ok, contest for the day: who can identify where "fuckity bye" comes from

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Hmmm, I can’t claim credit, but I do say fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck on occasion

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It sounds like something Roman Roy would say, but probably not in this case. Using Google is cheating!

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My second guess was Hit Girl from Kick-Ass.

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I instantly thought Roman Roy.

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Jonathan Pie? (He seems to be the UK version of what Jeff would sound like if he did videos instead of substacks.)

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While I prefer it came from your original thinking- if googled- comes from a Scottish man!

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Lewis Black? Say, I miss the Fuck out of him! What’s he been the Fuck up to, anyway?

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IN THE LOOP's Malcolm Tucker

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Armando Iannucci’s character, spin doctor Malcolm Tucker, out of his political comedy The Thick of It, magnificently played as embodied malice by the actor Peter Capaldi ?

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winner winner chicken dinner

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Nov 9, 2023
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the judges will accept this! the film is "In The Loop."

now, what character says it?

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Nobody told me there would be tests! My best friend from childhood used to exclaim "cock suckin' mother fuckin' b ball bitch". I don't know how b ball got thrown in, but it made the whole thing more poetic.

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I can't wait till Saturday morning when I'm on the sidewalk at PP rubbing salt in the wounds of the womb sniffers who harass patients. Also, in the last three months, my clinic defender group has driven two womb sniffers away from the churches they were leading or attending by picketing there on Sunday mornings. We rock so fucking hard we should be convulsing in orgasm.

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I will now steal "womb sniffers." You may have, "god-botherers" if you don't have it already.

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Thank you for your service!

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You are absolutely heroes! TYSM!!!

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Conveniently left out of TFG's post was the reason for Tate Reeves' "resounding victory" : The state of Mississippi (no, ya think?!) conveniently managed to "run out of ballots" in predominantly-Black voting districts. I surely hope this election is headed for a lawsuit. Marc Elias, are you listening?

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Randi Rhodes was saying that they ran out of ballots five times and only gave them about 100 ballots each time. WTF????

I think everyone should be automatically registered when they turn 18 and that every state should have 100% mail-in voting. It works great in many states and the US military has used it since the Civil War.

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I’m fortunate I live in a state that has mail-in

voting. Even my previous state got with the program once they realized how well it worked during the pandemic. I do kind of miss going to the polls though. I always took the kids when they were little too emphasize the importance of voting. They lived those little stickers!

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Automatic voter registration and vote by mail is a no-brainer. That’s why Repugs will never support it.

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What I don’t get is their voters would like it too.

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Yes but the math is against them. The Democratic party is the bigger party and heavy turnout consistently favors Democratic victories.

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I don't think they really want voters of ANY kind. I mean Donnie FF already said in one of his rambling, evil-brained, rally monologues that people shouldn't bother voting. I just wish the 'talking heads' would take seriously all the shit that he says, instead of just coming for the show!

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Yeah. It might cause the masses and the uppity young people to (gasp) vote!

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OMGoddess.... can you imagine the sheer havoc wreaked by young people voting. 😳😳🙄

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Oh yes. My favorite fantasy. Because it will come true!

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Ah, yes; the audacity of them! Must add anyone who isn't pale, male and rich.

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Necessary havoc.

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Well, duh, Charlie.... 🙄

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Wait, wait. It's a brainer, because the Repugs are no brainers.

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And when they needed to extend voting hours because of this, Repubs shut them down. Talk about stealing an election! I vote for a do-over.

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Works perfectly in Washington State. There are steel impenetrable drop-boxes all over the place.

I have one just 1/2 mile from my residence. They mail me a ballot, I study the voter's pamphlet, then fill the ballot out while sitting in the bathroom.

On the way to the store, drop it off into the drop box 1/2 mile away. No lines, no waiting, no "mysterious lack of ballots" no "fines for bringing me water" for fucks, fucking sake.

This horse shit going on in \Mississippi/ is simply criminal. It's medieval. Those assholes in charge need to be thrown in jail for a month for every ballot they did not deliver. Then fired and sent to Gaza to do community service.

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Word Doc! I was a Dem election observer in Pierce County for a couple of years and I left that job thinking that we had the best voting system available anywhere. You're so right -- there's a paper trail, no lines to wait in, no stupid machines to break down or be hacked, and no running out of ballots FFS. Everyone who is registered gets a ballot and a voter's guide. The elections supervisors work hard to make sure that every vote is accurately counted.

Jeezuz, if only the Rethugs would put as much effort and creativity into making our country a better place for everyone instead of a select few, think how great we really would be! Hell, I'm so old I remember when we were the envy of the fking world in terms of tech, healthcare, and education. Rethugs ruined everything.

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Probably no one will see this here other than maybe Mary Hall, and even Mary might not be able to read it because it might be behind a paywall, but here goes:

This article in The Bulwark points out how in Mississippi absentee ballots are rejected at a higher rate than elsewhere & very often not even opened! (& they don’t allow early voting)


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Can’t believe it’s not already. The election should never have been called. The moment I heard that Reeves had won, I knew there was frothy bullshit afoot. If I had my way, it’d be a full investigation starting at 12:01 a.m. 11/08. After all, how many times are these painfully obvious middle school pranks with our voting rights going to be shrugged off as “Hey, what are you gonna do about it now?” Clearly there were premeditated actions taken to prevent targeted voters from voting.

I’ve clerked elections before. This is so suspicious.

I’d be looking at the people who packed the kits, who had possession of the kit prior to 7:00 a.m. 11/7 and

I think it’s shovel and pitchfork time for the peasants forced to endure such discrimination against their constitutional voting rights.

Abortion was an enshrined constitutional right that was TAKEN from us. The SCOTUS purpose is to protect our rights not deny them. Shelby vs Holder took away voting protections for this exact purpose, to manipulate the vote on Republicans behalf.

This is what in IMHO is every bit as much cheating as trying to vote more than once in any election 🗳️. There’s a reason MI is suffering from stupidity.

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Sorry, but it's not MI (my state) the two-letter designation for Mississippi is MS.

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Sorry. Little distractions. I do know it’s MS. No offense intended

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Oh, I figured that. No worries. Peace my friend.

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This needs a DOJ investigation. Merrick Garland, are you listening?

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Ok. What the fuck is that picture with the knights templar on horseback???? That's the wierdest fucking thing I've seen today. The tiny toy tank?? Helicopters floating by??? I seriously want a print of that.

Oh and yeah, I'll vote sexy any time and I'm fucking old.

Give me weed and sex !!!

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It’s a picture of Ohiossissippi.That’s JD in the front leading the way with Governor DeWine and Fran just behind him.

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Poor horses.

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Perhaps it's a preview of the tangerine turd and his deranged disciple's plan for their proposed Project 2025. With the brown shirt agenda, it's enough to scare the living shit out of any of the good folks who support democracy and our way of life. The felonious fuckhead has taken his twisted extremism to a whole new level and another good reason why he must be imprisoned and defeated.

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He doesn't know how to copy and paste convincingly.

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With a backup abortion policy

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Don’t you just love how Republicans spew “the people have spoken” when nutcases like the orange buffoon are elected ... but go complete apeshit when the people’s clear voice tells them to stay the hell away from women’s bodies?

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But the people had spoken clearly for Hillary to win. Not baby Donny. He did not win the popular vote. The voices of the left have been denied throughout history in the US.

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"We can't give into the idea that the federal Congress has no role in this

matter," Wait, wait, wait. This from the republicans who have been screaming about abortion being decided by the states? Can these people ever make up their fucking minds? JD Vance is an absolute imbecile. Harvard or no Harvard.

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I don’t know how Vance ever got elected. Would you vote for someone who trashed his/your whole region as inbred and mentally deficient? I sure wouldn’t. Yeesh!

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Carol, I’m so angry that the DNC left a fine candidate as Tim Ryan in a lurch. JD Vance is snake oil salesman and punk. Harvard’s standards of academic integrity has left much to be desired and lessened greatly from their once ivory towers now soot blacked and decrepit with corruption.

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I agree. I can’t stand Vance! He was invited to speak at UC Davis a few years ago and I wrote an LTE in protest. We wouldn’t even consider welcoming a speaker who would trash African-Americans, Asian, or Latino/a people. Why is it ok for someone to trash Appalachians? Nothing changed, of course, but maybe a few people went “Hmmm.”

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It's a big assumption that the people who voted for him can read.

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1. Gotta love how Chump blames Mitch for Cameron’s loss when we all know it was the Taint of Trump™ that did him in.

2. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the whole point of Dobbs to give abortion rights back to the states? Now that the states are enshrining those rights in their constitution, RWNJ’s want a federal ban. Talk about sore losers.

3. I bet some clever person can come up with lyrics akin to the Addams Family for the Fraud Family

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The point is abortion gets banned. They don't care how or at what level, but some woman somewhere may decide she doesn't want to deliver a MAN'S HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS HEIR and that's just a thought they can't live with, even if they raped her, she's their niece, and delivering the HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS HEIR might kill her.

Or in the case of someone I'm familiar with, all three.

Some men just want to control everything, even things going on in other people's bodies. It's bullshit.

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It’s just so fucking hypocritical (surprise, surprise). They got what they wanted, but when it got turned back on them, they whine and tear their sackcloths. SMH

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What they really wanted and expected was that women and the men who love them would sit down

and shut up. They completely underestimated the fury over Dobbs.

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With them, what they want and what they need never coincide and that's why they're angry all the time.

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1. You've forced me to think about "Trump's taint" and now I've shared that with everyone.

2. The whole point of Dobbs was to PRETEND to give the decisions back to the States, and then rush in the trigger laws, plan for a Federal ban, and other crap to take away the right altogether. Republicans aren't about to start GIVING you things. Abortion is a MEDICAL procedure! WTF?

3. I'll leave this to better songwriters, but yeah, it would fit very well.

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Cameron had 3 strikes against him winning the gubernatorial race vs Beshear:

1) The Trump Taint. ‘Nuff said.

2) The McConnell Taint (he is very unpopular with Trumpies here after his opposition to Jan 6).

3) His race. Believe it or not, there Kentuckians who’d rather vote against MAGA than vote for an educated, well-spoken man of color.

Old habits, even the worst and most toxic, die hard. Imagine GOP voters voting against a black man! s/

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I’ve been wondering how Tim Scott thought Repubs would elect him. (Hell, even Nikki Haley seems a stretch to be their commander in chief.)

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not sure. assuming Trump doesn’t/can’t run, she seems to be a challenging candidate; however, one wonders if the evangelicals--which, as a demographic, supported post-9/11 torture against Muslims at a higher rate than any other group, and have given their odious Orange Savior a pass on sexual assaults, adultry with porn stars, deadly insurrections, et al--would set aside their aversion to women in positions of leadership.

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My point exactly. They don’t believe women should be in positions of leadership. (Remember Black men got the vote before women did, & now some Repubs think we need to turn the clock back on “letting” women vote too!!)

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What about Beshear's dad being the previous governor and family ties to the area?

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So far as I know, Andy Beshear benefited from the family name with free recognition, a name that antagonized GOP legislators and citizens alike; however, his performance as governor has been very successful for the state and its citizens. Of note, his daily press conferences during COVID; his tireless efforts to assist the communities devastated by catastrophic flooding; and other areas slammed by deadly tornadoes.

Andy has carved out his own persona and is a much better leader and governor than his dad ever was.

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You go on his Instagram page and some of the comments are really rude which makes me think they are fake. Also I got some scathing texts from the KY gop on election day making me think they knew they were losing but not going down without being absolutely deplorable.

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Randy Rainbow does comedic political songs. There’s also a couple who are great but can’t remember their names

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I watch every one of Randy’s parodies. They’re fabulous.

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Oops, wrote mine before seeing you’d already said it. (Great minds?)

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Check in with Randy Rainbow. Maybe he already has!

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I think I played fraud family 10 times already. This and Jeweled encrusted fuck has made my day.

I love America!

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I fucking love New Yorkers! First they run Margie Sporkfoot out of town and now they hurt Ivanka’s fee fees; keep up the great work NY! Signed, A Left Coaster

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Yes, I couldn't really believe it this morning when Heather Cox Richardson told me:

"They are not alone in insisting that Republicans lost not because they are extremist but because they aren’t extremist enough. Georgia representative Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote that “Republicans are losing Republican voters because the base is fed up with weak Republicans who never do anything to actually stop the communist democrats…. The Republican Party is tone deaf and weak…. Republican voters are energized and can not [sic] wait to vote for President Trump…. [T]he Republican Party has only a short time to change their weak ways before they lose the base for years to come.”

Yes, PLEASE keep believing that. My dream since Nixon in 1972 and Reagan in 1984 with their almost complete red map after the election, is to see an election map that is all BLUE after a presidential race. 2024 COULD be the year if the Trumplicans keep being this fucking stupid. "Oh! You don't like the shit sandwich I made you? It must need more SHIT!! Here, let me help."

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I don’t understand how being even more extreme gets them brownie points. This election should have been a ten alarm wake-up call. However, I agree that they should keep on being even more insane so we can wipe a nice chunk off the election map.

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IMO some of these people were elected BECAUSE they espoused getting rid of Roe. At first they didn’t really mean it, they just wanted Repugs to win but the religious fanatics were pushing this issue hard. It got to the point where I’d be reading opinion pieces about women who supposedly would vote Dem if the Dems would just be “pro fetus” (ugh!) Over the years Repug candidates really came to believe it was the deciding issue for the base (along with gun rights)

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the Indies will run so fast and far from them. how fucking stupid.

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In this case stupidity is a win

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I'm stealing! "Oh! You don't like the shit sandwich I made you? It must need more SHIT!! Here, let me help."

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What the hell did she actually say?? Word salad. The only thing I can make out is "communist democrats..." good grief.

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the "jewel-encrusted fuck" suggests that someone just logged onto an artificial intelligence app for the first time, but hasn't quite gotten the bugs out. But humor aside, he is calling for violence.

I don't want to kink shame, but I'm surprised that anyone, even Mr Frothy Mix, would find abortion to be "sexy."

And speaking of abortion, here's the hill I will die on:

--The only people who should get a voice in the abortion debate are people with uteruses (uteri?) and eggs, who are capable of getting pregnant.--

Yes, I am excluding my post-menopausal self from this. I managed to get through 492 menstrual cycles without ever getting pregnant, hallefuckinglujah. I was fortunate to have access to good birth control, but I still had some pregnancy scares, and that sucked. I can't imagine what people who get pregnant and don't want to be go through. At this point, I am just here to support my younger sisters in any way I can. And anyone who has testicles instead of ovaries can support them too, but they certainly should have no voice in what rights they have to their own bodies.

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Who wrote the Cameron retraction post? Pretty sure "alleviate" is not in his vocabulary. lol

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BIG MAD! 😂 Seriously, what rock did Rick Santorum crawl out from under? He also said: "Pure democracies are not the way to run a country." Fuck that guy. And Ohio should not forget these assholes who want to ignore what the people voted for. That is some kind of audacity right there. Why cant Republicans just be conservatives instead of trying to overthrow democracy? ARRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!

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I was texting with an Ohio friend this morning, congratulating Ohioans on their wins. He mentioned they’re not really a red state (more purple), but the gerrymandering makes it appear so.

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Why did they vote for Vance then?

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🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m sure my friend didn’t. But I’ll ask why did Californians ever vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger? Because he was a well known actor. Vance is a well known author. Name recognition as opposed to actual policy.

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I’m sure you’re right, but it seems Ohio has been pretty consistently red (except for Sherrie Brown!) I say that, but my deep blue NJ has gone in for too many Repubs in their day (big case in point is Christie)

Maybe Ohio, Iowa, & more will all turn blue this year!

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I love Sherrod Brown. I actually met him once. He’s the real deal.

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Cool! He’s one of the many candidates to whom I donate money.

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and Jon Tester of Montana is fabulous!

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Did the Dems not come out? Ohio is a true swing state.

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I’m not convinced this will stop them from voting Repub. They voted for thump in 2020, & their last couple governors are Repubs

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I lived there, I definitely see them voting for him but they also voted for Obama. But once you're Maga, seems like Maga for life, at least right now.

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I haven’t given up hope! (Thanks to Kay-El & friend)

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They are really, REALLY following Anger Mango in their admiration for theocracies and despots.

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Florida Repugs found a way to ignore letting former felons vote after voters approved it.

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That’s 💩 … can anything be done?

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It seems not until they get rid of DeSatan. I lived in Miami for a while & thought the state was a lot like the NY area but with a Cuban flavor. Unfortunately a lot of the state isn’t much different than the states of Alabama or Mississippi.

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Man, that sucks. 🙄

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