For my birthday-January 6th (for real)....I want all these insurrectionists in congress REMOVED. Thank you!

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Hi Tess. Our anniversary is Jan 6. On Jan 6, 2021 we had a full afternoon and evening planned to celebrate our 37th anniversary. Made the mistake of turning on the TV. There went the day. Yes they must all be removed!

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Well let’s hope my birthday wish comes true for your anniversary!

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Hello fellow Capricorn ;-)

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My dear friend, who is so anti MAGA, also has a birthday on January 6.

I vote on everyone whose birthday or Anniversary is on January 6th all get the best gift ever....all the insurrectionists removed from Congress and Trump found guilty and broke due to his New York tax fraud and real estate crimes.

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My hairdresser is telling me to put the phone down cause I’m laughing so hard she can’t cut my hair. 😂😂😂. “Ball tanning golden boy!” These folks have the IQ of a concrete block. And Holy Mike is a hypocrite like the rest of them. 🤦‍♀️

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I hope you explained why you were laughing

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"You're supposed to be LIGHTING the gas, not inhaling it" probably hit Susan first.

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Oh you can count on it! 😂😂

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“Not yet fired House Speaker Holy Mike Johnson” was also excellent.

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I hope you got out of there without looking like you still need a haircut. I had a similar experience once while reading Jeff while getting my hair done. The stylist simply said, “please sit still.”

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Holy Mike is a real pos!! Disgusting loser! He’s the biggest fake religious liar ever!!

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The idea that he wants to blur the faces of the MAGA insurrectionists further explains what a lawless turd this guy really is. This damaged zealot has no business being Speaker let alone serving in Congress.

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And now Kevin “Mr. Kiss trumps ass” McCarthy is leaving Congress a year early. Go figure.

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Seriously, paying attention to Congress is like watching a soap opera.

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I don't know; watching Congress is feeling more like watching an SCTV parody of a soap opera, with Dave Thomas playing Holy Mike, and Andrea Martin and Catherine O'Hara as Sporkfoot and the Boeb. Except if SCTV had done it, it would be a LOT funnier.

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But that’s why he’s there. They’ve set the stage for the MAGGOT’s return.

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Yes. It’s a took-over.

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And WAY too interested in his son’s business

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They make concrete blocks look like Nobel Laureates.

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Thanks Jeff.

This is just the Republican way.

The January 6th Insurrection: Just excited tourists. If anyone was hurt or killed, not excited tourists, Antifa.

Concentrate wealth to the already obscenely wealthy?: Trickle-down 'economics'.

Billions of dollars of taxpayer subsidies for oil companies? No -it's the "Cadillac-driving welfare queen, or school teachers and their pensions."

Teaching actual history: "No white students hurt feelings left behind."

George Orwell told us we'd arrive here.

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So did Sinclair Lewis.

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In their way, so did PT Barnum, HL Mencken, and LBJ ("give him someone to look down upon" etc).

Here sucks IMHO

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The cost of being so annoyingly stupid is getting more expensive every day.

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Yes, very expensive, like bankruptcy expensive. Just ask Rudy Colludy.

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Maybe someone will save him or his $$. He deserves every bit of blame and should be held criminally to account for all of it.

His best day was melting on camera. Runner up, his press conference at the landscaping place. Such an assclown.

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I don't it's the GQP footing the bill, either. And it sure as hell is not Trump.

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Also, bye bye, my Kevin!!

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everything always happens while I'm writing about yesterday's news

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Do the Wisconsin fake electors settling their lawsuit. So much good news for a change

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Also, Taylor Swift is named Time magazine’s Person of the Year 🥳

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I knew she was on the short list. 👏🏼👏🏼

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I've been waiting for the Taylor Swift Backlash to start! You KNOW it's coming. It always does.

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Steve B;

Move over Taylor, Jeff Tiedrich is Person of the Year. His post today is proof.

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I’d be afraid. Those Swifties will kick ass

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MAGA doesn't want to fuck with Taylor.

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Why wait for the actual news. That’s so passe. Just make stuff up like the Repugnicans. We’ll all have a good laugh and know that you’re being cutesy.

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Or Jeff could turn out to be psychic. It doesn't seem far fetched that making up ridiculous stuff would probably turn out to be predictive at least 50% of the time.

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it was ever thus. it's impossible to keep up!

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Then keep writing.

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No way to keep up with the fire hose of news any more.

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A crime a minute I’d say. Think of all the crimes trump and enablers are committing as we speak! Every day.

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Yes, HIP HIP HOORAY! "You won't have Kevin to kick around anymore!"

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... and don't let the door hit your ass on your way out!

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Oh boy, I go out for a social lunch and miss all the exciting stuff...

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I heard KM is going to the roach infested golf motel in Floriduh to caddy for Donny fuckface?

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Mike isn't trying to please the lunatics. He's one of the biggest lunatics of them all!

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Absolutely!!! He’s a frickn nutbag!!

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I suspect Johnson’s days as Speaker are numbered, he’s pissing off everyone, even his own caucus. However, there is good news today: Kevin McCarthy’s “retirement” (Because why stay when everyone hates you) and the Wisconsin fake electors finally admitting their fuckery (because why not admit it, promise to not be involved in the 2024 election and face no prison time).

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I would prefer they all go to prison and rot there, but it might be more ammunition against Trump that was obtained by the DA.

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It was a civil suit, so no prison time, but hope a criminal one gets filed

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Oh!! I was assuming it was a trial similar to what Willis brought in Georgia. I wasn’t paying close attention to that Wisconsin issue. Thank you for clarifying.

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I hope Kevin spills his guts

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I’m of the opinion that he’s too much of a spineless toad to do so, but would be happy to be proven wrong.

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And here in NV, the AG’s grand jury indicted our very special fake electors ... head of the NV GOP and the NV GOP commission were among them.

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There was some good news today, for sure, and this was one. Hat tip to Mr. Ford

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Ohmygod...the blurred face of trump! Geeeeenius!! The meme on the left dressing up as trumpists to overthrow an election they just won! Brilliant!! Ok...carry on. 😂

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I particularly like the blurred photo of someone who looks suspiciously like Trump! If external appearance mirrored the internal workings of a person's central nervous system, all photos of Trump would look blurred.

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Blurred Trump made me laugh out loud.

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Let me spell it out: Oh My Fucking God! Who do these assholes think they're fooling? There is no gaslighting to what everyone in the country WATCHED ON TV! They are ALL a special kind of stupid.

JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. (Fight me!)

Richard Nixon actually WAS a crook.

The United States landed on the moon.

The Challenger exploded due to faulty O-rings.

9/11 was carried out by al-Qaeda terrorists.

Donald Trump became president with help from Russia.

The 2020 election was free and fair, and Donald Trump LOST.

January 6th was an attempted coup carried out by the idiots that worship Donald Trump.

I'm 65, almost 66, I don't have any more time to indulge in conspiracy theories. Occam's Razor is always at play for me. Fuck these fucking fuckers!

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I just turned 59. My one request to Zeus (I'll even take Poseidon in a pinch) is that the world hit a more sane stride by the start of my sixth decade. We will have the November election results by then, there should be several trump verdicts behind us, I want people to be embarrassed to admit they ever voted for trump to be crawling back under the rocks from whence they came, and ... world peace (said in my best Miss America voice.)

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I want everyone in the Trump family to be looking into changing their names. It took over 200 years, but Benedict Arnold is GOING to be replaced once everything shakes out! And, of course, world peace....

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Hey, that's what I tell people, too. I want that tiny-handed orange twat to live long enough that he knows his grandkids and Barron all changed their names, including Barron's first name. Being named for your dad's dickhead alter ego is name change territory in my world.

I hadn't yet put together the Benedict Arnold piece, but damn, he will replace that guy! Imagine those hushed family holiday get togethers with family myths being told.

And world peace...

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I'm imagining the spontaneous block parties and celebrations breaking out when the big TRUMP letters come off his buildings, especially in Chicago and New York. It'll be like when you finally get rid of that nasty chest cold and you hock up the last gigantic loogie and it barely makes it down the drain.

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I've seen the one in Chicago up close and its problem is how imposing it is. It doesn't belong where it is, right on the Chicago River LOOMING over everything. The Big Buildings area is south of where he put his penis replacement, and it's gross.

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Oh I hope so!

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I don’t think the United States landed on the moon, but a couple of astronauts did. 😊

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OK, Literal Lucy! Yes. 🤣

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😂😂 just teasing a fellow liberal

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I'm a little skeptical of that "magic bullet" but it doesn't keep me up nights. Other than that I agree 100% with your assessment.

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I spent MANY years going over that thing and finally decided that it wasn't really my job to solve it, so I'm settled on Oswald because everything else means too much work!

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and the fucking horse the fucking fuckers fucking road in on.

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"Fuck" is the perfect word -- SO versatile.

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Fucking A!! Absolutely fucking spot on🙌🏽BOOYAH

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You forgot the flerfers. Have them explain why there aren't pictures of the ice wall or whatever.

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 7, 2023

I just thought of that list off the top of my head and those flat earth people are a little more than crazy, so I never think of them -- I think they're not even serious because how could you be? It's insanity squared.

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Perfect! 😊

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Well said Steve & Happy Birthday soon...

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I can't believe McCarthy didn't resign from congress the day he got the boot. If his wife ever divorces him, he'll probably live with her and her new husband

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I’m sure MTG would take him in and make sure he gets fed. We wouldn’t want him to stop eating because he’s so depressed.

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Madge has lots of grain & hay in the barn...I'm sending carrots tomorrow...ya know, to be nice...lol

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I just laughed out loud

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Some people just can't take a hint.

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That’s hilarious

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I want that Sam Elliot bumper sticker on my car!

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If Auntie Fah, BLM and FBI were impersonating Proud(less) Boys, 3%ers, etc., wouldn’t Maga Mike want their faces shown to prove it? He’s too clever by half. And the DC pipe bomber will be obscured in the video even though we know it was 3-toes herself; that’s who he’s really protecting! Jokes on you Maga Mike, because guess who still has access to the original footage? Muhahaha.

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It IS a conspiracy! These fuckers are gonna dumb us to death! Our heads are exploding. Trump has melted the evolutionary clock like Dalí on the sands of time. We're turning into automatons being gaslit into believing we're the smart ones! We've manifested our freakin' destiny!

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This is one of the best summaries ever of how it feels to live in the Era of Stupid.

"Melted the evolutionary clock like Dalí", love it

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“if none of this make the slightest fucking bit of sense to you, congratulations, you’re sane.”

Thanks Jeff! ☕️waking up to confirmation of sanity when the first morning coffee used to be enough.

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I love what you write 😂

Oh and thank you for blurring the orange lunatic.

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If only he could disguise his voice as well...the sound of pumpkin head's voice makes me sick and creeps me out at the same time. 🥵

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He’s positively nausea-inducing.

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yes...Bye bye Kevie, you frickin traitor! I'd like to blur some of those people into the next galaxy

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