The DOJ will arrest Dr. Fauci for the crime of giving a shit that Americans were dying by the thousands? Even MAGA assholes, who were more likely to die because dumb as rocks? I’ll be happy to help bail out the good doctor. I never caught covid thanks to him and his science facts.

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Except of course, when a Maga denier was stricken with Covid, in which case they immediately elbowed their way to the front of the line for Treatment. WHERE IS MY VENTILATOR??? Don’t you know who I AM???

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How many of these ignorant anti-mask, anti-vax MAGAs ended up in a hospital unable to breathe and pleading for a magic shot to save their miserable lives. That's what happens when you follow a criminal psychopath...to the grave.

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To the grave is right. Or the ones that refused help in hospitals and died. So many of them chose death while their children were begging them to get the shot. We have a serious malignant narcissist problem happening right now in this country. As other mental health professionals have pointed out. People screaming in grocery stores and having hair trigger meltdowns on a dime. This is exhausting. And grieving at the same time.

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Many of them were just filming themselves for facebook fame. Which makes it worse.

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IIRC, many of them denied they were dying of Covid, insisting it MUST be something else because Covid was a hoax.

And the nurses and doctors just shook their heads at the stupidity of the insistence, and at the fact that the idiot dying wouldn't allow them to initially treat them for Covid because the idiot was convinced it was a hoax.

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I have autoimmune health issues. I hid in the mountains of Colorado away from everyone while I helped take care of my newborn grandson during Covid. I couldn't wait for the vaccine. I just don't understand ignorance by choice.

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Even if masks were later found to be possibly ineffective, millions of us gladly wore masks to protect cancer patients, those too young for the shot, those with autoimmune issues. To this day, some bitchers still act like a mask mandate was like getting a limb cut off. smh

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An N95 mask, worn with no air leaks, is and remains very effective. Wouldn't be a nurse alive in the country if they weren't.

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It did tell us who the ones to avoid at all costs were.

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Remember the guys driving around in the trucks with the signs “My body, my choice”? Wanted to take down all the license plate numbers cuz I just knew what was coming…

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"by choice" sums it up perfectly. While I would never deny anyone medical care, they endangered their grandparents, and the immunocompromised which I will never forgive them for.

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My late wife died of autoimmune issues. I wear a mask everywhere out of "an abundance of caution." Life is precious. Don't act like it isn't. I'm fully in sympathy with your plight.

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Plenty. Except that when they ended up in the hospital, they refused to wear a mask and demanded that they be treated with a horse dewormer. Their behavior was no different than that displayed on your friendly neighborhood airplane. They are all a bunch of PAB's.

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They're like lemmings marching off the cliff .

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March away…

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“I don’t need no dam’ velinator! I got my prayer warriors and Jayzus gonna cure me right away.”

(36 hours later) please tell my family I love them…..

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Remember the twatwaffle denying the need for a vaccine because she was " washed in the blood of the Lamb"?

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Oh, and thank you for reminding me of “twatwaffle”.

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Yes indeed! Had no idea that in addition to its revivifying and soul cleansing properties, it was also antiviral! New advertising line for those who take their church with a dash of Mad Men…

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TWATWAFFLE!! Thank you I need that word in my arsenal!

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Bleach ward at the hospital or dunkin' donuts

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Don’t forget the sheep dip.

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Gimme gimme gimme that sweet jab! Too late

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And all the stories of anti-vaxxers, refusing the shot, begging for a COVID shot as they lay dying with or without a ventilator, due to 1,000,000 Americans DIED of COVID. Bless you, Dr. Fauci 💕

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I blame Jerry Springer for giving America a taste for this sort of drama. Once he was off the air they needed some new awful, vengeful drama. So, they got the MAGAs in Congress to become the New Jerry Springer Show.

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tRump, for example.

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Karma did not help us there like she should have.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

I think statistically speaking more ignorant MAGAs died from COVID than rational , logical and smart people. That is the only good thing that came from it. Dr Fauci helped save a lot of smart Americans

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studies showed a preponderance of deaths due to Covid were in red states - imagine that

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I remember one bewigged woman coming from church and a reporter asking “Aren’t you afraid of getting sick?’ “No, I’m covered in the blood of Christ.”

So Jesus is a hazmat suit? Maybe this is why Trump was going on about Hannibal Lecter and “The Silence of the Lambs.”

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And that's the bottom line trouble with the cult of Christ. Too many adherents fail to understand that the "blood of Christ" only protects them against sin and the temptations of Satan, not against physical illness.

Because most of them don't really listen to what's being told to them, and very, very few actually comprehend what they read (if the read) the book they call Holy.

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and if they do listen they are more often than not given more political instruction in church than ecclesiastical. Another strong argument for ending tax emption for religious entities.

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Oh I totally agree on ending their tax exemption!!

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Xitianity has become a death cult. Its followers waste their whole lives glorifying their own deaths, while worshiping a mutilated corpse nailed to a torture device, metaphorically drinking its blood and eat its flesh, and ignoring the core message to love one another.

These days if someone feels the need to tell me what a big Xitian they are I always say, "Thanks for the warning" and run the other way. The worst people I have ever known in my life have been the biggest Bible humpers.

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My father said as much to us "The louder they shriek about being a christian, the less they actually are. Hold onto your wallet, and back away slowly.

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Agreed 🙌🏽

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The entire concept is so damned silly and stupid. It is the 21st century and you still have these nitwits saying they’re covered in the blood of Jesus, which seems like some grotesque insurance company. I wonder if they actually think about what they’re saying when they say these inane words. Never mind, I know they don’t.

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Recently heard this parable. As a cat 5 hurricane dumped 10 feet of water with 100 mph winds, a guy urges his Christian neighbor to evacuate. Prayerful man said, "God will keep us safe". Next day rafts floated by looking for people who hadn't yet evac'd. Prayer man refused, saying "God will not forsake us". On Day 3 a helicopter hovered, trying to get Prayer Guy + family to get in the basket. Guy claimed "God will save us. As the water rose higher, Prayer Family was on their roof - several family members had drowned. Prayer Guy yells "God, why have you forsaken us?! A thundering voice said "This is God. I sent your neighbor, a raft, a helicopter, plus all the rowboats you sent away.

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Omg totally true!

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“So Jesus is a hazmat suit?” Bazillion upvotes

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"That's some fucked up shit," to quote "W" on trumps inaugeral speech.

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I remember that woman. It was later reported that she died of COVID. I may be going to Hell, because my first thought was, "Oh, dear...Looks like Jesus was infected."

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The data does not lie.

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Astrophysicist Neal DeGrasse Tyson said that the number of fidiots (my word) who were dying in Red States could be enough to affect the outcome of the 2020 election. I think it did since the Dems did much better than predicted. The trash was taking itself out.

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I had hoped since Florida had more causualties proportionally than new york, DeathSantis would lose his grip. He just fucked up my state more, and invited all the bad cops and magats here.

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Go ahead and add fidiots to your list!!

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And they won’t be voting in this election either. Good riddance. No,sympathy

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I guess there is a bright side to everything...

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And we vote blue.

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Absolutely 💙💙💙

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I did get COVID and my hubby and I were both Long Haulers.. if I didn’t get vaccinated I would have died. I was that sick and those vaccinations saved my life. I’m thankful I’m still here.

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That happened to my best friend in Maine, her daughter brought it back from Scotland where she was going to Uni. the first wave that was so viral. May you both heal and not have any symptoms.

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Blessings to you both.

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I’ll help with bail too.. I watched that BS and SporkfootDumbass OMGEE she’s truly dumber than a post.. I watched and her questioning.. how the Fuck did anyone vote for that Fuglycromagnonfacedumbasstranny?!?!

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Good question. Makes me wonder what is in the water in Georgia.

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Science confirms that there must be a brain eating organism present in all things republican.

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Conservative brains are different from liberal brains. "Conservatives are more structured and habitual in their decision making and cognitive performance. Liberals have a higher tolerance for cognitive tasks that require novelty, complexity, and creativity." "... most conservative subjects were likely to have the largest amygdala volumes." (fight or flight response/reptile brain) -- https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/neuroscience-in-everyday-life/202010/red-versus-blue-brain-neuropolitics

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Yup. It’s called a black hole.

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That’s a good one! I’m still snickering 🤭

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STD’s and Rabies?!?

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It s not the water in her district: it is the inbreeding. Genetics is part of “science,” but it isn’t what they learn from their niece-screwing pastors

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Lizards can survive for quite some time without water.

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Pure lead and maybe some mercury would be my guess.

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Don't degrade trans people. They're not Sporktoot ignorant.

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Truth! I didn’t catch that at first.

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Wow, our beloved Jeff could learn a few words from you. That was awesome.

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A new descriptive adjective!! Excellent!

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Ah, my favorite one is dumber than a bag of hammers 😆

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Same here, that man is awesome ,and worked hard to save idiots like the bleach-blonde howler-monkey

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💯 Right? After a while, I had no fucks left to give to anyone who thought it was all bullshit, didn’t pay attention and got a visit from Uncle Reaper.

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Ditto! Same here. And as a person that worked in science the Covid timeliness was one great disappointment and sheer exasperation. I think having a supply of N95 masks for the next pandemic a good idea. Especially if you have a Republican moron in the Whitehouse that gives away PPE and then is so obtuse that he catches it and would surely have given up the ghost had he not had presidential level medical care and the rare ability to get meds to save his shitty, worthless life. If only... how many times we could have been rid of this insufferable pos.

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Spot on. I still have plenty of KN94’s and several N95’s.

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It has taken me five years to keep from catching COVID based on using the recommendations of Dr Fauci. I recently caught it because I sat in an airport unmasked, thinking I was okay. 😣 we need to support science and doctors at all costs from these stupid MAGAts! Getting so sick of all their 🤡 behavior!! Thank you Jeff for keeping us sane.

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I figure I’ll get it eventually, but at least I won’t die from it (knocking on wood). If it turns out that I’m one of those who never showed symptoms, at least I did my part by masking and staying home. I still mask in airports.

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I will support the good Dr. myself as well!

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It's pretty depressing to contemplate waking up every morning in a country where there are voters who intentionally sent MAGA Tainted Greene to serve in the United States Congress. I mean, on purpose and everything.

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It’s Gangreene to me from now on. Rotten to the core.

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Nice, Kay-El. So much more descriptive than MTG.

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Her district is in Northwest Georgia--"Deliverance" country. Her constituents are at the shallow end of the gene pool.

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Remember her forgiven PPP loan?... I do.

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WTAF she got PPP loan???!!! Fucking grifting POShitstain🤬🤬🤬 my hubby needed the PPP loan then said No. Why?? Because he said he can still make it through this during the pandemic by working a bit longer and harder because there are others who really really need it.. And we can work a little harder and smarter and go without so the ones who really need it can get it.. And that skank biyotch got one and didn’t fucking need it at all 🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

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That’s called a Republican

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Pieces of shit like her take advantage then raise pure Hell about anyone else getting help. And she's not the only GOParassite.

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More like a shallow puddle

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Also known as the scummy parts … shallow pools often polluted with chemicals and debris

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We need a new noun to describe them

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I liked Jeff’s Smoothbrains

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Smoothbrains is perfect! I also like 'scoops' as in their frontal lobes were scooped out.

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I didn't invent 'smoothbrain' but I have no idea where I heard it first

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I get a lot of mine from Wonkette, between Dok and Evan. I know many names for the Apricot Hell Beast!

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A broken hemorrhoid fissure.

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Maybe a homunculus, not quite a hominid.

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RemovedJun 4·edited Jun 4
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Way too much painful legacy in that word to throw it around for any reason.

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It is in the sense that MAGAts need to experience what they are subjecting other people to. It is the only way they will learn and change for the better.

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They're twisting in the wind and it's only getting stronger. My neighbors are flipping their flags again and I'm keeping my cats inside for awhile.

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This, exactly, sums up perfectly what I just posted and probably more direct to the point of how I feel... 😢

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The media is giving these unhinged people too much press. I'd like to think that without that exposure that for the most part they are paper tigers.

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Yes they really are becoming enemies to the people, not all but too many are fashy-curious.

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Irrelevance is the cure. I wish they would stop sticking a microphone in their faces. I don't give two fucks what these ignorant people think. They worship an incontinent felon.

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That bit with Sporkfoot really pissed me off. Dr. Fauci (a brilliant man) handled it all in stride but it was such a waste of time and air...and our tax dollars. We simply MUST get these imbeciles out of our government. It's a damned cult. VOTE THEM OUT!!!

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That’s the bit that pissed me off, too

What was she doing to protect America during the worst of the pandemic? Worse than nothing

Dr. Fauci was a voice of reason and he deserves our thanks

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Who the Fvck voted for that rabid skank in the first place?!? That’s what I want to know.. was it the trailer trash brigade or what??

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Bigots fighting spiritual warfare on the front lines of misogyny. They're confederates still fighting the Civil War.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4

You got it. The Confederacy is still HUGE in Georgia's white population, along with South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, - oh hell, I'm just gonna stop there. Every Southern state! Not sure about North Florida except the Panhandle next to Alabama. The parents raised their kids who raised their kids who raised....it just won't ever f-ing end. I've lived in the deep South since age 9. Pretty much every native-born Southerner I've known has that attitude. Best I can say is that there has been a constant inflow of transplants from outside the South during all those years, and maybe dilution will ultimately have an effect. But not in areas like Forsyth County (and many,many other out of the way counties).

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Forsythe County is Klan country.

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Yes it is, and it's only one of 159 counties in Georgia, most of which are rural and low population, and most of which share the Klan mindset when push comes to shove.

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😆 She is a skank!

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GanGreene is actually a tranny .. and no insult to tranny’s cause some of them are gorgeous.. GanGreene is a FUGLYGORGONCROMAGNONBEAST🤮🤮🤮

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And an illiterate fucking moron to boot 🥾

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Yes. Good description. We used to call them “shit-for-brains.” It’s okay to procreate with a first degree family member cuz why not? Genetics (a science endeavor) is unknown to people like MT Gangrene and her constituents

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Listen to Eric Swallwell today…. He managed to blast out in Congress about the cult

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So true… if we can’t appeal to reason how about to budget consequences??!

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What really pisses me off is that this true American hero has to have a security detail for himself and his family. Marge and Co. should get a taste of that.😡😡

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Absolutely, Charlie. WTF is wrong with people?

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Right? I thought of words I have never used and didn’t know what they meant until I was an adult!

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Biden said something TO THE POINT last night about that COVICTED FELON DONNIE DEMENTO.

"For the first time in American history a former president that is a COVICTED FELON is now seeking the office of the Presidency.

But as disturbing as that is, more damaging is the all-out assault Donald Trump is making on the American system of justice . . .

The threat that Trump poses would be greater in a second term than it was in his first term. This isn’t the same Trump who got elected in 2016. He’s worse.

Something snapped in him when he lost in 2020. He can’t accept he lost, and it is literally driving him crazy."

The author observes that Biden gave people a permission structure to think differently about Trump in 2024 than they did in 2016. It's a great write up in the Bulwark and there is no pay wall.


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"Something snapped in him when he lost in 2020" is PERFECT. It's a) true; b) vivid; c) easily understood; d) guaranteed to trigger more something-snapped behavior in Trump. Every Democrat should, at every opportunity, say, "In 2020, something snapped in convicted felon Donald Trump, and we see the results every day." Republicans are good at learning their lines and repeating them verbatim. Dems should do the same.

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Yes, and it irritates me no end that the Dems pussyfoot around the issue more often than not. The DNC told pols running for state offices in Missouri not to harp on "convicted felon" when campaigning. If ever that message needs to be gotten across, it's in Missouri. It makes me angry.

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Same. I think the Dems' party line is, "We're above such personal attacks. We're going to concentrate on kitchen table issues that the American people blah blah..." But the reality is, they need to do BOTH. Divide your people and resources so half promote good policies, and half relentlessly attack the people who, after all, are ATTACKING YOU.

Dems are like an army under attack, whose generals say, "We're not going to lower ourselves to killing people. We're going to patiently make the case the war is bad and peace is good." War IS bad, and peace IS good. But you have to counter-attack and vanquish the enemy before you can institute peace.

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I agree. Why? It makes no sense!

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They are still playing by the rules. Like the generals, who are said to be fighting the last war (using old tech and strategies).

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🎯Perfect example, using mounted calvalry wasn't a great idea.

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I get my local news out of St. louis, though I live in IL. Ugh, So many maga political ads. 🙄 More recently the Dems seem to (FINALLY) be striking back. Charges being brought against fake electors in several states. Biden and Garland hitting back. 👏🏼

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Finally Garland is doing his damn job!! About F-ing time.. JFC

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The DNC is a horrible joke. I honestly can’t stomach their complete lack of cohesive messaging. It’s aggravating beyond words.

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It also makes a subtle suggestion that something “might snap” in people's opinions about Trump. They just might find themselves changing their minds. What's that faint snapping noise I hear?

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It’s also a sort of back-handed compliment. “he was normal BEFORE 2020…”

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We all know he wasn’t.

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Yes we do

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That douche was never normal.. not even a lil bit.

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He's been a sociopath his whole life.

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Exactly Charlie.. and if he’s gets in office again this country will be under a lifelong communist regime. He will never leave. He and his cronies will destroy everything we hold sacred.. like freedom of speech and equality.. the 4th Reich…and his followers.. are batshit dangerous. They are willing to die on his cross for him.

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Good!! He needs to keep hammering that point home. Gloves off time.

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Again and again and again. (Just like Trump keeps repeating what he wants people to believe.)

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Yes yes yes yes yes……!

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Nothing worse than a rejected convicted narcissist.

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Well a corrupt supreme court and a viral GOP gang run a close second

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And yes yes to that!!

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Bulwark has become indispensable to me.

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That hearing was painful to watch. A scientist who's given his adult life in public service is subjected to accusations and derisions from the most ignorant among us. I want to punch MTG in the throat for how she addressed DOCTOR Fauci.

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I will be a 70 year old woman in a few months, and I'm thinking Baseball Bat in the throat for Sporkfoot. In every way, she is the ugliest, most vicious Karen.

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No worries I’ve got your back and baseball bat sounds absolutely lovely 🥰

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Wooden or metal? Asking for a friend…

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I like wood products, personally.

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Digging the spiked one

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And she has to be hanging by her ankles, like Mussolini.

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This whole thing makes my blood run cold.

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I see red.. and my blood BOILS

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I’d like to see a crazed tiger released as she walks out of the door. 🐅 Or maybe a teased Bison from Yellowstone!

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The optics! Amazon vs Gentle Ben. However, Goliath looked lame before David. I am not over it yet!

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S73, Traitor Greene and Felon trump should never be allowed to speak in public. I’m already tense waiting for Judge Merchand to give trump a sentence of prison time. Somebody needs to give those of us who are sane, something to believe in!

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Exactly. If our judicial system fails us, we are up the proverbial river. SCOTUS is corrupt along with their wives and a lot of Congress, governors, local GOPs, school boards, etc. (I live in Fl) I could go on - lol. Judge Merchan is being fitted for a bullet proof suit as we speak..

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👋Waves at you, from sarasota.

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Hi! So happy there is another blue spot here! I am in Lakeland isolated. I have not met one person, not one, who does not spew his lies as facts. Washington has nothing on Florida! Still amazed that the governor was not outed nationally because they focused on his dour, condescending self and not his self-serving leadership. (I am on a rant today!)

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I recently heard that Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof vest when she testified.

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And not one of the Orange Judas cult feels shame over such a disgrace. I stand with Stormy.

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I think he can’t , for many unfortunately relevant reasons, but maybe an ankle bracelet?😉

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How bout we get her one of those prong collars with electrodes and every time she opens her fat yap she gets shocked.. what?!? I’m being nice. 😊

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Now your talkin'!

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Light her up!!!⚡⚡

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Amen 🙌🏽

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A Throat Punch is highly satisfying

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OMG! I’m sorry but I hate those motherfucking mindless lemmings so much. I can only imagine how Fauci feels about them.

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I hate feeling hate. Also, I hate feeling unable to punch Greene.

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I also wanted to punch the two clowns behind Dr. Fauci who were making stupid faces

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That was annoying AF

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I think they were MAGA ringers.

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They definitely were, one was a convicted J6 insurrectionist who got out of jail recently.

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I dunno… I always thought she looked and acted like a natural for the roller derby circuit. Loves 🏋️‍♀️ Probably packs a pretty mean punch. I’d want to bring a baseball bat and catch her upside the head early if possible…just trying to help you out here strategy speaking.

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Love how you think!!

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I dunno’. I think I could take her today! I keep getting angry. She who does not serve the public “glaring loudly” at Dr Fauci? How dare she!

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Fuck it I’ll be happy to deck that classless skank ..sign my sagging ass up!!

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Welllll, YOU seem to be feeling frisky today! Good news!

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I’m feeling much better today Lisa 🙌🏽

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So good to know, Bedhead!

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She needs to be knocked out. Matt Gaetz also.

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He seemed to be amused by the whole thing. It’s a fact that being reviled by certain types is a sign of good character. He showed his character by his classy demeanor.

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MAGA’s are such suckers for ropes. Just give them enough and they hang themselves every time. Fauci played the game with finesse.

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Oh Sarah I’m right on that boat with you!!! OMG!

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Talk about muzzling children, Bitch, keep banning Dr. Seuss and other entertaining and informative children’s books. Gawd, the insanity she and her ilk spew.

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BINGO!!!! 100% Agree!!

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That’s because they’re practically illiterate.. she cannot pronounce anything in the English language correctly.. how the fuck did anyone with a brain vote for the ignorant twatmuffin??

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Their tv was broken and they needed the entertainment from the tinfoil antenna.

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Tinfoil hat.😂

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No brains exist where she's from, only racist hate.

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And I would amend what I said, because I'm sure there's a very slim minority that disagrees with the ignort dimwit, and it must be very hard to live there and be represented by her 🤢. So I feel for you if that's your situation.

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Ignorant lol, don't ya love it when you're calling someone stupid and you have a typo 🤣

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Thank you Jeff, ALWAYS appreciate your commentaries. These goop people are (profanity caution) a bunch of FUCKING MORONS.

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ARREST Fauci? These people are up their own asses. Way up. Wonkette referred to Marge as “a bored dipshit suburban CrossFit housewife who lacks the brainpower that God gave a turnip”

Honestly I don’t understand how people aren’t tired of their antics already.

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Brain power of a turnip - now that definitely describes Marge 3-toes. Well done.

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But… some how she is the 4th highest republicant donation $$ earner!!🥴😩

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Those are confederate $

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How the F is she the 4 th highest earner?? Are they that fucking stupid?? Yes they are 🙄

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That’s funny AF and totally true!!

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Was that Evan, or Dok?

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Swalwell is ripping the House GOP morons a new one.

.@RepSwalwell lists all of the countries Donald Trump can no longer visit because he is a convicted felon.

Swalwell: If you believe in states’ rights except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for President, you might be in a cult.

“I demand that his words be taken down”

Swalwell: *keeps going*

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Swalwell is getting good press. If he can just keep it in his pants he could go very far in politics.

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What are you people talking about?

Axios reported that Swalwell was not accused of any impropriety and that officials did not believe that Fang obtained classified information from her contacts.[66]Also in December 2020, the San Francisco Chronicle quoted an unnamed FBI official familiar with the investigation as saying that "Swalwell was completely cooperative and under no suspicion of wrongdoing".

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Thanks for this; I thought it was excellent general advice for any rep / senator -- had forgotten this (or maybe I just thought at the time "meh, so what?").

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True..🙄 eye on the ball Swalwell .. not on your balls and not on breasts 🙄FFS

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When did our country think it was a good idea to elect these “people” as our representatives? I mean, Christ on a stick, is MTG beyond stupid and infantile. Soccer moms on steroids shouldn’t be allowed in the people’s house, but herewefuckingare. And please for all that is good, don’t get me started on “I know nothing of sexual misconduct in my university “ Jordan. If ever there was a face that deserved punching, his is it. Fuck that guy.

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Low intelelctual Georigia inbred rednecks elected her in her district.

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Spot on 🙌🏽

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I'm an Ohio State alum. There are a lot of his former wrestlers who wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

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Dogs are better at pissing on hydrants than MTG is at asking a question about science.

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I now call her MAGA Teresa.

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That’s pretty good Kristy 😂

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Now the world can steal it 😉😁

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Dr. Fauci literally contributed to writing the book on Principles of Internal Medicine, a textbook used in all Medical schools. It is a travesty he has to appear and defend his years of experience and expertise to a bunch of lame brained dumpster fire sycophants who most like followed his Covid protocols to stay alive. Remember MTraitorG and her bedazzled message masks? She is irresponsible, and belongs in prison for misinformation she has spewed from day one. How many people died from listening to her?

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They embarrass themselves. Daily. For the ridicule of future generations.

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The issue is also, that a lot of the public doesn't even realize that they are embarrassing themselves to such an outrageous extent, to such an extent that they all should be embarrassed and ashamed.

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How many died from listening to her? Not nearly enough.

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Oops. Did I just write that out loud? Darn. There goes another bit of the good karma I built up over years of taking care of patients, long hours, up all night, desperately seeking to keep people alive. And darned if the MAGAts aren’t going to suck the last little bit out of me before this is over. Apparently I will be reborn as a cockroach.

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She belongs in prison for seditious conspiracy.

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Dear gawd there needs to be a cognitive test before one can run for public office in this country. Something a bit tougher than "person, woman, man, camera, TV". Perhaps something that requires deductive logic and critical thinking.

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Q: "Name the three branches of government."

MTG: "Dictator, Me, Fox News."

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That’s brilliant 🙌🏽 I’m still laughing

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How about the Naturalization test? Immigrants know more about American History and government than these idiots.

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Psych evaluation..

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They should have to pass the civics test that immigrants take for citizenship.

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That "repulsive, evil science" phrase is a corker. Pretty much sums up the whole philosophy of, what, perhaps thirty per cent of the Republican Party?

Whither Rogan on this?

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I am so tired. I am on four mental health medications to stay alive. And for what?

I was perfectly healthy before the 2016 election. There are more and more of us unable to properly function because of the plague of mass stupidity.

Yesterday my father complained to me he that bought a car in 2018 that didn't get great gas milage because "tRump made us oil independent."

I couldn't stop laughing as I walked out the door. And then I sat in my car and cried.

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🌷. Take care of yourself.

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I promise - I will. I have three disabled kids who need me here (anyone know how I can live forever to protect them?) It's just so hard. And, as for the people on this planet who are eating up maga bullshit as fast as tRump can crap it out, let me quote Gene Wilder's Jim in Blazing Saddles, "You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."

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Hi Amy, it helps to step away. Pets, gardening, book clubs, volunteering are some ways to recharge your spirit. You are not alone. 👫👬👭🧑‍🤝‍🧑🇺🇸

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I do get out with two of my kids to volunteer at the local cat shelter socializing kittens. It's like being covered in love for two hours - well love and fur - but it is worth it!

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+1 Gardening is great, get into that Zen zone when you're thinking of nothing else. Playing music also gets you there, for awhile.

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I’m in zone 6a and most of my plants are inside because we get snow and I have tropical plants (Native Hawaiian.. in snow belt😵‍💫) but I love love love plants.. now if my cat would stay out of my plants that’d be a huge win! And classic rock helps

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I can relate. It's been a tough and disappointing time these last 8 years.

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It's so hard to just BE. I've tried meditation but I end up just wishing for a certain someone's obliteration while listening to soothing music. Oops.

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Bombay Sapphire gin works for me. Most of the time. Sometimes there just isn't enough made.

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Cannabis is legal in our state, thankfully, and we grow our own. :D

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Do gummies help one sleep? asking for a friend. Nyquil never fails me.

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I have had great luck with Incredibles Snoozeberries. However, once Mr. Blamey successfully started growing our own plants, we purchased a machine to help speed up the process of breaking everything down to get the oil. We make our own gummies (cherry, lime, and raspberry, as well as the occasional pan of special brownies. The machine cost around $200 - which isn't bad considering a bag of ten 10mg gummies costs around $20 and we can make a lot with a good harvest. He's trying to create a blend that will help our 21 year old with her debilitating obsessive compulsive disorder as prescription drugs aren't working. I do not know what I would do without it. For me, I wake up easily and am not groggy - plus I do not have the terrifying nightmares that Trazadone used to give me.

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Wow, you're gonna save lots of $$for your $200 investment. Good luck finding a helpful blend for your daughter.

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I like Snoozeberries but they’ve been sold out recently.

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I’d love to do that just to save money!

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If you can, go for it. We bought a Magical Butter machine but I know there are others. Mr. Blamey's next cannabis adventure will be hydroponics.

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Yes, Indica ("in da couch") edibles are excellent for sleep. The Sativa variety does the opposite. Make sure you specify Indica for sleep. I tried CBD - cost more & didn't have any effect.

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Good info Teri thank you. My daughter used to work in a dispensary so she would just get me stuff but now she’s a vet and doing what she loves.. in da couch is perfect lol 😂 more like I need to face plant for 8 hours.. omg if I could sleep a good 8 hours that would be a miracle! But at this point I’d be stoked for 4..

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Yes there’s a couple for sleeping.. but if you do too much you’re kinda wonky and I hate that feeling so I stick with NyQuil.. one is by Wana called Stay Asleep and one Sleepeeeze the Wana only take half the gummy. The other you can take one gummy

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When I’m not sick I take Wyld and Indotabs and the Wana Stay asleep and melatonin.. yes I’m a life long insomniac. All I want to do is knock my aging ass out and not wake up every hour on the damn hour! When you’re young you sleep so easily.. when you’re olderrrrr sleep can be an evading screaching bitch!

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I was once best friends with it, but we had to break up. THEN they legalize.

So it goes.

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Vodka.. or a bottle of Nyquil

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Lol; who is the comedian boosting Nyquil? Was it Lewis Black?

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Dennis O’ Leary

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Oops Dennis Leary

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*hugs* if you want them.

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