The perfect name for those who behave like they are in junior high and are having a pissing contest. Actually more like the boys in my daughter's eighth grade class, where they took turns pushing a quarter around the rim of a toilet bowl with their tongues, and each time it fell in they had to fish it out of the toilet and put it back on the rim. At least their hormonal surges in the throws of puberty could somewhat excuse this disgusting behavior, the boy who thought it up was a big Trumper, and he was right in there doing it. No excuse for DT and EM other than that they are permanently developmentally at the junior high puberty stage.
Linda, thanks for the visual of 8th grade boys pushing a quarter around the rim of a toilet bowl. Sounds like a next gen bunch destined for the House of Reps!
Yup and President Elon Sucks gets $20 billion a year in government funding for SpaceX but the dickhead shit cans $190 million for children's cancer research. This no shame, anti government, heartless asshole has enough of his own money to keep playing rocket man but could give two shits about the future of kids dealing with a catastrophic illness. The fact that 38 Republicans defied Musk and the orange dipshit puppet he owns and controls is a sign that they're not all on board with the reckless, greedy and incompetent MAGA agenda. Fingers crossed for a resolution and no shutdown.
well, true, but does he really have access to all of those? They aren't like nukes, sitting ready for launch as needed. I'm sure he's got a few in TX for the launch tests that drop debris on anyone unfortunate enough to live close to the Gulf, but I'd guess NASA has actual possession of a bunch of them, and just because Elno's who he is, he doesn't have automatic access, or the ability to drag them off one by one to a launch pad... He might try, but those are secured facilities that you don't just waltz into, even if you're President Elno.
... oh, and I forgot the ones he's using to launch his StarFink satellites, which are also in TX. But still, the NASA facilities I'm familiar with aren't inclined to let any old billionaire come & fuck with their rockets without clearance, Clarence...
I should clarify. That's true if we're talking about big rockets that can reach outer space, but even terrorists have tiny rockets that can only go a few miles.
Wonder if Elon has investments/ownership of any hypersonic missile skunkworks. Top secret no doubt. Russia and China brag about theirs. King Skippy brags about SpaceX. What are the limits to info sharing? Whose side is he on? His own side for sure!
We know with certainty that Musk is a Putin puppet, it’s rather dubious that he has hyper-sonic missile technology though…. But this should please all the apocalyptic religious lunatics Burke!!
I should clarify. That's true if we're talking about big rockets that can reach outer space, but even terrorists have tiny rockets that can only go a few miles.
Yes!! His fragile ego won’t stand for it for long, and soon Elno will find himself out on his ass. Just go back to slurping up government dollars, you fucking creep.
Or here’s a good idea: let’s deport him! Shouldn’t he go back to where he came from?
Oh ! Yeah baby !Get Humpty real pissed off 😡 then start the deportation of the illegal South Afrikan ! Cancel all the contracts ,have him investigated by a couple of agencies ,give him a Gitmo tour up close ! Oh make my decade !🤪👍
I am actually fantasizing about the prospect of Trump deporting Musk when this all comes to a head. And it will. Two billionaire narcissists can't co-exist.
First tax him back to Millionaire status. And let him bring home the two stranded astronauts on the Space Station. Although I sincerely doubt that Elonia’s presence or input is needed for a launch.
Prez Skippy paid good money to control the Executive Branch and the GOP caucus. Donnie and the MAGAs know that Skippy owns them all. They skip to his orders.
Poor Trump, he just can't get it right. Syncophants are adoring, and ineffectual at governing. Oligarchs and political hacks only know how to take care of themselves; they don't seem to understand that holding office is a service to others. This concept does not compute.
Here’s a phrase that has to get back into common usage: Public Servant. Remember that? Remember when the people who SERVED in Congress (you got that word, right?) were not trying to be Public Masters? Let’s just roll that one around in our minds, and maybe in our discourse for a Long while.
In a century or so perhaps time travel will exist and somebody can go back and slap the shit outa their mothers for raising such asshole children ,not to be sexist ,give their oldman a kick in the ballls for his bad input !
Do you really think rump cares as much as he did Term1? I mean this run was about personal safety (staying ahead of the law0 - & mission practically accomplished?) Seems like he'd be content hobnobbing w/ the richest - who HAVE to include him... not sure he would care as much abt appearances and just focus on the money part...
PPV to raise $ for $190 million plus childrens' cancer research: Pre- Inaugural psychotic break. vp rapist vs
maybe POTUS non elect musk. Issues: who sits at Resolute Desk; vp maybe rapist finds Starlink docs& love letters in Melania's bedroom; Musk, dresses up as Darth Vader for family Christmas dinner and confesses to Barron "I am your father".
This has the makings of a great lottery ! Buck a shot on the exact time one of the conjoined slimese twins snaps the others fucken neck ! 🤪😜 A very Merry Christmas for all !😂🥳
If I were Leavitt I'd spread out a large plastic tarp around Orange Fuckface before reading the body of the message... between the ketchup missles and head exploding, it will get messy
Here’s a thought. If the Republicans run Elon Musk for Speaker, as some are talking about, and a handful of their caucus votes for the Democratic candidate, that would make Hakeem Jeffries Speaker. Then if he could hold on to those representatives, he could have a coalition that might make trump/musk’s life miserable.
I propose we rename the republican party the FIG party (Fear, Ignorance, Greed). That's all they have! And it's a throwback to when repubs were the Whig party. They can be called figgies.
How the 1% convinced a fair proportion of the 99% to let them, the 1%, take money from us, the 99%, and give it to them, the 1%, is the biggest bamboozle in American political history.
Never miss an opportunity to call Skippy the Dipshit “President Musk.”
That was sooo funny when Walz called him that😂😂😂
I was so sad he lost, but I was so happy Elon heard that he got called that.
The perfect name for those who behave like they are in junior high and are having a pissing contest. Actually more like the boys in my daughter's eighth grade class, where they took turns pushing a quarter around the rim of a toilet bowl with their tongues, and each time it fell in they had to fish it out of the toilet and put it back on the rim. At least their hormonal surges in the throws of puberty could somewhat excuse this disgusting behavior, the boy who thought it up was a big Trumper, and he was right in there doing it. No excuse for DT and EM other than that they are permanently developmentally at the junior high puberty stage.
That's been my exact take forever. These people talk like middle school boys arguing over which Marvel movie rules.
You sure? I would have said the fragile-skinned, two year old toddler stage. At least for Trump.
Linda, thanks for the visual of 8th grade boys pushing a quarter around the rim of a toilet bowl. Sounds like a next gen bunch destined for the House of Reps!
Yeah! That’s what the Repubs were doing during their budget talks.
Skippy. Snort. 🃏
President Skippy? A two-in-one?
Jeff thinks it's gonna be fun when Musk and Trump blow up at each other. But remember that Musk has more rockets than 140 countries put together.
Yup and President Elon Sucks gets $20 billion a year in government funding for SpaceX but the dickhead shit cans $190 million for children's cancer research. This no shame, anti government, heartless asshole has enough of his own money to keep playing rocket man but could give two shits about the future of kids dealing with a catastrophic illness. The fact that 38 Republicans defied Musk and the orange dipshit puppet he owns and controls is a sign that they're not all on board with the reckless, greedy and incompetent MAGA agenda. Fingers crossed for a resolution and no shutdown.
Children's Cancer ads are on TV all the time. A perfect gift for hard to buy for last minute gifts, or to show them our love.
Irrelevant that he might have rocket parts but most importantly they will be mortal enemies and it could get bloody two baby boys.
I’m putting up odds on the winner, at 85-15 for the career criminal, but Putin intervention could alter the line significantly!!
Bannon has to be watching closely too. He always wants to be where the action is.
Bannon is definitely keeping a close eye on the affray Teri, wondering how he can profit!
Patrick, look up "chaos" in dictionary, turd, musk or Bannon pics there.
Putin likes Musk better because, he's actually rich and younger so he's a far better ally.
I wonder how long it will take for the Dumpster to get pissed off at being upstaged by Musky and to unfriend him and kick him off the DOGE.
Not long. I can smell it coming.
well, true, but does he really have access to all of those? They aren't like nukes, sitting ready for launch as needed. I'm sure he's got a few in TX for the launch tests that drop debris on anyone unfortunate enough to live close to the Gulf, but I'd guess NASA has actual possession of a bunch of them, and just because Elno's who he is, he doesn't have automatic access, or the ability to drag them off one by one to a launch pad... He might try, but those are secured facilities that you don't just waltz into, even if you're President Elno.
... oh, and I forgot the ones he's using to launch his StarFink satellites, which are also in TX. But still, the NASA facilities I'm familiar with aren't inclined to let any old billionaire come & fuck with their rockets without clearance, Clarence...
Good point, but Fat Fungus 45 (47), can just 'nationalize' Skippy's rocket endeavor, or anything else Fungus thinks he deserves.
Indeed Mw, unless Trump handed out authorization, phallic-boy is pretty much fucked!!
Scary. Didn't know that.
I should clarify. That's true if we're talking about big rockets that can reach outer space, but even terrorists have tiny rockets that can only go a few miles.
Much of by Musks stash is uSA owned though Susan!
Wonder if Elon has investments/ownership of any hypersonic missile skunkworks. Top secret no doubt. Russia and China brag about theirs. King Skippy brags about SpaceX. What are the limits to info sharing? Whose side is he on? His own side for sure!
We know with certainty that Musk is a Putin puppet, it’s rather dubious that he has hyper-sonic missile technology though…. But this should please all the apocalyptic religious lunatics Burke!!
Scary. Didn't know that.
I should clarify. That's true if we're talking about big rockets that can reach outer space, but even terrorists have tiny rockets that can only go a few miles.
Yes!! His fragile ego won’t stand for it for long, and soon Elno will find himself out on his ass. Just go back to slurping up government dollars, you fucking creep.
Or here’s a good idea: let’s deport him! Shouldn’t he go back to where he came from?
Oh ! Yeah baby !Get Humpty real pissed off 😡 then start the deportation of the illegal South Afrikan ! Cancel all the contracts ,have him investigated by a couple of agencies ,give him a Gitmo tour up close ! Oh make my decade !🤪👍
I am actually fantasizing about the prospect of Trump deporting Musk when this all comes to a head. And it will. Two billionaire narcissists can't co-exist.
First tax him back to Millionaire status. And let him bring home the two stranded astronauts on the Space Station. Although I sincerely doubt that Elonia’s presence or input is needed for a launch.
Yes. It's not like he couldn't just buy South Africa.
Prez Skippy paid good money to control the Executive Branch and the GOP caucus. Donnie and the MAGAs know that Skippy owns them all. They skip to his orders.
He's still just an illegal immigrant -- just a very rich one lol. And Trump's got most of the Supremes on his side.
I'm thinking of investing in popcorn-related stocks...
Good choice. I'm a great market for popcorn, government collapse or not, you can always count on me.
Imagine what it’s like going through life and never knowing if you EVER ever had a genuine lover or friend ! That’s a fucked up life !
Poor Trump, he just can't get it right. Syncophants are adoring, and ineffectual at governing. Oligarchs and political hacks only know how to take care of themselves; they don't seem to understand that holding office is a service to others. This concept does not compute.
Here’s a phrase that has to get back into common usage: Public Servant. Remember that? Remember when the people who SERVED in Congress (you got that word, right?) were not trying to be Public Masters? Let’s just roll that one around in our minds, and maybe in our discourse for a Long while.
In a century or so perhaps time travel will exist and somebody can go back and slap the shit outa their mothers for raising such asshole children ,not to be sexist ,give their oldman a kick in the ballls for his bad input !
I prefer "President Muskoil."
Love it! Waiting for the DT-EM relationship to implode.
OMG! Clownshoe Fuckbrains? I love you so much, Jeff. It's a real pleasure to blow coffee out my nose in the morning.
Don't need no neti pots with a sub to Tiedrich.
So true.
Its one of the few things keeping me sane in this clusterfuck of a world.
Pre-soiling the fishwrap isn’t a bad thing arne!!
To: Office of the President-Elect c/o Caroline Leavitt
Re: Leader of the Republican Party
Action: To be read to the President-Elect Immediately.
The People who know who the REAL president is.
There's a secret billionaire rule. Maxi billionaires boss mini billionaires around. Explains everything.
Alternatively, Musk has rockets, Trump has buildings. Who wins that war?
Hmmm… Godzilla vs. Mothra….kinda getting that vibe. In the meantime there’s a lot of collateral damage as these two maniacs slug it out.
Voldemort v Harry Potter & Dumbledore is what came to mind but Godzilla v Mothra works too!!
Do you really think rump cares as much as he did Term1? I mean this run was about personal safety (staying ahead of the law0 - & mission practically accomplished?) Seems like he'd be content hobnobbing w/ the richest - who HAVE to include him... not sure he would care as much abt appearances and just focus on the money part...
P123, turd said to someone "I'm taking gas and oil. You can have everything else."
Yep. Musk has more rockets than hundred forty countries put together. Think about that.
Godzilla vs. Mothra works better for me since Trump and Musk both look like they’re rubber suits.
Typical chicken’s pecking order so who’s going to come out with fewer feathers on top of his head? I’m betting on Donnie rooster poo.
I think they're going to skip feather pecking and go straight for throat tearing out.
PPV to raise $ for $190 million plus childrens' cancer research: Pre- Inaugural psychotic break. vp rapist vs
maybe POTUS non elect musk. Issues: who sits at Resolute Desk; vp maybe rapist finds Starlink docs& love letters in Melania's bedroom; Musk, dresses up as Darth Vader for family Christmas dinner and confesses to Barron "I am your father".
Musk has rockets, Trump has nukes (or will, after Jan 20.)
I like this debate SPW!!
Trump has his name on buildings, they are leveraged to the hilt, and they get the names ripped of them, like they did in Panama and Toronto.
Ditto 😆.
This has the makings of a great lottery ! Buck a shot on the exact time one of the conjoined slimese twins snaps the others fucken neck ! 🤪😜 A very Merry Christmas for all !😂🥳
I replied to your great comment! It went to the end of comments and I suppose the person above me thought I was talking to them!
I just had to read it again because everytime I read it I start laughing hysterically!!
If I were Leavitt I'd spread out a large plastic tarp around Orange Fuckface before reading the body of the message... between the ketchup missles and head exploding, it will get messy
Excellent use of space and time vorpal!!
Here’s a thought. If the Republicans run Elon Musk for Speaker, as some are talking about, and a handful of their caucus votes for the Democratic candidate, that would make Hakeem Jeffries Speaker. Then if he could hold on to those representatives, he could have a coalition that might make trump/musk’s life miserable.
Gini, from your lips .... 🇺🇸🗽
Speaker of the House is a step down for King Skippy the First. No way he wants to work that hard.
That would be a gift that keeps giving.
Ooh, I love this! In this clown show it could happen. I’m praying hard to the great spirit in the sky.
Maybe there’s a chance for us to return to a sane government and a sane life. Peace and joy would feel awful good!
I propose we rename the republican party the FIG party (Fear, Ignorance, Greed). That's all they have! And it's a throwback to when repubs were the Whig party. They can be called figgies.
I like it!
Gingrich could be the poster boob ! Figgie Newt (ons)
Damn. that’s sublime Robert!!
I love it!!
Thats good!😂😂
Fuckin Figgies yes!
Figgy puddin’heads 😏
Dig it Mark!!
How the 1% convinced a fair proportion of the 99% to let them, the 1%, take money from us, the 99%, and give it to them, the 1%, is the biggest bamboozle in American political history.
Been going on for 40+ years now
Right, it existed before then, but that sumbitch Reagan ramped up the war on the middle class.