Aug 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I'm so glad you ended this by reminding people who the genuine victims of America's system of justice are: the poor, people of color, immigrants. Thank you.

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And why this is my favorite daily distilled news rollup.

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Same! I’m giddy when the notification pops up.

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Indeed, it was my voice they decided to suppress--my vote they tried to steal. My father was a vet who had to come home to a society that made him sit in the back of the bus. So, many people died for my right to cast a vote for the GOP to gerrymander their districts and outright equate my vote with rigging. Then turn around and claim I am the one playing the race card. Disgusting.

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deletedAug 25, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023
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Hugs to you sister and I deeply appreciate you for your words. We have come a long way but we have a ways to go. I am just glad there are people walking the walk to get us to the kind of place we saw on shows like Star Trek where the only menace was some alien race who had no idea who we were, :-D Seriously though, as Biden said, we are in a fight for the soul of this nation and it is not going to be easy, but if we are to progress forward and not backward, we have to fight like hell for it.

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Mine too--both the old school and Next Generation, although If I had to pick, Picard was my favorite. He had such understated swag.

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Thank you for that photo of Chris Hemsworth next to the beached whale with the ‘strawberry blonde’ hair. Haha. The only thing missing from his inmate number is the letter ‘S’. It should be POS1135809. Henceforth, I will refer to him as inmate Piece of Shit........

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I thought the number should end in 666. Just saying.

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I have been calling him the prince of darkness for the past several years. Your 666 reference is perfect.

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I just spit water all over myself! 😂🤣

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Sarah! Brilliant! 😂😂😂

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Thank you for the photo of Chris Hemsworth. 😏

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Also, I just have to state the obvious once again - that mug shot pose that was rehearsed for hours with the help of ‘somebody’ is the corniest, stupidest, bad acting, pathetic attempt to look like a tough guy. When, in actuality, he’s the weakest dolt scum bag.

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I thought the same.

What a poser. A poor one at that. Btw, where’s the profile? Hiding the saggy neck and dangling earlobes?

The kid gloves treatment of this racketeer has gone from the ridiculous to the absurd.

This is what must change. Anyone ever processed for a crime at the Fulton County Prison should file a complaint for not being permitted to arrive like a diplomat attending a state dinner.

Since the SCOTUS decided law suits no longer need standing, what the heck, go for it.

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No kidding. I think Trump practiced many hours in the mittor for his jail portrait. Missing that "camel toe" neck cleavage as well.

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The mug shot photo was an attempt to duplicate Trumps Superhero NFT trading cards from earlier in the year. Look them up.

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Yes I heard of this. I am not a crypto investor because I think it is a shell game so never gave the NFT much notice either. Anything for a buck this guy.

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Aye, RV.

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If you Google Trump NFT Superhero trading cards you will find some with strong likenesses of his mug shot.

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Too funny your reply below. Considering he makes his own reality up, the NFT super'duper makes sense. When he has a complete meltdown or narcissistic collapse- he will be even more dangerous.

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Kinda glad I won't have to see it on tee-shirts and bumper stickers. ewww

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Ewe! And I’m not referring to female sheep.

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Just thinking about it makes me want to hurl.

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Saw a picture of this photo side-by side with a "Zoolander" picture showing Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson with literally the exact same practiced scowls (along with the makeup and lighting). It's like they did a fashion shoot in the Atlanta jailhouse.

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And his eyes are suuuuper red, one wonders why? Crying?

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Yes, and while posing for that mug shot, he surely soiled his tightie whities. He will have to stock up on Depends when his trial starts.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Run on sentence: 84 words (unless I’m laughing and missed a few!) You’ll be at 100 before October 23!

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I added two new descriptors for today's version

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We read every word of those descriptions very carefully!

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About halfway to your publication of “Jeff’s Thesaurus”. Keep ‘em coming’. Book should be ready within 12 months.

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Don't think we didn't notice.

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It's kind of like keeping track of all the people he fired in his administration. There was no way to display it so people could actually read it because the list was too long. He keeps adding descriptors based on his daily conduct, none of them are good, and soon will no longer reasonably fit on a page.

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Ahahahah that's so awesome!

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That's one of the things I enjoy most about Jeff's blog.

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I recite Jeff’s descriptors slowly like Arya Stark naming those for whom she plans revenge.

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As Peter Strzok aptly tweeted today. “Dear Fulton County, so look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 290 lbs, which is 75 more than we have.”

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That is golden

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

To be fair (to Hemsworth), muscle weighs more than fat.

To be honest, that ridiculous claim (215 my ass) is far more entertaining than would be an actual weigh-in report.

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both of these sentences are true

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I think someone hit the 2 instead of the 3....

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Such beyond obvious horseshit considering Mark Meadows weighed in at 240 lbs. and Trump's former often pickled physician, Dr. Ronnie Jackson had him at 239 lbs. Amazing how many of these MAGA morons still worship his assholiness when there isn't anything true or real in his forever disturbed, criminal and delusional world.

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So bad at math. Not to be trusted with a national budget.

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My son is 6’3" and 185 pounds. He’s thin as a rake. No way does trump come even close to 215 and his NY driving license claims 6’ 2". Old people lose height. I dare say he’s well under 6’2" by now.

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Mark Meadows was listed as 6'1 and 240 lbs. I wonder if he was able to self-report his height and weight? I wouldn't think so with those numbers! I've been pissed as soon as I saw Fuckface's 6'3 and 215 last night...it's just like everything. He gets away with lies that no one else would!

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You and me both!

So we’re just gonna start the whole indictment by posting easily proved lies? That’s how we’re gonna play this right off the bat? I do not see justice happening here.

Fani, I’m embarrassed for you. Good luck, player.

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He is practicing to make perfect his assclown-ism.

Post would be dictator.

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Good heavens, Hunter Biden FLEW on a PLANE with his FATHER?!?!? Now that is real important news reporting.

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Here in the UK we have our fair share of buffoons and dipsticks in our political system, and the Royal Family, but nothing like the Trump circus. He's truly a one-off world class idiot which is obvious by the insane size of the motorcade taking him and his ego to and from his shitty aircraft. He still thinks he's so important. From our perspective he was an embarrassment as a president and seems to determined to continue in that vein since being kicked out of the WH. It's sad that this infantile moron has divided the US and turned your justice and political systems into a farce.

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It’s fascinating that they wouldn’t get out the ol’ yard stick and scale for some accurate data - what’s the point of collecting unverified height/weight/hair color/eye color data?

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Jeff, I appreciate what you're doing here. It's necessary and important. I look forward to it. Please keep it up.

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Or worse. On the front of Times.

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LOL! The image of MAGA rolling up on their mobility scooters.... 🤣🤣🤣

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“An inmate number: P01135809.” This will become one of the most important moments in American history, because it’s stands for all time.

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Is there ever gonna be a day when we get a break from news of Donald Trump?

The gravity of the possibility of this miserable person becoming President again is truly awful.

But maybe if we ignore Donny’s bad behavior he’ll just stop... go away?

Toddler management 101

I know. Wishful thinking.

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I stopped watching the news 7 years ago hoping he’d go away but in those 7 years it’s only gotten worse

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Nah--he would probably kidnap some migrant children and hold them hostage in Mara-Lardo just to get the press if we ignored him. Narcs like him ache for their constant ego-feeding from supply.

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I think we tried that already. Two first years in the WH...can't talk about Trump at Thanksgiving, etc.

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I already know that fucking mugshot is going to end up on an American flag background with "He died for you" some day.


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and his cult would salute it every day before morning prayer... double gag!

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Will someone please do a study of the DNA makeup of these people who continue to adore and condone this POS? If they do, I bet you'll find some kind of mutant strain or genetic deficiency that contributes to their insane belief that P01135809 is the chosen one. 🤦‍♀️ Always an excellent column, Jeff. 👍

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They all believe that fairy tales are true. They all feel unfairly treated. They all believe everything is either good or evil--black or white. They all believe they are superior to others. They are men and women who prefer to role-play their gender rather than BE someone. They are full of buried rage that surfaces when pushed too far. They fear being found out. They can not be wrong.

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Well, there's that.

Bizarro world.

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They are waiting to be discovered.

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I’m not sure it’s genetic, more an anti government culture. I was reading about the settlement of highland Scots and Scot/Irish to the appalachian mountains and the south in 18th & 19th century, and these were people who were screwed over by their homeland governments so...these were the moonshiners who coined the names revenuers, and souped up their cars to out run the law-later becoming NASCAR, but it would be naive to think trumps rhetoric has effected only them, not by a long shot. I know many who are and many who aren’t and are in the same family-my family, a large extended one, it’s about half and half-I’ve lost an older brother way back to this $h1t, an educated Vietnam 3 tour vet, worked hard since 15 yrs old.

Just as Nazism, this tRump culture draws Americans of all strips into it from pocket, I call cells all over and many even on the X formerly known as Twitter they openly talk of reaping vengeance. They are terrorist and should be treated as such and I tell them, just for fun, that the FBI is monitoring people like them. I call them keyboard cowards, they’re only brave in their anonymity, then they talk physical violence that could legally be called threat. They’ve always been here but Trumps views and boisterous actions brought of the woodwork.

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All interesting points...I'm from rural Missouri and west central Illinois. I've been gone 5 1/2 years and I dont even recognize it anymore, the Trumpism is so strong. If these people value freedom, they're condoning a Republican party who would like nothing more than to turn us into an authoritarian country, consolidating power into the executive branch, controlling the population and taking away our rights. Be anti-government if you want, but pay attention to the nature of the people you support or else you'll lose the very things so precious to you. The propaganda has been very successful with these people...I can only hope enough people will vote to keep our democracy intact. And I have lost friends over this... our morals and value system are just too different to maintain a relationship. It's a very scary time. ✌️

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Remember we only hear from the loudest ones. The part of my huge family back in NC that do not care for Trump at all just don’t say ok anything about his either way-they’ve seen what happened with my older brother so they don’t discuss politics to keep the family together. Donald tRump has damaged Americans on so many levels-every level.

Don’t believe for a minute that there isn’t great big corporate money behind tRump. They need his tax cuts, his non regulation of everything, his readiness to please them at any cost.

Not by a long shot is it only the red hat, mug shot on tee shirts wearing Trumpets-no. That’s just the public voices. The loudest voices.

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You always make my day!

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Thank you Bonnie

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