Jasmine Crockett was fucking awesome! So was Jonathan Turley (whom I despise) because the red meat base counted on him for bullshit and he did not deliver any said bullshit.

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that's why it's important to get these people under oath

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And their testimony in the congressional record

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Exactly. Amazing how the lies evaporate when under oath. 🤔😂

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Go Jaye Gurl, it's your birthday! HA! Jasmine Crockett killed it!

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Reminds me of Beck - "Saving up your food stamps and burning down the trailer park."

And the sad part is their base just lives for this shit. Owning the libs. They won't care who goes hungry, who the shutdown hurts, what bridges collapse, of if their trailers are indeed burned down, so long as they can perceive some theoretical ground gained over "the others."

I picture a nuclear crater of America, with no life left but for Tucker Carlson crawling with his on remaining arm through irradiated waste, gasping for breath, a smile on his lips as he whispers "we sure owned the libs alright" before dying while Russia and China prepare to go to war over who gets to loot the corpse of America once all the radiation subsides.

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A usual, the shitheads will go on and on with this and when it does burn down their trailer park they will blame the deep state they have been programmed to hate.

This is all beginning to look like a Paul Conrad cartoon. The one with the guy holding out the plug of his portable television with nuclear destruction all around him, stark terror and bewilderment on his face.

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Yep, on the hamster wheel of propaganda day in, day out. I see now why they love them some Trump. Here is a guy with no self awareness but dead certain he is correct on every single statement, the working class hero of BS! For sure he is their guy. Ignorant swine, neither will ever own up to it,either. THAT is how comfortable they are with a lie

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Until their SNAP money or Social Security checks don't come. Do you think they're capable of self reflection? Of course not. It'll be Joe Biden's fault.

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Social security will still go out. Good thing for them too or I'd already be in the streets eating the rich.

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Same here.

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Me too...

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I recall seeing a republican conference clip where they espoused the idea that owning the liberals was a noble effort. They do this knowing that their flocks love punching down on people and would do so at detriment to their own survival.

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Pyrrhic victories seem to excite them.

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Well of course, look at who they support, a man who went after a judge in the NYC Letitia James case, even SUED THE MAN. Acted astonished at Judge Engoron's livid anger when he was told "Bye-bye license. Buh-bye doing business in NY." Dude, the LAST person you wanna piss of is the judge assigned to your case. He may have won a slight battle in humiliating the Judge but he gained a powerful enemy when the attempt failed. But then Trump is not a logical man, and he has no impulse control.

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Jasmine Crockett is my hero and I (almost) wish I lived in her Texas district so I could vote for her for every office she cares to run for 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Maybe you'll luck out and she'll run for President.

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Probably donating to her next election effort is not prohibited.

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“an unmitigated disaster wrapped inside a twenty-megaton clusterfuck wrapped inside a chicken-fucking shit-show.”....Damn! Well said!

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Dead on!

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Wait.... did law professor Michael Gerhardt actually say that he 'RESPECTED' Jordan 'A GREAT DEAL'?? Good God I would love to hear him expand on the reasons WHY...

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I'm sure he was just being polite. sometimes the situation requires it

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I think he was being sarcastic while adhering to Congress's traditional formula.

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yes, let's go with sarcastic.

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The art of tact is at its best when you can tell someone to go to hell and have them like you for it.

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Maybe he was being sarcastic? I don’t know anything about the guy but I do know about Gym and there’s nothing there to respect, esteem or admire. He’s a cesspool of shit, puss, vomit and roadkill.

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Please tell us how you really feel. 🤣😂 Very well said!

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I have more respect for a steaming pile of shit than I do for Jordan.

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I was thinking the same thing: he respected what of the half assed Gym Jordan??? There is NOTHING to respect with this POS excuse of an alleged lawmaker….

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Seriously WTF

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Maybe it was to shock Jacketless Jim into shutting the fuck up and not screaming during his testimony 🙃

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Jeff, as usual, SPOT ON 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

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I can't improve on that, Warren! Just want to say that Jeff has a pretty unique way with words, and I need his take 6 days a week.

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Without reading the entire thread (will do later), we need to implement a payment from the republican party when they introduce impeachment without a shred of evidence. Likewise, republican shut downs must REQUIRE stopping THEIR salaries, perks etc until resolved!

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And there sits the weird fire hydrant shaped Comer with the little gray cap of hair insisting Joe Biden is corrupt just because he desperately needs to convince someone, anyone at all, maybe that mouse running to his little mousehole in the baseboard over there, that there is every reason to impeach Joe Biden without one shred of evidence.

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That's their vindictive quest since most of this sham show is likely being orchestrated by his assholiness, the felonious wannabe king from behind the scenes.

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Totally vindictive. Nothing but. And there sits Jonathan Turley who is a Foxite creep also saying loud and clear: There is no evidence. As Comer sits there not listening to a word because, well, vindictive and protecting the worst human on the planet who would kill democracy for good if he were reelected.

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This is totally Trump's idea.

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“Goobers” is one term I’d like to see make a real resurgence. “Peckerhead” is one syllable too long. “Cracker” is too old. “Shit-for-brains” too explicit and R-rated. “Goobers” just brings a smile to my ears.

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I'm fond of "chucklefucks" myself. Can't be said on-air, but hey that's why we have the internet. Well, that, cats, and porn.

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As a bonus, you could begin referring to ultra-red districts as "Goobervilles". (And also get creative with "Tommy Tuberville from Gooberville)

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Every time I think of TT beating such a wonderful man as Doug Jones...I could cry AGAIN!!! Such an absolute travesty!

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You do know that it was Doug Jones who finally nailed the bomber who killed those four girls in Birmingham? Doug Jones is and shall always be a true hero, and all of us are shamed by his defeat.

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Yes, I did, and I agree with you that 'all of us are shamed by his defeat' by TT.

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No one knows for certain where the heck he lives, but wherever he is, that’s sure a G-ville.

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Yes, PLEASE let's make this a thing!!

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I, for one, use the term from Bugs Bunny. "Gulli-bulls". Combo of gullible and bullheaded.

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I still vote rapscallions.

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Yesterday's hearing was the equivalent of putting a bag of dog shit on someone's porch and setting it on fire. Democrats stomped out the fire, but their shoes didn't get dirty. The Republicans were covered with it.

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Republicans would eat a shit sandwich if they knew liberals would have to smell their breath.

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So far as I can tell, that’s precisely what the Republicans are doing. They have nothing else to offer.

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Eww. That's not a pleasant image....🤢

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Why is reality so unreal? Who would have thought, 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago,... that we would be living through this dog and pony show! I think it is called a Kangaroo Court. I don't know why that species has to be maligned like this, or dogs, or ponies. All of them would probably do a better job for the American people than a single Republican elected official.

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On a similar note, I was reflecting on how impossible it would have been (before the ascent of Orange Julius Cheater) for any ex-president to sit back in his hometown directing Congress to go this way and that, say this do that, as though they were marionettes.-- and they'd actually DO IT.

Someone pitching a movie script in which this happened would never get another film deal.

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Well done. Not enough obscenities. But then again, are there enough when describing these morons?

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Not only are there not enough obscenities, there aren’t any strong enough to describe how I feel about tfg and the GOP.

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Jeff ALWAYS uses just the right amount of obscenities (Okay, maybe not enough for these morons after all)

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Man, if I could cuss as much as I wanted to about these asshats there would be more bleeps than words.

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It’s repulsive to watch so many supposedly grown men straining to display their undying, complete subjugation to the massive ball of slime called Trump. That’s all this is.

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No one in Congress should be paid if there is a shut down. These GOP clowns decided to make this inquiry an essential government endeavor so it doesn't get shut down due to funds. Then the federal judiciary system says it will only have 2 weeks of funds to keep it going after Oct. 1. Gee if court cases stop, I wonder what orange blob that will help?

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It’s GOP impeachment “layaway”. We’ll bring the impeachment and every month we will manufacture a “witness” or “documents” until it’s paid for.

Fiscal conservatives should be furious.

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