That San Antonio story is the kind of stuff that makes me want to jes' keep livin'.

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Makes me want to give Jeff a hug! What you do when you appreciate the gift of humor and everything else.

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For the first moment in 50 years, I’m proud to be a Texan

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I'm confused. I thought the GOP liked people having guns and not paying their taxes? Did I miss something happening recently that it's the opposite now?

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Only when it applies to despicable turds like Stone, Rittenhouse and the rest of their twisted hypocrisy.

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Today must be Opposite Day!

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As it so often is in Trumpistan.

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I thought that was everyday in MAGAlandia.

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But I do love the wax Trump getting smashed so often it has to be taken away.

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That it happened in Texas is the icing on the cake.

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I know, right. A little added chuckle.

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OMFG... the bit about the San Antonio Wax Museum is PRICELESS!! If only it became a thing in every place on earth that displayed that loathsome image.

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I know kindergarten students with a better vocabulary than the reality show idiot!

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Them bitching about him not going to prison for breaking a gun law is probably the biggest example of Republican hypocrisy we will ever see.

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The MAGA meltdown over Hunter Biden getting "a slap on the wrist" for "one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance" is hilarious and frightening bullshit. Here I thought MAGA heaven was an America where every [white man & family] one of any age can and will own a gun and be able to carry it concealed or open, anywhere, with no background checks, permit, or training, including grandpa and Uncle Ed who are both hooked on oxy or meth and pack their own ammo for their ghost guns in the basement while listening to MAGA social media. How else are they going to keep the rage and paranoia going?

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You nailed it. MAGAites don’t want to pay taxes and don’t want to have their second amendment rights abridged. Their rights are just that - their rights.

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This morning their delusional hypocrisy playing to the dumbest of the entire U.S., that little knot of Trump's Always base is just too much.

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It’s no wonder that the status of education in our country keeps declining, as one recent news report just stated today. The morons in the GOP, and their DAILY antics are a perfect example of ineptness and stupidity. It is no wonder that our country is ‘circling the drain’. I wasn’t sure if it was pixie-dust, kool-aide, or the faint sounds of a pied-piper...but nah,...it’s good old-fashioned “shit-for-brains” that’s bringing our country to its knees. As Forrest Gump used to say: “Stupid is as stupid does”.....and boy, does that shoe ever fit with these House Republicans!

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How much would it cost to blow the head off the Trump wax figure with a 44 Magnum? Asking for a friend.

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Although I find the topics very infuriating, your humerous writing skills along with other comedic satire, ie. SNL's Weekend Updates, make the wingnut Stupids somewhat tolerable, I think.

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Dammit I should have taken a vacation to San Antonio before they removed the statue of fuckface. Would have been nice to punch him.

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But But But the Biden Crime Family is our favorite story. This was the one we were depending on. 😭😭😭. Sucks to be a brain dead MAGA today. 😂

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