and Trump gave a speech on Saturday that was even batshittier: https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1743805518861291601

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I'll take your word for it Jeff, and read your transcriptions, but I just can't listen to that vile ignorant incoherent tangerine slob anymore...thank you for the highlights you post, it saves me the few remaining brain cells I have, not to yell every time I hear his disgusting piehole open, and the raw sewage that spews out from it

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Me too, MBM! Refuse to listen to his bullshit.

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Same, MBM and MLB! I cannot allow these 2 👂 ears, mind, heart, and soul to take in one syllable of the beast. His vile hellscape vision of America must be condemned and destroyed.

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I think it should be mandatory that the Supreme Court Justices MUST listen to it though. Maybe they do, but could use a refresher. I do believe and I’m thinking I always will...IF they do not stand up for this atrocity called MAGA/tfg, they will rue the day for the rest of their life and be responsible. FULL STOP.🛑.

Anyone can think “what if” the founders meant (whatever)... well, they were putting this Amendment in because they just got through a Civil WAR. Please DO NOT make word salad out of such an important time for “All people, Everywhere” in this world. ENOUGH. Do the job. How much evidence does one need for Christ Sake. Thank all, we have to stick together. (Which we are) I just don’t get the r’s lying and getting by with it. (Let alone all theMAGATS). I promise, that if he gets close to the White House, I will turn off my TV for the rest of my life and listen to good music. (And Cry A Lot) wishing all of us the best BLUE WIN EVER! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰

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I've learned that, years later, some congressman was not allowed to take his seat because he ran afoul of the 14th Amendment. Don't remember the name.

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Yeah, I haven't been able to listen to him since 2015

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I listened to Trump briefly while he was giving covid updates, and before that I spent less than 5 minutes watching him on The Apprentice and drew the conclusion that I could not understand why anyone would want to work for such an asshole. Apparently they do. So many people just want their minutes in the camera, like his airhead lawyer Alina Habba.

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Agolf Shitler is even more gross now that we know what he smells like -- BO, butt, make-up, Aqua Net, and ketchup.

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Yea, I am that same way. It reminded me of that comedy special where Christopher Titus had to watch those on TV and gripped his armrest lol like so from this Amerigeddon comedy special lol https://youtu.be/J83gVedhv-o?t=83

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I am a Titus watcher as well. He can burn tfg good too. If we can’t laugh, we’ll turn into watered down magnets.

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I just found his Armageddon Updates on Youtube. Short, sweet, and hard hitting!

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Thanks for sharing Sköll, gonna watch

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It is dated, though, 2019 or 2020. I just had it start at the moment he was getting frustrated watching the TV lol

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Wanna-be-leader-of-the-Free-World says what he means: “…all I know about magnets is this: give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

Somebody please give this man the Nuclear Codes?

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Joe’s speech was solid & cogent, with strong points one after the other.

Favorite was when he correctly identified TFG as *loser* of the election.

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This asshole former prez HAD access to the nuclear codes. Now, what about all of the documents he took to his roach infested motel in Floriduh? Whom did he sell them to? And the highly classified missing binder that went missing in the last days of the mango moron administration containing info on Russian interference during the 2016 election? I know you were being sarcastic Chris but this just hit a nerve……

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A very painful nerve, yes:

Sorry for the “kidding on the mark“ sarcasm,

portraying TFG’s mind, which is visibly decayed much further from the “very stable genius” state it was in while he was in office, becoming empowered into a “no-holds-barred“ Presidency/Dictatorship, and granted access to the nuclear codes again.

••••••🇺🇸 VOTE BLUE 🇺🇸•••••••


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The “loser” is going all out to get his minions in line to vote for his lunatic agenda come November. The MSM needs to step up and push the agenda of a sane person and HIS agenda— VOTE BLUE!

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Yes, the difference could not be clearer, and yet... I'm so done with Trump voters. I don't care what motivates them, I don't care what their problems are. Keep on underestimating Biden, you comatose dumbshits. We're going to beat you like a gubmint mule in November.*

*no mules were harmed in the making of this post

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Please Timothy Snyder’s 20 points in dealing with these obnoxious people. Good steps to follow. https://open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p/on-tyranny?r=3ff5b&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I also recommend Snider’s very succinct book, “On Tyranny”. Takes less than an hour to read and is guaranteed to keep you up at night. I keep it by my bed and read one chapter every morning as I have been doing for years. It reminds me of where we are and what we are fighting.

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Oops, spell check did it again.

His name is Timothy Snyder.

He also wrote an excellent post on his SubStack Thinking About… on Jan 4th. “The Neighbor’s House Is on Fire”. Linked below.

I have been following Snyder for free. After the above mentioned post, I signed up as a paid subscriber. He earned it.


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Thank you for the link. I recommend it also, and have just now subscribed to Mr. Snyder's Substack.

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Thanks for this Marlene. Good read!

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thanks for the disclaimer, Ann...I needed a laugh this morning!

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A gov't mule was part of compensation to emancipated slaves, hence Spike Lee's "40 Acres and a Mule." The mule that's proverbially beaten is a RENTED mule. A recipient of a gov't mule would refrain from beating, holding high its value.

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Fact-checking quips is what makes the internet such a joy.

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Hi Jeff, I listened to the entire speech via radio.. His best speech, he came out swinging, quoted TFG basically pointing out the mental gaps in TFG thinking process, Biden pointed out the stark difference between the 2 candidates, democracy vs dictatorship. I emailed the WH to let them know that Biden supporters have waited a very long time for our President to come out and defend democracy, defend his administration, defend the American people and our values and ethics. And I thanked our President for using logic, history and his experience as a law maker to improve the life of everyday Americans. Thanks Jeff for daily sanity and laughter, could not make it without your elegant profanity and logic.

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I loved the speech, and am so glad to see Biden angry, really Angry. Controlled anger. More of that from Democrat speakers please

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I loved his speech in Anchorage on 9-11 also. He gave that after leaving the G-20 summit and a visit to Viet Nam. Anyone who says he is senile or frail is not paying attention.

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The President was excellent on Friday. The tenor of that speech needs to be rammed home every day.

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And others in the party need to repeat, referr and support loudly and publicly!

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Really like this phrase "elegant profanity".

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Lowell George, lead vocalist and writer for Little Feat coined the phrase back in the last century in a tune he wrote Roll um Easy.. also covered by Linda Ronstadt.😎

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Mr. George wrote "eloquent profanity," not elegant.

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Sorry Rick, at 72 my memory is rather dim...

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Totally agree , I wrote to the associated press newsroom today , to ask them to explain how they can regard Jan 6th as anything but an insurrection, since they suggested it was just a matter of opinion, Insurrection or peaceful protest? What is wrong with our so called " news" ?

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They’re horrid! AP used to be a go-to for me but they’ve turned into NYT AND WaPo now.

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Biden can’t go this alone. His speech was powerful. His points and his record must be amplified by every Democrat with a forum ... every Democrat needs to put aside differences and rally to democracy. This includes Obama. And those with access to grant must shake the media to wake them the fuck up.

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Also, we can’t rely on Biden alone. He is working with one hand tied behind his back. We MUST work to defeat as many republicans in the House and Senate as possible so Biden and Democrats can actually get things accomplished. Imagine the possibilities!

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Hell yeah

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I agree 💯 with this. All past presidents on both sides MUST speak up and speak to the people nationwide in support of Biden and the defeat of Trump.

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Hillary was not my first choice

Biden was not my first choice

I voted for both in the general

Chump wasn’t and never will be my choice in any election, ever.

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"Joe Biden was not my first choice. he was not my seventh choice. he was not my sixteenth choice. but you're goddamn right that I'll be voting for him in November"

— me, april 8, 2020


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In my entire long life I have never voted for a Republican and never will. They have never been concerned about any citizens in our country. Now they have taken it to the extreme!! What an evil vile group of people led by the mango man with no brain!! I am screaming while writing this but spared you the caps!!

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Cathy, republicans have never been for the working public. I always make sure I confront conservatives with this. Then I always memorize a handy dandy list of great accomplishments made by Democrats FOR people. I ask the conservative to name a time when conservatives voted for the working person or the common good.

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Thom Hartmann has had a running challenge to anyone to tell him just one piece of legislation sponsored and supported by the Rs in the last 30 years that helped the middle class or poor Americans. It's not possible because there is none.

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I also never voted for a Republican not even for dog catcher,afraid they’d butcher the poor mutts and sell them to us as hamburger.I did for a few minutes consider giving John McCain a shot then ,Sarah Palin showed up,myGod what was I thinking?

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We cannot risk "close". I fervently wanted at least one environmental president in my lifetime and voted for Al Gore. He won, of course; but he never got to be my president due to judicial skullduggery and malfeasance. And Jeb. I also worked for, loved and supported Bernie. Back room dealing kept that possibility from happening. Was I pissed at the system? Oh, yeah. Will I stick out my lower lip, stamp my little foot and refuse to support Biden to "teach the Democrats a lesson", knowing that it might make DJT president? Nose/face.

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At least, we are seeing Keynesian economics at work, and it goddamn fucking works. I would hate to think where we would be today economic-wise if Trump had pulled off his J6 coup de etat. I hate to ask an old man to do this, but he is going to have to make a lot of these type of appearances to make sure that that little fuckup does not win in 2024.

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Same here. He really is dense and doesn’t understand smart PR and no matter what he says, close the fucken border or he is toast. Period. Anyone wanna bet?

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I’ll take that bet

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Nope I won’t bet.

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He may not be anyone's 1st choice but he is the one and ONLY choice.

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Same here kay-el. I love Bernie but was at the polls voting for Biden when he became the candidate.

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Boy, don’t you know it

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"So surprising to see it (a school shooting) happen here..." WTF Dipshit? School shootings happen EVERYWHERE in the nation now. The idea that "it doesn't happen here" is so 15 years ago.

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Exactly. Iowa got rid of concealed carry permits in 2021. If you think “it can’t happen here” go to https://wisevoter.com and look at each states gun statistics. No shock that the state with the most guns and gun deaths is Texas, then tell me there’s no correlation. Any state that relaxes gun laws is looking to become a statistic.

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Even if you have the strongest gun control laws in the world,if you have 400,000,000 weapons circulating,the law of averages will catch up!The old saying give a billion monkeys 🙊 a billion type writers and sooner or later one of them will write a Shakespearean play is correct! 400 million people with weapons is insanity!

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Opps not people with weapons, just the amount of weapons circulating will do the job! Wow! How many per person does that come to? I guess some of them keep hundreds??

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Thanks for that link!

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And of course the fucking media paints it like not only is this a close race and hard decision, but that Joe is the mentally unstable one because he's three years older.

This country is a circus run by clowns now. Even the best efforts of a competent President get us nowhere because the media makes more money painting it all as a close horse race instead of just telling people voting Joe is the only way to not immediately destroy the country.

Of course Russiapublicans WANT to destroy the country, or are too stupid to know that's Russia's end goal or something.

Sheep for wolves. Every time.

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Then they are pandering that the government is no good/ ineffective and yet that is exactly the place they all keep running for.

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Well stated, Nameless. My sentiments exactly.

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Well said

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That was very well put together Jeff! Couldn’t be any clearer. If only America would get their shit together and remove the maga- idiots from power!

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jesus h pete why? what did we do to deserve this? voted for Reagan is my guess...I didn't.

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Yes, I think the course began to change during the Reagan years, with the Moral Majority

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They were neither moral nor the majority.

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You mean immoral minority.

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Yes, thanks for the correction :-)

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I think you’re right,Bonzo’s Co Star kicked it into high gear! And now another shitty actor is carrying on the madness! In retrospect Bonzo would have been the smarter choice then ,and now!

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America in general seems like it never recovered from electing Reagan, an underqualified dipshit famous mostly because of television. Good thing we learned our lesson tho....wait, nevermind...

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EN— I am still waiting for the “trickle down” economics to reach the working people…..since 1980?!….

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Better off hoping for more episodes of Who Shot J.R.?

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St. Ronnie Raygun helped usher in Fux News and Reicht-Wing Hate Radio which started poisoning American's brains. We can't even agree on what reality is anymore.

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I like to think Obama's lunch with Biden and encouraging Biden's messaging people resulted in a more forceful, direct, and assertive speech. VERY GOOD!


But seriously....when LDFF told Iowans to "get over it", I mean, WTAF is it gonna take to get people to understand? Your dead kids are nothing to him...or Iowa's governor, evidently. The thing that made me choke on coffee was: "how do you get up in the morning and put on pants?” Dear God. 😂😂

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That and the magnets. What in the actual fuck???

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Fuck you ! You uncaring,Moronic,shit mouthed ,inhuman son of a rabid bitch,demon!Just get over that you fucken foolish orange pig fucker!

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To whom are you speaking? 😳

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Every Trump supporter I meet is in the Reverso Universe. Anything good that President Obama and President Biden is attributed to President Trump. Trump’s mental condition is attributed to Biden.

Biden keeps being on-message.

Trump’s freestyle wandering free-association is entirely off script, off meds and doesn’t really understand the ageless truth of burglars everywhere, “Nobody talks during the break-in.” He has already told the world his plan to turn America into a 3rd-world hereditary dictatorship with him and his family being the new rulers forever. He constantly confesses to his past crimes and how the law doesn’t apply to him.

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It causes me immense brain-pain that there are people in this country who still support the diapered Cheetohead. What a fucking conundrum indeed!

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Look around. About 1 in 3 Americans can't tell who the better leader is.

Talk about a mental health and education crisis.

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Didnt Nikki Haley say : "We have to deal with the cancer that is mental health." God, she's an idiot.

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Carol, It should be a shock that 20 people would vote for orange trumpanzee. But we have far more numbers and EVERY Democrat should cast a vote for Biden if they give a damn about their family, children, community, world.

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We just need to give them time for the Kool-Aid to work it's way out of their systems.....

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I'm still waiting for one of Trump's minions to excuse his gibberish as "speaking in tongues" and claim that only the truly righteous can understand it (god whistle?).

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Donald Trump’s last speech, and most speeches from here on out it seems, are merely words strung together from the graffiti inside port-a-shitters. Trump’s double jerk off is possibly an ode to ‘Wagner loves cock’, notoriously graffitied during OIF.

Yes Trump, you’re the forever “boot” relegated to pecker checker duty and shit burning with DeSantis!

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If only I could record and post the loud laughter 😂 I am bellowing in my apartment, Amber...

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You’re welcome for the spark of laughter! Spread the joy to all the neighbors.

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