it's such a firehose of news these days that I didn't even have time to get to the new Gaetz and Hegseth allegations, or the Big Dick Toilet Salesman being appointed Ambassador to NATO, or Sporky's meltdown over the Gaetz report, or —

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No shit! Fuck Mace, Morning fucking Joe/Mika, Mike Johnson and stupid ass trump with another gimmick…jesus f***ing christ….where the hell are we????????

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sorry for all the fucks! lol

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FUCK in every tense is the only word we need for the next 4 years.

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I'd actually like a fucking stronger word than fuck to use for the next four fucking years...

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mothafucka is Kamala's favorite...

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I somehow doubt that!

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Mine has been "JeezusfukinChrist!" since the early1 970s. Hammer on thumb? Someone swings a 2X4 and knocks over your coffee? JeezzusssfukinChrist!!!!

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Mine is my paternal grandmother's "Jesus H. Christ"! She was an inveterate curser, especially when she was behind the wheel of her car. I can hear her now, screaming at a driver she thought had made a particularly bad move. "You stupid son of a bitch", she'd yell out her window, "You oughtn't be allowed to drive!"

It was a blessing not many people carried guns in those days.

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Fuck a goddamned Duck. said it pretty well too.

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Christ on a cracker!

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The best way to use "Fuck" is sparingly. Then it has a certain shock value. It seems on some social forums, it's the assholes on the right who fill their brainless posts with curses when they have no reply

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how about Star Farking Irther???

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Fuckinghell is my go-to....

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I agree, it doesn’t feel strong enough for me either!

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Trump the cunt.

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I, peronsally, like "Shitpisscatfuckcocksucker." All one word. Why "catfuck?" Because that's the fuckitest fuck there is!

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Ah fuck it!😂😂

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As my late husband always said: “Fuck the fucking fuckers!”

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WWII joke: an officer is driving along and sees a soldier kicking his broken-down Jeep by the side of the road. He stops and asks "What seems to be the problem, soldier?"

"The fucking fucker's fucked, sir!"

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Sometimes a” fuck” is the only word that works especially in these times!

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And I don't think I EVER used the "c" word until DJT and his Congress.

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Fuck the fuck all the way off.

One of my go-tos.

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Sorry, not sorry for fucks sake

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Please continue to fuck away as you see fit

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Fuck 'em if they can't choke on it.

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Don’t be. That seems to be most of my vocabulary these days and I’d love company. All the craptastics are flying out of Dumbfuckistan so we have to be ready for the onslaught and I’m nowhere out of fucks.

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I'm rather fond of FUCKITY - BYE !

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Let it out, Tess! Don't want to keep that shit bottled up.

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Fuckin’ eh Tess, no apology necessary!

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I was once behind a truck that had around 40 bumper stickers all over the tailgate. Every one had the word fuck or some variation thereof. My favorite was "Practice safe sex. Go fuck yourself!"

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Feather mucking coke stackers!

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My go to: What the fuck Ever!!!!!

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Don’t be.

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You're good, Tess. We have to call it like it is. "Fuck" is what it is.

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Joe S. Is a former repugnantkin ,trusting them is always a bad bet !🖕🏿here’s to ya Joe !

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He's sure a blowhard who failed upwards.

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Tess, we're in a time warp...and there doesnt seem to be a way out. 👀

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voice of Torgo: There is no way out of here. It will be dark soon.

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Why does “Dammit, Janet” come immediately to mind?

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Susan mentioned a time warp? But when isn’t ‘Damnit, Janet’ appropriate?

Time meant nothing, never will again.

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Time is a flat circle Susan, there’s no escaping it… unless I can find new parts for the broken down time machine in my garage!

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Sign me up when you’ve got it working.

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I’m ready to find a wormhole anytime now.

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Fuck them all, is a perfectly normal human response to the wrath of fuckery brought upon us by a mookish coterie of imbecilic sycophants Tess!!

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Fuck ‘em ALL! 😡

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You're fucking fine, Tessa. FUCK may be my next vanity plate.

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I typed Tess....fucking autocorrect

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Buckle. up bitches, it's going to be a firehose news day for at least the next 4 years if we make it that long. The orange one CRAVES seeing his name everywhere

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He craves keeping us worried, outraged, off balance and focused on anything besides what he doesn’t want known. He floods the news with garbage.

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Meanwhile, our attention is directed away from the dismantling of our system of government and the Constitution. The flood of garbage is a strategy.

A strategy for dismantling the economy. Before 1913, there was no federal income tax and government was paid for mostly by tariffs. Now we will pay federal income tax, and Trump’s tariffs will be the same as a federal sales tax. But the extra money will fund tax cuts for the wealthy, won’t it? Trade wars? Who cares about those? Inflation? Who cares. . Um, maybe the people who googled What are tariffs? After they voted.

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I am waiting for Trumpee to erupt when he sees Leon on the cover of TIME. Someone will pay.

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I’ve decided to call him “Shadow President Musk” every time I mention him. That should cause some fighting among them.

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Someone recently called him FLEM (First Lady Elon Musk). I want that to go viral.

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I've also seen him called Elonia

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I did a spit take on " FLEM. 😉

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I just refer to him as co-President. I may have appropriated that from the site.

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I'm trying out "Co-President Musk." Donnie wouldn't like that, one bit.

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I can’t wait! Thanks, Marcie!

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If his coterie read a single book, there are many written about Trump’s history. Used their eyes, or fingers in a search, instead of trusting ignorance to find truth. Knowing exactly where this mobbed up wastrel came from, instead of staring blindly at a fictitious reality TV show. They might have recognized the con Susan! Alas, I digress…

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TPTB takes care of all of this Susan, trumpis simply a useful idiot!

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Useful asset might be better

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He’s so much more than that, Patrick. He invented his style of dividing and creating outrage and hate among us, drawing in many, many millions of people. He’s the main wrecking ball on whose coattails the PTB ride. But he is limited by not having inherited the legacy of Love. He feels a sense of love only from a united, hate filled mob at his rallies. He gets his sense of power from getting his people to act simply by dropping hint or innuendo. Something changed in him the moment he watched the insurrection, that he created, on the monitor in his dining room. He wast rapt, believing the hate on the screen was love for him. And oh! the power!

He revolts many more millions who HAVE experienced loving kindness, respect and nurturing from someone. Our constitution was derived from love. That’s why it’s fragile and yet enduring.

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…did I say enduring?

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He wants us distracted while he steals the tires.

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A gravestone would be 👍 nice .

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Jeff should consider writing 2 posts:

The Grifter & His Clowns


Other off the wall shite.

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True dat Chris!

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Then we should paint DRUMPF ALL OVER.

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Yeah, let's paint turd! Here'sy suggestion 🌈🌈

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If there isn't a message to NATO in the appointment of the toilet dude—

"I, Donny Convict, regard NATO as a crap hole alliance. I'm sending this very special ambassador to remind you of that every single day."

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Except for the fact that all that aid to NATO is in the form of arms sales or contracts for food, medicine, and rebuilding damaged cities, which is big money for large US Corporations who provide the materials. They will not be happy to lose the fortune they normally get through NATO contracts. But, go ahead, you Republicans cut your noses off to spite your faces and follow the Revenger who wants to crush those meanies who laughed at his whiffy Napoleonic displays.

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Exactly Kathleen!

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I think you’re going to have to expand your reports to 2x daily.

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Absolutely not. Let's not wear out Jeff. Don't burn this guy's butt at both ends.

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I wouldn’t dream of burning Jeff’s butt at both ends. I wouldn’t know how to go about doing it, for one thing.

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[weird images in my head]

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Jeff is the man. He keeps us sane. Four years is a long stretch. Stay healthy and sarcastic, Jeff. We need you. Ps when are you going to the golf motel to kiss the ring? Tell us it ain't so. Just kidding, friends. I am one of the many who will no longer watch Morning Joey. Oh, the horror. Thank you maestro of madness, Jeff the Jenius.

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Brusler la chandelle par les deux bouts Kathleen???

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Sorry, burning a candle at both ends!

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but actually it's "bruler."

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It was so nice during the early Biden years when we didn't have to cringe morning, noon and night over the constant updates on this asshat's fuckery.

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But god, how the media/entertainment industry loves this guy! Perpetual clickbait heaven for them.

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Obama too

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I think we are getting the picture well enough on our own. Now the media decides to report in full glory about Trump, because everything he does now that he is coming back to office, is a moneymaker. As for Morning Joe, my friend and I were discussing that they will end up on Fox News, or Newmax, and just like in the book 1984, they will erase any trace of who they were before. No loss to me because I am not a network disinformation news person anyway.

I am grateful to AOC, and worried for her safety as well. Without being too alarmist, I have been trying to tell my friends to get their daughters out of the USA. I am posting a piece on the nitty gritty details of applying to University in Germany, because I know that best. Hopefully it will get the juices flowing for people to at least look into where they might go to university, as being one of the easier ways to get into another country.

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Also, gently discourage all women, as well as LGBTQ persons, from joining the military. It isn't safe now; they won't survive. They're "open season" and without legal recourse if abused or harmed.

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Not to mention the shocking #of RAPES in the military. Women are retraumatized when trying to report sexual harassment, sexual assault or rape, as the process is that the report chain is to the woman's superior, WHO IN TOO MANY CASES IS THE SAME PERSON WHO RAPED HER!! I've written, emailed, tweeted about this for over a decade AND NOTHING IS DONE. NO WOMAN SHOULD JOIN THE #ToxicMasculinity

widespread entrenched rape of female military members.

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It's going to get worse.

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Jeff, have you heard about Spoonamore’s ideas how Trump won all of the swing states, by a margin too big to trigger automatic recounts? Thom Hartmann interviews Spoonamore, who along with Duncan Buell have written Duty to Warn letters to VPHarris. Verrrrry interesting to hear from people who know stuff about hacking, and how Elon may have helped. Spoonamore says a hand recount of paper ballots will prove or disprove if votes were added electronically from Musk’s list of voters that he signed up for his lottery.

I am afraid that our “Oh, we aren’t the people who buy conspiracy theories. We aren’t like Them” mentality may not be in our favor this time.

Is asking for a manual recount a conspiracy theory? Al Gore conceded in 2000, then withdrew his concession. Only after Bush was in office for a year or so was it learned that Gore actually did win Florida.

What could be wrong with counting the votes?

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And the New York Times buried the story about Gore winning Florida, even though they'd ponied up most of the money for the recount.

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I'm not big on conspiracy theories but it's curious how Trump kept saying "You don't have to vote, I don't need the votes"

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Yeah, and Trump said “Just vote this time and you’ll never have to vote again.”

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Supposedly someone asked where Elon was at the election night watch party. “Oh, he went home already. He has an app, he says Trump won.” Steve Bannon, rather early said, “We’ve got this,”

The app Spoonamore refers to is EPollBook, which is online and available to election officials and I don’t know who else. I googled it. It can tell if a particular person has voted yet or not, and which polling place. Etc.

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It was the 15 million “Undervotes” of those who voted only for president and nothing else that also happened to only be in swing states. Or was that debunked, because that sounds fishy to me.

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