Excellent piece Jeff. And yes, the biggest mystery of all is NOT that Trump is a certified psychiatric misfit, that’s well documented, - but it’s ALL those supporters! What does that say about the education (or lack of) in our country? The blind sheep who follow such a despicable human being without question or regard for truth, decency, intelligence, decorum, and our democracy? Trump “lit the fuse” at WACO on Saturday, that’s for sure. He has begun to call his ‘troops’ together for when (hopefully) his indictment goes down, or possibly his LOSS, should he end up becoming the Republican nominee for president and he lose to another Democrat. Stephen King couldn’t write such a horror story!

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I said last week, “Florida” scariest Stephen King novel yet! As a retired educator, I can personally guarantee that public education is really that lacking. Ask anyone, in line at the store, at the cleaners, “Name the three branches of the federal government.” Mostly, you’ll get nothing.

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Yeah, and it's worse than words can say. Although you are a master, it's just ridiculously ridiculous.

Every week I gain more respect for how Jonathan Swift wrote about the Irish famine. (Or how Alexandra Petri handles the task).

Herblock and Mauldin and other editorial cartoonists also found ways to deal with this shite, as Herblock kept darkening the 5:00pm shadow on McCarthy's and Nixon's faces, and Mauldin simply drew Lincoln's seated statue weeping...

Tip for all -- the movie "Till" is so hard to watch, but make the effort to watch it. The Mississippi courtroom scenes will show with brutal honesty just who these MAGA supporters are, where they come from, and the world they hope to force upon us.

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It’s all so intertwined with the failure of the media. The orange pile of stinking, rotting garbage is still being held to a different standard on all fronts than anyone else has ever had to face. As long as the media soft pedals, tries to be ‘fair’, writes moronic click bait bullshit stories we’re stuck with a country full of morons. It’s killing us that, 8 years into this insanity, journalists are still trying to pretend that they are being neutral when they don’t call out the destructive lies, hypocrisy, projection, purposeful gaslighting, and imminent danger. Between the f*cking orange shitbag, Fuks not News and their GQP partners and the tepid tip-toeing mainstream media we keep getting screwed.

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Sarah, I think the media is doing exactly what it’s being paid to do. I don’t trust any national or cable news networks. I’ve been done with them for years.

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Gym Jordan who confirms the Peter Principle still applies. In spades.

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It’s mind boggling that people still believe that Orange DouchePickle. I cannot stand that Numbskull. IMO When in anyone’s sane mind would you ever want someone in power who is completely mentally unfit. My question is when is someone going to issue a psychiatric evaluation for the Orange Cheeto. I also would recommend a psych evaluation to anyone who is in politics. Let’s just clean up the constant BS of vitriol once and for all. Psych Evals.. personally I think anyone working in our government should all be given mandatory psych evals. That would clear some of the BS and grifters from seeking office.. like Large Marge Traitor GanGreene 3 foot spork toes 🤡

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I use The Tangerine Twat often.

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(this is not my bio as Jeff talked about over the weekend. This is a commentary on what is happening after Saturday). I am a run of the mill, ordinary American of the Boomer generation. I live a standard middle class life after having worked in Semiconductors for a career. I was always politically neutral because I was busy working and raising a family. I am a rules follower so have almost zero interaction with police. For me they are great folks who seem to be very busy chasing others who are breaking the rules. I pay my taxes with very few possibilities of deductions except the standard ones. No trust funds, no possible inheritances, almost no chance to win the lottery and a quickly diminishing retirement savings. Just your average American who is a senior citizen now. Born in the Eisenhower administration. Enough about me.

And in all this time through the cold war, Vietnam, the Cuba crisis, assassination of Kennedy, the Nixon fiasco, the failed Reaganomics, a few Bushes, a couple of Clintons, the crumbling of the USSR and the remaking of China, the horrors of Sept11 attacks, the great experience of our first Black president, and lots of stuff in between I can say I never would have predicted what I saw this weekend. This has to be the most unique time in our history where a single man who has no real skills or brilliance except as a lying, cheating conman could shock us once again. With other one term presidents they went quietly into the next part of their life and left the country to others to take care of. But that is not to be with Trump. He has awakened a subset of us who it appears feel they got gypped in life by our country and government. These are not poor people because they live in the same neighborhood as I do. They drive newer cars. They have big screen TVs in the living room and RVs in the driveway and based on what we see at the rallies have ample access to food despite their mouthpieces in Congress telling me they having trouble feeding their families due to Biden economics.

They are allowed to come into the grocery store armed with an AR15 while I wonder if I am about to be the next mass shooting headline. But they bellow about their stolen freedoms.

They proudly declare their membership in a Christian religion that seems to have a very different mission than the one the originator had in mind and try to make the biblical rules our national laws. But they say they are being persecuted and afraid our Muslim citizens are making our system Sharia law.

All these MAGA folks bowing down to the false profit (sic prophet...little joke) and not blinking an eye when he makes his own anthem to cross his heart with and views our Capitol under attack on a screen after finding out he didn't want to stop the attack. How in heavens name did these people get so dumb fucking stupid? pardon my French. These people need a Come to Jesus talk and real soon.

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Jeff, sorry I missed yesterday to give a background of myself... but speaking to your comments today concerning the deeply religious experience in Waco yesterday I must say all these folks seem delusional. Bandi Lee, psychologist formerly from Yale. Before Trump took office she warned of his psychopathy, then she explained how his delusions could affect a certain portion of the population... well, I really didn’t take the professor’s seriously, I thought most of the country could see through is dog and pony show... I gotta say I underestimated the American population.... These folks want a dictator, they want someone to take total control, they want a White Christian Nationalist nation. They want to take this country back to an era where prior to 1950. No rights for anyone who is not White Christian males and anything that confronts that world view has to be destroyed... My examples? Florida leading these reactionary laws with most of the former confederacy state houses, along with my state of AZ. There is something seriously wrong in our country when you ban books, free speech, condemning women, condemning gay folks, transgender folks, condemning any religion other than evangelical Christianity. These GQP state houses embrace these reactionary laws, embrace the idea of stolen elections, the idea that prisoners at DC jail are “political prisoners”. This is just beyond the pale..... disgusted with Trump,his rallies,his MAGAS (who do sound like China’s Red Guard during Cultural Revolution) Personally I am sick and exhausted of this guy, most folks want him to disappear.. on a personal note I attend synagogue on a regular basis, a county sheriff patrols our synagogue along with our own security, we have had some vandalism outside the synagogue........this is not the America I grew up in and I’m 71. All the best to you and our fellow travelers.

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My husband and I had nearly kicked our addiction to MSNBC . We only watched a couple of shows. But after seeing Trump dominate the news cycle again, we’re going cold turkey. I don’t want to see his face or listen to his lies ever again. So no more Deadline White House or Pod Save America. I can’t listen to “We’ve got him now, his indictment and arrest are coming.”

So’s Christmas.

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Besides, it's the same old same old all the time because he's got nothing new.

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Were you reading my mind on that last part? I’m a pretty smart person, but can’t figure out what in god’s name they think he did for them to deserve this dedication? The man did absolutely nothing but kill almost a million of them with his COVID response and make his rich buddies richer. No infrastructure, no money to hold them over until the pandemic ends, bad economy, no wall let alone Mexico paying for it. He has done NOTHING for them. Not being sarcastic. Really trying to understand. I get all the pat answers, but when I drive past absolute shacks in NE Ohio with all manner of Trump signs outside, I just want to knock on the door and ask what they think Trump has done for them. Jeff, pease explain, because I’m all our of understanding. What are people suffering that makes this even a remote possibility? What sickness is in our country’s soul to make a third of the county think he and his ridiculous cronies are worth in some cases their freedom - and even lives? Is it really racism at its heart? Certainly not rational. Can you help me understand?

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I live in the ugly red part of Pennsylvania just outside of Pittsburgh and I’m hearing a lot of of questions about thinking and honestly, that’s the mistake. These twats aren’t deeply introspective or even much invested in politics. Most of the conversations I’ve had. If you even want to entertain the fantasy that any substantial conversation can be had with ignorant fuckwits while they only have 2 talking points that they most certainly aren’t educated on...They all have no clue what really happens at a government level and goddammit that only reinforces their confidently incorrect stance. They are perfectly happy being force fed their own narrow world view back at themselves and all while portraying them of course as martyrs for their stupid beliefs. I have literally never seen people so willing to live completely ignorant insulated lives of comfort while bitching in a seemingly endless loop about anyone just a little bit different then themselves. I grew up in this little corner of the world and I am always the outsider that has to ask questions and the response I usually get, and where this tangent has been leading, is “well let’s not talk politics.” No motherfucker I had to listen to your bullshit rambling so now I’m gonna have to insist... sorry. 44 years of living next to the most douchey fucks who think they are morally superior is really getting to me! Thank you Jeff for this little reprieve from my hell!

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I was disappointed that you didn’t call your column “Holy Fucking Shit!” But it least it was today’s subtitle. That gave me great pleasure. So glad you have a column. Worth the paid subscription.

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We like "cuss relief" for sure.

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What do you expect from Trump? Should he run on his record of his first term? He didn't know South Korea bordered North Korea, prior to almost starting an accidental nuclear war, or that North Korea bordered Russia, China, and was only a missile lob from Japan. He failed to disclose to America that Covid-19 was an airborne virus while telling us masks were optional, and secreting how calamitous the Pandemic he never prepared for could be, for over three months. He turned the EPA against Americans without hesitation or concern for raising the incidence of cancer, respiratory illness, and birth defects. He withdrew from from the Paris Climate Accord claiming 99.9% of climate scientists were wrong and global warming was a hoax. Then he withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Accord. Now Iran is aligning with Russia. He insisted the global oil price be controlled by Russia and Saudi Arabia, in order to bolster his re-election chances while making American Oil gladly complicit. 340 million Americans and our NATO Allies were then subjected to sky high oil prices and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, when our economy recovered. These consequences have only scratched the surface of the disastrous consequences of Trump's incompetency, sociopathy, Russian appeasement, and moral compromises inflicted on our country and the world.

With the R Tax Act 0f 2017 and R's failure to enforce our anti-trust laws, inflation was always around the corner. Trump's trade war worsened relations with China and forewarned of the relationship between supply shortages and higher prices. No other POTUS has ever run up as much Federal debt and deficits in 4 years as Trump (G.W. Bush was POTUS for 8 years, did tax cuts for the rich, and invaded Iraq, yet Trump almost doubled him in just 4 years). Trump wouldn't reveal his tax returns or his school records for good reason, other than total embarrassment. They would have revealed he was a tax cheat, a terrible business person, and the education his parents funded was limited to real estate and nothing more. His academic records were not presentable enough to ever be published, and will always remain under legal lock and key.

Here's a glimpse into Trump's inherited wealth, which like all sociopaths, Trump's takes complete credit for, downplaying his parent's massive contributions. Note the the NY Times estimates are all vastly understated. For example, Trump purchased Mar-a-Lago while both parents were still living for under 10 million in 1985. Whether he used his parent's money or his "own," inflation alone subsequently boosted the estimated property value 30-fold or more + it's now an income producing property.




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You make me want to throw rocks at my little brain-you are brilliant

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Great exposition of most of his misdeeds.

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I agree. His nefarious acts know no bounds

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The property value was mainly enhanced when a Russian oligarch purchased it for many multiples of its value to use as a tax shelter.

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Hi Art,

What specific property are you referring to? If it's the home in Palm Beach that a Russian Oligarch purchased, IMO it was either an approximate 50 million dollar loan or gift from Putin (disguised as a sale) to Trump, at the peak of the Great Recession. In my comment above, I was referring to Mar-A-Lago, which essentially Trump purchased with his parent's help.

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I guess I got it mixed up

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Another excellent article, Jeff! Our country is in big trouble.

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Jim Jones, Charles Manson, David Koresh, and now the worst of them? Donal Trump.

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Yes, just as those gullible people drank the koolaid for Jim Jones, these dimwits follow TFG like lemmings. Difference is, Guyana cultists destroyed themselves. These want to destroy the country.

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Yes. And it’s pitiful. I never realized how dumb some of my friends are. I’m all for someone to pick a side, but when democracy is at stake, I cannot abide.

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Load them all up & ship them to Mara Lago, C.O.D. Now!

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They just can't help themselves. When you've been brainwashed day in and day out it usually requires a professional Deprogramer. It's obvious they can't let go and admit they've been duped, gaslighted, and grifted.

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I think what you wrote here shows that you are able to see what is happening, unlike our government at all levels including Biden! “I don’t worry that these crazies will win the next election. I worry that these crazies will go fucking apeshit after they lose the next election. guardrails to democracy need to be put in place now. any remaining Trump loyalists at the DOJ, the FBI, the military and every government agency need to be purged today, if not sooner.” Guardrails to democracy need to be put up now! I’m so disillusioned with our government at all levels, including Biden to be able to absorb what is happening and actually do something about it! Thank you.

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