someone made a short-lived sitcom called Space Force that streamed on Netflix. it wasn't very good, and it pains me to say that, because I'm friends with some of the cast members
There's a tragedy in wasting an awesome title on something that crashes on launch - sort of like "Office of the President of the United States" post Jan20, 2025.
It wasn't a classic, but I enjoyed it, especially when the Orange Asshole decided to create his own Space Force. He has no detectable sense of humor, so either he overheard the name and had no idea the TV show existed, or he thought the show was a documentary.
I tried watching it because—Steve Carell and John Malkovich in a comedy series about a goofy general tasked to run Space Force? Sign me up!
😮💨 🤷♂️
I thought I'd heard Obama actually founded Space Force—because he was due to undergo *pon farr*, and needed to return to his native Vulcan before he went berzerk and killed every idiot in Congress. Not that most Americans wouldn't have cheered that part of it, it's just then Trump would yell, "See! SEE! I told you he's not a REAL American!"
...right before Obama shut him up with the Vulcan Death Grip.
Reading the news is like taking a one way flight to Island of Mind Masturbation. I'm so damn glad as of tonight, I get to chase my little grandkids around my house for two weeks. Great distraction. Hopefully, my daughter's dogs won't piss on everything.
The company she worked for just fired her and her entire department. About 140 people, yesterday. The company gets their medical parts from China. They're cutting entire departments and restructuring the company. Merry fucking Christmas. So, she's coming home.
Because they're assholes. She had feeling that something was in the works. She started interviewing for a job. She's a biologist and a EMT. EMT jobs don't pay shit. You think saving a life would be valuable. Not in this country. Yeah, a lot people were crying on Zoom. Soul crushing for some. She was just mad as hell. She's a tough cookie.
No, it's a deliberate strategy to make you feel worse. My husband was injured on the job early in our marriage (their fault, a permanent injury), I was pregnant, and they fired him the Monday before Thanksgiving. What do I think of employers? They're not nice people. Generally, a criminal class. I will say, when I was dotcomming, it was more fun than I ever had, but they pretty much ran the company into the ground in three years. I worked hard, made a lot of money, and paid for my son's college education. My supervisors and managers and I got along really well, and they were the only honest, appreciative management I ever really met.
Stock up on your See’s, gummies, alcohol, walking/running away shoes, etc. Same thing happened to one of my kids. Changing the locks so she and the dogs can’t get in. Just kidding, of course. I will relegate her to the laundry room.
Oy Vey! My daughter has two dogs, ages 12 and 9, who were here for Thanksgiving and will be here again for Chrismanukkah. One (or both) leaves a pile of 💩 right on my dining room floor! Fun times!
Good for you, Lisa. I retire October next year at age 72 and will be doing everything I haven’t been able to do for 55 years….read, walk the dogs more, make new friends, volunteer a bit. Good luck to you!
Mmmm, See’s Candy ❤️ I was just in See’s yesterday. The store is next door to my bank, and whenever I go to the bank (not often), I always stop in at See’s.
No! My husband took what he thought was oxycontin (pain from that work injury) that his best friend gave him (sourced from a street corner) and I came home to find him unconscious on the floor. After the EMTs came and left, I learned what happened, and the moral is: no drugs from criminal best friends that were sourced from street corners. You don't know what it is. Stick to those prescriptions.
I am fortunate to have a rare reaction to opiates: instead of a CNS depressant, they have a stimulant effect. It's almost impossible for me to OD. The downside is, I can't take them near bedtime because they keep me wide-awake. I suffer from terrible chronic pain, but can't take pain medication when I need it most. I have to go to bed 12 hours before I want to wake up, and I only get about 6 hours of actual sleep. 🙃
You never know. Consider trying a fentanyl patch, beginning of course with the lowest dosage. It can take 48hrs to build up a staeady state blood level of the active med to begin to get good pain decrease.
Nancy Mace reminds me of the former Intelligence Committee or Michelle Bachman which reminds me of someone that the new administration would pick. I’m from MN so I have been scarred for life, pity me.
I WISH I could nap . I have had horrible insomnia for more than 10 years , the meds are not working anymore. Alcohol makes it worse, Marijuana helps very slightly.
CBN is what finally helped me sleep -- it's one of the CBDs that the hemp companies are singling out. It's not psychoactive (like THC is) and helps with pain too. Without it, I probably would be out yelling obscenities at the sky and my asshole neighbors every day... :)
Thank you! Just drilled down far enough into my email backlog and saw this reply. I'll put it on my shopping list, Patrick Daniels aka Cromulent1. It's in the single digits here currently but the taste of margaritas makes me think of warm memories so I'll bundle up and suck them down.
This next four years will be beyond our imaginations of bizarro-bullshit-crazy making-galaxy of stupidly cruel weirdo assholes. (Not enough words to describe how awful.)
I'm stocking up on weed, especially since Dan fucking Patrick is going to make thc illegal again in Texas without a prescription when the lege goes into session (and just as Trump is getting settled in). This includes hemp-derived thc, which is legal in most states now -- the liquor and beer industrial complex is unhappy that legal hemp is cutting into their business.
I'm usually maddest at Gov Dr Evil and fucking Ken Paxton, the crooked AG, but Dan Patrick just hit the top of my list.
Mace: "something from outside the universe"? Is there anything outside of the universe (beyond her brain, which does indeed appear to be in another dimension)?
Space Farce is the sequel to Spaceballs, but not nearly as funny and the director is a fuckwit (apologies to Mel Brooks)
someone made a short-lived sitcom called Space Force that streamed on Netflix. it wasn't very good, and it pains me to say that, because I'm friends with some of the cast members
There's a tragedy in wasting an awesome title on something that crashes on launch - sort of like "Office of the President of the United States" post Jan20, 2025.
I loved "Space Force." I suppose I just tanked any credibility I have.
Nah. We all have our guilty pleasures.
We did, too. So sarcastic and funny we thought.
I liked it. 😬
Agreed. Not my favorite show. But I did enjoy Carrell & Malkovich quite a bit in it!
It wasn't a classic, but I enjoyed it, especially when the Orange Asshole decided to create his own Space Force. He has no detectable sense of humor, so either he overheard the name and had no idea the TV show existed, or he thought the show was a documentary.
I think he thinks "YMCA" is about affordable housing.
OMG 😂😂😂😂 I thought you were gonna say "I was friends with some of the aliens"!!! 🛸
I tried watching it because—Steve Carell and John Malkovich in a comedy series about a goofy general tasked to run Space Force? Sign me up!
😮💨 🤷♂️
I thought I'd heard Obama actually founded Space Force—because he was due to undergo *pon farr*, and needed to return to his native Vulcan before he went berzerk and killed every idiot in Congress. Not that most Americans wouldn't have cheered that part of it, it's just then Trump would yell, "See! SEE! I told you he's not a REAL American!"
...right before Obama shut him up with the Vulcan Death Grip.
I liked the show Space Force ok! It was enjoyable.
I LOVED Space Force. If was a riot but I'm old & maybe I missed something?
Yeah, well, I'm old too. But I don't think we missed anything. Maybe these young whippersnappers don't appreciate John Malkovich?
Reading the news is like taking a one way flight to Island of Mind Masturbation. I'm so damn glad as of tonight, I get to chase my little grandkids around my house for two weeks. Great distraction. Hopefully, my daughter's dogs won't piss on everything.
Bon chance Lisa, it’s likely a great distraction from the fuckery of the epoch!!
The company she worked for just fired her and her entire department. About 140 people, yesterday. The company gets their medical parts from China. They're cutting entire departments and restructuring the company. Merry fucking Christmas. So, she's coming home.
why do these outfits do it at Xmas? or do we just notice these firings at this time of the year because it's this time of the year?
Because they're assholes. She had feeling that something was in the works. She started interviewing for a job. She's a biologist and a EMT. EMT jobs don't pay shit. You think saving a life would be valuable. Not in this country. Yeah, a lot people were crying on Zoom. Soul crushing for some. She was just mad as hell. She's a tough cookie.
No, it's a deliberate strategy to make you feel worse. My husband was injured on the job early in our marriage (their fault, a permanent injury), I was pregnant, and they fired him the Monday before Thanksgiving. What do I think of employers? They're not nice people. Generally, a criminal class. I will say, when I was dotcomming, it was more fun than I ever had, but they pretty much ran the company into the ground in three years. I worked hard, made a lot of money, and paid for my son's college education. My supervisors and managers and I got along really well, and they were the only honest, appreciative management I ever really met.
Stock up on your See’s, gummies, alcohol, walking/running away shoes, etc. Same thing happened to one of my kids. Changing the locks so she and the dogs can’t get in. Just kidding, of course. I will relegate her to the laundry room.
Is mind masterbation anything like being fuck witted? If so, I’m there for it.
🤣🤣🤣 Yep!
Oy Vey! My daughter has two dogs, ages 12 and 9, who were here for Thanksgiving and will be here again for Chrismanukkah. One (or both) leaves a pile of 💩 right on my dining room floor! Fun times!
I hear ya. The French bulldog wears diapers. It's a rescue dog. Even her cat is coming. It's all good. But...😅
Lol. I have a dog and a cat and my son is coming with his two cats. My poor dog is outnumbered (she’s pretty good about it).
Darling, have a swig of something before the festivities begin! Here’s to you and to me, too!🍹🍹
Here's to us sister!! 🍻❤️❤️
Try walking them
I hear you. I was feeling very sad last night. I have to limit my exposure to this insanity. I was feeling pretty hopeless.
When you feel like that, take a break and do something meaningful.
I've been playing George Winston all morning. Taking a breath. Refocus my energies. Good advice, Stephen.
I've been playing old 80s stuff like A-Ha and the Traveling Wilburys. But my fave is George Harrison's album from 1970, "All Things Must Pass."
I've been playing Morriseys EVERY DAY IS LIKE SUNDAY. over & over, like there's
no tomorrow. 🥺
Lisa! I need to come visit...I have a feeling together we would feel a lot better about things! ✌️
Amen to that. After the holidays. Let's work on that. I would love it. ❤️
I think so!!!!
Good for you, Lisa. I retire October next year at age 72 and will be doing everything I haven’t been able to do for 55 years….read, walk the dogs more, make new friends, volunteer a bit. Good luck to you!
You too! Enjoy!
Yeah, I've found lots of cool old movies to watch on Tubi. It really helps, along with those gummies.
Great distraction PLUS all the free candy you can eat, I hope?? lol! Yum!😋
Mmmm, See’s Candy ❤️ I was just in See’s yesterday. The store is next door to my bank, and whenever I go to the bank (not often), I always stop in at See’s.
Lisa, it may help that you’re dreaming of Willy Wonka. Yes. I concur. This Substack is what helps. That of Clay Jones too. (Claytoonz)
And it pisses me off that it basically stole the Starfleet insignia.
Oh but that's what he dies, lie, cheat, AND steal. He's the whole (criminal) package!
OMG,OMG,OMG. 4 YEARS OF THIS SHIT. I will be going crazy.
I was going to participate in Dry January but I really don't see that happening now...
On the contrary, I'll be switching from alcohol to heroin.
(JK, BTW. I actually don't even drink anymore. I can't mix it with my meds)
Or, maybe I'll just go straight to cyanide and skip the slow death.
Paula, same. Menopause suddenly made any amount of alcohol give me a splitting headache. I am now at 68 taking Indica gummies to stay sane.
I wish those gummies weren't so expensive! I loved how well they worked.
Oh Paula, why stop at heroin? Give fentanyl a try!
No! My husband took what he thought was oxycontin (pain from that work injury) that his best friend gave him (sourced from a street corner) and I came home to find him unconscious on the floor. After the EMTs came and left, I learned what happened, and the moral is: no drugs from criminal best friends that were sourced from street corners. You don't know what it is. Stick to those prescriptions.
I am fortunate to have a rare reaction to opiates: instead of a CNS depressant, they have a stimulant effect. It's almost impossible for me to OD. The downside is, I can't take them near bedtime because they keep me wide-awake. I suffer from terrible chronic pain, but can't take pain medication when I need it most. I have to go to bed 12 hours before I want to wake up, and I only get about 6 hours of actual sleep. 🙃
PS: my prescription drug coverage does not cover medical Marijuana. Most emphatically not, as I found out when I called Humana.
I would love to try fentanyl! But only if it's pharmaceutical grade. I have a feeling it would still have that weird stimulant effect tho
You never know. Consider trying a fentanyl patch, beginning of course with the lowest dosage. It can take 48hrs to build up a staeady state blood level of the active med to begin to get good pain decrease.
😂😂😂😂's overrated. Or switch to gummies and naps.
Nancy Mace reminds me of the former Intelligence Committee or Michelle Bachman which reminds me of someone that the new administration would pick. I’m from MN so I have been scarred for life, pity me.
YIKES! Michelle Bachman. Hadn't thought about that nut job for awhile. 😂😳
Nancy Mace has serious mental health issues.
I WISH I could nap . I have had horrible insomnia for more than 10 years , the meds are not working anymore. Alcohol makes it worse, Marijuana helps very slightly.
CBN is what finally helped me sleep -- it's one of the CBDs that the hemp companies are singling out. It's not psychoactive (like THC is) and helps with pain too. Without it, I probably would be out yelling obscenities at the sky and my asshole neighbors every day... :)
Ahhh... I'm so sorry. Alcohol does interfere with sleep.
I’ve been a nightowl & insomniac my entire life. My bedtime regimen is
Restoril 30mg, Benedryl 50mg & the muscle relaxant tizanidine 4mg x2
Puts me right out. 😁
I want your prescriber ! I need to talk to my Dr, the Trazodone isn't working at all like it used to. Nightmares often now too.
Gummy’s are always good, but a blunt is preferable… Greg Olear loves his Manhattans, do you watch the 5-8 on YT or read Prevail Susan?
No...but I'll look it up!!
My local nursery carries CBD lollipops; I bought a bunch for friends.
Great stocking stuffer! :)
I just bought a bottle of really good margarita mix. I plan to finish it rapidly.
Cadillac Margaritas are excellent, but its too cold in my neck of the woods Carol
Thank you! Just drilled down far enough into my email backlog and saw this reply. I'll put it on my shopping list, Patrick Daniels aka Cromulent1. It's in the single digits here currently but the taste of margaritas makes me think of warm memories so I'll bundle up and suck them down.
Best to lose that thought for the next four at least Arne!
I like a dry vodka martini, just wave a bottle of vermouth over it.
Is it too early to mix a Manhattan????
A really good old fashioned. I had a couple in San Diego that tasted like burnt sugar. Yum!!
Oooooh…yes. That sounds yummy. Let’s figure out how to make that!
I had given up drinking wine to save calories & lose some weight. Those days are over now
Picked the wrong year to quit drinking? (And smoking, and sniffing glue?)
This next four years will be beyond our imaginations of bizarro-bullshit-crazy making-galaxy of stupidly cruel weirdo assholes. (Not enough words to describe how awful.)
True dat Sarah!!
We’ll be lucky if it is just 4 years. 😫
I believe that will become more apparent with full-tilt fascism’s warm embrace Susan!!
I'm stocking up on weed, especially since Dan fucking Patrick is going to make thc illegal again in Texas without a prescription when the lege goes into session (and just as Trump is getting settled in). This includes hemp-derived thc, which is legal in most states now -- the liquor and beer industrial complex is unhappy that legal hemp is cutting into their business.
I'm usually maddest at Gov Dr Evil and fucking Ken Paxton, the crooked AG, but Dan Patrick just hit the top of my list.
I so get it! Was pissed when Cancun Cruz won again. Allred ran a terrific race. Sigh…
They’re all execrable tosspots Poco, ignorant people elect ignorant nooks!!
We're legal in Minnesota. We had a sweet harvest this year. I'm ready for anything.
I was born & raised in Uvalde, TX but I’m so glad to be living in NM now.
Still have family in Kerrville & Seguin but don’t plan on visiting any time soon; unfortunately they’re all magas
I had to stop thinking of it that way. "A lot can slip between the cup and the lip."
Which usually ends up in my lap Patty!!
Or on my blue suede shoes, LOL
Mace: "something from outside the universe"? Is there anything outside of the universe (beyond her brain, which does indeed appear to be in another dimension)?