The MAGA trolls at work (I work in tech, and there are A LOT of MAGA middle aged mediocre white dudes who are ultra MAGA) are all suddenly either silent, or whinging about being called "weird"
Love to see it Geoff! It is way past time for them to shut up, hide, and not express their stupidity out loud anymore! It is way past time that the majority of us show our power and remove the entire Republican Fascist Cult from politics. We need to see MORE than 10 million more votes for VP Harris and rid them from Congress. I think we’ll take the House and the Senate. Let’s make it vote proof for a LONG time!
Need to turn Convicted Felon Don-Old Stinkypants meme against him. Dems & Kamala need to "Win Too Big to Rig". Because the inevitable whining and griping will commence on November 6.
A.J., your #TooBigToRig is so absolutely perfect!! I urge you to tweet @kamalaharris & ALL her X accts, IG, website and offer it up!! If you don't have time, I will do it with full credit to you! 🎯🎯🎯🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥
Yes, we are, and we are everywhere and that’s why I’ve not been here for the past week (very much). Busy, busy, busy with childless cat ladies, couch fucking, weirdo posts. And, oh yeah, Project 2025.
I let all kinds of adult work go when my granddaughter is in the house (she’s here every other week all year long). Once they get used to you being in the room and listening, they’ll show you who they really are: Possessors of a keen sense of injustice, creators of their own worlds, witty, funny, serious, and killer at Connect Four, dominoes, and drawing and painting. And teaching me to dance to, ahem, Dance Monkey.
That’s my two sons, and a granddaughter. One of our favorite places to go here is Coffee and Comics. It’s definitely geek-ville, and my 11-year-old granddaughter learned chess there, played a respectable game against her uncle, played video games with her dad, bought or borrowed comics, and introduced me to her friends.
I have to go change the 9 cat boxes now, cuz you know us "cat ladies" are very busy with 25 cats that we just couldn't take the time to do the Vance thing and marry ourselves off...
Just kidding-I would have a cat, I guess, maybe...if I wasn't allergic.
Talk about the weirdo, much! Like incels and Elon fanboys.yikes!
The great thing about "weird" is that MAGAs want us to be triggered, get mad, gnash and wail. When we respond to their crap by saying "that's weird" with our best high school mean girl curled lip, they're just flummoxed.
I love that "creepy" is trying to link up with "weird". White men in govt. tracking females' menstruation is freaking #Creepy. Glad "weird" is gaining traction quickly.
Extremely weird indeed...all the fake portraits of Jesus and Trump is pathetic...
But on another note, so I've read on Threads -
Apparently Rachel Maddow reported that up to 70 electors are going to refuse to do their jobs on election day and not certify the results should Harris win....which will end up in the supreme court, and that can't end well. That is concerning. Trump is telling people not to vote because he doesn’t need their votes.
Exactly. He’s telling people not to vote because he doesn’t need their votes. Makes me wonder how he plans to win. Now would be the time for an executive order regarding criminal charges for electors who try to undermine the election, because we all know Congress won’t pass a law.
I have been assuming he is counting on the Supreme Court to trump up a reason to place him in office. What that means is like in any country where a dictator tries to pull that on the people who followed the rules and voted, is that the people need to go out and protest until they stop doing that.
We've already seen this court twist themselves into pretzels to serve their glorious leader,if they try some silly nonsense like that the the torch wielding villagers will be outside the gates.
I live in California,we have over 20 million guns... but DCs gun laws didn't allow the MAGAs to be heavily armed at the Capital on Jan 6th,they probably had the most heavily armed hotel rooms ever,I think the plans was,secure the Capital,and then bring in the guns. The Biden administration won't allow that to happen again... hopefully. But point being,there's more of us than them,MAGAs and Trump think elections are won by who has the most yards signs,and crowd size,and whoever has the most internet trolls... detached from reality,time for a wake up call.
There is over two months between the election and the inauguration Joe is the president in that span of time he’s not going to allow the seating of an illegitimate president! No matter if the corrupt politicians and courts think or decide otherwise the President is the ultimate power!
Fear generates clicks, and pressure is being put on journalists to generate revenue by stoking fear. We should be aware of this fact, but there is much being done in advance to prepare for this tampering. GotV efforts will ensure that Harris wins with unfuckwithable numbers - we need to take our concerned energy and make sure more people around us are registered to vote
I agree 100% with TCinLA. They are going to cheat. Maya Angelou time: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
Cheating much, Trump? A few examples:
1) Assist from Russia to win 2016. Too many assists to document here, but it worked.
2) Mueller Report catch and kill by Barr
3) Individual 1 case closed by Barr (while Michael Cohen went to jail for it)
4) Impeachment for Ukraine funding withheld until favor to implicate Biden delivered, conviction killed by McConnell
5) All of 2020 - Jan 6th 2021 activity to overturn 2020 election failed but nearly worked.
6) Impeachment for Jan 6 conviction killed by McConnell (probably biggest treasonous act in history - so much for oath of office to uphold the US Constitution)
7) 3 out of 4 criminal cases against Trump on life support thanks to the corrupt SCOTUS
8) NYC criminal conviction for 34 felonies sentencing pushed
Fake electors of 2020 were unsuccessful, however these people who haven't really suffered for their endless crimes are emboldened. If you are weird enough to lash yourself to a cross in the public square, you'll do anything for "Master." Believe me, "weird" is the gateway drug to downright fucking crazy.
Amen. The Retrumplicans want to play hardball?!!! Guess what— the Dems can take more than one pitch. The game is full on now! And the Dems are playing to WIN!
I want to agree, I really do, but Biden does not and has not ever played hardball. I wish he would. His worthless AG does not either. He doesn't even play at all. Let's hope, and I mean hope that Kamala Harris, should she win (she will) starts swinging hard right out the gate as soon as she takes power....
I agree. Kamala certainly brings a new perspective and energy to the election campaign. The first person to go in her administration is the sitting AG.
Speaking of Russia, they are setting up disinformation sites and people are falling for them. They are bots on X because Elon allows them to do so. Be smart. Don’t respond to them because they want to engage with you. DON’T DO IT!
Here's a list: Good news for swing states is that only Georgia, Ohio and Pennsylvania are under Republican leadership at the Secretary of State level. Governor of PA is a Dem. Marc Elias needs more help getting the criminals who participated in the attempt to overturn the last election in jail. Per Rachel Maddow, they are in positions of power when they should be no where near these election jobs. Some of them attended Jan. 6.
C'mon. She stated 77 officials across six states as election deniers. There are a total of 441 counties in those six states! Don't forget the GOP was 0-61 for court cases to overturn the last election. Yes, there will be election deniers in place but she did not paint the entire picture, hence her fear-baiting. Plus, she tied it to whatever TFG happens to be saying at the time, which changes practically every day. Not top journalism by any definition
I see your point, Kim. Valid and I'm praying it holds the line. However, one crack is all they need to create confusion. As Andy Grove of Intel fame supposedly said, "Only the paranoid survive." If you asked me a year ago whether or not the SCOTUS would allow a POTUS to be above the law, I wouldn't have believed it. Now, I'll believe the corruption when I see it and especially where I don't know it's happening.
Absolutely. These "rule changes and new laws" in the State houses of more than 22 states are in process for the last 3 years. There is a coordinated action by Republicans, no doubt.
You have no right to accuse her of scare tactics when YOU are the one who distorted what she said/reported. If you care at all about US democracy, then do better, please.
If we are that far gone already we are gone. All hope is gone. I do not really believe that. I also don’t watch TV news. I get all my news in printed form from reliable sources.
I am TERRIFIED of the MAGA Supreme Court. I fear they will install him next January 20 no matter what. The rot is that deep and wide. A landslide would help but you R’s are plotting to steal however they can. Pray I am so wrong.
No, that's *not* "exactly what she said last night."
The poster whom you're replying to wrote: "Rachel Maddow reported that 70% of the the election day electors in many states are going to refuse to do their jobs on election day."
The reality -- which you can confirm by watching/listening to a YT clip of her show -- is that, according to a Rolling Stone article, 70 elections officials -- not 70% -- in some swing states are committed election denialists, and that some of them have already screwed with election results.
Yes, this is massively concerning -- but accuracy matters, and writing that "70%" of "electors" in "many states" is completely inaccurate and it generates panic, which is the enemy of effective action.
Folks: Let's all check our facts before we post anything! Lies and distortions are the province of the GOP, not of the Dems. Lies and distortions are the enemy of democracy.
Thank you Dee. It’s bad enough to constantly battle misinformation/disinformation from the usual MAGAts. We need to be extra-vigilant about verifying the facts and quotes that WE put out. This is my pet peeve as an old-school journo prof — the inability to distinguish fact from opinion, and reliable sources from unreliable ones. It’s getting more difficult all the time, and hell yeah I’ve been guilty of it myself on occasion.
In the 2020, soon to be spewker, MichAEl Johnson had Alito in the wings to file the injunction for just that, but Pelosi called Congress back in session as soon as the halls were cleared and got the counting finished in the nick of time. Now that MJ is the Spewker, he don't need no counting. Alito is still in, and it will be one State, one vote.
Michael Popok on 'Legal AF' is showing video today of Kenneth Cheseboro delivering the fake elector ballots on Jan 6th, trying to get them to Ron Johnson,and eventually Mike Pence,and that is a fact. Merrick freakin' Garland has had this video for almost 4 years,and yet... nothing. And here's a fact also,some of these same fake electors were at the Republican convention 2 weeks ago, because for some reason... THEY'RE NOT IN JAIL!!
And why we couldn't get serious and quit fucking around and haul these traitors before a grand jury and charge their asses; Ron Johnson,Mike Johnson, etc and get some accountability already. why? This dithering and hand wringing is/was bullshit. We are so fucked when we go about governing half-assed while the GOP and donors and THF ( authors of Project 2025) are busy running a criminal mafia of confederates and going at it 24/7.
The poster was incorrect. Maddow noted that 70 elections officials in about 6 swing states are committed election denialists and that some have already interfered with election results. Even 70 individuals is massively concerning, but it isn't as dire as 70%. We MUST share accurate info! When we panic, we make mistakes.
I completely agree. I was incorrect. It was 70 election officials not 70%. A good lesson in paying attention before posting. My apologies for all the misunderstandings I caused. I feel HORRIBLE.
Remember this almost happened in Michigan. There was one principled republican member of the committee who certified the votes but others would not at first. Trump actually called one of them to try to encourage her to not certify. Lawyers will have to be lined up and ready to go to court.
PLEASE fact-check before you post! That isn't what she said, and you could have checked YT for highlights from her show last night.
Referring to and partially quoting a Rolling Stone article, she said: They profile70 different election officials who have been put into position in [several swing states] who are election denialists -- committed election denialists. Officals that have been put in place in all of those swing states to make sure that election results, no matter what they are, do not get certified in those states this year. "At least 22 of these election officials have already refused or delayed certification processes in recent elections."
Please watch the clip -- and PLEASE FACT-CHECK before you post anything, Please don't make people panic; please don't be a GOP-type poster of falsehoods. The truth matters! Thanks.
I am reporting what I read on Threads , I will not correct what I read made from others whether they're correct or incorrect. If I originally reported this info incorrectly then certainly I'd be more than happy to correct myself. Sorry.
IIRC, some of your posts say or imply that you worked for publications / in newsrooms. If yes, then please put on your fact-checker hat. (ETA: Even if you never worked in a newsroom, please put on your fact-checker hat. We *all* need to.)
The original poster was wrong in most of his details, but last night Rachel Maddow did indeed refer to and quote from a Rolling Stone article, which noted that 70 individual elections officials in AZ, GA, MI, NV, and NC (all swing states) are committed election denialists, and that some of them have already interfered with elections results.
Yes, I watched the clip you posted, and just now saw these subsequent comments. When I started out in magazine publishing many years ago, my first job was as a fact-checker, and I’ve worn that hat ever since. Later I taught intro journalism editing & writing for undergrads at the university, so I’m well aware of the importance of getting it right. I often have to remind myself that not everyone has the same training and experience.
There was a mayor elected,(I'm sorry,I forget where, somewhere in the South,of course)in 2022,when he showed up to start work,the Republicans literally locked the door to the Town Hall,and refused to let him in. I think last month he finally got in,to start work.
Why would democratic Election Day electors refuse to do their job if Kamala Harris wins? The Republican electors wouldn’t be used right? I don’t get it.
Elections officials are either appointed or elected -- and in red states that no longer care about fair elections (even in some swing states), they're put in place or elected specifically *because* they're election denialists. They're put in place to screw up victories by Dems.
Anybody wearing a maxi pad on their head, collecting Trump cards, wearing diapers over their clothes, having a Trump sex doll in their car is not just weird, it’s fucking uber weird. What would Freud say? 😂
I saw a video of Palm Beach wives for King Shitpants. Many of the older ones had boob jobs and a lot of plastic work. Those are the ones who's husband had Jeffrey Epstein on speed dial. However, they are a bit miffed that DeSatan is taking their divorce settlements away from them. Vote stupid, get stupid.
I believe now that the MAGAs are nothing more than these idiot social media whores,who will knock over seniors with walkers in a mall,or think it's cool to film themselves robbing people at gunpoint,just more clicks, just more clicks man. The MAGAs are thugs,and operate with a 'mob' mentality,to join the mob,you have to be the biggest asshole you can be.
Hey Jeff. Why hasn’t everyone left Not Twitter? It seems completely controlled by Last of the Patriarchy Elon. I’m no one and my personal feed is full of right wing propaganda and WEIRDness. It also blocks my ability to read or post anything sane or politically left leaning. WTF? What’s the point of adding our numbers to a Russian troll farm style propaganda pushing factory?
I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it's a necessary evil. I've got 1.1 million followers on not-twitter and it's still the best way to promote this thing to the people who aren't already on the email list
That makes sense for you and all the other people who are still making an impact on it. For us regular folk, it’s more trouble than it’s worth these days. You were always the main reason that I was on it, can’t live without your humor and truth.
I’m still there under an old sock, doing pretty much nothing (and no blue check) so the Space Nazi revoked my ability to like or comment (only I can see it) so … I just keep it just to pop in once in awhile to see what the weirdos are up to.
Loathesome as Xtwitter is, it’s still where I find the best independent news sources, so I’m hooked. I don’t know where else I could find live-tweeting of trials, hearings, etc. done as well as some actual reporters on Twitter do. Acyn in particular is doing the lord’s work by covering speeches and interviews on MSM that I would never want to watch or hear myself.
I also use Not Twitter for independent news sources and information directly from primary sources. By blocking MAGA and other vile propaganda and not engaging with trolls my feed stays mostly clean and positive. As a (retired-ish) lawyer, I also like to follow live-tweeting of trials and other events. Twitter is a fast way to get the facts and cut through the BS. After the election or when more of the people I follow leave Not Twitter, I will too.
I got off shortly after the new owner turned it into magafest. Then I found Substack and here were my people! So far 🤞 there haven’t been very many trolls…
I heard on MeidasTouch Network yesterday what Lara Loomer is saying about VP Harris on Twitter, it's absolutely disgusting and vile. I left Twitter the Musk stepped in carrying his toilet,and it's beyond me some are still trying to troll and fight with the Nazis on there.
I don’t argue w/ Nazis on twitter, but I do like to troll them sometimes for a while before I block them. I especially like pushing back on (and sometimes reporting) the dumb-shit trolls who defile the accounts of the four J6 police officers who testified at the opening of the Select Committee hearings in 2021. They are my HEROES and my favorite Virtual Boyfriends, and I like correcting the idiotic misinformation the vile trolls drag onto their pages with actual facts and legitimate sources. Not that they ever appreciate my efforts, the ingrates! Except for once or twice, a troll actually thanked me for providing them the information. That was yeah weird, but good-weird.
I appreciate that,but it's like arguing with a doorknob...I've heard of Blue Sky and Threads,it'd be nice to find a viable alternative,went on Tribel and MeWe,but after a promising start,they've been infected with the MAGA illness also.
The weirdness began with the Tea Party, who always looked crazily dressed to go on The Price is Right. It quickly devolved to obnoxious to noxious bullies and trance-like cultists. Weirdos indeed! Thank you Jeff for perpetuating the moniker they deserve!
I use my free Not Twitter account to follow specific journalists, lawyers, scientists, academics, politicians, artists etc. Not to build followers, but as a news source. I plan to stay at least through the election to counter the vile MAGA/Nazi/Russian propaganda. Rather than argue, I block them and the weird ads and amplify/repost the fact-based and positive info. I preemptively block the Andrew Tates and Elon Musk types. My feed is pretty clean and positive except there were a couple of days a while back when porn broke through and they almost lost me. But that stopped for me anyway. Honestly, PAYING for and being betrayed by the NYT was worse.
I haven’t deleted the app from my phone but I’m going to. Yesterday was the first time I looked at it in months and my feed was a weird cesspool that wouldn’t allow me to choose what I wanted to look at and even timed me out. So who needs that crap anyway?
Now it's a matter of sustaining it and steamrolling those weird fuckers once and for all. Trump is 78 years old. He won't be on the ballot in 2028. This is a final boss battle -- beat him now and the cult of personality dies without the personality to lead it.
Still wondering how running for President of the United States on the idea of DESTROYING the Constitution - isn’t in and of itself ‘disqualifying’, but I’m sure the miserable, childless cat ladies are somehow to blame ...DETAILS?!
Watch Martha Radditz interviewing Sununu on 'This Week', Sununu was giggling like a school girl while Trump is saying 'you don't have to vote anymore' and Sununu is saying 'That's just Trump being Trump',no push-back from Radditz.
What I fear is that the MAGA movement now transcends the Trump Cult of Personality. Once PAB is gone, these monsters will still carry on without him. Or maybe we can just drive them back into the spider-holes from whence they came.
The Christofascists have had a 50 year plan to destroy democracy,to stop it is going to a few election cycles,and we're a long way from 60 votes in the Senate.
Which is why killing the filibuster AND granting statehood to DC and Puerto Rico should have been done long ago. We can thank Coal Baron Attention Whore Joe Manchin and Performative Idiot Kyrsten Sinema for the filibuster still existing, but statehood is a simple up/down majority vote that needs to happen ASAP. If that's the only remedy for the Dakotas/Montana/Wyoming/Idaho accounting for 10% of the Senate despite having a combined population smaller than Los Angeles County, then what's the holdup? Add Guam and the US Virgin Islands too.
I voted for JFK and I voted for Obama. I was more excited about Obama. Kennedy was Catholic which was a big deal back then, but Obama is Black which is a bigger deal for the Presidency.
As an individual I don’t represent the entire country, but I wanted to put my 2 cents in.
Also, Jackie and Michele were the two most popular First Ladies in my lifetime. Doug will start us off as the most popular First Gentleman. Shout out to Doug Emhoff!
I was about 8 yrs. old when JFK was elected, but I do remember picking up on the grownups’ excitement about having a fresh, young, attractive presidential nominee to oppose the force of darkness known as Tricky Dick Nixon. Not unlike how so many of us are now feeling about Kamala!
I was in grade school, my parents, grandparents all voted GOP. I vaguely recall them being quiet and kind of confused when JFK won. Remember Mom & dad crying when JFK was killed.
It's a different kind of excitement. I'll never forget being in Millenium Park the night Obama won--my friend and I got to go because we had volunteered. There was an elderly Black woman standing next to me, sobbing with joy. It was one of the best moments of my life.
Now the excitement is based on our knowledge of what COULD happen.
It feels good to be a gangsta.
The MAGA trolls at work (I work in tech, and there are A LOT of MAGA middle aged mediocre white dudes who are ultra MAGA) are all suddenly either silent, or whinging about being called "weird"
Fuck them
Where de weirdos?
Dere de weirdos!
Scare de weirdos!
Warn de wierdos!
Tell them they are way, way out on a bell-shaped-curve.
[Good luck explaining.]
I just figured out that the voice in my head was Adam Sandler.
Except him and Rob Schneider are conservatives, now that they have some moola
I'm sorry.
Rob who? He's not only a has-been, rob Schneider is a never-was. Why are we supposed to care what he thinks? About anything?
We need to turn on the lights,and send the roaches scurrying.
Love to see it Geoff! It is way past time for them to shut up, hide, and not express their stupidity out loud anymore! It is way past time that the majority of us show our power and remove the entire Republican Fascist Cult from politics. We need to see MORE than 10 million more votes for VP Harris and rid them from Congress. I think we’ll take the House and the Senate. Let’s make it vote proof for a LONG time!
I believe that is a distinct possibility...
Need to turn Convicted Felon Don-Old Stinkypants meme against him. Dems & Kamala need to "Win Too Big to Rig". Because the inevitable whining and griping will commence on November 6.
A.J.-from now on I will say win too big to it!
A.J., your #TooBigToRig is so absolutely perfect!! I urge you to tweet @kamalaharris & ALL her X accts, IG, website and offer it up!! If you don't have time, I will do it with full credit to you! 🎯🎯🎯🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥
The keyboard warriors are definitely hard at work.
Yes, we are, and we are everywhere and that’s why I’ve not been here for the past week (very much). Busy, busy, busy with childless cat ladies, couch fucking, weirdo posts. And, oh yeah, Project 2025.
I've been told sometimes I spent to much time just playing with my kid when she was younger, poppycock,any time bonding with your kid is priceless.
I let all kinds of adult work go when my granddaughter is in the house (she’s here every other week all year long). Once they get used to you being in the room and listening, they’ll show you who they really are: Possessors of a keen sense of injustice, creators of their own worlds, witty, funny, serious, and killer at Connect Four, dominoes, and drawing and painting. And teaching me to dance to, ahem, Dance Monkey.
I loved every minute of it ❤️
I was at Comic-Con,nerd,
geek, whatever,I'm comfortable in my own skin.
That’s my two sons, and a granddaughter. One of our favorite places to go here is Coffee and Comics. It’s definitely geek-ville, and my 11-year-old granddaughter learned chess there, played a respectable game against her uncle, played video games with her dad, bought or borrowed comics, and introduced me to her friends.
Great way to bond with your offspring. Good job.
Sounds wonderful!
Yes, busy busy here in single woman land!
I have to go change the 9 cat boxes now, cuz you know us "cat ladies" are very busy with 25 cats that we just couldn't take the time to do the Vance thing and marry ourselves off...
Just kidding-I would have a cat, I guess, maybe...if I wasn't allergic.
Talk about the weirdo, much! Like incels and Elon fanboys.yikes!
I’m trying to do my part!
Speaking of! This is hilarious:
eeeeew...and so true
That is so hilarious!!! 😂😂😂. Thanks for that lol!!!
OMG, so funny
IKR? I think it's target audience is young adults who aren't registered yet. Whut! Those guys vote! I better vote, too!
Eeeeew. No thanks! They’re too freaky for my taste! Plus—YEAH! They’re fuckin’ WEIRD!! (And too
orange, scraggly and slovenly).
Let's go back to calling them 'despicables'
The word that I always think in reference to MAGA is repulsive.
How about “deplorable”?
OMG, remember how offended they were? I wish she would have just said they are weird, might have caught on earlier.
The great thing about "weird" is that MAGAs want us to be triggered, get mad, gnash and wail. When we respond to their crap by saying "that's weird" with our best high school mean girl curled lip, they're just flummoxed.
Incels,the Republicans want you!
Not just weird...creepy weird!
I love that "creepy" is trying to link up with "weird". White men in govt. tracking females' menstruation is freaking #Creepy. Glad "weird" is gaining traction quickly.
Extremely weird indeed...all the fake portraits of Jesus and Trump is pathetic...
But on another note, so I've read on Threads -
Apparently Rachel Maddow reported that up to 70 electors are going to refuse to do their jobs on election day and not certify the results should Harris win....which will end up in the supreme court, and that can't end well. That is concerning. Trump is telling people not to vote because he doesn’t need their votes.
Exactly. He’s telling people not to vote because he doesn’t need their votes. Makes me wonder how he plans to win. Now would be the time for an executive order regarding criminal charges for electors who try to undermine the election, because we all know Congress won’t pass a law.
I think Dark Brandon is working on that...
I sure hope so. Too bad his pointless AG can't get his butt in gear and work on it.
He's useless.
It could be worse—Merrick Garland COULD be on the Supreme Court, spinelessly flopping over for the Corrupt Right Majority!
Never thought I'd ever be grateful to Mitch McConnell for anything—but he sure helped us dodge a bullet there.
Support Marc Eliasʻ Democracy Docket. He has been fighting election interference cases since 2016.
My contribution is only $10.70 a month, not much,but the Elias Law Group is usually defeating the MAGAs at almost every turn.
He’ll get back to you momentarily… 💀
Ahhh …… 👍🥳🥰🇺🇸
I have been assuming he is counting on the Supreme Court to trump up a reason to place him in office. What that means is like in any country where a dictator tries to pull that on the people who followed the rules and voted, is that the people need to go out and protest until they stop doing that.
That's exactly what he's counting on. There's gonna be some smoke in the city if that happens...we the people won't allow that corruption to happen.
We've already seen this court twist themselves into pretzels to serve their glorious leader,if they try some silly nonsense like that the the torch wielding villagers will be outside the gates.
That's right !
And he has already promised to shoot us if we do.
Which is why we do this before Biden leaves office.
One should be very careful what “they promise to do” to others.
Maybe more Dems should show up for the next inauguration, thousands of us,to throw out the MAGA and Christofascist trash,once and for all.
Oh that would do a lot of good. They don’t listen to anything and they have the guns.
They don't have all the guns...
I live in California,we have over 20 million guns... but DCs gun laws didn't allow the MAGAs to be heavily armed at the Capital on Jan 6th,they probably had the most heavily armed hotel rooms ever,I think the plans was,secure the Capital,and then bring in the guns. The Biden administration won't allow that to happen again... hopefully. But point being,there's more of us than them,MAGAs and Trump think elections are won by who has the most yards signs,and crowd size,and whoever has the most internet trolls... detached from reality,time for a wake up call.
Linda, I agree. This would result in a Civil War!
I have the feeling we’re already in one.
Exactly !!!
There is over two months between the election and the inauguration Joe is the president in that span of time he’s not going to allow the seating of an illegitimate president! No matter if the corrupt politicians and courts think or decide otherwise the President is the ultimate power!
I guess he has 'immunity'...hehe.
Fear generates clicks, and pressure is being put on journalists to generate revenue by stoking fear. We should be aware of this fact, but there is much being done in advance to prepare for this tampering. GotV efforts will ensure that Harris wins with unfuckwithable numbers - we need to take our concerned energy and make sure more people around us are registered to vote
Maddow is not a "fear stoker." Neither is TPM. Both have reported this for several months now.
I agree 100% with TCinLA. They are going to cheat. Maya Angelou time: "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
Cheating much, Trump? A few examples:
1) Assist from Russia to win 2016. Too many assists to document here, but it worked.
2) Mueller Report catch and kill by Barr
3) Individual 1 case closed by Barr (while Michael Cohen went to jail for it)
4) Impeachment for Ukraine funding withheld until favor to implicate Biden delivered, conviction killed by McConnell
5) All of 2020 - Jan 6th 2021 activity to overturn 2020 election failed but nearly worked.
6) Impeachment for Jan 6 conviction killed by McConnell (probably biggest treasonous act in history - so much for oath of office to uphold the US Constitution)
7) 3 out of 4 criminal cases against Trump on life support thanks to the corrupt SCOTUS
8) NYC criminal conviction for 34 felonies sentencing pushed
Fake electors of 2020 were unsuccessful, however these people who haven't really suffered for their endless crimes are emboldened. If you are weird enough to lash yourself to a cross in the public square, you'll do anything for "Master." Believe me, "weird" is the gateway drug to downright fucking crazy.
Amen. The Retrumplicans want to play hardball?!!! Guess what— the Dems can take more than one pitch. The game is full on now! And the Dems are playing to WIN!
I want to agree, I really do, but Biden does not and has not ever played hardball. I wish he would. His worthless AG does not either. He doesn't even play at all. Let's hope, and I mean hope that Kamala Harris, should she win (she will) starts swinging hard right out the gate as soon as she takes power....
I agree. Kamala certainly brings a new perspective and energy to the election campaign. The first person to go in her administration is the sitting AG.
Speaking of Russia, they are setting up disinformation sites and people are falling for them. They are bots on X because Elon allows them to do so. Be smart. Don’t respond to them because they want to engage with you. DON’T DO IT!
Marc Elias has been telling us what's happening behind the scenes since 2020.
Here's a list: Good news for swing states is that only Georgia, Ohio and Pennsylvania are under Republican leadership at the Secretary of State level. Governor of PA is a Dem. Marc Elias needs more help getting the criminals who participated in the attempt to overturn the last election in jail. Per Rachel Maddow, they are in positions of power when they should be no where near these election jobs. Some of them attended Jan. 6.
Eric Holder was supposed to be all over that? Not just the gerrymandering?
F! Here's Marc Elia's podcast:
Send his group Democracy Docket some contributions! (Iʻve been contributing monthly for years. Best money I ever spent).
C'mon. She stated 77 officials across six states as election deniers. There are a total of 441 counties in those six states! Don't forget the GOP was 0-61 for court cases to overturn the last election. Yes, there will be election deniers in place but she did not paint the entire picture, hence her fear-baiting. Plus, she tied it to whatever TFG happens to be saying at the time, which changes practically every day. Not top journalism by any definition
I see your point, Kim. Valid and I'm praying it holds the line. However, one crack is all they need to create confusion. As Andy Grove of Intel fame supposedly said, "Only the paranoid survive." If you asked me a year ago whether or not the SCOTUS would allow a POTUS to be above the law, I wouldn't have believed it. Now, I'll believe the corruption when I see it and especially where I don't know it's happening.
Not at all,all media now seems to have a problem separating facts from opinions.
Absolutely. These "rule changes and new laws" in the State houses of more than 22 states are in process for the last 3 years. There is a coordinated action by Republicans, no doubt.
“Unfuckwithable”. I love that new word!
Makes me think of the patent Ivanka got in China for a voting machine. Maybe he's just printing his own. WEIRD.
Weird is Ivanka’s father’s affinity for her…
Well, there's that.
That is some bullshit.
I know, but she is known for scare tactics with substance behind them...thanks for the feedback. I hope it is bullshit
Maddow is not the only one reporting this. TPM has covered these traitors for quite awhile.
It ALMOST happened in the 2020. Johnson had Alito in line with the injunction. Pelosi beat them to the punch.
What??? Just found it. Holy shit!
Go Nancy!
That is one weird weirdo and what is with the animal prints? Another femme fatal ( in her own mind?). No doubt.
I hope it is too but I also live in Arizona where the GOP insane
You have no right to accuse her of scare tactics when YOU are the one who distorted what she said/reported. If you care at all about US democracy, then do better, please.
That isn't what Maddow said. You can watch the relevant clip of her show on YT:
If we are that far gone already we are gone. All hope is gone. I do not really believe that. I also don’t watch TV news. I get all my news in printed form from reliable sources.
I am TERRIFIED of the MAGA Supreme Court. I fear they will install him next January 20 no matter what. The rot is that deep and wide. A landslide would help but you R’s are plotting to steal however they can. Pray I am so wrong.
No "apparently" about it - that's exactly what she said last night.
No, that's *not* "exactly what she said last night."
The poster whom you're replying to wrote: "Rachel Maddow reported that 70% of the the election day electors in many states are going to refuse to do their jobs on election day."
The reality -- which you can confirm by watching/listening to a YT clip of her show -- is that, according to a Rolling Stone article, 70 elections officials -- not 70% -- in some swing states are committed election denialists, and that some of them have already screwed with election results.
Yes, this is massively concerning -- but accuracy matters, and writing that "70%" of "electors" in "many states" is completely inaccurate and it generates panic, which is the enemy of effective action.
Folks: Let's all check our facts before we post anything! Lies and distortions are the province of the GOP, not of the Dems. Lies and distortions are the enemy of democracy.
Thank you Dee. It’s bad enough to constantly battle misinformation/disinformation from the usual MAGAts. We need to be extra-vigilant about verifying the facts and quotes that WE put out. This is my pet peeve as an old-school journo prof — the inability to distinguish fact from opinion, and reliable sources from unreliable ones. It’s getting more difficult all the time, and hell yeah I’ve been guilty of it myself on occasion.
It seems MSM has been a little light on 'facts' recently.
Which is why I quit following almost all of them.
In the 2020, soon to be spewker, MichAEl Johnson had Alito in the wings to file the injunction for just that, but Pelosi called Congress back in session as soon as the halls were cleared and got the counting finished in the nick of time. Now that MJ is the Spewker, he don't need no counting. Alito is still in, and it will be one State, one vote.
Got it??
Michael Popok on 'Legal AF' is showing video today of Kenneth Cheseboro delivering the fake elector ballots on Jan 6th, trying to get them to Ron Johnson,and eventually Mike Pence,and that is a fact. Merrick freakin' Garland has had this video for almost 4 years,and yet... nothing. And here's a fact also,some of these same fake electors were at the Republican convention 2 weeks ago, because for some reason... THEY'RE NOT IN JAIL!!
And why we couldn't get serious and quit fucking around and haul these traitors before a grand jury and charge their asses; Ron Johnson,Mike Johnson, etc and get some accountability already. why? This dithering and hand wringing is/was bullshit. We are so fucked when we go about governing half-assed while the GOP and donors and THF ( authors of Project 2025) are busy running a criminal mafia of confederates and going at it 24/7.
Scary, yes, confusing, sure but maddening-always!
New law for the Speaker of the House concerning the electoral votes:
Also, 20% of each chamber of Congress must be the threshold for objecting to a state's slate of electors (also noted in the linked article here).
No. We know their routine now, the joke's over.
70% would include blue states. I think this fact needs to be checked and verified.
As Al franken once remarked, "That fact came from the Bureau Of Someone's Ass."
😂 Sounds about right…the bureau of someone’s ass
The poster was incorrect. Maddow noted that 70 elections officials in about 6 swing states are committed election denialists and that some have already interfered with election results. Even 70 individuals is massively concerning, but it isn't as dire as 70%. We MUST share accurate info! When we panic, we make mistakes.
Here's the clip from her show:
I completely agree. I was incorrect. It was 70 election officials not 70%. A good lesson in paying attention before posting. My apologies for all the misunderstandings I caused. I feel HORRIBLE.
This comment from me is WRONG! It is 70 officials, not 70%. I have mis-stated.
Remember this almost happened in Michigan. There was one principled republican member of the committee who certified the votes but others would not at first. Trump actually called one of them to try to encourage her to not certify. Lawyers will have to be lined up and ready to go to court.
PLEASE fact-check before you post! That isn't what she said, and you could have checked YT for highlights from her show last night.
Referring to and partially quoting a Rolling Stone article, she said: They profile70 different election officials who have been put into position in [several swing states] who are election denialists -- committed election denialists. Officals that have been put in place in all of those swing states to make sure that election results, no matter what they are, do not get certified in those states this year. "At least 22 of these election officials have already refused or delayed certification processes in recent elections."
Please watch the clip -- and PLEASE FACT-CHECK before you post anything, Please don't make people panic; please don't be a GOP-type poster of falsehoods. The truth matters! Thanks.
DEE - It's basically what she said.
She said “70 different election officials,” not “70 percent of the electors in many states.” Perhaps you should correct your post.
I am reporting what I read on Threads , I will not correct what I read made from others whether they're correct or incorrect. If I originally reported this info incorrectly then certainly I'd be more than happy to correct myself. Sorry.
If you’re “reporting what you read on Threads”, then you should include the source you read.
Yeah I like it put that way better. So not as high as %70! Still outrageous though. These ppl are such assholes.
Not sure how even the estimable Rachel Maddow could possibly know this to be true.
IIRC, some of your posts say or imply that you worked for publications / in newsrooms. If yes, then please put on your fact-checker hat. (ETA: Even if you never worked in a newsroom, please put on your fact-checker hat. We *all* need to.)
The original poster was wrong in most of his details, but last night Rachel Maddow did indeed refer to and quote from a Rolling Stone article, which noted that 70 individual elections officials in AZ, GA, MI, NV, and NC (all swing states) are committed election denialists, and that some of them have already interfered with elections results.
Yes, I watched the clip you posted, and just now saw these subsequent comments. When I started out in magazine publishing many years ago, my first job was as a fact-checker, and I’ve worn that hat ever since. Later I taught intro journalism editing & writing for undergrads at the university, so I’m well aware of the importance of getting it right. I often have to remind myself that not everyone has the same training and experience.
"Some say"? "Sources"? I haven't seen yesterday's edition yet. But 20% of blue states supporting Orange Jesus is patently untrue on its face.
There was a mayor elected,(I'm sorry,I forget where, somewhere in the South,of course)in 2022,when he showed up to start work,the Republicans literally locked the door to the Town Hall,and refused to let him in. I think last month he finally got in,to start work.
Please edit your post - remove the % - it is 70 electors, not 70 percent
Why would democratic Election Day electors refuse to do their job if Kamala Harris wins? The Republican electors wouldn’t be used right? I don’t get it.
Republicans...not Democrats...and in swing states...
There should be a way to vet those people so things like that can't happen.
Elections officials are either appointed or elected -- and in red states that no longer care about fair elections (even in some swing states), they're put in place or elected specifically *because* they're election denialists. They're put in place to screw up victories by Dems.
Anybody wearing a maxi pad on their head, collecting Trump cards, wearing diapers over their clothes, having a Trump sex doll in their car is not just weird, it’s fucking uber weird. What would Freud say? 😂
I saw a video of Palm Beach wives for King Shitpants. Many of the older ones had boob jobs and a lot of plastic work. Those are the ones who's husband had Jeffrey Epstein on speed dial. However, they are a bit miffed that DeSatan is taking their divorce settlements away from them. Vote stupid, get stupid.
If those wives get too close to a fire pit, they’ll melt.
Poof! Chemical fire.
They look like 'Hookers for MAGA'.
I believe now that the MAGAs are nothing more than these idiot social media whores,who will knock over seniors with walkers in a mall,or think it's cool to film themselves robbing people at gunpoint,just more clicks, just more clicks man. The MAGAs are thugs,and operate with a 'mob' mentality,to join the mob,you have to be the biggest asshole you can be.
Basically brute force and ignorance.
Probably a lot.
Or nothing -- it would be so overwhelming he'd just go do a few more lines of blow and call it a day.
That the Super ego and the id had a demented child. Freud would be reaching in his drawer for his coke(not cola) to sniff.
Freud would be projectile vomiting.
😂😂😂😂, sometimes a just a banana.
you write: “…injected with more plastic than a Lego dinosaur.”
me: (spits coffee on laptop)
Fuck their feelings. damn right. When they go low, we gotta meet the threat on our terms. Fuck their feelings.
When they go low, we go nucular.
When they go low, we knee them in the face.
Tell it to your goddamn cellmate traitor.
That was hilarious!!
I haven't seen this much excitement over a presidential nominee since JFK!
I was only 3 years old in 1960 but in my view, the excitement for Kamala has topped the excitement for Obama in 2008
Hey Jeff. Why hasn’t everyone left Not Twitter? It seems completely controlled by Last of the Patriarchy Elon. I’m no one and my personal feed is full of right wing propaganda and WEIRDness. It also blocks my ability to read or post anything sane or politically left leaning. WTF? What’s the point of adding our numbers to a Russian troll farm style propaganda pushing factory?
I can't speak for anyone else, but for me it's a necessary evil. I've got 1.1 million followers on not-twitter and it's still the best way to promote this thing to the people who aren't already on the email list
That makes sense for you and all the other people who are still making an impact on it. For us regular folk, it’s more trouble than it’s worth these days. You were always the main reason that I was on it, can’t live without your humor and truth.
Same here,and Ron Filipkowski.
I'm still there; and after a "groundswell of grassroots complainsts" Whits Dudes for Harris is back up on Xitter @dudes4Harris!💙
I was dropped from X with no explanation. I guess I wasn't weird enough.
I’m still there under an old sock, doing pretty much nothing (and no blue check) so the Space Nazi revoked my ability to like or comment (only I can see it) so … I just keep it just to pop in once in awhile to see what the weirdos are up to.
Twitter is a Klan meeting.
They closed down 'White Guys for Kamala' yesterday.
Loathesome as Xtwitter is, it’s still where I find the best independent news sources, so I’m hooked. I don’t know where else I could find live-tweeting of trials, hearings, etc. done as well as some actual reporters on Twitter do. Acyn in particular is doing the lord’s work by covering speeches and interviews on MSM that I would never want to watch or hear myself.
I also use Not Twitter for independent news sources and information directly from primary sources. By blocking MAGA and other vile propaganda and not engaging with trolls my feed stays mostly clean and positive. As a (retired-ish) lawyer, I also like to follow live-tweeting of trials and other events. Twitter is a fast way to get the facts and cut through the BS. After the election or when more of the people I follow leave Not Twitter, I will too.
Acyn is pretty awesome.
I got off shortly after the new owner turned it into magafest. Then I found Substack and here were my people! So far 🤞 there haven’t been very many trolls…
I've been recommending Substack to friends sick of X. I stay but spend 1/2 my time blocking bots.
I heard on MeidasTouch Network yesterday what Lara Loomer is saying about VP Harris on Twitter, it's absolutely disgusting and vile. I left Twitter the Musk stepped in carrying his toilet,and it's beyond me some are still trying to troll and fight with the Nazis on there.
I don’t argue w/ Nazis on twitter, but I do like to troll them sometimes for a while before I block them. I especially like pushing back on (and sometimes reporting) the dumb-shit trolls who defile the accounts of the four J6 police officers who testified at the opening of the Select Committee hearings in 2021. They are my HEROES and my favorite Virtual Boyfriends, and I like correcting the idiotic misinformation the vile trolls drag onto their pages with actual facts and legitimate sources. Not that they ever appreciate my efforts, the ingrates! Except for once or twice, a troll actually thanked me for providing them the information. That was yeah weird, but good-weird.
I appreciate that,but it's like arguing with a doorknob...I've heard of Blue Sky and Threads,it'd be nice to find a viable alternative,went on Tribel and MeWe,but after a promising start,they've been infected with the MAGA illness also.
I’m on BlueSky, I really like it. It’s very much like Twitter before em bought it.
I left Twitter the minute Musk took over. I was never big on Twitter, however Jeff's work was my only motivation.
She’s not worth even listening to or reading about. A very sick person.
She's just disgusting. 🤮
The weirdness began with the Tea Party, who always looked crazily dressed to go on The Price is Right. It quickly devolved to obnoxious to noxious bullies and trance-like cultists. Weirdos indeed! Thank you Jeff for perpetuating the moniker they deserve!
Always remember that the Tea Party began by calling themselves the Teabaggers - then they found out what that meant and they changed the name 😄
Their outrage finding out what teabagging is ... was ROFL.
I use my free Not Twitter account to follow specific journalists, lawyers, scientists, academics, politicians, artists etc. Not to build followers, but as a news source. I plan to stay at least through the election to counter the vile MAGA/Nazi/Russian propaganda. Rather than argue, I block them and the weird ads and amplify/repost the fact-based and positive info. I preemptively block the Andrew Tates and Elon Musk types. My feed is pretty clean and positive except there were a couple of days a while back when porn broke through and they almost lost me. But that stopped for me anyway. Honestly, PAYING for and being betrayed by the NYT was worse.
Sarah, are you still on Not Twitter?
I haven’t deleted the app from my phone but I’m going to. Yesterday was the first time I looked at it in months and my feed was a weird cesspool that wouldn’t allow me to choose what I wanted to look at and even timed me out. So who needs that crap anyway?
Excellent question I’ve been asking for years now!
I feel that, too. I wept with joy the night Obama won. When Kamala wins, it’ll be dancin’ in the streets time.
Sometimes just to cheer myself up, I Google 'Biden's Victory Celebration' on YouTube, it's literally dancing in the streets, around the world.
Bruce, Like this?
Uplifting for sure. Let's do this again!!!
Yep!! That's the one!! And a Harris campaign ad pops up when you view it!! Bonus!!!
I loved the dancing post office boxes! (In Philadelphia, IIRC)
Now it's a matter of sustaining it and steamrolling those weird fuckers once and for all. Trump is 78 years old. He won't be on the ballot in 2028. This is a final boss battle -- beat him now and the cult of personality dies without the personality to lead it.
Still wondering how running for President of the United States on the idea of DESTROYING the Constitution - isn’t in and of itself ‘disqualifying’, but I’m sure the miserable, childless cat ladies are somehow to blame ...DETAILS?!
I think election denial is treason, apparently Trump is calling for another insurrection today on 'Lie Social'
Zero pushback. It’s really crazy…
Watch Martha Radditz interviewing Sununu on 'This Week', Sununu was giggling like a school girl while Trump is saying 'you don't have to vote anymore' and Sununu is saying 'That's just Trump being Trump',no push-back from Radditz.
What I fear is that the MAGA movement now transcends the Trump Cult of Personality. Once PAB is gone, these monsters will still carry on without him. Or maybe we can just drive them back into the spider-holes from whence they came.
The Christofascists have had a 50 year plan to destroy democracy,to stop it is going to a few election cycles,and we're a long way from 60 votes in the Senate.
Which is why killing the filibuster AND granting statehood to DC and Puerto Rico should have been done long ago. We can thank Coal Baron Attention Whore Joe Manchin and Performative Idiot Kyrsten Sinema for the filibuster still existing, but statehood is a simple up/down majority vote that needs to happen ASAP. If that's the only remedy for the Dakotas/Montana/Wyoming/Idaho accounting for 10% of the Senate despite having a combined population smaller than Los Angeles County, then what's the holdup? Add Guam and the US Virgin Islands too.
Damn right!!
I really like A.Madison's #TooBigToRig !!! One of the first posts in today's Jeff column.
I voted for JFK and I voted for Obama. I was more excited about Obama. Kennedy was Catholic which was a big deal back then, but Obama is Black which is a bigger deal for the Presidency.
As an individual I don’t represent the entire country, but I wanted to put my 2 cents in.
Also, Jackie and Michele were the two most popular First Ladies in my lifetime. Doug will start us off as the most popular First Gentleman. Shout out to Doug Emhoff!
The most popular First Gentleman in all of history!
I was about 8 yrs. old when JFK was elected, but I do remember picking up on the grownups’ excitement about having a fresh, young, attractive presidential nominee to oppose the force of darkness known as Tricky Dick Nixon. Not unlike how so many of us are now feeling about Kamala!
I was in grade school, my parents, grandparents all voted GOP. I vaguely recall them being quiet and kind of confused when JFK won. Remember Mom & dad crying when JFK was killed.
Looking forward to Chasten becoming the First Gentleman some day.
🎯🎯🎯 ❤️❤️❤️
Yes, it has! We have hope for the first time since President Obama!
It's a different kind of excitement. I'll never forget being in Millenium Park the night Obama won--my friend and I got to go because we had volunteered. There was an elderly Black woman standing next to me, sobbing with joy. It was one of the best moments of my life.
Now the excitement is based on our knowledge of what COULD happen.
It was the definition of 'hope'.