Schumer needs to make them vote. Mitch wants to block it? Fine, but do a floor vote anyway. Dems constantly fail to make Rs take a public stand, and at this point their constituents need to know how they voted.

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Schumer doing SOMETHING? Doubtful, very doubtful

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🤣 I know. Can you imagine if Biden had let go of his Senate institutionalism a bit earlier and supported Klobuchar for leader in 2021? So much caution about change and so many lost opportunities, there and at DOJ.

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I’m not sure it would have made a hill of beans. It’s easy to speak on MSNBC or CNN, and Klobuchar is an interviewer’s dream. On the other hand, Kamala Harris was extremely well-spoken during her tenure in the Senate. Some days she shows signs of growing into the job and the next she falls flat on her face. My take is that Biden was so caught up learning the tricks of Presidential work that he forgot about mentoring. No one else was waiting in the wings to help Sen Harrris. And she has suffered greatly in ridicule and dismissal as a serious person, let alone as VP. Very sad for her future.

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Well they can't be all 100 winners.

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Time and time again, for years now, this has appeared to be the legislative version of "professional wrestling."

Before the 'match', each agrees who will be the 'bad guy' and who will 'win'. And how they'll appear to 'win'.

Then the kabuki dance plays out. Repubs obstruct, then Dems object, Repubs stand fast, nothing happens, oh well.

The kabuku is complete.

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THANK YOU for clearly stating what is really at work behind Tuberville's blockade of military confirmation and promotions: you cannot have a successful coup without the military, and the folks over at Project 2025 know this full well. Trump tried in his own flailing-about way to get some generals to back his coup attempt, and when they clearly stated they would not, he was furious. If he gets re-elected, loyalist pawn Tuberville will be well-rewarded if he succeeds in holding open all those high-up appointments (perhaps Coach has fantasies of being Secretary of State?). Then Trump really will be able to call them "my generals" as he so badly wanted to do. I wish the main stream media would start talking about this.

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Amen! Sadly, we cannot count on the MSM for anything logical anymore....

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But you can write or call them! My letter to the editor of our newspaper which has millions of readers, was published today. They never tout the accomplishments of Biden-Harris and I went off on them that they should be calling out every single lie Trump says! Do it!

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The purpose, the reason corporate media exist is PROFIT.

They make PROFIT by selling commercial ad space. They charge more for the ad space based on RATINGS.

The "news" is the bait. The bait increases ratings. The longer you watch or record, the higher the ratings. The conflict and worry and distraction they create extend the Time Spent Watching.

The PROFIT is the objective. The bait raises the ratings, the ratings increase the rate value.

Why should anyone "count on them" for anything else?

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Because, once upon a time in a land now far away, we could count on the media to tell the (mostly) unvarnished truth. You must not be old enough to remember that era.

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kinda hard for the mainstream media to talk about this in a bad light when the owners are all behind this 100%.... that is the problem. Only ones talking is MSNBC and that's it.

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Actually, David Muir of ABC World News Tonight is also telling it like it is. I watch his show faithfully, I’m very happy with his reporting.

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That's good to hear... I like him and miss his show often here on the west coast.

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He really cares about truth. I guess you get the show at 3:30, kind of early for someone with a job.

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He seems to really appreciate his reporters I've noticed. Thanks them on the air.

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My local ABC affiliate does that too. They are like a family, that’s why I only watch ABC.

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Since Biden will be president, there's no chance of a coup until God forbid trump

is elected and at the end of his term in 2030 he won't leave, and if he is dead, his evil spawn will take over.

What a fucking horrible scenario.

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T45 will still be in jail. No chance he’ll be alive when his time is up.

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There is even a chance T45 may be dead by election day next year, or possibly in prison or mental institution. Every day he seems to be closer to either one with his rambling rants at his rallies or on his social media outlet. Mental healtlh professionals are following them with great interest and makeing bets.

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Sorry, but the pessimist in my head said that nothing will ever happen to that fat fuck.

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Vote like it is a break-even disaster, sit back and be happy after the chickens are counted. And there had better be a lot of chickens.

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Sorry, but the next term for our president ends in 2028 (4-year terms) an honest mistake. :-(

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don't think you're correct. the next president doesn't get sworn in until Jan 20 2025.

So add a four-year term to that and that makes it 2029 so then the next president wouldn't be sworn in until Jan 20 2030

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Sorry. You are right about the swearing-in doesn’t take place until January but the next election is in November 2024 (next year) and the next presidential term starts in January 2025. Add four years to that and I get 2029, not 2030.

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but that president isn't sworn in until jan 20, 2030

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That’s not true. Election will (hopefully) be held in November 2028 and the winner will be inaugurated in January, 2029. You’re two years off. Presidential elections are held every four years. The last one was 2020. The one next year in 2024. And there will be another one in 2028. I can’t explain it any clearer to you.

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@jaBier is right; that president will be sworn in on January 20, 2029.

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Indeed, they rail against a so called WOKE military because "the awake" are conscientious, caring and strong. They want toadies, weak willed men and women who will not flinch at killing civilians, or anyone for that matter, in the name of their greater good. Ideologues and easy to manipulate minions.

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It’s what I’ve suspected for a couple months now. Mitch gonna lose his precious post if he doesn’t intervene.

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I cannot press the Like button enough...

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" I wish the mainstream media would start talking about this."

There is less profit in it than there is in continued conflict.

They make more money out of conflict than they do out of progress and compromise. You might want to write it down.

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I have - over the past month I have written emails to a number of commentators, anchor-persons, and executives; I have commented on Substacks that I have paid subscriptions to, and have x-tweeted as well. Until Jeff's Substack yesterday, and Jay Kuo's yesterday, I had not yet seen or heard any media person say this quiet part out loud. Perhaps now, hopefully, it will start to role. Cheers.

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Once more, with feeling: Fuck off, Tommy!

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Tommy Tuberknocker is the kind of person I picture singing along with Green Day's "Longview."

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I felt bad for Mitch when he froze. “He’s a human being” I told myself... but he isn’t. He’s evil in a skin suit and I need to remember that when it happens again. Jeff is spot on about the Chip Roy clip.. that needs to be on loop in every campaign commercial from now to eternity.

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I assume whatever health issues Mitch has will crop up again, because we know that one of the contributing factors to Americans dropping life expectancy is STRESS! I assume Mitch will have this in spades no matter what he does because even if he were to switch parties after this, they would come after him. He belongs to the party of the DISTRESSED! When I was in grad school one of the things we learned is that there is good stress, that is the stress that makes you more productive, and bad stress, which continually triggers your fight or flight syndrome, producing all sorts of chemicals and if continuous is going to change your brain chemistry for the worse. This kind of stress, Distress, is what being a Republican party member is all about except for those too stupid to recognize what is going on. That is what we saw exercised yesterday with some member of Congress challenging the teamster union leader, and others engaging in the usual viciousness that they send towards Democrats, but they send it towards each other in Spades. In fact, I thought that the Mitch might have been shoved, or hurt by someone of his own party when he was in the hospital. In any case, he is playing for the wrong team if he wants a long and healthy life.

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Correct. I bet they long for the good old days when they could just stress about Trump and ignore the fact that they’re out of touch with voters. This election was a long overdue wake up call and it has them stressed.

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Mitch has been putting on this shitshow since Obama's last term. Republicans have taken the cue to be obstructionists directly from him.

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"Esteemed Senator Turtlefuck"...dude, you are the fucking best!...I live to aspire to verbal brilliance like this...Everyone Is Entitled is the best part of my morning EVERY morning...thanks for being YOU, Jeff!

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Go home to your terrarium in Kentucky = LOL!

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right???.....verbal brilliance yet again!! hahahaha......

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Shoot that Chip Roy speech into my veins...funny how crickets chirped in a finance committee meeting. Republicans couldn’t reply as to why farmers tax credits should be cut but those choosing private school get a larger tax cut...Guy Fawkes the GOP and end their tyranny!

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The next time Turtle McJagoff has a brain freeze, I hope he does a face plant into a coal mine and drags Elaine Chao with him. He's a fossil fuel industry shill, and lest we forget, it is he who shoved Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett down the throat of the body politic. Sure, Trump and his cronies are destructive, but it's McConnell, MCCONNELL, who has done the most damage to our republic. And here's a really fun fact: His daughters from his first marriage haven't spoken to him in decades. Everybody hates Mitch.

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Oh god, I was unaware that he had reproduced. I would like to invite those women out for drinks and have a nice chat.

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This is as too-mean as Schumer is too-nice.

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Not 'mean' at all. Truth is what it is.

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Being fair, Mitch does plenty for his country. It's just that it's Moscow Mitch and his country is Russia.

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MM is an obstructionist fuck who can’t let go of the fact that he hated that Obama won the presidency not only once but twice….in addition to fucking Obama out of an SCOTUS pick.

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Dig around, those aren't even like his top ten shitty moments.

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I agree with you. He makes me sick to my stomach to the point where the Kentucky stroke victim needs to retire before the 2024 election.

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Mitch cant just freeze for good? I dont get why he wants to screw with the military. Chip Roy really did give the Democrats an ad-I just hope they have the balls to use. And, Tommy Tub-O-Shot is spot on. Well done, sir. 👏👏👏👏👏

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So rump can appoint 'loyalists' is entirely believable to me.

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Very much so. Treasonous Tommy is following orders from the tangerine turd and manipulated Mitch doesn't have the balls to do the right thing.

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Exactly - military and diplomatic positions. We're seeing Project 2025 in progress. IMHO

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I believe the alternative about holding those positions open for tfg to fill. Tubby doesn’t care about abortion.

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Sadly, you are probably right. Investigators need to look into him.. 🙄

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I’ve felt that way since it first started. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

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can someone explain to me why Schumer doesn't hold the senate 24/7 until every nominee is confirmed or all their prostates explode? I think they can vote on one nominee every four hours as long as it takes. sure the senators don't have to remain in the chamber but they would have to show up every four hours to vote.

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Been saying that for NINE months!!! Cancel recesses, cancel weekends and this will end quickly and could have ended months ago. I believe the Dems will then have the votes to rescind the rule that allows the blockade. Senate is out all next week to work in their state (those running are campaigning) and it would be ended quickly if Schumer canceled it until the votes were cast. Cancel it! Make them stay through Thanksgiving and I would venture to bet that they would get more than the 9 GOP votes required. On another note - Schumer cannot be re-elected to Majority or Minority Leader again. He has shown - especially in this instance - nothing but weakness. Put Senator Klobuchar in charge and see what happens! She won't FA.

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YES! It is so unfair to the people getting stuck in the middle. The senate needs to feel some pain, actually a lot of pain, over this.

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Saint Mitch of the Negative Vindictive Brotherhood

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It is a running request, for years, on the Thom Hartmann radio/streaming program to have anyone submit any federal legislation or policies initiated by the Repubs that provided primary benefit to lower and middle income households. No one has ever submitted anything that positively impacted the lives of lower and middle income citizens because the Repubs don't govern with the interests of the lower and middle income Americans, their focus has been and will continue to be corporations and the very wealthy. When Rep. Chip Roy give his little whinny speech he didn't realize he was basically talking about the totality of Repub governance for the past several decades. The Repubs did champion and helped passed the Medicare prescription drug program but then realized they hadn't given their Big Pharma campaign contributors all they wanted so they made it illegal to negotiate prescription drug prices for Medicare, another big win for corporate America. The Repubs do very little to make a better overall society. They promote trickledown economics, want to eliminate or severely cut Social Security and Medicare, they want to allow corporations to run wild polluting American, they want no minimum wage, they want no labor laws, and just about everything else that truly will not make America great again. Chip just sit down and think about it your party sucks for most of America but you have mastered the art of lying enough to get millions of willingly ignorant and gullible people to vote Repubs into positions of power and often against their own best interests.

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I wish I could upvote this a zillion times. Spot on.

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I thought when Mitch had his two Raiders of the Lost Ark Nazi face melting episodes that might be his cue to exit stage left. Apparently not. His evil brain remains intact, chomping at the bit to engage in further devastation.

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"...and fuck off back to your terrarium in Kentucky." Outright, prolonged laughter! You ARE The Master....

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I have a picture in my head of a turtle with Mitch McConnell's face, in a terrarium.

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On it's back. Please God.

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He would be the post turtle.

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