As a native New Yorker, I can assure you we knew Guiliani and tRump were both class-A pieces of shit!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

I loved it when Biden said *Every sentence from Rudy has a noun, a verb and 9/11.* BOOM!

The first episode of Saturday Night Live after 9/11 opened with a group of first responders - cops and firefighters - with Rudy and then-Police Commissioner Bernard Kerick in front. When Lorne Michaels slapped a cop on the back, dust rose, presumably dust from the World Trade Center. Paul Simon sang “The Boxer.” It was quite moving. Michaels asked, “Is it okay to be funny?” To which Rudy replied, “Why start now?” What a funny guy.

It was later revealed that Kerik conducted two affairs simultaneously using an apartment set aside for first responders. What a classy guy. He was found guilty of multiple ethics violations and pleaded guilty to 8 federal felonies. After the 2020 election, he promoted the *stolen election* lie because of course he did. Naturally, Cheeto Jesus pardoned him because fuck you, that why.

I used to think Rudy sold his soul to align himself with Trump. But remembering that one of Rudy’s wives learned he was divorcing her AT A PRESS CONFERENCE, he clearly is more like Trump than not.

Backpfeifengesicht is Rudy Giuliani. (I may have named him once already. Oh well.) Now it’s believed that he offered pardons for $2 million. (A bargain.) Holy fuck, boys and girls! That, plus calling for “trial by combat,” on 1/6, give him a face in need of a punch.

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and who forget when that fucking maniac was screaming at the rnc a few years ago that george w. bush could see into the future? fuck that ass clown.

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Jeff, this is so true. Giulliani has always been such a awful POS.

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If you ask me, Sacha Baron Cohen went too easy on Rudy.

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The thing is, did she forget she had teeth? That would have been a successful way of removing herself from the disgusting job she signed up for. BLEAH! So many heebiejeebies!

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May 17, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

It's really pathetic how the MSM continues to give these creatures and ecosystem they inhabit the benefit of the doubt, instead of identifying the obvious pattern. It's not even a cess pool, it's the contents of a forgotten porta pottie in the summer Florida. If I accept a nice dinner from a vendor I get fired.

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Americas mayor my ass. More like Mayor McGrifter.

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Rudy Giuliani has always been a complete pos---

Yes, but imo he was never this bad. What happened to him? That question is answered easily.

Everything Trump Touches Dies. Rick Wilsons book should be titled "Everything, Everyone,Trump Touches Dies."

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I could not agree more. Having lived in NYC in the 80's and watched his miserable career Rudy "911" has always been trash.

Well put Jeff.

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Rudy is definitely a giant POS and always has been!! A legend in his own f----- up loser mind!

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One of his employees once said something like, "I learned never to get in between Giuliani and a microphone". He's always been a narcissistic shit.

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Eeewwwww! He is a scum bag. I remember the press conference he arranged at the “Four Seasons.” Turned out to be Four Seasons Landscaping and was located next to a porn shop. That was such a debacle of epic proportions. Hysterical! It makes you wonder how such an incompetent man ever got elected to mayor. I guess by grifting, connections to other scum bag politicians. He deserves everything he gets--which hopefully is many years behind bars.

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I hope Prosecutors play the Borat Sting in Court.

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Rudy Giuliani is slime. Before making his separation announcement He would use his Mayoral car to drive himself and Judy, his mistress, out to the Hamptons. He humiliated his then wife so badly I think his children stopped talking to him. POS. His popularity waned after that.

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Firstly - Jeff, I’m not sure we can handle you taking time off! The withdrawal was excruciating.

As for ‘America’s Mayor’ , I never did understand where that came from. The only thing Giuliani ever supposedly did that sounded the least bit American was to have every graffitied subway train car painted over every night to discourage taggers. A right elegant waste of taxpayer money.

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