It’s always the asshats with the bullying manner who are quickest to shit themselves when anyone stands up to them. A lifetime of that bullying and here we are, with that “ It’s good to be king” nonsense.

Hell can’t open her doors to receive this fuckwit soon enough.

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As if we don’t have enough to fret about, we have a SC justice who can think of nothing else to “say” besides FUCK YOU! Alito is the personification of white privilege and that combined with being in MAGA’s back pocket makes him so much more dangerous. At this point, I don’t care how much more divided it makes our country, someone has to step up and oppose this ideological and legal highjacking of the SC. Talk about weaponizing, or at the very least legalizing extremism on the court, that’s what’s happening before our very eyes. Thank you Jeff for putting it into terms all of us are thinking!

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Well Mr Biden might have decided to pack the court while the Dems held a majority, but he didn’t. Instead he leaned into a genocide in the Middle East, and that’s how he’ll be remembered, as an accomplice to the mass slaughter of women and children, the elderly and defenseless civilians. He could have said No! He could have strengthened our democracy and its institutions. He could have overseen the reform of the Supreme Court but that’s not where his loyalty lies. Mr. Biden is the greatest recipient of AIPAC baksheesh - to borrow an Arab word - in the history of that foreign bribe shop; over $11 million dollars in bribes. He is a self proclaimed “proud Zionist” and I suggest to you that his loyalties are with Israel and not with the United States of America. We can argue all day long about that statement, but you’ll never convince me that he isn’t in thrall to a foreign government and puts its interests above our own.

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You are a self proclaimed antisemite. To be anti Zionist is to be anti Jewish.

I suggest you gather some history and context to your inflammatory words before you make them.

Nothing about the 1200 raped and murdered on 10/7? Everyday citizens at a music festival, attacked, raped, murdered and taken hostage. No concern for them?

Israel is the only Democratic country in the Middle East with American interests in mind. Arabs who are citizens of Israel are accorded the same rights as Jewish citizens. Or Christian citizens. They are all Israeli. This is where the argument of genocide falls apart.

HAMAS is a terrorist organization that has been permitted to govern a country into oblivion. Perhaps you'd like to inquire why the Arab world - all 6.6 million miles of it, will not take in Palestinian refugees? Why two countries attempt to co- exist in a space as small as New Jersey, while one of these countries is dedicated 100% to Jihad and the destruction of the other.

Why are the borders of the surrounding countries closed to refugees? Why do you think that is? Could it be that Hamas has infiltrated the everyday Palestinian citizen to the point that no other country wants to let in a potential terrorist? What other reasons are there?

You defend the indefensible. Beyond the terrorism toward Israel, the mistreatment of women is rarely commented on. Arab women are 3rd class citizens in their own countries. Sexual violence is common place. Yet the world screams about Palestinians- not understanding that ALL people in that region are victims of HAMAS. And if you think it would all be better under Trump, think again. Better a decent person like Biden trying to work through a difficult situation than the criminal, morally devoid Trump.

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No, it's not anti Jewish to be anti zionist. Look up the term.

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I don't need to look it up - I know what it feels like - right now it's a code word for anti Jewish. Most Jews (except Orthodox Jews who believe only the messiah can establish the Jewish state) have their identity as Jews very much part of the state of Israel. That does not mean Israel cannot be criticized for its conduct but to deny the Jewish state and it's right to exist is to deny that Jews are entitles to a homeland. You only have to look at the idiots on college campuses everywhere ATTACKING JEWISH STUDENTS as they attack Israel that Judaism and Zionism are intertwined. Or as to why college Presidents had to think really, really hard about if calling for the deaths of theirJewish students constituted hate speech.

To those who are not Jewish - think about what you are saying. Seriously. YOU may think it's not antisemitic, but it lands that way. In the meantime you should maybe look up the terms "genocide" and "apartheid" and how they are falsely used in conjunction with Israel. If both these things existed, then Muslims and Arabs would not be citizens of Israel, much less be part of the Israeli Knesset.

BTW - depending upon your sources, Israel, Zion and Judaism are intertwined and there are at least 10 types of Zionism including political, practical, labor, liberal, revisionist, cultural and religious. All having to do with The Jewish People.

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Thanks for addressing that post.

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Wow, you’re really old school aren’t you? All those well oiled Israeli claims: To be anti-Zionist is to be an anti-Semite. And, the by now

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Not old school. Just Jewish and been around along time. I know an old anti-Jewish/antiZionist trope when I see one. You only have to look at your other threads to see how virulently antisemitic you are and the untruths posted there, including from someone who states that Israel has murdered 3,600 gay people in the last seven months. Propaganda and lies. Old school, old fashioned and knows a bigot when she sees one. It's really not that hard. You are very transparent in your hatred. There is nothing new here. What is distressing is that it's coming from people who should know better but do not, either by ignorance, choice or both.

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It’s that lifetime appointment thing that’s biting us in the ass. Should be 10 years and it’s BUH-bye👋👋👋

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My biggest concern is that these people have been placed in the Supreme Court to hand the presidency to Donald Trump even if he does not win it, and I don't think the Democrats have a strategy to combat that. Dick Durbin sent me a letter in response to my regularly asking him to start impeachment investigations on Alito and Thomas and it was like yada, yada, yada, this is what I have been doing (making a list of rules for conduct), and then Justice Roberts is responsible for making Alito and Thomas recuse themselves. Someone else told me that Jamie Raskin had a better idea and shared his article with me which I cannot share because I no longer subscribe to the NYT. I felt like in case that does not work my idea is still legit. So, I continue to ask Senator Durbin to start impeachment investigations into Alito and Thomas. Here is his contact. I choose Other on the topics. https://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact/

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Here is a gift (paywall-free) link to Jamie Raskin's guest op ed

Jamie Raskin: How to Force Justices Alito and Thomas to Recuse Themselves in the Jan. 6 Cases https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/29/opinion/alito-thomas-recuse-trump-jan-6.html?unlocked_article_code=1.v00.GKIs.g8heITuxi9co

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Thank you, I canceled my NYT subscription. Durbin and Garland better grab their ball sacks and act like they have a pair. They are gaslighting us.

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Great! I might cancel my WaPo subscription now that they just changed editors, to the one from the WSJ. A clear Trump shift if I ever saw one. I recommend that you write Durbin. Even if you get a form letter back, they have one on this specific topic, and also it will mean they have to add each complaint to the tally of requests for Durbin to do something. The link to contact him is posted in my comment above.

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Thank you! I think Raskin should get the next SCOTUS appointment.

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I would agree except for the fact that he's so desperately needed in Congress! I'd love to see him become a senator, and maybe president some day. He'd have more power and influence that way, and be allowed to publicly call out people/ issues.

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He could be a great senator but never president. We got our half-Black president but we're never going to have a Jewish president.

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THANK YOU for sharing this!!!

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Shouldn't Jamie Raskin bring this up to Durbin since all Durbin is doing is nothing?

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I believe he has already done so, to no avail. That's the why behind the op-ed, AFAIK.

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Thanks for sharing this Sandy! It just boggles my mind that it takes Jamie Raskin to come up with a reasoned approach to something so important that totally makes sense. At least it's definitely worth trying. Wouldn't you think the AG and the Justice Dept. and all other Democratic lawyers would have been all over this? What is the matter with the Democrats in leadership positions...especially in the Senate?

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What is the matter with Dems in leadership positions? They're mostly in those positions because of seniority, not ability, and since they believe they can't win, they don't even want to try. It's the Peter Principle at work: they've risen to their level of incompetence.

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You're right. It's so frustrating that it seems they are never thinking outside the box and are always out maneuvered and looking like they never know what's going on or what they should be doing about it...unlike the Democratic leadership in the House!

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Thank you. Jennifer Rubin included these ideas in her op ed this morning, along with making other suggestions. https://wapo.st/4egjwCS

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Thank you for sharing this - dated 5/29 -still time for 7 justices to do what is right. The only good article in the NYT lately (cancelled my subscription also)

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I chose "other" when I emailed him, too. I plan to email and send post cards to him and to Sen Whitehouse. I wish I felt it would do more good 🤔

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From what I've seen of Sen. Whitehouse whenever he's on TV, you're more likely to get a substantive response from him than you are from Dick(less) Durbin.

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Thank you. I live in Germany which makes all of the other stuff harder to do. I think they tally the number of contacts they get on a topic, so we need to make that be a preponderance of the correspondence that he gets.

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I hear what you’re saying. But we can’t let fear blind us to how completely fucking incompetent these shitweasles are.

- What is the win/loss record since UVF took over?

- How have elections gone since Roe fell?

- Weren’t these justices already in place in ‘20? Why didn’t they king him then?

It’s a bad situation — no doubt. But don’t give them credit they clearly don’t deserve.

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Supposedly the make a president ruling of 2000 with Bush was a one special ruling they would never do again. Of course, until they do. Why not in 2020? " who knows what evil lives in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows"! Que, the music. From a radio series...

But a good answer!

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I emailed him too. Thanks for the info.

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Me too!

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DICK Durbin has a long history, here in Illinois, of never failing to fail - even when golden opportunity presents itself to uphold just the bare minimum of progressive ideals. We've watched him turn his back again and again, slinking back into the shadows, jealously guarding his career, rather than risking even a single tailfeather in support of his constituency. From back in the '90's, when he had an absolutely perfect opportunity to step into the fray - as a mid-state corporation ran criminally rough-shod over employees attempting to organize - Durbin was nowhere to be found, even though those attempting to organize pleaded, week after week, for him to do so. Just as is the case with Alito's poisonous infection of the so-called High Court - when the going gets tough, you can bet that Durbin is long gone...

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He’s one of my senators and I emailed him too. He didn’t answer but I’m going to keep it up.

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Your biggest concern is my biggest concern, Linda.

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I wrote another letter myself, following your lead. Thanks!!

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Right after not getting nominations or hearing... yeah a lot wrong with this power grab and riles for me but not thee!

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Yes lifetime appointments are no longer viable and the founders didn't live as long as we do today even the pampered ones

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Oh, how I liked your statement. As much as I liked Jeff's.

And I am very tired of being fucked by GOP hacks.

I couldn't figure where the Constitution gave SCOTUS the ability to stop vote counting and make Bush president. Apparently, I didn't study that document enough or the Courts opinion well enough but there it was all along, "Fuck you, that's why."

Go figure.

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Merci, mon frère.

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Please don't forget that he is also a draft dodger. In 1969 Alito had a draft lottery number of 32. Instead of reporting for induction ol' Sammy boy joined ROTC to avoid Viet Nam.

All military personnel must complete a minimum of 90 days active duty. We referred to those folks with disdain as 90-day wonders.

When did Sammy report for his 90 day you ask. September of 1975. Viet Nam was officially over 29 Apr 1975. He completed his 90 days that December and received a pro forma promotion tom captain before being released.

It's important to note here, that an officer that hasn't been caught drunk, pissing in the potted palms outside the officer's club, will receive such a promotion.

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A shit is a shit is a shit. In all things. Jeez.

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Jimmy Kimmel describes Republicans showing their support for Trump after becoming a CONVICTED FELON

"All the sycophants jockeying for lip space on the pimply ass of MAGA Teresa."

Have you heard? Donald Trump is a CONVICTED FELON. (It never gets old.)

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Convicted Felon is sweet on the ears; but MAGA Teresa is honey to the soul!

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Yum, yum. Inhale . . . deeply!

(Repeat . . . repeat.)

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Jun 2
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Mother Theresa is the only saint he knows,

so he is using her name to claim martyrdom.

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The convicted felon claimed that Mother Teresa would have been found guilty, implying he was her equal.

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And it's a daily thrill finding out new things convicted felons (CV) can't do. Today is that 38 countries do not permit CVs entry. So Canada & Mexico are no-nos. 36 others too!

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I see a lot of older boomers with their bigoted purist judgmental bullshit supporting him. I've stated before that over 60 million people suffer from narcissistic abuse in this country. . Predatory abusers fill up our jails, domestic abuse centers, and elected office. It's normalized. If they support a malignant narcissist, either they are one or a victim of one. Malignant narcissists are the worst abusers in the mental health field. They're incredibly insecure people.

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Whoa, whoa there, Lisa. Slow your roll with that 'older boomers' stuff.

I, as an old boomer, take strenuous objection to being placed in a box of 'bigoted purist judgemental bullshit' artists who support the Yam.

As a NYer, I know exactly what he was, is and always will be, which is a racist, misogynist, narcisisstic piece of crap. I've seen his act of 50 years and I know it.

As much as I want him in genpop in Rikers, I know that won't happen. Class e felonies are the lowest level felony crimes in NY, punishable by, at most, 4 years + $4000 in fines. Not gonna happen--the prison time. I would love for him to get probation, though.

Can you just see it? Having to report into his PO on the regular? Take a pee test and answer questions about his ongoing job search? Ask for permission to leave NY state to campaign? I would pay cash money to be a fly on THAT wall. Does the Secret Service go into the stall with him to make sure that he really pees into the cup? The comedic possibilities are endless.

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https://theintercept>trump-boomers. By James Risen.

I'm 65 years old. I'm going off my experiences with fellow boomers.

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Aging Boomers for Biden!!!! Yes!!!

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It is completely maddening. More convinced than ever that anyone who still calls himself Republican is a traitor. If there is war count this 73 yr old in! These fuckers are taking away our country and I won’t stand for it!

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Wow, just like Ted Cruz, Sammy doesn't mind throwing his wife under the bus. Right after hiding behind her.

Cowards. Sammy, be a man for once and accept responsibility for your behavior.

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Sammy Dick Less.

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Oh please don’t hold your breath…it ain’t happening!

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His wife okayed it of course.

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Yeah, how come he didn't BURST into the house on n first site and insist "It a serious ethics issues for Me!"

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As Jeff would say, "because fuck you," that's why.

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Ever since the felon hugged our flag after a lie-filled speech at CPAC, I've had "flag issues." I am old enough to remember being taught it was a symbol of honor, courage, and possibilities available to all citizens. I get teary when it appears at public events. I have cried when it draped over a coffin. I have been sickened by traitors carrying it. A SCOTUS justice who puts the incidents squarely in his wife's lap? Even on this page, I cannot repeat my thoughts! And his wife running down a. public street yelling and spitting at their neighbors? No words except fuck them both.

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That wasn't a hug, that was a hump. He was humping our flag, like a dog in heat.

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Ew! Thanks for sharing. lol

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Sorry for that visual, but we really need to call his disgusting behavior out!

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Tru dat.

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A real mindf###, the spitting, the whole thing. I think Jeff's post here (Sunday) now says black car is sitting in front of the neighbor's house.

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unbelievable! The highest court in the land and they have no class.

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1. Does Sam the Sham and Matty meet with Gin-soaked and Coke Can to discuss strategies?

2. I haven’t flown my American flag in years, because no pole (insert inappropriate joke here) but I did fly a small rainbow flag when someone in the neighborhood’s rainbow one was taken and burnt on the ground in front of their house. Almost everyone in the neighborhood did for weeks in solidarity.

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A display of small rainbow flags with black white yellow and red stripes to represent racial inclusivity set up in the center of town traffic rotary circle in celebration of Pride Month in Carlisle, MA were stolen. The town condemned the act, and replaced them immediately. Everyone in town lined the streets for the village Pride parade and waved rainbow flags. I love New England.

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Wow, that's weird. It's probably cuz I'm in Calif. Our former neighbors flew a Black Lives Matter a couple years ago. We were all white, as the flag owners were. They took it inside every night, afraid someone would steal it. Once we all learned that, everyone in a 2 block area honked with a thumbs up or waved..

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Lol, when I lived in a fairly blue LA suburb, some nut on our street flew an American flag upside down when Trump lost all his court cases to overturn the election. Crazies are everywhere and eager to fly their freak flags.

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The fact that the holiest rollers in DC — alito, johnson, handy oakley the list goes on and on — are 100% full of unchristian shit isn’t lost on the atheists among us. The pseudo Christians aren’t just atheists they’re NIHILISTS, which is the only movement that truly supports convicted felon and rapist Useless Von Fuckstick

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I think we should all contact Dick Durbin: https://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact/email

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Good luck. He has no intention of doing anything no matter how much pressure is put on him.

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Well, I did use the link and it made me feel better. A little.

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If you need more, please write up a complaint on Judge Cannon and send it to the 11th District Court :) Although I think the one there protecting Cannon said not to accept any more dated after May 16. But they will have to read it, regardless.

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I got this address from the site:

The Clerk's Office

for the 11th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals

56 Forsyth St, NW

Atlanta, GA 30303

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Yes! I wrote to both courts last week. Takes very little time, no signing up for a mailing list, and I feel like I've done something. Flood the zone!

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Me, too, Linda!

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Same here

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GREAT WEB SITE. Thank you for sharing !!!

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Me too!

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I also emailed Mr. Durbin. I am from Michigan, not Illinois, but maybe if he hears from every State in the Union, he might pay attention. Since we are ALL watching this horror show ….

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I just sent him a scathing email. Not that it will make a difference. But I said (among other things) I thought he was a Democrat; try acting like one. Kind of like a fart in the wind, but it made ME feel better.

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Another typical case of someone in power like Sen. Durbin who is too chicken shit to do anything and just sweeps it under the rug. These bought and paid for judiciary dung beetles need to be dealt with but when spineless fucks won't do their jobs to address this continuing abuse of power, what the hell are we going to do?

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These are the DINOs. They’re only Dem because their base is liberal (or “centrist” which means corporate) They approved most of these SCOTUS creeps back when they could have done something about it. Now their corporate benefactors want to continue having a Repub (read business friendly) SCOTUS.

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Do it anyway. It's good for the soul.

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Thank you. Wasn’t fond of them requiring my home address but did it anyway. Because I’m not in his district, he probably won’t even read it.

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