How you manage to channel your thoughts so eloquently every damn day, man, it’s inspiring. I mean it. Thanks. From all of us, but I reckon you know that.

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I wonder the same thing! This Non. Stop. Bullshit. Has me raging yet incoherent. There's no way I could come up with coherent discussions the way Tiedrich does.

Sporkfoot probably actually believes the QAnon fuckery, but I don't think Donalds does. Yet he and so many others will humiliate themselves with idiotic speeches like that. And for what? I suppose that Donalds and every other one of those hoping to be VP think that if he gets elected, there's a good chance Trump won't live through his entire term--not because anyone's going to "get" him, but because of his horrible health. And then they'll be president. Spoiler alert: none of that is going to happen to you doofuses, but for sure you will go down in history as one of the immoral spineless anti-patriotic assholes willing to do ANYTHING for the chance.

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That Congressman continually talked over her trying to change the subject. These Republicans are duplicitous. Good for her for holding his feet to the fire.

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He does that every single time. Whenever I hear that asswipe speak nonstop, I hear Joe Biden in the debate in 2016: “Will you shut up, man?”

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Byron Donald should fix his name tag to read B.Donalds( boy) what an asshole he is ,if he was in NYC back in Trumps hay day he could have been one of the 5 kids Trump called to be executed ,even after they were cleared WTF !?Abbey laid into that friggen puppet but good !

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I call Byron Donald and his ilk, "The Goebbels Brigade" because Goebbels was Hitler's propaganda minister and talking head. He just lied, lied, lied, and spun every situation. That is what these people do too, except that all of us are not buying their shit. Trump is following Hitler's playbook, as has Putin, with Trump goose stepping behind. I am sure Trump intends to kill Biden and Harris if he comes to power, and perhaps even if he does not.

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There are a lot of people in Utah who are just lapping up all the bullshit! They are too lazy to actually question what is being spoon fed to them... and they have been proven to be the most gullible people in the nation.

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Mostly Mormons? Or not?

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Donalds starts right out saying, "My view of it is very simple" and to that, I say no shit! I don't know how they do interviews with any republican as they all talk over the interviewer constantly. Just once I would love for someone to say, STFU and get off this set because we're done.

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Byron Donalds was rude as fuck to Abby Phillips, and she was unflappable!! I would have screamed at him for his non-stop shitassery, but she was cool and collected!!

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When these people get together for after dinner drinks, they laugh like hell comparing who out falsified the other. After which, they go back a dig up more untruthful shit. It’s a game and the only goal is power and money. That is all.

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This 👏 and they also relish inciting their followers to commit violence against innocent others. I just rewatched the Howard Hughes 1932 film Scarface. Fuck me but change the suits and decor and it could be a present day documentary of the dirty power grabs of gangster Trump and his MAGA mob.

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No shit reality has been suspended,do anything you want ,no consequences for anyone doing anything!

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It's an outright transparent CON and they are raking it in from their marks.

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The suits were sharp in those days ,but perfume on a pig 🐷 is what it is !

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Donalds DEFINITELY believes it. He’s a class a douche water carrier for these clowns.

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luvin "sporkfoot"

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Sporkfoot! Great Name! She can climb trees without using her hands,

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Neil. I wanted to write the comment you have written and realized I couldn't put it into words.

Jeff, you seem to have more sources than the NYT. What you do for us is priceless.

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Jeff always brings it!

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I've been feeling pretty down this week about the state of America...trying to decide where I'll live my ex-pat life...then I read stuff like this: "bizarre garden slug-screech monkey hybrid Marjorie Three Toes Greene" and this: "Useless J Fuckstick"... 😂😂 Jeff is doing a great service to our mental health! As I've said before, I hate everybody...except you guys. ✌️💙 Have a good weekend!

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You’re right, it is scary. With SCOTUS overtly supporting the J6 insurrection, it seems like everything is against democracy.

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It really does 😞, I feel dejected... when the highest powers want to take away democracy, they have no rules or oversight and can do what they want (SCOTUS) for a fucking lifetime, what can we do (besides vote), esp when some idiots believe the propaganda... and we need the majority of people to vote blue up and down the ticket for 8-12 years to rid ourselves of this shit, but that never happens and it has to be a super majority that sends the loudest of messages that republican extremism is no longer viable, it can't be thin barely wins that can be exploited!!! I feel bummed out.

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Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in your despair!

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With you all the way, Catherine.

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Just received my FBR Irish citizenship and have applied for an Irish passport. Peace out.

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My son and daughter are dual citizens, Canadian and American, as are their children. When my son returned from overseas I suggested he settle in Canada, and, happily, he did. I wish he were closer, but am glad our family has a foot in that door, so to speak.

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My son and his family moved to Japan over 5 years ago. Miss them a lot but am comforted knowing that my grandchildren have nearly zero chance of being shot at school.

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I hear Australia is nice.

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Only if you aren't retired. After that, they really don't want you there.

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I hear the United States is nice ,it merely needs a good fumigation,smells like shit 💩 right now ,but a little bit of ass kicken usually gets rid of the stink don’t cave in ,these shit bags are all talk ,ass mouth is going down!🤬

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I hope so! I am beginning to feel a bit paranoid about trump losing. Even some of my Democratic friends are not supporting Biden because of his support of Israel.

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Just don't kiss the frogs if you go to Australia.

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'Kiss' the frogs?? Hmmmmm,some toad licking might occur...

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My late husbands family lives in Norway. I could go there but I could never afford to actually live there. It's a beautiful, sensible country.

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Too cold… I love Sweden and Denmark, but the climate issue there too… I am considering Portugal.

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Good thing some of us prefer our homes on the chilly side--I'll leave those hot places to those who like them! If we all wanted the same things in climate, that place would be way overcrowded.

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Me too! We are going into the HELL season for me!! I prefer the cold!

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Portugal is a beautiful country and the people are friendly. Go if you can!!

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Is it that much more expensive? I'd think the national health care would be worth it.

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Congrats ☘️

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Thank you!! My grandpa was born there, which is the only reason I was eligible. Hoping to move there soon.

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Yikes ! I have yet to figure out how to reply to direct messages Linda. I think I (& my phone) need an upgrade. But yes, I am up in the ‘grim’ north hidden in the Antrim hills. So just let me know when you have made the move and we can take it from there 🐈‍⬛

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Cool! Knowing someone there to ask about stuff would be helpful. Can you tell me where you would choose to live there if it could be anywhere?

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Wishing you and yours a smooth cultural transition and nurturing Return 🐾

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That MTG description along with narcoleptic fart factory got a much needed laugh going immediately. The picture of three toes with that wide-open oral orifice reminds of an old Rodney Dangerfield line, "last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it". As the GOP keeps spewing its daily bombardment of off the wall sensationalized bullshit, we have to wonder how these delusional assholes can keep their campaign afloat based on twisted false rhetoric. In the meantime, have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend everyone.

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In that pic she looks like 'Cocaine Bear'.

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IHP—-(I hate everybody) is on a t-shirt I have! And YES to Jeff for keeping us mentally healthy!!

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I actually went and had a T-shirt made that said "I hate people" I've had it since 2014 lol my friends liked it and wanted me to make them one too so I made a couple of more 😬

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I have a t-shirt that says "I used to be a people person, then people ruined it"

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Ooohhh… that’s a good one! 👏👏👏

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I need one that says , Whenever I go outside,

" ew the sun ! EW PEOPLE !"

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I have a t-shirt that reads "I prefer animals to humans" that I get a lot of compliments on.😁

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That should have read IHP-I Hate People! My mind is on not working today apparently!

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We are living in a surreal hellscape aren’t we.

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Jeff killed me with the intersection of garden slug and screech monkey. Is she ever going to choke to death on her over production of saliva? God willing...

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I’m with ya Susan! I used to love people. I said it all the time. I love all the different and interesting characters I’ve met over the years, but now it’s just “are with us or against us”, and that is horrifying. WE all know we’re right, but are there enough of us to get out there and do the right thing, spread the truth, point out the lies? I think there are, and you’re one of those voices. So, get strength from the fine people on here and keep fighting! 🙌 💖

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Jeff’s way with words stretches the mind, adding more laugh lines, and saves my sanity! I echo your words, Susan!

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Definitely he helps me cope... 😂😂

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I second that emotion, Susan. I was actually googling 'best foreign countries for expat Americans' just this morning!💙

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same !

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I feel just the same!

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You should stick around Susan. Get some bear spray and watch the bullshit.

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😂😂😂 I suppose I could hide out on the farm and let my brother protect me. ✌️

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I live in a rural area. They're there too. Red hats,no teeth,and pit bulls on short rusty chains. Should be ok if you avoid the barbecue places. Keep the bear spray handy though.

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Honestly I don't know how much more of this I can take. It feels like Upisdownistan is winning and there's nothing we can do to make everything sane again.

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Me too. There are days when I feel overwhelmed.

Sucks to be a sane american these days.

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Hey Friends, don't forget that part of the extremist strategy is to DEMORALIZE us into inaction. We have the numbers of voters and numbers on the economy and the

FACTS and ISSUES to support us. Don't forget to keep up the good works.

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this, one thousand percent

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Even if Biden wins in November, the white, fundamentalist, Christian Nationalists have no reason for concern. The extreme-right oligarchy has been patiently studying the constitutional faults and undermining American democracy for decades. They won’t stop because of one election. Congress is Gerrymandered, the Court has an extremist super majority, and a majority of states are controlled by extremist legislatures. I don’t see this turning around until the self-serving ideologies push this nation and the world into environmental and economic catastrophe. Even then, the oligarchs will be fine. What difference to them are mass unemployment, mass starvation, and mass extinction?

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I suspect they'll find out at some point. When it's too late.

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Who’s going to bring them lettuce and lobster?

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Oh, that's God's will. Don' cha' know?

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Read “Hopium Chronicles” to help reset your mind. It’s working for me.

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I'm unable to leave The US I couldn't afford to go elsewhere.

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Me too I just finished watching his hour video today. Lifted me up from the darkness

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May 24·edited May 24

There's an old saying I've always loved, because it's so true - Ignorance is Bliss. Imagine how happy you could be if you didn't know all the shit that is happening out there in the world of the movers and shakers, and were only aware of what was going on in your immediate surroundings and acquaintances. Would be like being a child again! That's the world that the trump voters live in.

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But knowledge is power!

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That's what the '90's was.

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As far as I know it’s still a trait that is essential in this day and age. Just glance at the 35% of the population known as Maggats and the dumbest of them all is their dear leader trump.

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Too many young people are in the same world. They know every twist and turn of the Kendrick-Drake conflict, or what Taylor Swift is up to, but aren't even aware that Trump has been on trial. They're going to wake up and realize someday they're in a world with no abortion or contraception rights and wonder what happened.

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One of my idiot neighbors asked me if Biden and trump are running against each other again... she asked me YESTERDAY!!

This is the same woman who did not know who Mike Pence was - in 2019!! SMFH!

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Steve so well said!

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I feel the same way. :(

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My herbal gummies aren't working.

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I'm starting to think all my xanxax tablets are duds.

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I'm still clinging to my Blue Dream vape.

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Oh, I feel you. The situation is unbearable. Whether we win or lose in November there will be an end to this misery. Unfortunately, there will be riots either way. I hope the DOJ and military are prepared.

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And all local law inforcement needs to be on alert.

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i'm pretty sure they're not prepared.

I am very concerned about polling locations on election day ... and while there should be military and police presence to protect the voters, Somehow I think the powers that be will make sure they're not around as Maga and QAnon try to disrupt and destroy.

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Unfortunately, lots of people working in law enforcement are members of TRump's CuLt 45... That scares the crap out of me...

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Vote! That’s what you can do. Blue, blue, blue!

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Vote and keep reminding others to do the same.

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And let's do what we can to support candidates up and down the ballot, especially in the swing states.

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You're not alone. I wake up everyday hoping to hear of TRump's demise. I think if the head were cut off the snake, things would dramatically improve...

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There are plenty of acolytes waiting for him to croak.

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I know if a president was trying to assassinate me I would not be holding a rally in the Bronx. They went bananas, spreading this lie as fast as possible through all their MAGA TRASH Muppets. UNTIL PEOPLE FIGURED OUT, IT WAS ALL THE COVER-UP THE STORY THAT MORE STOLEN DOCUMENTS WERE FOUND AT MOTEL-A-LARDO that came out the same day https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3gglgwe49zo

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It never seems to occur to these idiots that if you are planning to assassinate Trump you might want to send in your assassins when the target is at home. Such stupidity.

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Lmao. I didn’t even think of that. Thank you! 🤗

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The maggots are not known for their intelligence.

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Master of Distraction 😞

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Exactly my thought as well!

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By the way, Fat Nixon has been complaining about the court being cold and yet a reporter brought a thermometer and said it was 75 outside and 70° inside

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makes you wonder what the thermostat is set at inside Motel-a-Lago

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The thermostat in Melania’s Mar-a-lago bedroom must read “ice-fucking cold.”

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Correction: Melania now sets the thermostat to ice -no way I’m ever fucking you again- cold.

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I started calling Trump the 'Red Lobster'....bankcrupt and past it's 'Sell by...' date.

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Fat Nixon, my god, that is epic. I salute you!

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It looks like Fat Nixon is losing weight. Does anyone else see that? Is it worry or Ozempic?

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Thinner Depends®.

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He could be Bulimic, I know he makes me puke.

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He's stressed out. Good! I hope he shrivels up and dies...

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Personally I do believe 70 degrees is COLD when you’re just sitting all day. That said, one CAN wear warmer clothes!

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Surely, Fat Nixon has ample insulation to tolerate a freezing cold, 70 degree F courtroom. Besides the suit coat and pants, he has a corset, diaper and layer of blubber. That should be enough for anyone.

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A wet diaper can be chilly…

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Just whines constantly like a wet infant.

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Guess he's never heard of layering. He could ask Melania to borrow her coat "I Really Don't Care, Do You?".

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Sweater, anyone?

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For example

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He could go for the George Santos look. That guy had a lot of credibility.

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A sweater might not project power (as if he has any in the courtroom) but there's silk long underwear he could have worn.

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But then he’ll have a terrible time with diaper changes.

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Well, when people get to be old and frail like the napping mango, they tend to be cold

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When people are dead they're cold, he's just not quite dead , yet.

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Going forward he’ll always be Useless J Fuckstick — UJF — to me ❤️

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It's brilliant, isnt it... my new favorite! 😂😂

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That is good.

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Fantastic as ALWAYS, but a special like for coining Sam MAGAlito.

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Here in Canada we are wondering what the hell is going on in the once admired and respected USA.

Going to jail because you have an abortion pill in your pocket? Going to jail because you are helping an 11-year-old who has been impregnated by her father? A Supreme Court that doesn’t follow the rules of law. A narcistic rapist who screws women while his wife is pregnant is being admired by 150 million Americans. What a fucking banana republic you have become!!

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We are bombarded by propaganda on a daily basis that has the only goal of keeping its viewers riled up and watching their Faux News. I don’t know if Canadians are subject to the same level of constant stream of bullshit. Even the mainstream media has gone over the edge with trying to maintain it’s readership by publishing articles about the Narcoleptic Orange Fart Factory that puts him in a good light while ignoring the thousands of demented things he says and does. The gaslighting and total lies have reached a crescendo and many Americans are completely hypnotized.

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Another 🇨🇦here. Not interested in traveling to the States and have not been for quite a while. I hope the sane people can sort out the mess. And we have our share of wingnuts here😵‍💫

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My cousins have dual citizenship, I should get in touch, just in case.

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Those of us with common sense and a few morals peppered with integrity are dying a thousand deaths here. We good guys vote proper, send money to the right places, volunteer. We don’t know what the hell else to do. Well, we know things we’d like to do but no one (sensibly) is ready for the prison and/or death penalty consequences for doing what’s in the back of so many minds.

And that one act would not make the sea change needed to turn this ship around. As I’ve often said, the majority of these people who are harming us and U.S. would not be in power if they weren’t elected into power by people who want them in power. Including the ones who were elected by scags and then had the post to appoint powerful scags like SCOTUS judges.

Husband and I are frequently asking these days: who are we living shoulder to shoulder with? Who are these people? What’s made them so lonely, miserable, and frightfully ignorant? Is that too much MacDonalds? Too much Kardashian tv? All of it? But most other countries have same challenges. What’s with US?

I think we’ve got to go way back to the arrogant principles this country was founded upon (and many of those principles were built upon the idea that white was better than black) using guns to do the talking. I’m not sure “something had just happened to us”. I worry that we are living out our karma.

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Marie: True, but this fascist wave is also in several other countries, namely Hungary, Turkey, etc. Your comment about the way this country was set up is absolutely right on the money. The irony is that to turn things around to redo the constitution or other rules, I think, will require at benevolent dictator for a short while. Some people or a group will have to take command and right things before there can be some healthy settlement.

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Or something. The tripwire I’d finding someone who have standing and test with “both sides”. I fear the train shall never meet.

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Where did that number "150 million" come from?

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I’d like to know too. 74 million voted for the ignoramus in 2020. It’s doubled in 4 years? I’m doubtful.

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FFS if the FBI was going to assassinate Agent Orange, they wouldn’t go to his bedbug haven when he wasn’t there. None of the goons spitting this crap have any way to process any information without making it a conspiracy.

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Agent orange.

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Cmon! They’d take a page out of Putin’s playbook and have the CIA poison his Depends. (No one would want to examine that evidence. Case closed)

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Good News: Senate Democrats have confirmed Biden's 200th judicial nominee, who will join the most diverse group of federal judges appointed by any president in history.

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Just lie, and make up bullshit is exactly what republicans do, because they have NOTHING FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, NOTHING 😡😡😡😡

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There's footage of a woman spotting Gangrene in a DC airport and hailing her as "bleach blonde bad build." That's not going anywhere for a while.

Unfortunately, the non-critical thinking gullible get to vote.

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Bleached blonde bad built BUTCH bod.

To be accurate 😊

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True, BUT the clip only had the first 2.

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maga knows they can vomit out any putrid sludge they want and their idiot base will lap it up.

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They are all part of the cult and have lost any intellectual capacity to examine if what they are swallowing whole has any kernel of truth.

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Kudos to Abby Phillips-more like her PLEASE!

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It must be painful to have that much stupid bullshit rolling around in their mush filled skulls.

DJT cultists are projecting what they'd do if it was Biden.

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Could we discuss IL Senator Dick Durbin blowing off the suggestion that MAGALITO be investigated on some way?

It’s yet another example of Dems totally abdicating their role in fighting the fascist tide.

Dems in Congress have rolled over and played dead. The trio on MSNBC (the 6:00 pm to 9 pm slots) were all about Trump. All I heard was Trump this/that. There is nary a peep about Biden, unless it is relation to Trump. What is with that? I no longer can tolerate repetitive adrenaline-raising blather … goodbye MSNBC. Monday night with Rachel is my only indulgence.

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At least a SCOTUS ethics hearing might get some public attention.

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Agree 100%.

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I love Lawrence O' too. Nicole is good, but too many NYT peeps ( she's married to Michael Schultz )

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Meryl… we discussed Durbin yesterday.

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I do like Larry, too. I only watch them when I'm feeling strong enough to endure it.

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