oh look, the “Jews will not replace us” crowd is now pretending to give a shit about antisemitism
fuck straight off with this bullshit
hey everybody, the Republican Party wants you to understand one thing: antisemitism is bad.
oh yeah? you just figured this out now? because I’ve been watching you shitheads for a long time now, and I have a lot of questions.
first off, where the fuck were you assholes when your own party spent years trashing George Soros, using every antisemitic trope under the sun, and even lying about him collaborating during World War Two — when he was a child, you idiots.
and please explain to me again why you’re all constantly going on about having to fight the “globalists”? because you know who the “globalists” are, don’t you?
remember the torch-bearing dipshits who marched in Charlottesville and chanted “Jews will not replace us”?
I don’t remember hearing one word from Republicans about the dangers of antisemitism then. I don’t remember any of you holding hearings about it.
in fact, your God Emperor and King for Life Little Donny Fuckface called them “very fine people” and you shitheels have spent the last six years trying to deny that he did.
and what the fuck is this?
and this?
why is it that whenever a swastika rears its ugly face in public in America, it’s in close proximity to a Trump banner?
where is your outrage?
now let’s talk about frozen fish stick heir and roasted ballsack aficionado Tucker Carlson.
night after night, for years on end, Tucker Carlson was given a national forum in which he cozied up to white supremacists and promoted the “great replacement theory” — the completely lunatic notion that Jews are conspiring with immigrants to “replace” white people.
funny, but I don’t remember one single Republican standing up to denounce this dangerous bullshit.
hey, you know who else is way into promoting the great replacement theory? Elise Fucking Stefanik.
that’s right — Stefanik, who now acts as if she’s on a mission from God to police what she considers “hate speech” in our nation’s universities — pushed the theory in a series of Facebook ads.
maybe Elise needs to hold a few hearings into her own beliefs.
in fact, dozens of GOP senators, reps and governors have publicly promoted great replacement rhetoric.
down in America’s dangly bit, Nazis spent this past summer protesting outside of Disney World.
they even did a little campaigning for Ron DeSantis while they were at it.
did DeSantis denounce any of this? fuck no. Ron stuck his pudding head in the sand and refused to say a word.
come on, how hard is it to say “Nazis are bad”?
apparently it’s impossible, if you’re Ron DeSantis.
how about you, Matt Gaetz, anything to say about what’s going on in your backyard?
Rick Scott, anything?
here’s a pro tip, folks: if you can't denounce Nazis because doing so would anger your base, you're on the wrong fucking side.
we fought an actual war about this, remember?
Texas took one look at what was happening over in Florida and said “hold my beer.”
Over the weekend, a majority of the Texas State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) voted to remove language from a resolution affirming support for Israel that would have prohibited party associations with people and groups “known to espouse or tolerate antisemitism, pro-Nazi sympathies or Holocaust denial.” Members of the state party committee—who are elected by party delegates—voted 31-29 to remove that language. About half the committee also tried to block a public record of the vote.
once again, there’s that little “we can’t anger our Nazi base” problem.
hey Elise, maybe you want to look into this.
Marjorie Three Toes Greene — the gibbering moron who believes that Jewish space lasers are controlling the weather — likes to call herself a Christian Nationalist. has any one of you sat her down and explained to her exactly what that means? I mean, Marge is dumb as fuck and probably wouldn’t understand, but did you even try?
no, I don’t believe you did.
and don’t even get me started on Donald Trump.
hey siri, show me three notorious antisemites.
antisemitism is real, it’s definitely on the increase, and it needs to be called out and dealt with.
I’m a Jew. no one has to tell me this.
but if you’ve spent the last seven years (and longer) coddling white supremacists and actual Nazis — and parroting their dangerous rhetoric — you don’t get a free pass to play the “antisemitism is baaaaaad” card because you want to score cheap political points.
spare us your performative-nonsense grandstanding.
fuck off.
go clean up your own house.
wow, this post caused someone to cancel their subscription. I guess everybody has the right to be offended by something, but how is "don't snuggle up to Nazis" a controversial subject?
and this only scratches the surface. I'm sure the commenters will come up with dozens of examples I didn't include here