He argued that the state has an interest in preventing sex outside marriage, which he then defines as covenant marriage, a form of enslavement. Rarely has a face so called out for a ham-sized fist.

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Yep! Covenant marriage makes it very difficult to get a divorce. A handy way to keep women under their thumb.

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Well that's very bad news for Mags & Boebs, right?

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But he loves TFFG who’s on his third marriage… Just like all those evangelicals who love him 😡although he doesn’t follow ANY of their precepts.

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I’m not so sure since they’re both divorced now, but it could be in the future

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Do you realize that until recently in the 2,009 years of recorded history, women had no say in anything? Fathers would trade their daughters for a damn cow. Marry her off to the highest bidder. That still goes on in places. My nephew had to buy a refrigerator for the father of the girl he wanted to marry in tbe Philippines. And so much worse in Middle East.

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I'd like to smack this guy upside the head with a Honeybaked ham for the smirk alone.

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That would be a waste of a good ham!

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How about smacking him upside the head with a gym jordan?

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That would work for me!

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I’d rather use a big frozen turkey

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I was just about to say that. Besides, I saw on the news that the price of turkey is down and the price of ham is up. I haven't eaten any pork since drumpf legalized using the whole damn hog including intestines and fecal matter, feet, toenails, you name it. I think a big frozen turkey would be a great choice.

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I love a good small sheet pan pork roast with onions and sweet potatoes, the seasoning recently came out and I’ll be damedcif if I let his stupidity ruin that. Anyway the FDA would never approve that.

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Learning about the Duggers, and seeing Shiny Happy People, and some websites discussing the IBLP (Institute of Basic Life Principals), I got to understanding that Evangelical Christians of this Ilk are practicing slavery for women and children. It is pretty appalling. MAGA Mike sounds like this kind of person. Supporting modern day slavery, and using homeschooling to avoid any chance for escape for their wives or children. I have never wished for the continued good health of Biden and Harris as I do right now. To think that he is 2 seats from the White House. https://www.usa.gov/presidential-succession

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I am in total agreement!!

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Scary shit here. It’s mind blowing that Republicans think this archaic thinking is going to help them. You are soooo right. Not only must we vote but encourage others to get registered and vote. I truly believe that many Americans don’t understand what an authoritarian rule would mean to them. The Democrats MUST make their message clear and direct.

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I agree. I'm not exactly sure what they hear when Republicans talk.

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They hear, said out loud, the hatred for liberals that's in their heads and hearts.

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Such angry people! Hate has to be a horrible thing to carry with you. Hate of entire groups of people for no reason other than they're "different." I'm not sure I'll ever understand that.

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Same here. What happens to a person who feels this way? We all bleed the same. Propaganda is a powerful thing.

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Propaganda is a powerful thing: 1930’s Germany a la Joseph Goebbels!

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Yes. And it’s up to us to stop it. I wonder if the general population understands what it would mean to them to have an authoritarian country. Do they teach WW II and Hitler in school?

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Whatever FOX or their preacher says is what they believe.

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They don’t. It’s not totally their fault. They don’t have time to teach on one subject in school. They gave way more to cram in that when I was in school. I read a lot of history based non fiction but not every one like to read further. I wish they knew so they would recognize it when they see

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“Ofmichael” is right out of the Handmaid’s Tale. We’re really closer to that nightmare now that MJ is the new Speaker of the House. I would like to believe that in fact, his becoming the new “face” of the GOP will help the Dem’s regain the House, Senate, and the Presidency. I know...it’s speculation, but Mike Johnson will only HELP to get us there. That’s my hope, that’s my take....and I myself will PRAY for that to be so (and I’m an agnostic!) ;). !!!

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Vote Blue🇺🇸💙!

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Gods aren’t necessary for prayer. Love is.

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I agree that he's a really graphic illustration of what happens when christo-fascists are in charge and that it should educate voters (and scare them half to death.)

But it's only going to help if the states that are actively seeking to take advantage of a corrupted Supreme Court don't manage to completely rig voting like it's 1878 in the deep south. Texas is becoming a serious hellhole, even with a population that is becoming more diverse and liberal year after year. The state lege hasn't declared its independence from being required to pay attention to election outcomes -- not yet anyway -- but I'm a little surprised they haven't tried it yet. I mean, it's not like the 5th Circuit is going to put a stop to it.

And if things don't go well for the ruling party, I fully expect our felonious AG to file court cases all over the US to invalidate any results he doesn't like. He had his ass tossed out everywhere he tried it last time, but Paxton does not appear to be a guy who learns from the past -- unless he reads a lot of Nazi history.

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Absolutely, we are NOT, nor do we want to become a theocracy.

I am a liberal Christian, and I refuse to allow him to ‘rule’ over me.

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Amen. Me too. And it should not even matter, but they interpret the Bible in a very weird, narrow, cultish, way. All this hatred is not even in there, in the New Testament. There are parables to support loving and accepting, and helping each other over and over....especially the poor, the kids, the oppressed. I know it like the back of my hand after a horrible life altering event (almost life ending) happened to me. And it supports me being the flaming liberal that I am. Seriously!! Opposing interpretations is just another reason that any religion, and government, need to stay separated!!

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I’m 83, and grew up in a liberal church. Or motto is: In essentials, Unity; in non-essentials, Liberty; and in all things, Love. At my age it’s much easier to follow the precepts of Christianity, because I’m physically unable to do things younger people do.

I’m so very glad you are still with us, and that you’ve responded to my comment. May your future be truly blessed.

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Thank you! May you be blessed greatly. Thank you for making my day and week - you have just encouraged me so much! I'm 59, and am disabled. I don't walk much, or very well. and I am the same way. I understand! 😍💜

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You have made my day too. I am also disabled, I can’t stand or walk for very long due to back issues. We are just sisters from different generations! 💙💙💙

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Yes, we are!! I agree! 😍

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I will bet any body part I have two of Magic Mike has a secret man love (or maybe a boy) on the side.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

As was stated by a social worker with a PhD yesterday on Twitter, it's not normal or nor should it be allowed for a 25-year-old man to be to adopt a 14- year-old boy. It will be interesting to see how many more skeletons come out of this twisted zealot's closet as his wife will probably be on her knees praying like a southern snake-handling preacher.

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the 'adoption' thing is murky but the best anyone can figure is that the Johnsons were sponsoring this then-teenager through a 'fresh air fund' or 'save the children' kind of thing. he isn't legally adopted, nor is he part of the Johnson family — he's a useful totem for Holy Mike to use when he needs to act like he has his finger on the pulse of What Black Americans Want

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... and it's clearly not difficult for them to make sure he's not in the official family photos when it's not convenient.

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Reminds of someone on the SCOTUS...

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That's quite a metaphor!

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Yes, I’ve said many times that he fits the “Methinks thou dost protest too much“ example. I would be willing to bet money that a scandal is going to break within the next 2 to 4 months. The press will go hard after this guy, especially outlets like a ProPublica and The Intercept.

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I was just thinking the same thing. Everybody needs to donate to these publications and let them know we want them on the case asap

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There is something under a rock in this guy's backyard.

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HaHa!! Yes, it’s all a bit too much.

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And there’s a LOT of rocks too.

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We can only hope so for sure.

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Exactly what I said after hearing his speech. He must have a dark room in the basement where wifey’s been told to stay out. Yuck, yuck yuck!

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You just know the bigger the holier than thou-ness the bigger the dark secrets.

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Yes, the bigger the hole.

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He so reminds me of this smarmy evangelist who was semi-famous in the '50s & '60s in Oklahoma (no, oddly, not Oral Roberts... who is another story altogether.) In the '70s, this evangelist was outed by a couple of students at the bible college he founded. They had gotten engaged to each other while they were working for him, and on their wedding night, each confessed to the other they'd been seduced/assaulted by the evangelist. They decided to go public, along with some other students at his bible college who were also assaulted. He never did recover -- some of his "ministries" took him back but the college dumped him, and the college was completely defunct by 1980. I've always thought of this as a definitive example of karma.

May Mike meet a similar fate...

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

I don't remember his case but there have been so many.

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Just one?

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You're right. Got to be multiple. But the way these guys rationalize we're all sinners and more sins just means bigger redemption!

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Little boys are just like Pringles. Once you pop, you can't stop. Don't believe me? Ask a Catholic.

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Or the Boy Scouts!

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Oh, please don't desecrate Channing Tatum like that....

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Harry Potter’s evil brother. Mike Pence’s little cousin. Anyone who embraces facts, evidence, and science must return control of the House to those who believe in democracy.

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“Harry Potter’s evil brother” So good. I already knew that but hadn’t yet put the words to it. Thank you, George.

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I can't take credit for it -but it absolutely fits.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Saying you're a trump-supporting christian is as contradictory and illogical as calling yourself a christian-atheist.

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THIS 1000% x infinity

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Well, I know where all my spare time will be going starting today. Rousing Democrats to vote! I live in a college town--getting the kids to vote will be my mission.

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I think of him as evil Mr. Rogers, i.e., Mr. Rogers in a dark parallel universe akin to the Upside Down. He is just creepy. Yeck! I often joke that we need to check for bodies in his basement cuz dude is trying too hard to appear perfect.

Anyone donning "I am so gash-darned accessible" glasses and perfectly coiffed hair is generally hiding something nefarious! Those paying attention to his deed and words knows MAGA Mike is truly evil. The only upside is that MAGA appears to be turning on him as per Palmer reporting:



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I’m hoping that this turns out to be a gift to Democrats. My wish is that as people learn more about this Bible-thumping lunatic, Democrats and independents will race to the polls and vote in large numbers against this shit. I didn’t think I’d live long enough to see us being turned back to the 18th century in 2024.

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Thanks for the links, Alicia. It’s true, MAGA will eat their own.

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Not fast enough!

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Or eat their young, as “fearless leader” blurted out sometime last week. Keep drinking those diet Cokes with the poison artificial sweetener, Donald.

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With every giant leap that these knuckle-dragging, Bible-thumping Christofascists take toward the right, I say to myself, “This is it. There is no way Americans will continue to vote for these nut-jobs.” But every time I think we’ve come upon a bridge too far, I see women (who are being turned into second-class citizens), members of the LGBTQ+ community (who are being called groomers), non-Christians (who are having someone else’s beliefs being rammed down their throats), senior citizens (who risk losing the SS and Medicare THEY paid into), parents (whose kids risk not having a planet in 40 years--if they don’t get shot in their classrooms first) holding their noses and crossing that new bridge into even swampier waters. I find it both disheartening and infuriating that a small number of delusional conspiracy theorists have been able to hijack an entire country and drive in back into the dark ages. I’ll donate every last dime to anyone who can turn this garbage barge around.

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I couldn't have said that any better. 👏👏👏 Thank you!

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Spot on!! Exactly. So well said, and true. Feels good just to read this and know there are a bunch of us who feel this way. Thank you!

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It actually brings me a lot of comfort to read other people’s comments here and know that I’m not alone.

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Fuck, at least Louisiana is consistent in producing awful politicians!!

(I say this is a former Louisianian.)

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Former Louisianian as well. Totally agree. It's like the state is constantly leveling up to see just how shitty it can be. And people wonder why I don't move back.

(I will always visit for the food. Can't get that anywhere else)

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Don’t even get my started on John Kennedy!

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Also Florida.

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HORRIFYING!!! #2 in line for the Presidency?!!! HOW is this possible??! You are 100% with your explanation of how the repugnicants in the House selected him: "We’re Tired, Let’s Just Get This The Fuck Over With". That was my first thought. (Money sent.)

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This is a lesson for Democrats as well. If you let a handful of extremists hold a party hostage, this is what happens.

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I’m sure he considers himself first in line since Donald has no VP at this time.

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The performative prayer 🤮 . I guess he literally missed THE MOST FAMOUS PASSAGE “let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Except when there are cameras. Then it’s pure theater.

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Spot on, Isabel.

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Donated! Let’s do this! Jeff, is funny, but this shit isn’t!

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Just donated. If MAGA Mike doesn’t get us all off our asses, I don’t know what will.

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A much better cause than the Sephora order I was about to place.

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Especially when you think about MAGATs sending grandma’s prescription money to trump for legal fees and golf cart maintenance.

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If anything proves that we have split off into an alternate reality, this is it.

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Here in Arkansas there is another Mike who was Governor and a actual preacher. His daughter is now Governor. Please pray for Arkansas and the people here.

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