pro tip: if you’re pledging allegiance to Donald Trump, you suck at America
holy fucking shit, the shitheads even have their own Trump-themed anthem
this just blows my mind. at their Waco hate-fest two days ago, Donald Trump’s worshipers played their own Trump-themed anthem. Trump himself stood there with his hand over his heart while footage of cops getting maced and beaten with flagpoles and bludgeoned with fire extinguishers during the Jan 6 insurrection played on a big screen. jesus aitch fucking christ.
here is just a snippet. don’t bother looking for the whole thing, it’s just too fucking stupid to endure.

recall that this is the same shithead who couldn’t remember the words to the actual National Anthem of the country of which he was president.
the “J6 Choir,” by the way, is a ensemble comprised of prison inmates who have all been convicted for taking part in the January 6 insurrection.
so here we are. the people who made a folk hero out of a teenage murderer are now making folk heroes out of a big bunch of violent losers who were so upset about being losers that they bludgeoned cops and smeared shit on the walls of the Capitol, all because the biggest fucking loser of all time told them to.
these lunatics have lost their way.
I don’t worry that these crazies will win the next election. I worry that these crazies will go fucking apeshit after they lose the next election. guardrails to democracy need to be put in place now. any remaining Trump loyalists at the DOJ, the FBI, the military and every government agency need to be purged today, if not sooner.
oh, and another pro tip: if you ever find yourself saying things like “president Trump is our savior,” congratulations, you’re in a cult.

meanwhile, the elected cultists in our nation’s halls of Congress have come up an absolutely sensible and not at all batshit crazy idea of their own — one that I’m sure will sing in the hearts of patriotic Americans forever. let’s have a look at what these staunch defenders of the Constitution have gotten up to now:

oh dear.
at the end of the day, here’s what I can’t figure out. here’s what absolutely fucking mystifies me:
if you were shopping around for a dictator to worship, would you really pick a deteriorating old moron in a shapeless suit with a desiccated mop of what even is that bullshit on top of his big dumb pumpkin head?
I know I wouldn’t.
a huge thank you to everyone who took part in yesterday’s open chat! I really enjoyed reading everyone’s mini-biographies. we will do this again!
Excellent piece Jeff. And yes, the biggest mystery of all is NOT that Trump is a certified psychiatric misfit, that’s well documented, - but it’s ALL those supporters! What does that say about the education (or lack of) in our country? The blind sheep who follow such a despicable human being without question or regard for truth, decency, intelligence, decorum, and our democracy? Trump “lit the fuse” at WACO on Saturday, that’s for sure. He has begun to call his ‘troops’ together for when (hopefully) his indictment goes down, or possibly his LOSS, should he end up becoming the Republican nominee for president and he lose to another Democrat. Stephen King couldn’t write such a horror story!
Yeah, and it's worse than words can say. Although you are a master, it's just ridiculously ridiculous.
Every week I gain more respect for how Jonathan Swift wrote about the Irish famine. (Or how Alexandra Petri handles the task).
Herblock and Mauldin and other editorial cartoonists also found ways to deal with this shite, as Herblock kept darkening the 5:00pm shadow on McCarthy's and Nixon's faces, and Mauldin simply drew Lincoln's seated statue weeping...
Tip for all -- the movie "Till" is so hard to watch, but make the effort to watch it. The Mississippi courtroom scenes will show with brutal honesty just who these MAGA supporters are, where they come from, and the world they hope to force upon us.