Thank Flying Spaghetti Monster that Republicans always decide to screw women over in election years.

You festering ferret-fuckers.

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The Flying Spaghetti Monster isn't even needed. I went through a tough time in my life, and me, a Democrat got to know it pretty well. And the New Testament is when Jesus shows up, and NONE of this is in there. We need a powerful Democratic Theologian, someone like Jim Wallis from Sojourners, who can argue these nuts on their own turf. This is not a different interpretation, this is LYING.

Those right wing nut "Pastors" are lying their asses off, according to the words of Jesus Christ. They want this stuff to be in there, and they are faking it.

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Jimmy Carter if he wasn't so sick, he is the real deal.

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Yes, I really like them and their website.

After 9/11 I met Muslims who were so upset at the radicals and fringe crazies, and that's how I feel too about those kind of people in Christianity. They are promoting and condoning horrific things. Little girls, and women, having babies from rape and incest. Mothers dying for no reason - none! Encouraging the slandering and murder of Trans, and other LGBTQ people. Encouraging racism, and the hatred and exclusion of "others". All these actions opposite of love. It's such a horror show. Thank you for the website address, it will help me calm down.

YES to **Separation of Church and State**

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OOOOHHHHH...Festering Ferret-fuckers. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️☠️

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OMG!! I think I aspirated my cereal laughing!!

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It's vitally important to have aspirations!

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Alliteration is also great 👍

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I have a few fans for exactly that reason. I try to trick it in where I can.

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Who knew that eating cereal was aspirational?

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Love this!! Do they have their colander hats???

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They should, but I think that's a Pastafarian thing. Mine is a dark blue enamel, but I hardly ever wear it, as it's so heavy -- just on Wednesdays for Prince Spaghetti Day services.

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Friday is the Pastafarian Sabbath.

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Bahahaha!!!! Love this

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Ah, that is what "Bronzo the Malignant" has on his head!

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Feb 25
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Isn't ferret fucking still legal in Alabama?

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Tuberville may have married one!

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By Gosh I think he is a child of two or more ferret fuckers in fact!

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Not only is it legal, but the post-fuck ferret will be declared a human baby.

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So will Matt Gaetz date it?

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Only if it hasn’t reached the Ferret age of consent.

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I wonder if he'll go to Alabama to fuck a ferret embryo.

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Yes of course but he will pay the ferret just for the privilege!

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Doesn’t Tubby like actually live in Florida? I would guess ferret fucking is probably legal there given who is the ruling party. 🤣🤣🤣

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Along with sexing your meth-gator, I'm sure Floriduh-Man knows no species boundries.

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Actually, there are only 2 states that have not made sexual abuse of an animal a felony; my state NM, & either VA or WV (I forget)

We lobbied our legislators last year to try to get a bill passed making it a felony, but nope. Too many redneck farmer/ranchers here.

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After I posted this I saw Vickie’s link to the article that says the bill did pass!! Yay

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WTAF, even if New Mexico (the Mexico where you don’t need a US passport 😈) did finally pass the legislation?!

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Ferrets next up after the uncles and pastors

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Feb 25
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Well, thank you Vickie, I guess our lobbying effort worked after all. The last I heard my rep was grumbling

“We already have a law against cruelty to animals, shouldn’t that take care of this?”

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Try the treacherous treasonous traitors for favoring furtive FSB fascist's fraud!

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Feb 25Edited
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You got my mouth all tangled up trying to say that aloud! 🤣😂

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Tang tungled. 🤣🤣

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Tuberville doesn’t know shit from shinola. I saw another interview where he said he didn’t know what was in the bill. Fucknut doesn’t know the difference between a court ruling and legislation.

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Has he, at any point in his life, done anything right? I can't find any evidence...

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Truly he’s an utter moron, so doubtful.

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Perfect representative for his state

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Nope! And I bet his wife would agree.

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Donna is back.

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I'm just happy to see a couple reporters doing their job in their interview with Tuberville.

Could it start a trend?

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The GQP elected a man who grifted 2 million dollars on a Ponzi scheme and his partner in crime went to jail for 10 years. His wife runs a stop sign in Lubbock, Texas in 2011 and hits an elderly couple in which the man died in the hospital 4 months later. No fucking investigation or accountability. Not even an "I'm sorry" to the family. I see his face and reminds me of a dog humping someone's leg.

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I guess I’m not sure which awful Texan you’re referring to here; Cruz, Paxton?

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Sorry, Tommy Tubberville.

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And it’s your own state, Cletus!

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How many more Republicans are similar to Tommy Turnip?

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Too damn many, some hide it better though

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He doesn't know the difference between his nose and his dick.

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Being fair, I'd wager they're about the same size.

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His ears are bigger than both.😊

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You're right, seeing that Tubes is a dick nose.

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Like Cancunt Ted.

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Charlie's on a roll!

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As reported in the past, he couldn't even name the 3 branches of government. The moronic Trump yes man who makes a box of rocks look as if it has an IQ, probably doesn't have a clue what IVF is or what it stands for. As far as puppet Tommy goes, like his felonious boss and mentor, Ignorant Vile Fuck fits the bill. His DNA should some day be donated to CRISPR or Editas for a complete analysis.

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Tubbyville doesn’t know the difference between living in Florida and Alabama, you know, the state he is alleged to represent…yeah right.

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Feb 25
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I’m 100% sure he didn’t have a clue what it meant

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No surprise there, the ignorance of these clowns is astounding. But then, this is the abortion “after” birth crowd after all🤦‍♀️

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Yeah, I’ll never figure out how they came up with that stupidity.

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Also old Tommy gave the 2025 plan away when he called children a commodity!! Child labor?? Who the hell voted for this guy??

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Fox’s John Robert’s went on a tirade about IVF and agreeing with the Alabama Supreme Court, but here’s the thing, Roberts and his wife used IVF to have their child. There were a number of Republicans who said the same thing and were caught being hypocrites.

Republicans; they are all Tubervilles.

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John Roberts is shocking in his desire to follow and not think.

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Canadian here: John Roberts was J.D. Roberts, DJ for Much Music on Canadian TV in 1979. I remember him and I thought he was a pretty boy idiot.

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When John Roberts worked for CNN, he received the Edward R. Murrow Award.

I’m sure Mr. Murrow is turning in his grave.

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Ice cream cone to forehead here. 🙄

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Feb 25
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Talking about Fox BS reporter. Worked for ABC in the past. But SCROTUS guy sucks mostly, too!

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Marie. I think they're talking about two different John Roberts!

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Feb 25
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No, no, no--it is not the Chief Justice of SCOTUS! Pay attention to the post you are responding to!

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One “no” will do. Sounds like a knuckle rapping nun. PAY ATTENTION!! ??

I made a mistake. You know …

A m i s t a k e.

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Wrong guy!

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I like “Tuberville” as an adjective! “He’s such a tuberville!”

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"Potato town"

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Sorry that Canada sent you its worst TV News journalist/reporter/anchor.

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And Ted Cruz!

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Cruz was more of a happenstance birth when his parents moved to Calgary so his Cuban dad could work in the oil industry. Roberts was born and raised and worked in Canada before making his exit to the US.

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It's just too bad his mom was an US citizen though, it meant we always had to take him. You are well versed in Cruz's history, much respect to you on doing your homework. (I'm married to a Canadian, so I had to be sponsored in Canada, as well as sponsoring him here. I couldn't help noticing the contrast in paperwork, Canada's had many options like: "Same sex partner, common-law" status and other options, whereas when I sponsored him here the only option was: "Married."

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Yes, the US immigration department will not allow non traditional married couples to immigrate. Canada is a much more open and tolerant country vis-a-vis individual choices in affairs of the heart.

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We need to ram their own bullshit up their asses. It's somewhat refreshing to see the MSM call them out. At least it gets them off of their "Biden old" tropes. The GQP is committing electoral suicide. LET THEM!!

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Yes! Let them. It’s only going to get worse for them between now and November because they can’t stop digging the hole they’re in.

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To quote the video game Mortal Combat: "Finish Him!"

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Hey, Nikki! When a law exists that says embryos are children and entitled to full rights under the law, EVERYONE has to follow that law, no matter what they actually believe. What they think becomes irrelevant in real life. I hope that you and your ilk are left staring at your open palms on November 6th, wondering what just happened.

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So, does this mean that people in Alabama that have frozen embryos can now claim them as dependents on their taxes?

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Can they inherit their parents' estates? Can they be disinherited? If their "parents" die, is a guardian appointed? If there is one live child and three embryos--does the living child inherit just 1/4 of the parents' estate?

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I'm getting the nagging feeling that the he-man woman haters club of Alabama didn't think this thing all the way through. When even OrangeStinky disavows you, you fucked up big time.

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The judge is a fundamentalist and a Dominionist, they are total fanatics.

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And child support from the sperm donor

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They damned sure should, starting with their 2023 tax returns, & if they feel especially energetic, file amended returns for every yr since those embryos were made. I’ll bet that’d make the govt sit up & take notice!

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NiKKKi so IcKKKy 😖

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Schadenfreude Sunday to the max for me! Rs should wallow in their own hot mess

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