all while writing this, I kept checking my phone notifications to make sure Donny hadn't filed a bond and fucked up my post. I still half-expect that lucky fuck to manage it at the last minute, because we live in the shittiest possible timeline

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Yeah, worried Vlad might double-down on his losing investment.

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I was once fifteen minutes late to court for a $25 ticket and the judge made me pay a $250 bond to stay out of jail on the spot. And that was when $250 was a week's wages, that is if you had a good job. All a these judges and DAs are pro MAGAT. They give MAGATs break after break after break after break.

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that's why I no longer fly the American flag...America is dirty-corrupt

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Mine's put away until the Orange Plague is over.

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Love "the orange plague."

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You notice, these days if you see an American flag flying, the Trump flag is right there with it. I find this VERY offensive.

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Which is exactly why I think we should ALL start flying our flags again - high & proud. It's really lame on our part that we've essentially allowed trumpists to co-opt OUR flag. Our flag, which our forefathers fought & died for. We can't allow that slimy orange SOB's minions to assume it's their flag. It's not. And we need to start flying it again, high and proud. Oh say does that star spangled banner yet wave, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. Yes. Yes it does.

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not some of us....I will not fly mine...I gave it away....I associate the ameican flag with Trumpism since they've hijacked it so much.

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But see, that's what they want. We simply cannot give in & let trumpists continue to denigrate the stars & strips that are an iconic symbol of our hard fought for democracy. I hope you'll reconsider. I know you're not alone - my daughter thinks as you do - but I'm trying hard to convince her otherwise too. We need to be able to proudly hang our flags, & the only way to do that is to just do it.

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The American flag doesn’t bow to any power on Earth ! 🌍 The flag is not dirty ,it’s being soiled by traitors,that use it as a propaganda weapon in their attempts to destroy America! Fly it in defense of our country and in defiance of the traitors who would see it defiled and disgraced 🇺🇸 Never lower or bow our flag to the likes of Trump and his Nazi regime!

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Agreed, they have different rules for the rich and famous. Us poor tax paying , honest, Americans who are not in a cult, are targeted . No one in the world has gotten the breaks that the orange A-Hole has, any one of us who had been charged with his crimes would have been in the slammer long ago. Tell me again about " Justice"....

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Why do people want to be played, be his pitch. HE crystal and lies some more and gets rewarded.

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Nothing like "Otto-correct, messing with my message.

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Same. But I have champagne at the ready. Seizure's as good as a conviction

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Yeah, I keep thinking that one of his fascist mo fo buddies is gonna $come through$ for him and the day ain't over yet.

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There could be someone who saves the whiny desperate fuckface's ass at the very last minute. If it does happen, the source of the money would have to be revealed which may be making some of those wealthy MAGAs hesitant. Besides, who the hell in their right mind would want to lend money to a life long phony stiff artist who is also now known as Don Poorleon?

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Unfortunately it looks like that’s what happened. Bond reduced to $175K. Can he even cover that?

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AND he's got another 10 days! I'm sorry everyone, I've got to go throw up!!!

I am so fucking sick and tired of this shit. King FuckFace gets to DELAY AGAIN!!!!

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I agree Deb...although I'm personally sick from cancer, so I'm also barfing about sick face frump..hate the bas*ard

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I wish for you to beat cancer and fully recover!

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Take care!💕

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From Lisa Rubin just now:

NEW: Yes, Trump got his bond in the civil fraud case reduced to $175 million. But guess what? The court denied his motion to stay the provision of the judgment forbidding him from borrowing from financial institutions registered or chartered in NY state.

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The New York State Court of Appeals just granted LDFF another gift!!! I hate to rain on your parade, Jeff. TFG is looking luckier than John “Teflon Don” Gotti…..

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He's still beleaguered and under siege. The criminal trial is going forth on April 15 which is a stone's throw away and if he's convicted, this is finally a criminal conviction and we'll see if that Republican number that said they wouldn't vote for a convicted criminal actually comes true.

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Maga morons don’t care…. They would rather vote for a corrupt former president/ wannabe dictator than Joe Biden!

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Could the reduction be in line with a more realistic evaluation of the worth of his properties? I still don't think anyone could or would come to rescue him

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$175M -- it'd better fking not be $175K.

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Trump's Bond in Civil Fraud Case Is Reduced to $175 Million.

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Good question and we'll soon find out but his weaselness will probably find a way.

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They would need to have that kind of cash transfer or security structure/liens well underway to meet today's deadline. Unless they are hiding something in order to come up with the big save at the end (and fund raise off that) I don't think it will happen today.

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Thank you, that makes me feel less stressed.

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Talk about Hail Mary’s. The orange roadkill gets a huge cut in his bond and 10 days to steal the money from somewhere. Ronna mcd goes from one big paycheck with the rnc to another at cnn. What’s that big lie America loves to expound, oh yeh: no one’s above the law.😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a joke.

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I'm really starting to hate it here. In my next life I'm going to be Canadian.

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Me too, Mary. Canada, Ireland, Sweden, some island somewhere.... Between the MAGAts, grifters, monopolies and multibillionares this country sucks for so many of us. Justice. Hahahahahahahah.

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I am already hearing his triumphant bragging about his invincibility if anyone swoops in to save him.

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To hell with the bragging LDFF….

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Deus ex machina ala Russian money or Saudi Arabia?

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“Leave me out of it” — God 🤣

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Does it matter in the end?

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Guess what his bind was slashed to 175 million and to come up with it in 10 days and he is happy and thanking the appellate panel.

Iam so angry there are no words.

Why? WHY? Iam convinced he will never be brought to real justice. Iam so sick over thjs .

Why is this mother fucker allowed.to get away hurting out country un every way possible.

Oam convinced that it's all wrapped up behind closed doors and hebwill be president because he will flip the vote illegally snd the people in the courts will allow even encourage it.

They all are betrayers and pieces of shit

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I agree with you, the fix is in. My opinion is that the “owners” of this country plan to fix the election in Donnie’s favor. I believe all the bogus polls showing it to be a tight race are just propaganda designed to promote the idea that Donnie’s has voter strength.

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So.people will believe he had a legitimate chance

I keep thinking thay this is why he keeps getting away w everything because they know something that we all don't that the electoral college is already spoken for

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Blackmail material on all the ‘right’ people. Trump the Fraud Father.

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The appeals court decided that Trump had a tough life and shouldn’t have to pay his full bond amount so they lowered it to one 75 million because that was more in the range Donny Brokohantas could afford since a lot of the money he stole from banks, and the state of New York has already been squandered on other failing Trump Enterprises

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He just got the bond greatly reduced, but I’m okay with that. He’s still going to lose his appeal, he has a monitor in place so he can’t hide any of his assets (whatever those may actually really be) and it gives Tish more time to get liens in place for whatever there actually is. Oh and by the way, did you see his new moniker? It’s perfect.


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A New York appeals court on Monday agreed to hold off collection of former President Donald Trump’s $454 million civil fraud judgment — if he puts up $175 million within 10 days.


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ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!!! FUCK these people who keep giving this asshole breaks! I'm so fucking done with it!!!

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I hope someone loses control of a bus and hits him straight on

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Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud.

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No problem i actually find myself day dreaming about it

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I'd contribute to that GoFundMe defense effort.

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Count me in!

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Yeah, not a pre April Fools joke. I’m so disgusted.

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You and me both. I just saw that float across my NY Times feed and I was totally disgusted.

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I completely agree. I figured that something was going to save his ass. Even if it is temporary, but then there will be another within the 10 days. I would place a bet on it if I knew for a fact that I was wrong.

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I just want to live one day longer than he does.

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I'll take that!

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Fuck this fucking shit. I am so tired of him NOT getting what he amply deserves.

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fucking shameful and I agree. I'm SO tired of it.

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“I fought the law and the law won” does not apply to Teflon Don.

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Here's an article breaking down what Agent Orange actually owns. What Real Estate Does Trump Own Anyway? by Curbed. https://www.curbed.com>article on Trump. I hope it works.

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It does, you just have to scroll down to find the article. That’s hilarious. So Agent Orange doesn’t really own a much as he boasts: ground leases, property management and some outright lies. Thanks for sharing.

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Yup, the fucker got another reprieve! Will we ever see justice?

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Teflon man defrauds again - getting a reduction in his bond. Argh.

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Only he could get away with a last second motion to stay, after being denied 3 times for it..

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We'll see if he can come up with the much reduced bond. It will be amusing if he can't. And very gratifying.

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Well, he did get the bond he has to post cut to $175M.... 🤦‍♂️

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His "babies" were not well cared for, were they? Now they're up for adoption. Hope they find better "parents".

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Well I think it will take time to actually seize properties (could be wrong) I am hoping they can seize his bank accounts and business assets in NY at least.

Go Ms James 🔥

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According to Neal Katyal and Andrew Weismann, yes, they can seize and income streams from rent and other things.

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If he can't post bond, the first thing they'll snatch is bank accounts.

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Probably shouldn't use snatch in any sentence involving the Orange Molester.

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Snatch !Another perfectly fine word ,being corrupted by the incestor in Chief,

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Hahahahah! Hah!

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Well, he does love his buildings, his offspring, hell no.

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Except Ivanka...he LOOOOOOOVES her in an ICK way.

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He doesn't love her, he has a sexual obsession with her.

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Because he more than likely fucked her. More than once.

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/s with LOOOOOOOOVES her... ;)

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Time to call CPS me thinks...

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FYI have you seen the reporting on the Kushner rental properties? The story was written up in the NYT Sunday Magazine, perhaps around 2017-18. There were YouTube posting of real vermin, too. Mice running around a baby crib-yikes. Your comment made me think of how they ran those properties, criminally I would say; mold, unusable bathrooms and the worst, they took people to court for lease breaking when they most often didn't, had moved out and of course, didn't have a copy of the lease anymore. And why? Because they were after $3000 to $5000 "judgments"in small claims court, because they were SO broke. Broke from bad investments like building, 666 5th Ave. that almost brought them down. But no worries now, they got "right" with $2B from the Saudis.

Trumps or the Kushners are just criminally sociopathic and deserves no breaks at all.

Got on soapbox...

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Kushner the Baltimore slumlord! I know it well! I live in Baltimore & he is a monster!

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I used to ask my students, "What is the purpose of television?" I got all the usual answers: to entertain, inform, educate. Incorrect. Those things are side effects if they occur at all. The purpose of television is to deliver eyeballs to advertisers. TV is an advertising medium. NBC would hire Eva Braun if they thought she'd bring in paid advertising.

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True. And they need to hear from those potential eyeballs when they offend. Election deniers are [ Ronna is ]an offense to her viewers.

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Agreed. I sent an email.

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Ann, you are sadly correct. It's always about the money.

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I wrote that as a retiree from the TV biz. My hubby was in advertising, ABC was a client, so I got some bona fides here.

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Indeed you do. I ran my little ad agency in the midwest for 32 years and believe me, I get it. Money fuels the media engine. But it was gratifying to see the number of people who rose up against crappy, biased "journalism" that NBC is trying to sell. 🤦‍♀️

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The backlash was immediate and huge!

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Yeps, former radio producer here.

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I say this all the time. They aren’t there to inform you. They’re there to make money.

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Some may remember MSNBC had Tucker Carlson as one of their air staff.

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