. It reeks of the most abominable kind of bootlicking, a spectacle of sycophancy that would make even the most hardened stooges blush.
@Gloria Horton-Young
Liz Cheney’s PAC is committed to seeing that tRump is not elected. I saw kudos to her for that and attempting to save our democracy.
I am not on Team Chaney by any means but I do admire her guts.
I feel the same. She’s one of the few who publicly call Mr. “Very Too Bad” on his bullshit. I don’t agree with her politics in general but she’s the enemy of my enemy. And she knows as a woman she will get death and rape threats. So on that, good for her.
Pronounced "Chee-knee"
Liz Cheney is very brave to take on the Orange Snake. I have the utmost respect for her. It matters not that she is a Republican. She is doing the right thing and demonstrating how America can truly be great again.
Oops.. I say not saw
? You refer to John McCain, not Dick Cheney
That’s a big duh on my part! I’ll try to delete!
Anything and everything goes in Trump World.
History will not be kind to Trump's marks. They sold their sacred honor for a few minutes of fame and power.
Let's say the hypocritical J.D. Vance stupidly signs on to be Trump's Vice President (emphasis on 'vice') and Trump loses the election. Will his VP status be regarded as a badge of honor when Trump attempts another coup, or will he be reviled? Don't these aspirants know that anyone and anything Trump touches go down in flames. Do they ignore the fact that he is a psychopath? These sycophants have nowhere to go but down.
Absolutely loved the irony of Mr HillBilly trailer trash, white ghetto boy whinging about a dingy court room. How distasteful!! How far he has risen above those left behind.
I wonder how Johnson, of the "purity balls" and the porno tracking to stay on the straight and narrow, rationalizes his support for a man who flagrantly cheats on his wife with sexy playmates and porn stars and doesn't give her a second thought while doing it. Yes, there will always be a gold digger who will put up with an increasingly demented fat narcissist for his money, but his choices "in the market" will be limited.
Purity balls? Only his wife knows for sure if they are pure😂
Roseanne Barr?
Gloria has a way with words! The Dems NEED an eloquent scribe that can take a flamethrower to MAGA as opposed to the weakling Dems we have now....
Enough playing the Nice Guys—it's a worn-out act that's getting us nowhere fast. The truth is, we're knee-deep in a wildfire of decay, and it's spreading like hellfire. If we don't come together and crush these parasites, make no mistake, they'll drag us down into the ashes with them. It's kill or be killed in this twisted arena, and it’s high time we sharpen our teeth and get our hands dirty. Let’s rip the veil off and call it what it is: a war for survival. Let’s stop tiptoeing around and start throwing some punches.
Hell yeah! Give Biden all the ammo he needs to take down Drumpf! Get him well prepared for the “Debate” (if there is one) Sic em like a dog, Joe!!!
It’s a war for the survival of democracy.
Yeah, Gloria!!! We need a lot more of where you're coming from!
Not sure when the sleep walking Dems will mount an effective comms program. We have been waiting. Biden has nothing remotely close to the talent that helped Obama…. Not in the WH and not on his campaign crew. Tragic
What are your suggestions for him and his team?
tRump Sucker! How sad that you are so warped in your thinking.
Amen to that.
It's clobberin' time!!💪💪
Tried to like your comment twice, substack wouldn't let me.
YES!!! The Democrats need to take off the gloves and get to work. Donnie has crazy lying mf-ers at Faux News and Newsmax making shit up 24/7. Dems have to get busy and make America sane again!
Everytime I drive by fucking Sinclair Broadcasting in, get this, Cockeysville Maryland, which is frequently, I think to my older female self, "shoulder mounted grenade launcher, shoulder mounted grenade launcher, you dicks!"
Liz is a bulldog. Although I disagree with her on every issue, she stood up when her country needed her to.
And today Jeff we find the Speaker of the House in attendance at Lord Fartboy’s trial. When asked upon receiving enough votes for Speaker what his policies were, Holy Moses Mike said, everything I believe is in the Bible. So Holy Moses Mike shows up at a trial for a citizen who raw dogged a porn star, paid her off to silence her prior to the 2016 election and the defendant wants to be president again.. Now Jeff…please point out in the Bible, new or old version, where this conduct is approved.. I’m can’t find it and I sincerely doubt Holy Moses Mike could either… it’s a fucking cult with more dedicated cultists than what you find in N. Korea. Best to you and fellow travelers.
You know what Jesus said
"Let he who has never raw dogged a porn star cast the first stone "
Yep. It's in Leviticus, right?
Two Corinthians no?
Yeah, maybe you're right. My bad.
YOU might be the one who’s right though! I wouldn’t know, I only heard about the one passage thump actually mentioned.
No, it’s not in Leviticus. That’s all about not eating pork and shellfish. Jesus doesn’t come in until later. After the intermission. And both the Corinthians come even later with the grand finale being the wild, hallucinated “Revelation”. No S. Very entertaining. Thanks and good night.
So funny thx
For the white collar criminals shall inherit the Earth.
Oh god....greatest statement ever!
And “Always wear a sheepskin”
If only this shitshow trial of farticus shitstains was televised live for the world to see. With all of that farting, dozing and then the fucksticks of the GOP showing up to give support for their mindless demented leader. At this rate, both Rev. Johnson and intellectually challenged Tuberville are going to need extra Chapstick, breath mints and knee pads for that level of kissing that crusty old ass.
I’m crossing my fingers that somebody has a couple hidden video cameras connected to a feed somewhere in there that will be leaked when the trial ends. The world needs to see it.
Under the circumstances, a trial involving a former POTUS should supersede the federal court ruling that this trial not be televised. Of course it should be.
But then what? How do we keep voters in the dark? Three criminal trials have been buried. Due I’m sure to Clarence Thomas’s instructions. Televising the trial would bury The Tangerine Twat’s chances for re-election whether he’s found guilty or not.
You would think so but hoping more media cooperation and a few guilty verdicts will help do him in.
My entire day is better now that I have found your post from THE WAY IT SHOULD BE in TV LAND! Thanks much!
Fuck that guy. And also that other guy. And the other other guy. And that other guy as well. Also fuck that guy next to the guy that's the other guy, yeah, fuck that guy, too. Seriously. But funny and sad and pathetic as they are, none of them are as hilariously pathetic as Judge Wine Box. She is hilarious. Jeez.
Also, one of those analysts quoted is that guy with the toilets that keep low-hanging balls dry. So not sure about that guy. Nah, just kidding. Fuck that guy.
oh right — Matt Whittaker, the Big Dick Toilet salesman
Neal Stiffelman
NO ONE on the planet can beat you at being inclusive and nondiscriminatory . . . "And fuck that guy . . . "
There’s such a thing? Or is it just a ‘Comfort Height’ toilet, which he didn’t invent?
Well, some how the sad sacks of world lucked out. I can only imagine what a wake-up call a cold plunge must be!
People are wondering why I just guffawed in the waiting room at my doctors office
And *I* just guffawed at “your Republican candidate for president, ladies and gentlemen. he’s crazier than a shithouse rat.”
I hope my dentist is not a MAGA cultist.
That line reminded me of an anti-Trump protest sign I saw that read: "I could shit a better president."
my grandson was 4 when trump sleazed into office. He is very smart: he said "Donald Trump can't go poop because Donald Trump is poop." We knew we had a genius on our hands.
Out of the mouths of babes. My youngest grandson turned four last week. It's a great age.
Future Nobel Laureate.
no doubt!
😂😂😂 I'm stealing that!!
That really was a good description. Jeff never fails us.
not sure where I stole "crazier than a shithouse rat" from. Tom Waits, maybe
I insist on crediting you, because it’s so *perfectly* on-brand!
If he is, and he asks you, "is it safe"? Without pain relief first-you have a Marathon Man kinda problem.
And my dogs started barking at me. Two big golden retrievers are worried that I’m losing it.
Fuck them all!
And the horses they rode in on!!😡
I love your attitude, I really do.
My favorite line today was: “ oh my god. they should show these videos to high school athletes as a cautionary tale about why you shouldn’t play football without a helmet.”
Keep it coming Jeff. Your newsletter is the highlight of my day.
My dad played football at Rutgers in the days of leather helmets. Whenever he would say something screwy, my mom would blame it on playing football with leather helmets. Those guys must have suffered through a hellava lot of concussions.
The clown show in full action. How I hate this fuckhead.
Is it true what I’ve heard that all the politicians who came to the courtroom yesterday to support Trump, are also adulterers, so it’s OK?
Everybody says so.
Yes it’s true. So is Mike Johnson I bet. They are all so odd looking. Cartoonish and goofy-looking men that I can’t imagine anyone taking seriously. Throw Rick Scott (creepy guy from Poltergeist), James Comer (porky pig), Jim Jordan (Gollum/Smeagol) in with them too. I’m sure they’ll make an appearance! Oh and don’t forget Miss Lindsey in an Easter bonnet!(mother goose)
Mis Lindsay in an Easter bonnet 😂. Priceless image in my head!
A tired-ass bitch in a bonnet.
Antlisa! Many thanks for the Gollum/Smegel I.d. for subterranean (shower room) dweller Jim Jordan. I am still laughing. You made my day
And today... they are uniformly dressed in trump attire - navy suits, red (or kind of red) ties and standing together. What they really should be wearing are brown shirts. 🤮
Bravo re: brownshirts. Call it out!
Holy Mike is there today I think. Some Christian HE is. It’s a clown show. Unreal. A courtroom is depressing but a prison cell is even more depressing. Seems Trump might owe $100 million plus fines and interest on his taxes too. Please. Lock him up and let him have a coronary in a “depressing” jail cell.
Susan, right? What the hell is any “Christian” doing supporting a lying, cheating, insurrectionist, rapist skuz bucket like the orange turd? He is the complete opposite of anything christian.
So are most christians.
People like Holy Mike merely pay lip service to religion.
Sarah Huckleberry Sanders springs to mind. In fact, ANYBODY who uses religion as a crutch for entering politics is a 100% hypocrite and a fake Christian, no better than that ridiculous circus act with Russia's evil "Christian Orthodox" church promoting mass murder of Ukrainians.
You are absolutely correct Steve.
Holy Mike only really believes in election denial.
And erection denial. 😉
Good one!
Now there's an app for everything...
Absolutely true. It’s disgusting.
Just imagine how much R's would scream if the average black criminal defendant was put on trial in a nice courtroom.
The thing is, since he is ‘former president’ if sentenced to prison won’t he be treated to a suite somewhere?
Let’s just shoot for an asylum 👍
with Secret Service detail, talk about a depressing job.
Lynn....The Secret Service protecting D are all MAGA.... many say. The entire agency is suspect....remember the freekin Director had all the phones wiped clean after Jan 6? We will never know what bad info was on phones
Too bad a couple of them held the fort, and didn't drive their boss into the fray of Jan 6....would have LOVED to have seen him leading the charge so there would be no confusion as to his mounting the insurrection. So yes, Douglas, thanks for that memory! That was the lamest excuse ever for a cover up. If the SS team is of the MAGA persuasion then they will enjoy feeling self righteous, being disgruntled, feeling persecuted, and blaming everyone else for their choice of career-- which has landed them in the clinker for days and nights on end with a broken and horrendous human being. I am praying that will happen and it will be GOOD for the country to have a wee bit of justice. Also glad to hear about the drip drip drip of justice today when the court ordered Bannon to serve his term for contempt of Congress.
Solitary confinement! No internet! Give him an EtchaSketch, a box of crayons and a coloring book to keep him company.
His dementia is progressing so Etch a Sketch and crayons are about right
But only allow white crayons
And a couple of orange ones - melted in the sun first
And I'm ok with them giving him ketchup (in plastic bottles).
And so was our old buddy Ramalamadingdong. He was even more annoying than before.
I remember reading Hillbilly Elegy when it first came out. I thought it was a weird dedication to the woman who raised him who was so deeply private she didn’t want people in her family to talk to others about what her socks looked like. But she died so JD did the opposite of respecting her privacy and broadcast her life story to everyone even though she was the one who gave him a stable home. It’s amazing how quickly that guy can sell out once he sees something shiny. Also the entire plot to his book, point by point, was stolen from Legally Blonde.
The book was cringey. An “exposé” of his mostly trashy, knuckle dragging, nose picking, bottle tossing, drug addled family. Meemaw and PawPaw and HeeHaw. Then he saw the light at Yale Law and had a true conversion experience. Did his stint to build his CV with a VC firm here in Silicon Valley. Found Brioni suits and 4-digit bottles of wine and never looked back.
He is seated on the gravy train now. He is far from stupid, that is why Vance is dangerous. He fits in with the people who never felt included in elite circles (Teddy Cruz, DeSantis etc) who bring bitterness and envy into everything they do.
Orange Turd’s tawdriness and vindictiveness makes Vance feel at home, close to his roots.
“He fits in with the people who never felt included in elite circles (Teddy Cruz, DeSantis etc) who bring bitterness and envy into everything they do. “
Theres something evil or scary about JD that I can’t pinpoint. Maybe this is it. The guy truly seems willing to do anything for power.
J.D. is a piece of shit.
I like the blunt critique, and agree!
I tried to watch the movie, five minutes in i turned it off. Awful
Both versions -"book" and movie, were absolutely...mediocre. Not horrible. Not any extreme which would at least be interesting. Just bland and boring
Agree, just not that engaging at all, vs. an excellent book like "Educated".
Huh, comparing the blotchy babbling butthead to a rat doesn’t sit well with me. A rat is a rat. It behaves as a rat is expected to behave.
The diaper model is loosely described as human. He does not appear to behave as a human. He is well-honed monster. He has nailed the frightening characteristics of a model monster.
He should be caged and we should all turn our backs on him.
God, this is exhausting.
It has become clearer and clearer every day he is absolutely insane. And all of the evil and grifting people who are hanging on have zero morals, zero patriotism, zero desire for a democratic republic and it becomes more and more disgusting every single day.
which boosts my confidence that more voters will vote for Biden this November ---
including, wait for it, including some of his former (moderate) supporters...
I believe there are more moderate republicans out there than we realize who will not be voting for the orange turd. if he can lose in 2020 he will surely lose now without a doubt in 2024. Its just a dog and pny show until then... enjoy the popcorn moments and hope he might actually some day get real justice before he is rid out of our lives.
“Head-trauma poster boy Foghorn Leghorn”, oh my Jeff! This is priceless. Foghorn Leghorn is exactly who he is.
Also, who is paying expenses for these government hacks to show up in the courtroom? If it’s U. S. taxpayers, we demand a refund.
Sharon I thought the same thing!!! We pay for this crap! 🤬
If Tuberville is showing up “as a friend”, then the taxpayers better not be footing the bill.
Yeah Tommy Foghorn Leghorn, "the most depressing thing" is right. Can you imagine how low our country has sunk? That a President would be such a crook - a depraved abomination beyond comprehension. But, yeah bust out the knee pads, Tommy. Maybe you and JD could have a competition?
Don't forget everyone's favorite jumpy blowhard, Vivek!
Didn’t Vivek implode? Or did he buy his own media network? He is dog shit in Silicon Valley… he couldn’t survive with people as egocentric as he is…. Without the veneers and greasy hair.
I’m here for “every fucking second of it” too. I pray to God that the asshole is found guilty!
Or found dead.
Good for Cohen, about time someone tells the truth about old orange ass. I'm tired of everyone always covering for the creep.
It is weird how he sucks people in. His Maggots (oops, spelling) can't believe they will ever get any money from him. I suppose they are just in it for the entertainment value. Those who suck up believe that they will benefit financially, I suppose. They are incapable of embarrassment. It's is we who are ashamed for them. How did we get here?
We are ashamed of them. And, how do we get out of here?
No, you spelled it correctly!😊
Don't worry Arne, I like that spelling better.
Isn't it telling that Trump's cronies talk about how depressing the courtroom is. They don't give a shit about the average person that goes through courtrooms just like that all over America EVERY DAY of the year, year in and year out. And many of these poor souls have not been convicted of a crime, but they don't have bail money. Where is the indignation and awareness campaign around that? Everyone on Team Trump is coming to disparage the process, the location, the judge and his daughter, and how Trump is being treated (which is the same as any other defendant) just to get around the gag order. Just like every other interaction in Trump world, it's transactional. And as for treating Trump with respect--he lost it when he tried to overthrow our election. And were he not trying to delay, delay, delay, this would have been over years ago. He's now appealing delays upon delays. If Trump is innocent, let him present his case in court. Why delay unless he's afraid because he's guilty.
Yeah. Maybe we could have nicer courthouses and schools if you and your fellow grifters could make your oligarch buddies pay some fucking taxes now and then!
Because he IS guilty
"That's very too bad."
A fourth-grader has a better vocabulary than this yutz.