I can’t wait til that degenerate becomes completely irrelevant

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I alway completely agree with your posts. Clownshoes Shitshow, using that.

How many ways can Jim Jordan be disparaged? Shall we count the ways..? Jim Jordan is as relevant as 8 track cassettes, electric blankets, Pink Catawba wine, Jordache jeans, macrame anything, avocado green carpeting, my 1976 Ford Galaxy 500 with no air conditioning...

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Solid Truth.

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Here's the brilliance of the Tiedrichslap once again...

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But those of us who are sitting back watching and enjoying the hell out of the inept Gym Jordan flail and crash and then Taibbi, who at one time I thought as a great journalist walk straight into Wasserman-Schultz trap, which anybody should have seen coming from miles off, I'm only astonished at the level of ineptitude. And he can't effin produce a piece of evidence? Good grief, Gym, we hardly knew ye. Because you are a dream come true and we can't believe our good luck, not that the dimwits will understand or be swayed, but still....wow. Who knew they were so stupid on this level?

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Gym is such a waste of fresh air. Unfortunately his constituents thinks he’s the cats meow just like his ilk in the house.

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