Ms. Spouse is very pleased that I wrote an entire post and didn't use the word 'dipshit' once

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Republican Party - Cult of Dipshits with Props.

i love the word dipshit, been using it since i was a kid.

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A very effective word, dipshit.

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In all honesty, if I ever ran into that dipshit out on the streets, I would ask him what he hopes to accomplish by being a complete dipshit.

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Indeed, also ask such a person not to breed, that is all we need--litters of little dipshits running about.

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Birth Control for dipshits: a fine idea!

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😂 I submit for her approval “chucklefuck”. Unless you’ve already used it, in which case I humbly apologize. We love “dipshit” though; a timeless classic. 👏🏼👊🏼

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That works too.

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Hi Jeff, I have some additional material for you. You may have already seen this, as Jay Kuo posted it. Remember how Tuberville has said that every time he sees Biden on TV he thinks he's going to fall down? Well this is the most perfect example of karmic retribution I've seen in a long time:


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that looked painful! I should be sorry about how hard I'm laughing. I'm not.

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As Jay Kuo said when he posted this: “it’s OK to laugh, he didn’t get hurt.” 😊

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You’re a nasty woman Lol. Isn’t that what Donald Trump calls every woman who doesn’t like his boots like Kari Lake?

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(lick his boots? among other things?) LOL

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Schadenfreude + karma. Can’t beat that!!

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Not am I.

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Nor, oops!!

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i saw that a few days ago and laughed so hard i peed in my pants. seriously, i did.

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The same thing might’ve happened to Tuberville on his way down those stairs.

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One can only hope that he peed his pants.

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That was a pretty nasty tumble, so anything is possible.

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That is HILARIOUS!!!

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We’re not being very Buddhist are we Kathy? 😂

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HAHA!!! (No, we're not, are we?) HAHA!!!

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I saw that.

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Uh-oh! You saw Lorraine uh, do what she described?!

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I think Charlie was saying that he saw the hilarious video previously. These threads get so intertwined it’s hard to figure out who’s replying to which comment.

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I know! I just decided to go with the other possibility. (LOL)

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Perfection. Thank you for pointing out the fickle finger of fate.

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I hope that means you have permission to double up on ‘that word’ tomorrow. All respect to Ms. Spouse!

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the headline of my draft for tomorrow's post includes the word 'dipshittiest'. let's see if it survives the editing process, or if I end up writing about something else entirely

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It's very likely that something even more dipped in shit will happen by tomorrow

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good one, dipped in shit.

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Trying to keep track of all the new terminology on this site keeps my head spinning and my laugh meter ALL the way up! Thanks and keep up the excellent work.

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Try shipdits. We’ll know what you are saying. 😎

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Got to keep the home at least one safe place. Myself, I could not maintain that-- I guess that's why I'm going on 51 years as a divorcee. Good luck.

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Oh...but it’s implied!!!! LOL

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However, if the name fits....

Your restraint is commendable, I guess ........

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Yes, and if the Foo shits, wear it, Gymmy Jockstrap. (old joke)

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I like eat it better in Gym's case.

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Every mention of Jordan should come with a reminder that he was involved in the sexual abuse of young men.

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fair point

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JEFF!! and as I have posted before , where are the FING Billboards?

Add's Not just from the Lincoln Project

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Honestly; what sort of people could possibly think that electing a criminal pervert cover-up artist to a position of even minor governmental importance was a smashing idea??

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And from a party that regurgitates the label "groomer" towards anyone not expressing hatred towards gay and trans children.

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Much less, third in line to POTUS!!!

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We DO NOT want to think about that! If Jordan is Speaker, Biden and Harris need to step up their security to an insane level. We see how they operate.

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Shouldn't the position come with an intelligence test requirement? Or even a simple certificate of humanity, for gods' sake?? I was on board with this succession arrangement when Pelosi was speaker. The current crop of aspirants presents an entirely new conundrum....

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Even worse: what if the fuckwads actually do the hideously unthinkable and stick DJT in? We may as well start planning serial funerals.

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Nah, he won't do it. He'd have to show up before 1:00 PM and work every day.

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And I don't trust the fucking Secret Service.

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And was overtly involved in the attempted overthrow of our democracy. To me, this little factoid should be front and center in every single article about this miscreant. Even higher up than the sexual molestation reminder - which should be pretty fucking high on the daily reminder list.

Oh…and that other little fact that he decided he decided he didn’t need to respond to a congressional subpoena AND NOTHING HAPPENED TO HIM. Huh? How is that remotely legal and why wasn’t he charged ala Navarro and Bannon?

Yeah…so let’s make him speaker of the house…what????

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Smith needs to indict the Members of Congress that were involved in the coup plot. And he needs to do this ASAP!!

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Every. Single. Time.

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Come on Jeff, I’m on the west coast having a leisurely breakfast and you publish an image of some deranged woman with a lasso walking through Congress... for the love of mercy and all that is good she looks like an image one might conjure up after ingesting LSD... and those googly eyes... my god man , have you no shame? BTW I did love it, even though I had to clean the coffee from my nose from the floor😂

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Maybe she'll use it for some public bondage tricks....

I honestly don't know how much more I can deal with before I start banging my head against a wall. FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!!

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Perhaps she was going to meet Pervy McForehead for a round of ride 'em cowboy and other assorted rope tricks.

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Rope tricks... ( it's called bondage!!!) 🤣🤣🤣

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Maybe she wants it handy in case she runs into Mike Pence.

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Fastball, I can't stop laughing!!!!!

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Is she wearing head to toe leather? Or pleather? Does the woman own a fucking mirror? She obviously has no friends.

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All that.

I watched Hageman's debate appearance. Oy, vey. She is Gohmert-level dumb. And right at home in this party.

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Hageman was what they wanted instead of Liz Cheney, wasn't it?

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That woman makes fence posts look like Nobel Laureates.

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Why do I hear circus music while reading about the GOP?🤡🤡🤡

Does GOP stand for Get Off my Property? Grifters Only Party? Goofs On Parade? Garbage Only Please?

All of the above???

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Grossly Overpaid Politicians.

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You can add "getting over personhood" to the fold... :-)

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Seriously at first glance I thought that was George Santos’ alter ego in dominatrix costume. I’m still not sure.

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I am deceased 🤣

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You know what? It could be. (Mad Cowgirl)

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“Gavel Asshole”! HA! This sum of Republican performance art is a sad commentary on their current state. Hageman and the lasso? WTF? They obviously don’t see how crazy they look to the rest of the world. If their Democratic opponents don’t capitalize on this absurd behavior, then shame on the Dems. It’s comedic gold.

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“Republicans eat their young” .....I’m officially dead!!🤣

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Person Woman Man Eat Young

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TBH, I didn't even notice it until Jeff pointed it out. I just don't REALLY listen to Agent Orange anymore.

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I need to double subscribe to you now if only for ‘former President Ratbrain”. (This is how you got your wife to fall in love with you, isn’t it.)(just admit it)

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You and the name "Ratbrain" just won. All hail, Patris and Jeff.

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President Ratbrain, priceless!!

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This with “sexpest Matt Gaetz” are my favorites to date.

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The oligarchy’s dumbing down of America has been in the works for decades. It appears we are reaching critical mass. One political party has embraced joined the ideology of destruction and nihilism. The other party had best take the gloves off and execute a plan to save America ASAP. The window of opportunity is closing fast.

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Exactly... no “Procrastination” needed. Over and Out with them forever.🇺🇸

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The Republican Party only recruits the worst and dumbest. Is it because the GOP has become so toxic that nobody with a brain wants to join?

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The lasso?! My bet: She’s gonna rope and ride them little doggies while they eat their young! And Mr IDF should be Mr IBS after eating their young--especially if he’s chowing down on Pervy Shouty McShoutface! He’s a gasbag cruciferous vegetable brain on steroids! I’ll see myself out.

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I'll join you, Susan. Let's go eat 🎂.

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Sounds good to me!

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"Republicans eat their young ..."

Is he thinking about Ivanka?

(ducks to avoid all the things being thrown my way)

Sorry, couldn't help it.

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Nah, I thought the same thing. Personally I think he's fucked her.

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Gavel Asshole... Former President Ratbrain...


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And “they” complained about Senator Fetterman in a hoodie????

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This is the dumbest bunch of rotting minds loose in Congress these days, unfortunately. It would be funny that on the inside Republicans who actually do know how to do this job cannot stop commenting on the fact that so many of them in the House these days have no clue how its done nor do they care nor want to. And Hageman has a rope presumably to lasso someone and wrap them in her vinyl tablecloth skirt.

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Mary, I wondered about that skirt.... Omg😂

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lol. I’m so glad. It's weird isn’t it

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