hey folks, there's something about the subject Israel and Palestine that gets otherwise-peaceful commenters all riled up — not just here but all over the internets. it's been that way for as long as I can remember, but let's all keep in mind that we're all on the same side and that we all agree with each other at least 95% of the time. let's keep it friendly over the 5% we disagree on, ok?

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Agreed. War is a complicated issue--I am not a pacifist, war was needed to stop Hitler, but I think the concept of modern war is odd and disgusting. Like, why can't both sides create Socking Boppers or choose one hero to duke it out in a ring--winner takes all--leave grandmas and babies and kids out of it. They never ask to be killed for political gains. I don't want to see any child dead, no matter what side of the war they rest on. It's so sad. No. Evil. It's evil. Poor people dying for rich men's wars while they sit in the comfort of an office making decisions over people's lives. People who likely have no idea what any of this is for.

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And speaking of Hitler, one would think that that evil piece of garbage was still alive. His teachings are seen all over the world today: trump, putin, and I just can't think of more right now. In world events, especially since trump came on the scene, I've become to actually despise religion and not just tolerate any longer. It is at the very heart of what we see in the Middle East and Israel.

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I went over to the "dark side" of atheism about a decade ago and find my peace there. As a secular humanist I just can't understand a thought process that claims to value life while destroying it.

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Fascism likes to reappear here in different forms and this a world-wide rise as well. France has their challenges and Italy is perhaps more prone due to its history. Hungary w/Orbans' success to over run government reps/ party and take over the press. Russia, that story of squashing decent and truth by killing and threatening journalists and citizens with long prison sentences has also squished any talking or complaining of Putin's actions in Ukraine. From a cold contention to war actions by like bodies; Hamas with Russian & Iranian support. Of course those Russian supporters from the GOP are making up lies as a way to cover the $$ they took.

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What was that one lady's name. LePen--? She was practically Trump in a skirt with a French accent. Thankfully she did not win, in spite of Putin's best efforts... there is a game afoot and it ain't nothing nice! What these fascists count on is the unyielding and undying tribalism inherent in a lot of humans. They use the Othering technique to divide and conquer. I am sure Putey feel Ameria is just ripe for the picking--expiration date 2024.

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Even Sweden is struggling with fascism right now.

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I find that so sad and heartbreaking--it was always seen as a kind of bastion of progressive tolerance. Where will hopefuls go now? Germany? Ironically, I hear they are fairly liberal minded there.

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I think Germany had enough experience with fascism to last them a generation or two longer than the rest of Europe. They do have their own neo-Nazi nutjobs, I hear; but the sane people just don't seem to tolerate as much of their shit.

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IKR--that scares me.

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Happy to agree to disagree. I just won’t stand for the insinuation that I’m a liberal dumb fuck.

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believe me, I've been there and I get it

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It all began over 5,000 years ago when a jealous wife named Sarah threw out her husband Abraham's mistress and son. Bad decision. Imagine if they had stayed?

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"Noted sex therapist" Lauren Bobert! "Hairpiece model Rand Paul"! 😂😂😂 You provide laughter when we need it the most. How low can the Republican Party go in their lies and deceit? Their lust for power and control is breaking this country. They MUST be voted out.

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Voting them out seems too humane. They should be charged with treason, and the punishment be swift and just.

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And outed out with the truth! Challenge these dirt bags when go onX and lie. Call them out with the truth.

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It's chilling how factual and accurate most Republican talking points become if you just switch "Biden" for "Drumpf."

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Exactly 💥

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Thanks Jeff. The situation in Israel is horrifying. Republican stooges will stop at nothing to undermine Biden. I support Israel’s right to exist, but I also believe the Palestinians need their own space too. Both governments are hell-bent on destroying each other while it’s their populations that suffer. I’ve been to Israel. Most people just want to live their lives without worrying about the next attack. I wish I had an answer.

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I'm so old I remember when there was a country called Palestine.

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I'm pretty old, and I remember Israel being bombed over and over....these pics remind me of prior decades. Oh and that they kidnapped, tortured, and murdered the entire Israeli Olympic team. I also remember them murdering Gays and Atheists - I've heard they still do that. This time they kidnapped seniors from a nursing home, some with Alzheimer's disease. Some were murdered, others taken hostage. A Jewish woman in a wheelchair paraded around, I don't know what else they did to her. But that is sick, demented, barbaric and sadistic. They had no right to do what they did. They do not get a pass on atrocities. And it doesn't help their cause, but it could help start WW3, that's obviously what Putin wants.

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Why is noting that the situation in the Middle East with all its complexities needs better ways of dealing with it somehow "giving a pass" to atrocities which clearly are not either working nor morally acceptable responses to anything?

As of June 2023, 27 Palestinian children had been killed by Israeli forces, according to Al Jazeera. (Another 78 as of Sunday) I somehow doubt they were all mini-terrorists. Are we just to "give a pass" to this while trying to understand the total situation.

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Just hours after the attack, GOP members appear on talk shows with the exact same talking points - not just for this tragedy, but for every instance lately. They don't know how to govern, but they certainly have a coordinated mechanism in place for their "unified" propaganda.

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They only know how to be puppets. Zero brain cells used.

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It’s absolutely disgusting how low the Republicans have gone, but Putin is loving it.

From a meme: Picture of Putin “Why am I helping Republicans? Because Republicans want to destroy America as much as I do.”

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Well, they got paid! The7GOP senators & 1 congress person going to Russia on JULY4,2018w/no press and agenda for??? Or after Citizens United finding creating dark$$ from anyone, anywhere including the millions from Russians to McConnell Senate PAC. There are more funding examples. And watch them come back to the Floor on J6 and STILL say the vote was corrupted. You know the kind where the GOP take office but on the same ticket throughout the country there was problem that no one could prove that the presidential election, yeah THAT was all F-up. The GOP are like a Scream movie, the caller/killer ( of our democracy) is in the House. And they are still there with big spoon agenda, stirr-up the crap,lies and chaos so the bigger agenda of the fall of our government happens. What comes next? They don't know or care. Breaking it is the plan. And the ultimate plan, Project 2025.

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That is the truth.

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They’re shameless, deeply stupid and incompetent. I’m quoting from an RNC want ad for candidates.

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How are we ever going to save this country if one political party shamelessly lies about everything and millions of people believe their lies as gospel fact. It is true that most politicians lie to a certain degree but the Republican party has gone all in with lying at every opportunity where the lie serve them better than telling the truth. Because we now have media sources that promote this duplicitous political strategy that are the only source of news for millions of ignorant and gullible people the problem could very well end our democracy and produce a government that most of those same millions will find terrible and greatly restricted. Again, never under estimate the stupidity of the American public or, at the very least, the ignorance and gullibility.

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Media sources and disinformation bots provided by every enemy, spread by our friend Elon Muscovite, and then parroted by the bobble-headed Trump mafia. Let us just hope that the thinking part of the American voting population out numbers those who are sheep!

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I see Trump written all over this Intel and am wondering how long it will take mainstream press to connect the dots. I also endorse someone else's suggestion that the Senate approve the military appointments one at a time, then Tuberville cannot block them. Let them just start each day with an appointment approval, starting with the top. It would be nice if we could get some ambassadorial appointments approved through the backdoor as well. How about interim appointments for the time being?

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How possible is It that tfg's mishandling of classified documents led to this current conflagration?

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He took everything putin told him to take then tons of not so important stuff

to mix in for confusion.

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I dream of a world where Democrats are as good at crafting narratives from the truth as Republicans are at stitching together talking points out of shameless lies.

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as Mark Twain never actually said, "a lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes"

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A lie can travel to the edge of the known universe and back before Democratic messaging teams get around to counterpunching.

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As I was reading this, Thom Hartmann mentioned this same article on his radio program. Who knows what classified information concerning the Middle East was disseminated to Russia and Saudi Arabia. The Republican comments on the situation are disingenuous and disgraceful. So much for politics stopping at the water's edge.

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The GOP puts the “fun” in dysfunction.

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I read your posts, Jeff, and no matter the seriousness of the issue, I laugh my ass off. I laughed so hard today at your description of Boobert, I almost fell out of my wheelchair.

First, I fully agree. When you get put in your place by the totally for you FOX News, you know you have screwed the pooch. And, FOX News put the Trumpublicans in their place on all this crap they were spreading this weekend.

I tell you, these candidates will do anything to get a leg up on President Biden. And, seems the harder they try, the further backward they go. And, the further backward they push their fearless dictator leader.

Speaking of the dictator leader. I remember that when he shared all that intelligence to Russia. I’m going to say something here that some folks may not like. I really don’t care, but this needs to be said.

When Donald J. Trump was serving as our Commander and Chief, he had access to ALL of this nations most Top Secret, Classified documents. He had access to everything. I’m going to seriously propose that, since he’s been a known spy fur Russia since he married his first wife in the mid 70s, that we can just say that every document he got his hands on was shared with Putin. We already know from a previous writing if Jeffs that he had a sitting Senator personally courier some of these documents to Russia to give to either Putin or a Russian Oligarch who then passed them to Putin.

So, exactly how many did Mehta were shared? With whom? About what countries intelligence?

We have. I concrete answers to any of these questions, but we now have two engagements with countries we support from communist and hostile forces. That’s Ukraine being attacked by Russia, and Israel being attacked by the Palestinian Hamas Rebels.

We can solve our Frumpy issue. Get Israel to want him to try him further treason, espionage, giving away their top secret intelligence. I can promise you, his justice there will be a hell of a lot drifter there than here. His lawyers will not be able to bark 🐂 💩 and her extensions. He won’t have justices that bend the rules because his name is Trump, or he USED to be the president.

Nope, folks. They won’t listen, or care, about any of those facts. They’ll sit him in a courtroom, try him in about three days, then take him out, sit him in a chair, or stand him next to a wall, and shoot his treasonous ass.

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It would work, since Israel already lost assets (executed) thanks to Trump giving out intelligence exposing them. Ready a plane to take Trump there and let them have him.

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Oh how one can only wish, pray, this would happen. Him, Cruz, MTG, Jordan, Gaetz, all of the Frumpy Followers. Load them on a plane and fly them to the Middle East. Tell them to never set foot on American soil ever again.

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would not mind handing trump off to the Kurds, whom he backstabbed. Trump is a hilarious joke to every leader of a Middle East state.

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Oh, my friend, you have an evil mind, such as me. I would live to hand all of these clowns off to those folks over there.

I just had a fleeting thought. I wonder if the Biden administration, maybe Anthony Blinken can work out a trade with the Hamas. Give them Frumpy, Gaetz, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, and all these other Frumpy supporters for the hostages they now hold?

Now THAT sounds like a fantastic trade. We get good people released, and get our trash thrown out to the animals!

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ASAP, please.

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You mean Biden didn't set this up...??? *Oh my fucking gods!!! Clutches fakes pearls and flings self to the conveniently located fainting couch... sighing heavily.* 🙄🙄🙄

And you damned liberals and your reliance on truth, facts and being informed... How dare you be honest about world events??? *Won't you even let us lie a little bit....???* 🙄🙄🙄

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Dark Brandon strikes again!

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And the Trumpian GOP has told far more lies than the Russian Federation's President-For-Life Vladimir Putin and his puppet equivalent of the US House. The same GOP that is breaking US Constitutional laws to make Trump President-For-Life, and following that, keeping the US permanently autocratic.

In the end, I hope the American People will give every one of these clowns a memorable Nicolae Ceausescu moment.

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Don't tempt me!

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