Are you sick to death of the mainstream media that is talking 24/7 breathlessly about DeSantis and all the other GOP campaign matters? As it is, the orange clown faced zit that keeps exploding is, as usual, hogging the majority of reporting and pundit ing. Where are the in depth reports and discussions on all the amazing things that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris along with the Democrats have done? 2 minutes are devoted throughout an entire day of broadcasting on the likes of MSNBC (which I tend to watch) to the Asshole Republicans complaints about Biden or a minute of Biden’s speech. It’s the same goddam thing over and over again, since the email lady ran for office. Major megaphone is given to all things corrupt, lying, hypocritical, hateful, gaslighting GOP and barely a whisper about things that the Democrats are doing for the voters and to improve this country. F*ck!

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Don't click on any of their sensationalized crap stories. Clicks are the only thing that matters to them.

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Good idea

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Because none of what the Democrats are doing is of interest to the MSM, mainly due to the fact that newsrooms everywhere were being bought up by right wing conservative billionaires and their companies, and told to "make a profit for the boss".

So, they looked around, saw the utter shit show the Repubs were putting on, and said, "THERE'S our bread and butter!!"

And that's how it's been ever since, and will continue into the future as long as those stories bring in clicks, likes, shares, and views.

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That's exactly what happened. Capitalism on steroids and completely devoid of conscience or any sense of social responsibility. As an article pointed out yesterday, Trump came along and blew the cover of the fragility of all those unwritten and unspoken rules we all observe to make it all work even if at times it seems crippled and barely limps along.

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Agreed! We are so out of whack. It started with Reagan...the out of control building of the billionaire-class in America and the complete destruction of the middle class. The billionaires buy the media and tell the white, undereducated white men who are losing ground, that it's the fault of immigrants, blacks, browns, and women, who don't know 'their place'. MAGA/GQP is bought and paid for by the billionaire-class. Any attempt to change that is Socialism, Communism...whatever. I don't have cable. I have internet, and read. I come here, I go to Heather Richardson and Joyce Vance, and others. I don't know what the answer is. But I agree that we cannot VIEW them at all!

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And things really went off the rails after Reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. Right wing media took the ball to the end zone leaving left wing media in the dust. Limbaugh, Fox etal dominated the airwaves. AirAmerica gave it a shot but they couldn’t make it. Liberal wealthy do have the the capacity, but not the will, to compete. It’s demoralizing.

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I tend to think any company publicly traded will be leading with their shareholder nose. Fiduciary responsibility, you know. NYT, WaPo, public for decades. We just haven't noticed until the spectacular clickbait that was DJT came along.

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Yeah, few Dems are out there doing crimes in writing, on tv, and online like our darling GQP.

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Indeed, the only reason DeSantis has any life or headway right now is because the media reports his every move. He'd already be a blip on the screen otherwise. They know America loves a train wreck and they can get eyeballs showing this dangerous man doing dangerous things. The media is complicit in anything that occurs with his campaign from here on out. They should be ashamed, but rolling around in call that cash drowns their conscience.

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MSNBC has become unwatchable. It's trump trump trump de sata, desatan.

And the election is over a year away. Sickening. Makes me hare the press more and more.

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Well it’s a little hard to program your show when the weirdo republicans can’t go a day without committing crimes.

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Crime has always been good for ratings. Yes, More good news about America and Biden would be great, but that’s not their gig. The strange, violent, corrupt, and smarmy world of the GQP is also reality tv scale insanity.

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It keeps viewers viewing so...these people, the elites that runs things past, present and future are to selfish and greedy and will only get more selfish and greedy, none, no not one of these news outlets have a moral compass to guide them-they don’t want one either

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Yeah, I know. I’m a little embarrassed that I thought of him as Reinhard Heydrich, Hitler’s protégé who was smarter than his boss (and wasn’t a freaking upside down drug addict, either). As it turns out, I forgot that he had to actually go out and campaign and talk to voters. Yeah, the good old American voting populace can sure tell who’s for real and who’s a bogus piece of shit. Oh, wait.

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DeSantis has all the world-revolves-around-him ego of tfg, and when the political keys to FL were given to him on a silver platter he has been hyper efficient in using them to shift the state to fascist hellhole, and that has gone even more directly to his head. It is going to drive him absolutely insane when he realizes he has just been used as a stalking horse to set up the Yoingkin campaign. After he is term-limited out as gov he is going to have to take care of the kids while his wife goes off to her talking head job at Fox or oan

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DeSaster doesn’t like people nor how to be one. He was hoping to rule from his kingdom on a hill where he’d have his lackeys intermingle with the common riff-raff 🙄

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DeSaster. Like that! 🤣

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I’m just surprised nobody has launched a recall campaign down in Florida yet

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Florida recall law "does not pertain to elected officials" (per Ballotpedia).

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DeSantis is proof that education and life experience does not necessarily breed tolerance. Here is a military man with a Yale Law degree who is a fascist, pure and simple. What I don't get is his support from the Cuban community in Miami (who also love Trump) who fled a fascist dictator and now embrace these two morons. It is unfortunate that Andrew Gilliam turned out to have such personal demons because he could've come back and possibly won. Charlie Crist switches sides so easily and is such a weak candidate DeSantis was sure to beat him. So many good teachers have fled the profession because of him when we need them the most after the pandemic years. His fight against Disney is just a foolish waste of time. He has no idea what "woke" really is, only that he's terrified of it.

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You're right about his having no idea what woke is, however, he's not afraid of it, he embraces denigrating it because it pleases the deplorables. Who have no real intention of voting for him.

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Oh I think they vote for him, that's the problem. They just know that he hates "the other" just like they do.

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As long as tRUmp is on the ballot, they'll vote for tRump. DuhScumis has no chance of beating him in a primary.

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It's not nationally I worry about. Trump will chew him up and spit him out. It's more the damage he has done to Florida - and continues to do. He's declared a culture war here. His wife looks & acts like she's the political wife of the 1950's. I don't known who is going to rise in the Democratic Party and take him on as Governor before he completely ruins us. I can't understand the power he seems to have over school boards. When did it become his business to create the learning curricula for schools? The war on reproductive rights and LGBTQ is unnecessary and incredibly harmful. We have to get these GQP nutcases out of American government.

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I agree, most gratefully, that this malignant android has little to no chance of stepping his platform go-go boots in the WH, at least not in 2024. As a person living in Florida who can’t leave yet, I’m certain that when he’s kicked out of the race, he will bring all his retribution back to FL. My guess is he will write a law pronouncing him Gov for Life, & his minions will gladly pass it. His followers will find a way to profile & harass Democrats. (I’ve witnessed this frightening fact during the many protests I’ve attended). Please have mercy on those of us living in this hellhole, as Homer Simpson described it, “America’s Wang”. Many of us here are woke AF & are doing the best we can.

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Bless you and your continued protesting, Lisa.

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“ ...at least not in 2024.” How about never???

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That's what we all said about IQ45.

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He has symptoms of ASD, only not like The Good Doctor kind. The kind where he obsesses over doing mean and cruel things.

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Sigh this is rude and unnecessary

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More like Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

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As someone who is "on the spectrum", I recognise a lot of symptoms.

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And yet I thought Trump was as flagrant an asshole - even worse since I’m (originally) a New Yorker and remember his bullshit throughout the 70s.

There’s no bottom for them.

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That is the same question that I ask myself several times a day when I am bombarded with reddit and other information gathering sources about this guy's idiotic behavior and immature frat boy thumbs sucking conversation with people. And by people I mean, media sources. That can't wait to get their hands-on. This guy's every morsel of vocabulary. Once again, thank you, Jeff. This needs to be out there all over the place. But unfortunately, people have moved here/Florida from other places that adore republicanism.

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His laugh actually startled me. It just isn't natural.

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Unfortunately, as a Floridian, I cannot shrug this guy off so easily. Of course, I want him to TOTALLY go away and crawl back beneath the rock he came from. He’s a monstrosity and I hope that Disney clobbers him in the courts. I so miss the late-night talk shows: they’d be having a field-day with him. To think that DeFascist’s motto was : “MAKE AMERICA FLORIDA” is such a joke! Florida has ALWAYS been the punchline of so many jokes...I hope to see him completely disappear.

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Exactly, why were we worried about him. I have to say it's really fascinating how many ways he comes up with to show how he in no way ever should be president or in charge of any other government position. As Florida starts to have more expensive problems from his lousy policies and forced rules and regulations and changing of any law he doesn't like, maybe his implosion will be the loudest thing from him in the future. Bang, a puff of smoke and Ron is gone.

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He really looks like such a thug! If you would see a WANTED poster...that's what he looks like!

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I completely agree. I've said for a while he reminds me of a farm implement, like a plow or a hay baler. There's nothing attractive about him, plus he's mean and doesn't like people which also makes him look ugly.

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Florida must be a truly fucked up state.

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Well, it is now it didn't used to be not. Since I was here in 1984. But look out all it takes is one mad man and remember? I said that because you know, the other one's coming back or trying to, circling the wagons for a leadership in the country. And if he does it, De Sandy toes will be right on top of him same narcissistic personality disorder 🤣🤣😆😆😅😅😅😆🫢😳😳😳

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BTW, did you see the photo of DeSantis at the Iowa State Fair flipping burgers on a hot grill with one hand while he balanced his daughter on his shoulders with the other hand? I've worked a hot grill. No place for kids.

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