"the shouty half-dressed degenerate wrestling coach pantsed himself on live television for like the eleventy-millionth time." This is just ONE of the reasons I come here. 😂 The Democrats beat up Hur and his crony Repubs... (YAY Adam Schiff and Ted Lieu-and Mad Dean is my REP!) a beautiful thing to watch. Yet, how sad it is that our government is so fucked up that taxpayers have to pay for this kind of crap. What is the GOP doing to enhance the lives of ordinary Americans? Not one fucking thing. I hate them all.

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Don’t forget Eric Swalwell, the bane of the House GOP.

From the Daily Kos:

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell used his time during the hearing to point out the discrepancies in special counsel Robert Hur’s strangely worded report on Biden’s handling of classified documents. After noting that in the transcript of his interview with Biden, Hur remarked that the chief executive had “a photographic understanding” of things (language Hur conveniently left off his final report), Swalwell introduced a stellar supercut of Donald Trump being anything but “photographic” in his recall of … anything.

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True enough! Swalwell is smart as a whip!

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MAGATs attack him constantly with threats. 🤬

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These people are dangerous and primitive 🙄

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Lizard brains.

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I'm only sorry that he and Porter were pitted against each other. She was the best!

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He was raised in a Republican family. Most of the men are police officers. He’s our guy from CA and believe me, he, Lieu, Schiff, Lee, and Porter are adored.

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To Victoria Hochman; Yes, many agree that was an unfortunate contest.

KATIE PORTER v ADAM SCHIFF… Katie’s time for senate could come in the future. She had ‘learned the house’ quickly and used that knowledge with great results.

People everywhere appreciate her unrefutable whiteboard numbers and logic. She should stay where she shines rather than leave her spot to a new person (hopefully another Dem) who would have to learn where all the minefields are all over again. Did Katie’s advisors give her the same advice?

….Maybe they didn’t because perhaps they wanted to follow her into the senate?

…. Maybe they did encourage her to stay in the House but she ignored their advice?

As of Dec 31,2023 in California there were 40 Democrats and 11 GOP reps in the House. Of the 40 Dems, only 7 were elected since 2019. 33 Dems have way more experience working as reps than those 7 relative newcomers, of which Katie is one.

Adam Schiff has served admirably in the House for 23 years gaining invaluable experience before making a bid for a Senate seat in the U.S Congress.

Well, that was apparently how many California voters saw the situation. Mr. Schiff was successful and Katie lost. They liked Katie’s style of representation in the House and it was too soon for her to make that ambitious senate bid.

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I’m not a CA voter, but I really love Katie Porter. She was so effective in the House, I so wish she hadn’t chosen to run against Schiff. imo, that was just getting too ambitious a bit too soon.

What made her think she could beat Schiff, with his 23 yrs experience & his probable greater fundraising muscle?

Now we Dems have emptied 3 House seats, when it should have been only 1

Are there some strong Dems ready to run to fill those 3 seats? I sure hope so

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I hate them too and wish their dear leader would drop DEAD.

Remember when we kept thoughts like these to ourselves? No more and it feels fucking good. 😁

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When I was watching the insurrection live on TV I wanted all of them dead. I’ve had it with their bullshit on every level. From spreading COVID, harassment of teachers, school board members, health care workers, poll workers, racism, inciting violence and intimidation, too many to list here.

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I am with you 100%! I was horrified and than I was incensed with anger.

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By 1/6, that is.

We are all hoping Trump just wanders off the mortal coil. And considering his mental health-THAT might actually happen. Sundowner Grandpa wondering into the sprinkler system on lawn again. Maybe he will head into traffic...

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He’s quite the rake stepper.

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Oh, yes he is. Such an AssClown how is he anyone's candidate?

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4 years ago Covid came to a hospital near you. The political question has been are better today than you were 4 years ago. Another of people would say no but there are perhaps half of those in online discussions saying, everything is worse now.

I guess we could be better if Trump in his. " I don't need no stinking mask" would have just wandered off the mortal coil once he got to Walter Reed...but alas, that lucky SOB has more luck than his bad decision making would typically provide. Oh, well fingers crossed.

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It is very freeing. And I have no second thoughts about any of my comments. ✌️💙

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I’m right there with you

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My father taught me at a young age to not hate anyone or anything. I am thankful he is no longer alive to see this circus/fucked-up clown show because as you, Susan, I indeed hate every single one of them, including the fucked up regime of greg abbott, dan patrick and ken paxton in Texas.

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Yup. It's just a shameful time in our history. 🤦‍♀️

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Yay Susan! Let them have it!

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Mar 13
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I dunno. what I write tomorrow will be based on what happens today — and today has barely gotten started

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Here's a suggestion, though historical. In all the hubub over the Biden memory lapse fabrifukincation, there is NO mention of what was going on in world on the day of the interview that POTUS made time for while he was on the phone with all the heads of our military, State Dept and world leaders dealing with trying to keep a handle on Neddie the YAHOO and preventing the obliteration of the Palestinian people. while at the same time asserting the US commitment to the defense of Israel. He made time to be interviewed by that muthrfukinasswipe while doing ALL that SIMILFUKINTANIOUSLY!!!!! It wasn't even brought up by Dems during the hearing.

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Yep, he can do the job and campaign for the next 4 years while DOING the job! Certainly by now, some folk must realize Biden is the best decision going forward and may vote Blue, or just NOT vote for him and encourage others to skip it.

You can't do much with a solid 30-35% cult base when the guy leading the party is a criminal and mentally impaired with severe personality disorders like Malignant Narcissism and probably a level of psychopathology. At least half the cult can't recognize it, or worse, applaud it and or have their own impairments also. Talk about the dumbing down of the citizenry...so, oh well...there's that!

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NOT the “obliterating “ of the Palestinians! The response to horrific torture and murder of innocent Israeli people!!!

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Thank you for including the innocent Israelis who were slaughtered, raped, tortured, beheaded. Somewhere this gets lost in the “Palestinian” people who allowed Hamas to live under their roofs and used (use) them as human shields.

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You are so right. * sigh. People dont get that part. But the whole thing is such a mess. I have no answers...

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I don't know how you do it but you do it.

Or, now for all our proofreading folk... you be doing it good, REAL, real good!

Bitch slap 'em, baby!

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Here's another suggestion: cite quotes from the transcript of the five hours Trump sat down with Jack Smith. Wait, wut? No transcript? What about the transcript of him taking the fifth 450 times? Or the video: https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/31/politics/trump-deposition-video-letitia-james/index.html

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Great question...but he has so many to choose from! 😂😂

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Eenie meenie miney mo…..catch a liar by the toe

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FYI, nice Substack you got there, baby!

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Hey thank you kindly!!!💙

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Fyi, female and 69 on sat. Just reading that note and considering tone in an ambiguous format.

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You're only slightly ahead of me! Just turned 68 in September! Keep on rockin'! 😁

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Ezra Klein deserves it most. It took Jeff, The Atlantic, The New Yorker to bitch slap the NY Times to get some accountability. I've noticed a slight shift in their reporting of late. A little more balanced.

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I hope so.

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Maybe all the people on this stack saying they cancelled & told them why

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I watched Aaron Rupar’s video thread on this yesterday. After picking my jaw up off the floor at some of Hur’s testimony, I got a huge bowl of popcorn and watched the Dems pulverize him. The resulting goo belongs in a hazmat bin.

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Wasn’t it rich? I loved watching the Dems work their usual magic with facts and preparation under their belts one would think(maybe that’s the problem to start with)that the Jims would know what to expect from our great people by now and stop banging their heads into our preparation wall. But they’re magats so, like their leader, they keep doing the same things expecting different results.

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And the dust bin of history and we’re gonna need a bigger bin. Hopefully

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Agreed, though I’m not sure there’s a bin large enough. Might have to make several trips.

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Mar 13
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I thought Madeline Dean having Hur read his own words was epic. He tried to slither out of it but she wasn’t having any of his bullshit.

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She's a boss...

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Truly one of the best.

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Mar 13
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Democrats finally growing spines. It's fucking about time.

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Take the fucking gloves off and start swinging!!! Don’t stop until well after the November elections— and then some. It doesn’t pay to “play nice” when the retrumplicans will stab you in the back every fucking chance they get!!!

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Mr Hur not only exposed himself as a fucken lying republican hack ,but he unfortunately has smeared the Asian American population! The racist people of this country won’t hesitate to attack all people of Asian ancestry for any reason real or imagined .This shit head just by being involved in controversy on TV has made every Asian American fair game for the klannies ,Nazis and every other racist asshole in the country ,doesn’t matter if the racist bastards are repugnantcans or just our own homegrown imbeciles they’re going to be drawn to it like a fly to Shitlers ass ! Good work Robert you lying fuck !

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Hur probably thinks that suckling up to the fascists will make him some kind of honorary white man. He has a big surprise coming.

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I love to watch anything with Schiff, Swalwell, and Lieu. Hur is another one of those MAGA hacks. He "won't rule out" a position in a possible Authoritarian (read...Trump) Administration.. Is he showing what a 'loyal' AG he could be?

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I’m sure Hur needed butt balm after the Dems got done with him. What an arrogant mofo.

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Thank you for this Jeff. First, you know Robert Hur is a Trump appointee. Integrity and Trump appointees go together like, I don't know, James Comer and intellectual capacity? Aaron Rodgers and science? Rick Perry and the ability to recall three Federal agencies? Opposition to the murderous thug Putin and tall buildings with open windows?

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Mar 13
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From now on, if someone calls me old -I'm going to break into song:

"Do you really want to Hur me?"

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Great comment! Lol

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I can't help it. I'm a laugh riot. :)

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OMG 😂🤣😂

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Now I having an ear worm attack 😂😂😂😂.

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My work is done here. 🤓

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We're going to need to start CPR over here. And we might need Miracle Max.

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Oh that’s good! 🤣🤣

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“…. because yesterday, the shouty half-dressed degenerate wrestling coach pantsed himself on live television for like the eleventy-millionth time.” Jeff I laughed out loud through your entire excellently written piece. In these intense and stressful times, I look so forward to reading your articles, it’s such a release!! Please don’t stop.

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Lately Jeff has even taken to writing on Sundays! (What would Katie Britt think about THAT abomination?)

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I want Jeff eight days a week.

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Me too!!! I love Jeff’s writing!!

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What kind of heartless savage asks a parent if they remember the date their child died? Oh, never mind...

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A Republican.

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Yes, that’s just gross & rude. I can tell you my son died in Jan 2008, but I never remember the date. My baby sister does & always texts me to tell me she’s thinking of him. Sometimes our brains block out painful things

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every day goes by Garland is worse. it hardly seems possible but...

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He is, without a doubt, in WAAAY over his head and has no political instincts. Or the ability to gauge the future based on present-day data and conclusions. He really couldn't have seen this coming?

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He is owned by the Republicans. Biden got snookered into appointing him and should fire him, now, before he does any more damage.

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Google can’t say if he’s gop or not, so I assume he is. if he was a Democrat we’d know right?

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I understand Garland is a member of the Federalist Society, so the math adds up

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of course...

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I don’t think you can be a member of the Federalist Society without being pretty damned conservative & and

“originalist” in your interpretation of the Constitution. I don’t think I will ever trust a jurist that belongs to that group after learning about Leonard Leo, who was a top dog there for 30 yrs, & all of the horrible judges (& AGs, DAs, etc) that he has shepherded into position.

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Could be that all the senility talk might have been misdirected and Garland is the drooling idiot in the room ! Either that or he’s just a rat bastard!

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or both!

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Special Counsel Hur jumped ship just before he testified. He resigned from the DOJ before the shit was scheduled to hit the fan.

Who wants to be a Republican when they grow up? Being a trash collector can get you more respect.

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Guess he wanted to keep his pension before being tossed out as the f'n liar he is.

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Yep, no future for him at the DOJ after that debacle.

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Maybe the next DOJ, if voters stay home

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Or get so pissed off by what they are sure they know about President Biden's views on the extremely simple situation that is Israel-Palestine-Hamas-Iran-Saudi-Houthis-Hezbollah-Turkey-Lebanon-et al that they "own" us all by voting OPP - Other Putin Party. You really think Putin put all his eggs in one basket? LOL. He's not stupid.

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Who knows ducking out like he did ,perhaps the slime ball is a target 🎯 for his own party because he fucked up ,and didn’t give them the dirt they expected? They twist everything they come into contact with to make it seem that they’re doing something right!

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I think he’s made enemies on both sides, from the GOP as you indicated, and from Dems because of his partisan bs.

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Thanks for that. I had no clue.

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Just as Tiedrich and others have said, that it doesn’t work for the AG to pick a Repugnantcan to investigate a Democrat and it will NEVER work. The lying, fascist, mother f*cking GOP will accuse a democrat who is the investigator of partisanship, but they will, of course, accuse a known and appointed Repugnantcan of being a democratic partisan if they don’t like the answers their getting. This goes on the long list of things that don’t work with an immoral and completely dead GOP.

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My question is how was it appropriate in an interview about documents to ask Biden when his son died? Was the knife so dull that he had to go there? Yep, Hur is a sack of hot garbage who witnessed his own career die yesterday. Once again, repeat after me, whatever tffg touches dies.

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Hur should be disbarred.

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Or at least investigated and dragged in public

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Yer getting awfully close to Rick Wilson’s trademark: ETTD

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Exactly the same truth…ETTD

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