
wow, this post caused someone to cancel their subscription. I guess everybody has the right to be offended by something, but how is "don't snuggle up to Nazis" a controversial subject?

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And they say liberals are snowflakes.

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Remember, every accusation is really a confession.

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SPW and Dancing Fox, I really enjoyed this mini- thread and your mutual respect and civility.

You were both very articulate and expressed your points concisely.

Clearly "we" are not the ones that truism refers to.

I love reading Jeff's Substack and my fellow readers' contributions.

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Be cautious with blanket statements. I’m pretty sure trump’s accusers have not done what all he’s accused of.

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You’re correct of course. I should have clarified my statement by saying, “Every accusation by THIS version of the trumpublican party is really a confession”. Does that help?

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Yeah - I was just being a posting nazi. Sorrow 😳

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Don’t be silly. I’ve got a very thick skin and you were right. Blanket statements truly should be avoided so no apology is necessary. Feel free to set me straight any time. I’m definitely no snowflake. Flakey, possibly but no snowflake.

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And apologies

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I'm sure at least a few conservatives follow you and stay out of the comment section/don't subscribe so they can report to their echo chambers what "loony lefties" like you are up to.

You may have hurt one's fee-fees.

(Or maybe mentioning you're Jewish did it. Probably for someone from the same crowd.)

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Frankly Endless, I think the conservatives join Jeff’s Substack for some much needed comic relief. And truth nectar. Even if their doing so is on the down low.

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I am going to say something that, not only blew my mind completely to the point where I couldn't even speak for about 4 seconds but, also show just how petty people have become since the #45 clown show. I have mentioned before that I am in recovery ( 31 years) and I just recently joined a new women's meeting that is struggling with membership and attendance of women who had been whining for years about having a women's meeting in our city. Last night was our weekly meeting and it was just myself and the founding member who opened up. After we sat down, she told me that someone told her that they won't come back to our meeting because of some bumper stickers on a random car in the parking lot that offended her *blinks twice and stares blankly at her*. Now I have heard and seen some crazy shit over the years from people in the rooms, but this one took the cake. Our meeting is at a Catholic church and there are members of the church plus our meeting that drive cars. I had questions for this person and anonymity prevents me from asking them. My head is still swimming over this. Fucking bumper stickers?! This is the level of sensitivity that I see everywhere. And the GOP and MAGAts are pandering this behavior by the mega-shit-ton daily.

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Don’t understand the blinks twice and stares blankly. ???

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Its selective ignorance

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Dividing sentences into paragraphs makes reading a lot easier.

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I understand completely but, you might want to explain that to my phone.

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Thank you for picking out the least important part of her post.

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I can’t even fathom what might have insulted them. Now, Jews are no longer able to discuss anti-Semitism without someone wanting to police us.

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Jeff ‘don’t snuggle up to Nazis’ is good advice for life!!

I am glad my puppy is here so people at least

think I am laughing at him!!

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Fuck ‘em of they can’t handle the fact that Nazis are scum. I’ll never forget the guy punching Richard Spencer https://youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk?feature=shared

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That was lovely, wasn’t it?

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That was beautiful. I had to watch it three times.

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It never gets old.

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Talk about a guy having it coming. What a useless fuck. Goes around, comes around.

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It isn’t you Jeff. You are very outspoken and becoming well known so I would think there are trolls joining your newsletter and unsubscribe just to get under your skin. I say fuck them get off of our cloud mother fuckers!

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Lol, but I don’t think they get under his skin...

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I unsubscribe to all my Substacks, even though I may have months left of my paid subscription. I just don’t want to have to remember to quit which I may or may not do. But this way I have a choice. Some just cut me off and don’t let my subscription expire on its own so I lose months of good reading. Others keep sending me their posts until the end date. But I don’t know who will do what until I quit.

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Unbefuckingleivable. I suppose that is someone who thinks in black and white. Either Israel is all good and the Palestinians are all bad, or Israel is all bad and all Palestinians are all good. How about the leaders-- Hamas and Netanyahu -- are evil, and the people of both groups just want to fucking live a decent life?

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You should consider it a gift, Jeff. Anyone who can’t see what is going on, or is offended by the truth, doesn’t belong in this community.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Could be useful... seems like if you want to Nazi-proof your subscriber base, all you have to do is make fun of Nazis and antisemitism now and then!

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Fuck that coward

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It is for someone who snuggles up with Nazis.

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People can and often are assholes

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wait--WHAT? we are really over the rainbow here....time to invest in straitjackets, methinks!

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Too bad. If the shoe fits....thanks for addressing this. This shit has got to stop. Amazing the last place these idiots look is at their own conference. But they’re dim as we all know.

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Oh shit, you’re a Jew?? Cancel cancel! 🙄

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lol. NO! Say it isn't sol.

(Okay, I like corny puns.)

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Goodbye and good riddance. I really came here to say, why the fuck is hate speech acceptable as free speech in this country? There is hate speech allowed that is worse than yelling fire in a crowded theatre. Nazi symbols, anti-LGBT, racist parades, any hate-group, should be publicly banned IMHO. Note the emphasis on public.

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and this only scratches the surface. I'm sure the commenters will come up with dozens of examples I didn't include here

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Hiring infamous Nazi Steve Bannon as "WH Chief Strategist" was an obvious F you to Jews

In the past, Bannon said that there were too many Jews in NYC private schools for his daughters to attend. In addition, Trump never condemned David Duke for his comments after he won the 2016 election. With Trump we are now mainstream."

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Fuck me, Steve Bannon procreated? 🤢🤮 And now I cannot focus on anything else in your comment.

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It is nauseating, isn’t it? But really, nothing is more sickening than Stephen Miller who was born a Jew, now procreating his own Aryan race!

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and now you ask, with an actual woman?

At least, as a woman that was my next question.

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Came here to say the same. The mind boggles at what that offspring looks like. Hopefully their mom.

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I have run into so-called progressives who claim Biden is going to lose because of his support of the war in Israel--Conservatives who normally DGAF are all over this trying to siphon votes based on disinfo. They have no platform to sell, just rage and hate.

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They’re rabid

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That is their agenda working.

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Yep, and the market is good. Dirtbags!

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The "market" does not reflect how well average Americans are doing. Not even a little bitm

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That was not the market(stock market) that I was referring to. I was referring to the "market" in hate and spreading antisemitism- THAT "market" the marketing of hate has never been better. Horrible and unbelievable as that reality is.

Peace and loving thoughts to all our commentators here on "thank goodness we have Jeff, and each other, community.

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They need to support Israel now because it’s needed for their “end of the world” scenario. That’s when Israel gets destroyed to save the Christians. lack of support for Israel translates to antisemitism to these folks. They need to support us till they need to destroy us.

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Has it ever occurred to anyone to point out to the Christian evangelicals that their practice of pumping millions of dollars into West Bank settlements and the like, is actually impious? The CE’s are doing it, not because they love the Jews or support Israel; they are doing it to foment strife in the region. They are hoping that by funding the West Bank settlements things will get so bad that Armageddon will break out.

It’s a curious route to the Second Coming. It’s impious because they believe they can force God’s hand. They can bring about Armageddon on their schedule, not God’s. God, and Jesus, for that matter, have been reduced to a jack in the box. CE funding of the settlements and Israeli hard line policies in the area, are the hand that turns the crank on the side of the box:

Round and round the mulberry bush

The monkey chased the weasel ...

POP! And up pops God, and Jesus with his host of Angels and terrible swift sword, and whatever else they ascribe to him.

Aside from the absurdity of the entire scenario, doesn’t it strike anyone but me that this is impious beyond belief? The idea that you can create a set of circumstances on Earth so dire that you can force God to appear? God??!!?? Since when did God become a lapdog for humanity to order around? To suggest that you can make God do your bidding, so that you and your bitch wife and ugly kids can get your heavenly reward ahead of schedule strikes me as being the sort of impiety that demands Divine retribution. Just sayin’.

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Well that, and the fact there are ultra Orthodox Jews who occupy the West Bank for their own nefarious reasons!

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true. And the Ultra-Orthodox Jews are anti-Zionist, even in Israel. My head, it spins

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Not positive religion or piety has anything to do with these folks’ world view. They believe the rules/laws only apply to us. They are shockingly immature, toxically angry, & scarily under educated & under informed. They create the answers they want/need & then create the narrative to back it up.

My biggest fears are that not enough of the rest of us are cognizant of the danger our democracy is in & that the middle & left will fall back into our traditional circular firing squad, while forgetting the big picture of needing to save American Democracy.

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I’m not taking any advice from the party that’s openly meeting with Orban and his henchmen...

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or dining with Her Fuentes

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No kidding!

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Yes and in Canada our Former Priminister is in with the IDU And Orban

That opened my eyes , anyone interested in Right Wing Politics

Google IDU and check out their roster

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Thank you for the mention of the oh-so-hideous Elisa Stefanik. She's trying too hard. Seriously, these people encourage hate and lie with straight faces. There isn't one decent Republican left.


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Elise Stefuckoff is a hypocritical bitch whose faux outrage while interrogating the three college presidents was a fucking joke!

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Thank you! Was thinking the same thing last week. She has destroyed the career of at least two women all for her own self-aggrandizement. What a POS!

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I called her the "c" word on another Substack and got called out for using inappropriate language. I'm not so sure it was "inappropriate" in her case, but whatever! :/

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My 73 year old mom, who let us drop f bombs at the age of ten, was firmly against that word until the tangerine toddler won the electoral college, now it’s her favorite word for every Republican ever! Also, Elise is most definitely a CUNT!

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So true! I had an aversion to that term until so many cults showed up. Now you really have to call 'em like you see 'em. The British helped me in language therapy also.

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The liberal use of it on Brit TV got me desensitized, but when I use it, I do it with relish for someone really deserving of it, like Elise -- that Cunt.

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What she said...or he.

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I'm a young'un compared to your mom... 69... but my kids weren't allowed to drop the f-bombs until they got into their teens a bit more, lol! And I'm honored to agree with you and your mom about Stefanik... definitely a cunt!

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I was the same as your mom in that respect. I didn’t care what my kids said at home, but forbade them from using the ‘c-word’. It’s only recently I have become comfortable with the word. Sometimes no other word will suffice.

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You know what they say :... “Punt that C*nt”

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:D :D :D

Freakin' AWESOME!

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You called her a cunt? She is a cunt. In all the worst ways.

Good for you.

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Oh, yeah. And I wholeheartedly agree. She's that and so much worse, if I could think of worse words, but I'm old. ;)

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You're never too old to swear, loudly and with the shittiest, most fucking profanity available. Call them cunts, dick heads, ass holes, shit heads, pieces of crap, fuck nuggets, whatever!!! Use Jeff and James Fell as examples of creative imagination in swearing!!

Being "old" is the best reason in the world to swear as much and as often as we please.

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Being naughty is so much more fun.. especially now that I’m older... or Old Her lol

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You were not wrong! 🤷‍♀️

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You guys are kinda devaluing cunt with this comparison, y'know?

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Chet I like your adjectives 🙌🏽🖕🏽fuck Stafanik

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Thanks, could not have said it better. It’s all grandstanding all the time. She interrogates a bunch of university professors about antisemitism, but she supports Trump; the biggest bigot racist, antisemite, and hate monger that ever occupied the oval office. Shut the fuck up Elise, and sit down.

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She’s auditioning for VP. The loudest biggest assholes are all vying for second banana slot.

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Bizarre how full of shit Stefanik with her government degree from Harvard is going even further to the dark orange side. In May of 2021, she even went as far as saying that Trump was the strongest supporter of any president when it comes to standing up to support the constitution. How the hell is that even possible when he continues defy it while not even being familiar with most of its contents? Again, it's another classic case of not upholding their oath of office.

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Or her humanity. She hurriedly drives right in the gutter after Trump. Blind ambition.

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"Supporting" the Constitution by suspending and violating it.

Like fucking to support chastity.

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I couldn’t believe it when I saw her grilling Penn President, Liz McGill. The GOP has been antisemitic since tfg was running in 2016. All of a sudden she is giving others a hard time for things her party does virtually every day.

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I remember watching her during the impeachment hearings of TFG. She was trying too hard then as she is now, anxious to be given a pat on the head from Jordan and Scalise. It's like the Republicans are trying to see who can be the most horrible. 🤦‍♀️

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And they are all outdoing each other. It is getting down in the sewer these days.

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Now and then, people point to Mitt Romney as one of the few "decent" Republiscum left... Bain Capital is hardly a philanthropic organization -- Mitt Romney is every bit as culpable as David Koch, Elon Musk, MacKinsey & Co and the rest of the robber barons for what Rolling Stone called our "let’s-take-stuff-and-trash-it" economy, taking over companies, looting them for anything of value, and leaving useless husks (and a lot of displaced employees) in their wake. Besides, he put the family dog in a carrier strapped to THE TOP OF HIS STATION WAGON for a family road trip. He's a monster, I say. (Really not kidding about this part.)

Anyway, pretty sure you're right, Susan: there ARE no more decent ones. Liz Cheney is no exception -- she is, after all, the daughter of the guy who deliberately -- and for profit -- got us into war in Iraq on faked "evidence". She's on our side about Trump right now, and at least she's fairly pro-choice (when it comes to abortion rights, anyway) but you KNOW the minute we're no longer talking about our measly few millimeters of common ground, she'll gut anyone who isn't to the right of Genghis Khan, and maybe a few who are, just in case.

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Yep-as soon as I get lulled into thinking about Liz I immediately remember her nasty ass father and how she voted with LDFF most of the time.

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That was then. I DO think that J6 was altering for her.

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We can be "friends" as long as our enemy is her enemy.

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If people judged me by my father’s politics they’d be completely wrong about me.

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I'm judging her by her own politics. She splits with her father on very few things (one of those being abortion rights). For example, even after Bush was out of office, she didn't believe the Iraq war and its goals were a mistake -- just that the Bush administration (which she was part of) had miscalculated their approach to conduct of the war after Saddam was removed. (Dick Cheney believed that once Saddam was gone, the Iraqi population would be grateful and cooperative... didn't turn out quite that way, oddly enough.) I do not know if she was complicit in the pretext for the Iraq invasion, or if she even knew it had been manufactured, but by the time Obama took office, she should have.

And her father opposes Trump just as vehemently as she does.

While she was in the House, she voted with Republicans on other issues 90+% of the time. True, she served on the Jan 6 committee, but if it changed her, it wasn't apparent from the other legislative decisions she made while she was still in Congress.

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Thank you for the history. When I imagine I’m her for a minute I know I would not expect to be accepted or forgiven by the democrats. Nor would I expect this gaggle of pubs to enfold me in their ever lovin’ arms. I would believe I did the right thing though, but also I’d feel like a citizen without a country.

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Ok. Fair enough. But I need to know more from her. Could she bring the GOP back around? With all Trump and MAGA crap, I have no idea what they even stand for anymore-besides taking care of the rich… to name the obvious. 🤷‍♀️

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I think she’s very smart, and smooth and has an agenda. We can’t let go of her past but still appreciate her skill and service on the J6 Committee.

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Got me. I have to read her book.

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They "stand for" attaining power and money, and "beating the Dems." That's it.

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You can’t know that. I very much want to know where she stands from her own lips.

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OMG thank you for remembering how Mitt horrifically mistreated the family dog, whose name was Seamus. I have a vivid recollection of that story and wondered how it affected his children. There may be many other instances that are hidden. He looks good on the outside, but abuse is abuse and cannot be explained away.

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As usual, extremely well said and has me laughing at the same time. Out loud, all by myself, Like an idiot.

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no, laughing out loud like someone with very good taste

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Linda, you are not alone. In fact, it would be unhealthy to suppress it!

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Agreed. For the record, I prefer to view it as therapy. Also, it lets my husband know when I've managed to read this column. His office is in another room here at home, a couple of rooms away, but on a good day he can hear me laughing even before I msg him the good bits!

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No witnesses. Cool.

Yeah, me too.

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"we fought an actual war about this, remember?"

But they don't want you to remember. It was 'fake news'. Pay no attention to the orange Hitler behind the curtain. We want to sneak around and court any group that we can whip into a frenzy that will either get us reelected or overthrow the democratic government. Antisemitism worked once, maybe it'll work for us.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

They don’t remember. This apparently is no longer taught in schools. Nearly two-thirds of US young adults are unaware 6m Jews killed in the Holocaust. 1 in 5 young Americans believe the holocaust is a myth. We need to start investing in education in this country. History. Civics. Critical thinking. It’s a disgrace when kids are watching swill like Love Fucking Island, the Krapdashians and Housewives from Anyfuckingwhere but have no idea about what is happening to this country. They are oblivious! I’m disgusted.

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History, civics, and critical thinking are things the GOP wants to keep under wraps. Anyone who knows about those three things is NOT Republican.

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They have fought long and hard to dumb down the electorate and to weaken education in general. Quite frankly I think they can't wait to hand over the keys of government to China & Russia in solidarity. As long as they get $$ paid.

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Do you want to know what the future of America will be if the Repukes take over? You need look no further than Brazil. A country with a sharp divide in wealth and political power - or Mexico, where what? Five families own all the wealth?

In Brazil, the wealthy elites live in guarded communities in beautiful homes that herald a serene and prosperous future - for them. The rest of the nation is engaged in a Darwinian struggle for survival in its gigantic slums where life is brutish, nasty and short. That’s what the Repukes want for us: poverty so exacting that we have no time for education; no time for reflection; no time to study our history; no time to be inspired by any figures from our past. No time, in short, for critical thought. No voice to demand our rights - long since taken away. No ability to express ourselves. No sense of dignity or self worth. No sense of solidarity, because we’re all going to be at each other’s throats scrambling desperately for the few crumbs that fall from their tables on high. Society will be strictly drawn along racial/sexual/gender lines. You watch. A steady diet of violence, degradation, injustice and despair.

And with the whole concept of social credit or social monitoring the Chinese are using, the fascists will have found a whole new way to keep us in line. Got kids? Well your social credit score had better be high enough for you to get them in school. Got a sick parent or spouse? Hope your social credit score is high enough to get them their medicine, or entree to a hospital ER. Better not be late for work; or evince anything but breathless enthusiasm and gratefulness when you’re there. And just imagine all the social credit scores you can make by reporting anyone who complains, swears, can’t keep up. It’ll be worse than East Germany where half the population was reporting on the other half. Husband against wives. Teachers against students. Workers against managers. If you don’t believe what I’m writing here, take a look at how it’s used in China.

That, my friends, is the Repuke vision of America.

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Our dystopian future is already here, in many parts of the U.S., no matter how much I want to deny it to myself. We must do what we can to reverse it.

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You’re preaching to the choir, but you are absolutely correct.

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All part of any dictator's playbook, forever

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I guess I am going to have to roll up my sleeves and have to contact the school district to tell them I am the daughter of Holocaust victims. I want to see if they will let me speak to their classes.

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That would be amazing. Good luck! Beware: parents may be afraid you will scar their little darlings..

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Yes, I have thought about that. Btw, are you in the Lamorinda area?

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You know, I have no trouble believing Housewives from Anyfuckingwhere is a nefarious Republiscum plot!

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I have a profound dislike and suspicious of "reality shows" in general. I don't know for sure if Republicans are behind this awful trend, but SOMEBODY wants us all to be stupid and not paying attention.

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The dumbing down of America is in full swing. And it’s succeeding.

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Absolutely correct! 👍👍

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Especially on local elections and school boards

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May grandfather 41 to 45

Her is probably rolling in this grave

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Well said! The jig was up just watching them pander to every group from the 1980s on. They have nowhere else to go after painting themselves into hypocrisy corner.

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Choose any topic that those bullshitting MAGATS decide to highlight. It is filled with hypocrisy and is merely a means to divert attention away from their disgusting, losing, dying party. The colossal ignorance and lies that come from them is a mountain of 💩💩💩. Having a dumbass RePugnantcan discuss anti-semitism is about as valid as them talking about their compassion for immigrants having to flee their countries. Not only do they continue to hate Jews, POC, Immigrants, Muslims, Gays, WOMEN, and humanity in general, but their only agenda is to maintain control while drumming up attention. I hate them so much, not enough words to express it.

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One of your best yet, Jeff. On a tangent, I'm pretty convinced that the OMG ANTISEMITISM AT IVIES thing is happening in part because it feeds into that whole "higher education BAD" narrative of a crowd that "love[s] the poorly educated", in the words of their Führer.

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A very good point.

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Amen! That hypocritical bitch can go straight to hell with her neo-Nazi colleagues…

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Jeff-you have every fact down perfectly for these monstrous “Jews will not replace us” crowd! They’re unaware that their super hero, Putin…public enemy number one for them but now a hero!! Their stupidity actually gets worse with time and that seems preposterous! There apparently is such a thing as being dumber than a rock! Proof positive.

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Ever since the shit gibbon and the Republican goon squad had their way for a few short years the political conversation has been all about the biggly, beautiful things they have done since, naught, nothing, zilch. I am in a state of shock that the Republican leadership ( joke ) has done nothing except roil the waters and claim to have discovered their free pass to protect Americans by invoking hate for Dems, blacks, LGBTQ and any person who does not support their evangelical view. Evangelicals are not a political party. Religion is not a political ideology, in fact it is a tool of division used by illiterate word benders hooting crapola while polishing Putins boots.

The real problem are people who identify with the party of lawlessness. Time and time again we see three toes , bobo, and the whole cadre of sneaky rat brained Americans standing with the worst that humanity offers as citizens. Where the fuck did these people come from? Not the America that beat the Nazis and empire of the sun, the grew out of the devils asshole as a religious movement that can’t be touched by politics. Fuck them all and their selfish narcissistic views of our world.

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And there’s my new favorite word: SHITGIBBON ... thank you Kit🙌🏽 Booyah!

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I've always loved it... and it describes him so perfectly! :D

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Calling LDFF a shitgibbon is an insult to perfectly nice, albeit incredibly loud, apes.

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Yes, I've been accused of unfairly maligning an entire species in service of a DJT insult, but to call him an ORANGE shitgibbon, I think, makes it clear that we're only talking about one. :D

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Orange shigibbon it is. F---! The orange shigibbon!

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Damn spell check or whatever you call it. Twice I typed in SHITGIBBON and it got changed. NOW I'll say Fuck, by god!

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I like the pic of your kitties too! I prefer animals to people 💜

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Awww, thanks!! They were sleeping so cutely in a kinda heart shape... couldn't resist! :D

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Yes it does 🤙🏽

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This needed to be said unequivocally, and in an "in your face" manner! Bravo Jeff! 👏👏👏 Rest assured that I'm sharing this far and wide!

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I can’t even... but thanks to you, kind sir, I need not. Much appreciated.

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Jeff - This is absolutely terrific, thank you. The gist of this should be all over MSM.

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Some good interviewers need to spring some of Jeff’s. questions on some of those bloviating republicans soon!

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I guess fighting Nazis in WWII was an aberration. Hey! I lost my laser. Anybody got a spare?

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Fresh out.

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So if I'm understanding this correctly, this sudden anti-anti-Semitism of the Republican party is because many liberals/Democrats are saying that both Hamas AND Netanyahu are guilty of atrocities, is that right?

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

I think it's more that liberal jewish Democrats feel unsupported by the far left, so the GOP senses an opportunity to get their support/ votes by coming down hard on anti-semitism, despite their own history of embracing anti-semitism when it serves them, as pointed out in Jeff's post. Chuck Schumer made this point in his speech two weeks ago.

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Subtlety is not the Right's strong point. Opportunism, on the other hand...

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