My parents are the dolts that mainline News Max and OAN. I'm a political orphan. They believe the election was stolen. They think Dump has the country's best interests in mind. They draw the line at the JFK Jr. and the QAnon stuff, tho. Clearly that's a bridge too far.

My dad protested Vietnam at the 1968 Democratic Convention and was beaten unconscious by a cop. Mom was a hippie as well. Somewhere along the road, they lost their way. It sucks.

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Wow! I am the same age as your parents (Boomers). And so are my friends.. We all have been Democrats our entire lives. And we absolutely despise DJT and all of his supporters! It’s inconceivable to me how anyone with half a brain could support the current Republicans in Congress. They are the worst! So all you youngsters out there, please don’t blame the boomers. We’re all in this together 🇺🇸💙

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I know there are loads of folks their age (73 & 75) who totally hate those knucklehead Republicans. I just wish my parents were on the right side of history now.

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I'm 73, and was pretty clueless about politics in my 20's. I appreciated the counter culture that rejected patriarchy and war and promoted Gandhi-like change through peaceful protest. But Trump admires despots like Putin and constantly advocates for violence and retribution. Those qualities are in no way Gandhi-like or peaceful and not in the best interests of our country. He also raised taxes on the middle class. He is not articulate and only understands threats, name calling and intimidatation to make a point. There's more.

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Right on sister!!

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In my experience, some older folks get sucked into the whole thing out of loneliness - maybe not in your case, but I only mean to mention some personal anecdote. They're invested because all the marks are supportive of each other, strong community online, et cetera. They stick together 'cause a lot of them have nothing else. No money, no great minds, few friends or family.

Or sometimes it's counter-culture. They think Drumpf will shake things up or stick it to the man or whatever. Prior experience would say elsewise, but people thought he'd "learn the job once elected."

Have you asked them straight up why they support someone who's committed all the deadly sins and more crimes than Charles Manson? That's usually a sticking point for people in that context.

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You would think that, wouldn't you? Nah, see my folks are so blind to it all. "The leftist media" makes up everything bad that Dump did, you know.

They friggin hated that dude when he was just some dingbat on TV. Now they go to church on Sunday and pray for him to lead the country out of sin.

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Motherfucker couldn't lead people out of a room with twelve neon exit signs.

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"Church" is the problem.

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I agree 100%.

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You’re spot on, but if you think about it, it’s not just older people. A lot of young and middle aged people get sucked in for the same reasons. They’re a cult leader’s dream.

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Right but parents were specifically mentioned.

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I know and I was certainly not disagreeing with you. I saw a live police show where a young woman told a police officer that she joined a hate group for a place to belong and your comment reminded me of that.

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At some point I'm going to do a piece on white mediocrity leading to people joining white power movements.

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Bingo. White mediocrity nails it.

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They were infected by a virus. Like many. Imagine the millions who voted for Obama and then become Trumpers. Makes no bloody sense to me. Except if you think about getting infected.

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It doesn't make much sense to me.

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I’m so sorry. In the 60s I was a hippy in spirit. I also was against the Vietnam war. I absolutely hate trump and his fascists. I wonder what the key is to that bastard’s cult. I hope someday we understand it.

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So sorry, Amy. I was born at the end of the Baby Boom & I’m appalled at how many people my age & older have become MAGAs, Jesus Freaks, & QAnon goons, Many Boomers are wealthy, so they hold their noses & vote for the Orange Menace to protect their morbidly obese assets. Other than that, I can’t explain how or why the free spirits of yore have become grotesque cultists. I regret I probably wont live to see millennials, Gen X & Z rid the country of the MAGA cancer. But I have faith that youth will set us free.

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Amy, sometimes I think people flip the script because they become disillusioned with the other side for some reason. It's kind of like a man who loves women, gets hurt once and suddenly hates all women. At that point, he will believe anything awful about a woman, no matter how irrational, because he is so disillusioned and angry. At times, this is done out of fear or bruised ego, either way, in a few cases, a person goes too far there ain't no coming back. Backtracking is an admission of failure and heaven forbid. There is also the idea that once you distrust the government, as hippies did, you will gravitate towards individuals who loudly share that anger and distrust. Trump ran on a platform of draining the swamp and in some ways, Dems seem rather unable to fight or can't seem to fight the corruption in a really big way. As Endless said, there is this kind of cosplaying, crazed community that could be akin to the free love movement in its counterculture audacity. Dems offer very little outside of facts and figures, and while that is a far superior model for reason and critical thinking, it isn't very "sexy" to non- sapiosexuals. I mean, I have a hard time grasping the MAGA mentality myself, but these are a few of the things I can come up with that kinda sorts makes sense. And hey, you aren't a political orphan per se--there is community here and believe me, places like this help keep my sanity aligned as Trump blathers on and on and plays victim. Maybe that is another part of his lame appeal--he vents about his so-called victimization and gets heard--maybe people who feel they are constantly receiving the short end of the stick, for whatever reason, feel a kinship there? I could go mad trying to dissect it.

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I suppose people are disillusioned but starting when and how? Reagonmics helped who? The rich/ corporate interests. And there is the argument that the wars under Bush and the Banking crisis/ recession led to disillusion - perhsps. but that made people so unhappy that Trump makes sense? Or does he really make the most sense to white people with less education than those with enough to realize he is just another guy with a BS argument?

Mostly let's not over think it.

The authoritarian argument appeals most to those so ready to follow like the Christian right. They were ready to in the 80s.

Anyone believing in Trump needs validation that someone else is wrong and they are immune. Or they are part of a corprate/ 1% interest that can do without democracy because they think they know better, like Elon Musk.

My 2 cents, anyway.

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I'm sorry.

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My older brother joined the marines in 1968, he knew he’d be drafted as he wasn’t that fortunate one as the song goes, did three tours there in four years, he believed he was serving his country and helping fight communist oppression. He knows better now. None of them got the “thank you for your service,” and when arriving back in the states they had to sneak off the ship in the dark wee hours of the morning to avoid the blame filled shouts of “murderer” and “baby killer” all after the hell of Vietnam where he could’ve been one of the 58,220, average age 19 who didn’t come home. He couldn’t tell coworkers in his new town what he did after high school.

So, with trump being pretty much a draft dodger, using foot spurs as a reason, I was surprised when he fell for trumps BS. I once looked up to my oldest brother but after trump came into it, especially on Facebook, he attacked me every chance he got, even when I was tagged in another’s post, it hurt like hell the things he said to me when he was once a fan of Morning Joe like me, and I used to love FB, keeping up with family back him 3,000 miles away, but when trump came into it he ruined that too. I accidentally unfriended my brother when I meant to unfollow and of course couldn’t put in a friend request to him, so he includes me with my sister who died in an accident. I’m dead to him and it’s been that way for years. Can’t watch TV news anymore, couldn’t stand hearing bout him every day. I’ll probably never hear my brothers voice again. Trump has damaged and torn apart so many families. I hate his face, his name, his right to breath air.

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condolences.....really, condolences

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My older brother did three tours in Vietnam, joined marines right out of high school, wasn’t one of those fortunate ones, thought at the time he was doing something good for South Vietnam who didn’t want a communist take over. There was no, “thank you for your service” no, they had to sneak off the ship after midnight to avoid hearing the hate filled voices shouting “murderers!” After the hell of Vietnam, he couldn’t tell people in his new town what he did after school. He found out the truth years later. He could’ve been one of the 58,220 Americans, average age 19 who were killed there-most were drafted.

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Thank you Jeff.

I can't wait for a strategy consultant to engage with the GOP House.

I mean, why stop at impeaching President Biden? They should also impeach the next four Democratic presidents. Apparently, you don't need evidence -so why go through the process repeatedly, when you can impeach once, and get rid of anyone who isn't mired in the criminal organization formerly known as the GOP. Also, I heard Chelsea Clinton might have been abrupt with a cashier at Starbucks, so they should impeach her as well (but first, an 18-month taxpayer-funded investigation into whether Chelsea said "thank you" -or the brash, abrupt short-form, "thanks").

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😆 😆 I love the idea of impeaching Chelsea for her faux pas at Starbucks, and while they’re at it, why not impeach Hilary for having the audacity to congratulate The Orange Menace after he won the presidency, both to go along with Bill’s impeachment. It would be a win-win situation for the family, don’t you think.

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I think Hillary also may have hugged Henry Kissinger -which is okay -if she was handcuffing him and sending him to The Hague. Clearly that did not happen. A Henry hug for any other reason other than arrest is suspect.

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Someone should convince Craven McCarthy but there's nothing wrong with hypothetical impeachments. You know, like impeaching future president Gavin Newsom. Or future president Kamala Harris. Just put the charges on the credit card, Kev.

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Given that Starbucks is a union busting conglomerate that treats their employees like shit, I imagine that the Republicans (The New American Nazi Party), will be more likely to claim Chelsea as one of their own if she was rude to the "servants" who dare defy corporate America with trying to unionize, given that TNANP is so against unionization why would they be against Chelsea for that?

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

Most of the GOP fuckery is just theater of the absurd, but a government shut-down is not. I’m sure most of us here remember the past times this has happened and it’s detrimental to our country. Write to your Congressperson, especially if they’re one of the assholes, to protest this petty maneuver.

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Being a Congress critter is the safest, easiest job in America. It doesn't matter if you suck at it, fuck up, barely show up, actively try to dismantle the government, or give insurrection tours - you can't be fired realistically. The pay is amazingly disproportionate to the effort involved, you're not required to represent anyone - even if your title is "representative."

And hey, why not have benefits for life? Paul Ryan who did nothing but make noise and steal taxpayer dollars, is still continuing to leech from everyone while he's fucked off doing whatever, being just as unimportant as he was before except on the news less now.

Reforms? Sure. Let me know when that talk starts.

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Very well said 👏👏 it’s absolutely disgusting what they get paid, not to mention above the top health care for life. It’s disgusting

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How we wound up with Gaetz Boebert Greene and Jordan boggles my mind. I've always been a Dem and I've never been tempted to vote Red but never in my 50 years of voting have I witnessed such embarrassing idiocy as the shit that flies from this crew. It's enough to make me miss Agnew.


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There are a lot of stupid people voting in this country. That is all I can say to explain that.

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Have you ever listened to conservative talk radio? It's quite enlightening regarding the 'how did we get here' question.

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I can remember the cloth-coat Republicans and small government that argument left town some decades ago. So, first fiscal responsibility and then that proved a false argument as they spent up. Or there was National security and that certainly blew-up with our friend Putin & love letters from N. Korea.

So, what's left? Abortion. And a weird national interest but only if you pledge to Trump.

Sheesh some rabbit hole here or what?

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Thanks for your exhaustive research. I’d love to see you sign off just once with a “Yours in Service”, Jeff.

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Excellent. Yes. 'Yours in Service' absolutely perfect. 😂

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See, the idea is for the Republicans to sabotage the economy, and then blame Biden for it. They’ve been doing this shit for years, with tax cuts and offshoring and all the other crap they do. Unfortunately, the body politic is just too stupid to figure it out. I’m not a politician so I couldn’t care less about telling people what they want to hear. And they always want to hear how wise and hard working and patriotic they are. Bullshit.

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I would say that many of the old-line Republicans would damage the economy so they could blame the Democrats — but I would also say that morons like Boebert and Spork just hate the idea of government and just want to burn it all down

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Those idiots don’t hate the government as much as the fact that they are simply infantile tantrum throwers, attracting the attention they crave from the pathetic privileged crowd who feel so victimized by a progressive America.

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Again, just stupid because they still have to live here and on this planet, both of which they are destroying for a pipe dream of an all white nation that is run the way they want to run it, yet it supposedly won't have teen pregnancies up the wazoo, more and more shootings and killings, problems from allying with despots, poverty, crime, dirty water or air, or any need of health care. The world they want to create is not one they really want to live in. So, they are all stupid, stupid, stoopid people!

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They don’t think that far ahead

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IMO they believe that’s what their constituents like about them (& FOX & Newsmax confirm that impression.)

Besides, they’re having too much fun being asshats to stop now.

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Yes. They often have a complaint but no solution. Unless you do listen to the Bannon types that want to blow it up. And that seems quite popular and repetitive.

But no one has an answer to what then?

Someone has to pick-up the pieces but I don't hear much about that Republican utopia or their plan to take us there.

Funny just like the current Congress, all hat & no cattle.

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And you’d be close

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Always portraying themselves as the complete opposite of who they really are. These bought and paid for unAmerican assholes only work for and answer to one thing. That's the despicable mango madman who's responsible for being the most recent proliferator of this insane bullshit in the first place.

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The essence of ignorance is not knowing what you don’t know, right?

But how can Republicans not understand that the blowback from shutting down government will land squarely on their block heads?

They’re not ignorant.

They’re stupid and mean.

Bad combination

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And worse if the idea IS to destroy democracy.

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How can so many millions be as stupid as it seems that the polls show the presidential race a dead heat. You have someone from most perspectives was one the worst president we ever had that accomplished very little that benefited the average person, he did get a tax cut passed that provided 84% of the benefit to the top one percent, has at Yet with at four criminal indictments and could very well be a convicted felon on election day. With all this baggage tens of millions are telling pollsters that want some more of Donny' incompetent rule to turn the country into a fascist oligarchical dictatorship that will be ruled not governed. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American public to succumb to ignorance and gullibility to make the wrong choices.

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Because they are just stupid! Not born that way, but raised that way. This country has a lot of stupidity, and cloaking stupid people in the flag and looking away and pretending that they are all okay because everyone is okay has set us back a long way. The happy, happy, perky, perky pretense that everyone's ideas are good and we should respect them because there are differences and we can agree to disagree, ignores that idea that there are good quality ideas and bad quality ideas. Which do stupid people embrace? A lot of these folks are guided by their "feelings," not objective reality, and they have been allowed to emote. Thank you Donald Trump! He is the worst for encouraging these idiots to emote! Shitting on the USA is not an appropriate form of therapy for people's problems. A lot of these people should go live somewhere else and get a life. My daughter is in a university in Berlin in a transitional year long program for people from countries where they have not done an Abitur, the German high school leaving exams that allows one entrance to university. Most of the students in her courses are Ukrainian and Russian. She says they all hang out talking and smoking together in the breaks. Getting them out of their countries allows them to get together, and they get along. The idiots that vote for the Republican Party need to go live in North Korea or Iran or something like that to understand what they are voting for our country to be.

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Literally the most useless political tool we have in this country is a poll about a presidential race that is 14 months away. It means nothing. But I take your point about how this is even possible, given the fact that Trump is facing 91 felony charges.

He's been arrested four times following four indictments. He broke the previous record of three (set by himself), which broke the previous record of two (set by himself), which broke the previous record of one (set by himself), which broke the previous record of zero, which was set by every other president in the history of the United States.

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Nailed it!

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Lord, save us from the idiotic, fuckfaced peckerheads and the idiotic, fuckfaced peckerheads that put them in office! These fools are running loose with torches to set the country on fire to do what? Make President. Biden look bad? Someone ought to tell them that the mirror is turned toward them and it ain’t a good look-at all.

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jesus fucking christ.....🙄🙄😳😳🤯

How about a "punch a stupid republican in the face " day to go along with the "punch a nazi" day ?"

At this point theres no fucking difference beyeen the two.

May the universe have mercy.

(Justvfor the record, I'm not a violent person. The idea of actually hitting someone in the face with my fist is abhorrent but for fucks sake, these ignorant shitnuggets..... gack.)

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I could not agree more. But as I said once before in this thread, there is, ironically, a German compound word that fills the bill nicely: BACKPFEIFENGESICHT." It means "face that cries out for a fist."

And then, while they are writhing around in pain on the ground in their own blood from their broken nose, another German compound word comes in to play: SCHADENFREUDE.

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The Germans have the ability to put language/words together in such a way that fit the harsh realities of the politics of today. It's not a subtle language. Thanks for this.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

You're welcome. It's worth noting that English is itself a Germanic language. Of course the really cool thing about English (and the reason why it will eventually become the world's universal language), is that throughout history, whenever any imperialistic country invaded England (ironically the most imperialistic country of them all), they and their language were imposed upon the people, and the English adapted to and incorporated all of those changes.

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Is there one for a good kick in the nutsack?

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I don't know, but I suspect that one could create one. https://www.thoughtco.com/german-compound-words-1444618

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I’ll be 82 next month. I’m afraid I’m not going to outlive this (insert dirty word).

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I’m 83, and I know exactly what you mean. I’m just so very tired of all the stupidity.

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Take my hand. We know what we know after 8 decades but there’s no way to explain to anyone who isn’t us.

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Incorporating some of your descriptives into my vocabulary. Many thanks in particular for “sexpest. 

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LOL! Learning so many new profane adjective combinations here, need to start a list!

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“ Shouty McFingerpoint” shall be my name for him from here on out.

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😂😂😂. That’s so good! 🤣

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It's all such crap...my primary hope is that their nonsensical moves will bite the GOP in the ass in 2024. When will taxpayers finally say enough of the revenge politics and demand these elected dolts to actually do something that benefits their constituents? "Sexpest Matt". 😂Thats perfect! Hugs, Jeff---and may we all survive the bullshit.

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I suspect it will bite and hard, but in the meantime we have to deal with heads exploding and hair on fire theatrics.

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Someone brave is going to have to pull back the curtains in a way where we see who is really running this shit show, otherwise their chicanery will be rewarded. Far too many people believe this smoke and mirror BS.

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Couldn't agree more. Who can pull those curtains back so the half wits will believe it? I would like someone in the cult to define what it means to be a Republican. What do they want? What do they hope to achieve and to what end? We really need to attract quality people into our government who possess intellect, decency, and character. I cant think of anyone who fits that criteria right now in the GOP. (And yes, we have problems in the Democratic party, but it seems far less)

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Agree, it is far less, it's like when people say, "there are racist liberals'' Sure--the racisms tends to be more covert and casual--but that isn't even the point. It's about the overall party message of inclusion, critical thinking, growth and progress. Of being social as well as technical and scientific pioneers. Only liberals' and progressives are offering this in any significant way.

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CRITICAL THINKING!!! 🎯. I couldn’t agree more Alicia.

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Yes but it is alot of people. Fox News owners are happy, many corporations and right wing billionaires are happy. Trump is just a player and Roger Stone a "buddy" that encouraged him. When you realize Manafort, Stone and 2 other original players were part of a small group that essentially created K-streer lobbying and reps like Newt Gingrich that happily turned Congress into a casino there is a lengthy history of players that took advantage of each corrupted move. Thom Hartmann has written a lot recently about Reagonomic. Others on neoliberlism or iliberalism- take your version of ism.

I don't know if there is one current or many but the Koch Brothers at aged in the 80s (those alive) were influenced by the changes in Russia and a father who was influenced by the power of Russian revolution not as everyman and the power of labor/communism but as a vehicle to bypass a democracy and do as you wish with dictorial power. At least as I understand it. The power of controlling a society as explained by creating the John Birch Society, which they did. It was rejected as crazy back then but looks like like not so much today. And here we are today, crazy as normal.

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I think that is the mission--make the absurd palatable, all for power.

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The Republican Party is a Mort Drucker comic.

Well, Terreo Nakamura held out on the island of Morotai until 1974. The world forgot about him.

We won't forget what these monsters are doing. We won't forget their crimes. And the GOP will RIP. Its grave will be as abandoned as that of Ivana.

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May they go the way of The Whigs and the Know-Nothings.

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They in fact ARE the Know-Nothings.

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It's almost like history knew MAGA was coming, lol!

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According to Kurt Andersen in his masterful Fantasyland, the peculiar blend of credulity and idiocy wrapped in eschatological certainty is inextricably woven into the populace. Same as it ever was. Never gonna change. Just more assertive now.

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With social-media to amplify the madness and for angry malcontents to unite.

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And ironically, you are right--exactly like them.

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Yes sir!

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