His worshippers are Christian Nationalists. Here is Andra Watkins Explaining their End of the World beliefs and how it ties to what Trump and his team will be doing.
Nope. That's not true. Many of the most powerful MAGAts are rich, well educated and ideologically inclined towards the same goals as Trump. What has happened within our culture and history to make Trump and authoritarianism so attractive? Yes, some people were simply low information voters, but that alone was not enough.
I don't have one. I'm no expert at analyzing why people vote and for whom. But simplistic answers are pure garbage, and relying on them prevents us from ever doing the work we need to do, to prevent another Trump from gaining power.
Miss America is never the most beautiful woman in America.
The US president is never the smartest man in America. (And *this* president lost the 2016 election by 3 million votes, lost the 2020 election by more than 7 million votes; and, in 2024, won the election by a plurality--not a majority--of the votes.)
Finally and very, very sadly, the election was decided by people who believe that the American president must be a straight white man who claims (with no evidence) to be a Christian while he displays the character of a petty, greedy, unfaithful, narcissistic, racist, sexual predator who cares nothing for other people, nothing for world peace, nothing other than himself.
The voters who put him into office this time have very short memories. Trump and his excellent team of liars gaslit Americans with lies about the economy he created/trashed (and the vast amount he added to the nation's deficit by cutting taxes for people and corporations that were already holding onto more money than they could ever need or use). He convinced people to overlook his mishandling of Covid and the hundreds of thousands of lies that led to unnecessary deaths. This time, he will be worse.
He and his followers act as if real life and real issues are just a reality show. Just look at the tv clowns and celebrities he is appointing to help ruin the economy and destroy the nation from within.
Not trying to sound misogynistic, but I can't help but wonder: ladies (I use that term advisedly), is there such a shortage of not awful men that you have to worship that lying, sexual assaulting, uncouth, crass, creepy, adultery committing, convict conman ignoramus?
H12thDoc, reading about "I want to bring you joy" Harp, even bringing her printer on golf outings, women who "fall in love" with murderers in prison immediately came to mind. Some marry, even with the murders' life sentences. Harp is, as Jeff said, "creepy stalkerish". There are lots of fine young and older guys, I'm sure. Can anyone name ONE, just ONE, decent quality turd displays? I can't. Harp must be in desperate need of psychological help.
Like the grotesquely obese, increasingly stinky, and multiply divorced, philandering Henry VIII. (Whoa! I just realized that is a perfect description for the orange sadist! Except that h8 was a uxoricide, and o.s. isn't -- at least not so far.)
I read where her NDA was about to expire so she would be free to tell her story. We already know Shitler raped her and ripped out her hair from their divorce deposition. Two of his goons were seen leaving her apartment building the day she died. Her death conveniently got Shitler and spawn out of a deposition because they were so sad. She is quickly cremated and her remains are put into a coffin that TEN men struggled to carry at her funeral. She is buried in a makeshift grave on Shitler's golf course because, tax deduction (even though it is completely overgrown and unrecognizable as a gravesite). One week later the Saudis have their fake golf tournament at the same golf course and shortly after that Jerod is given $2B from the Saudi Prince. So many dots.
Excuse me, Ivana died under mysterious circumstances falling down some stairs. Do you know anyone who has died from falling down stairs? I certainly don't. You get bruised, maybe break something but die? I'm skeptical.
Actually, I almost died from that very thing this summer and ended up in the Trauma ICU for a while. Falls account for 2% of all deaths in the elderly. (In my case, the fall down several stone steps resulted in multiple broken ribs, along with multiple pulmonary emboli. An embolus could have caused death, as could splenic rupture, or lung collapse. I am so fortunate that I came out the other end and am doing fine now.)
Interesting you'd bring Henry up right now, kd. I was watching a program about him two nights ago on PBS, and the comparison with drumpf struck me, too.
They all need professional help, every single member of his creepy base. There aren’t enough ‘helpers’ in the entire country to get them out of the bubble.
Yeah, they all do, for differing reasons. Somehow Harp's obsession as a young, dewy eyed, "Christian" woman is in its own category of stalker-idol worship.
I think it's the Phyllis Shaflay gene theory with many of them. It's not uncommon for women not to recognize their own narcissistic abusers treatment as toxic. And then there are the ones who are defined by their own narcissism. As in Lake, coke head Marge, Melania, Ivanka and the rest. They wave their own misogyny flags. They're sadistic by nature.
I remember Phyllis Schlafly during the Reagan 80s being vehemently against the Equal Rights Amendment. Even back then I wondered, what kind of woman would be against the best interests of her own gender? Answer: a conservative woman.
Alina, yes, so young, turd so old. She could deliver a Diet Coke in a tiny black maid's outfit. Maybe add a little something to bring about his own personal End Time. Is Kari Lake out of the running?
LOL!!! So if we throw jabba the hutt into the mix, along with cannon, what is your bet on who will win? (I think it will be three Evil against one Good, to start with. Then the three Evils will have to fight it out. If it becomes two against one, which two would unite? And then when it comes down to the final two, who will be the Ultimate Winner? My Bets: Wings knocked out in the First Round; jabba in the Second Round; xerox in the Third Round; and THE WINNER IS: LOOPY LOOMER!!! This match will be presented by Linda McMahon. Since the demise of her former Ringmaster, the pedophilic Mel Phillips, is is TBD who will call the match. Get your popcorn ready, folks! This oughta be good .
Somebody needs to reproduce the “Claymation Celebrity Death Match” series to humorously explain the political implications of the sideshow our nation is now being subjected to:
I think the fight would actually be between Harp and Loomer: Good and Evil. I'd enjoy watching that one. I'll bet that Loomer would KO Harp in the first round.
It's more like Evil vs. More Evil. Not one of those supposedly female creatures who cluster around the orange dimwit is truly sane. Hardly any of male creatures who cluster
I guess we can all expect to give up our Maple Syrup, although apparently Trump and Trudeau had a talk after Trump sent out the tweet. Afterwards Trump's Treasury Secretary apparently claimed that the threats were just leverage to get what Trump wants from people. Well, so far not talk with China or Mexico. We shall see. Already the war in Gaza was supposed to end the day after Trump won the election and the War in Ukraine, so are his miracle working powers are rusty or what?
I’d like to think that inflation meant our salaries and bank accounts would automatically get bigger. Maybe even the actual banknotes. That’s the kind of inflation I could stand behind. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m surprised Trump hasn’t floated that idea. “Inflation is very, very good.”
Of all the things Ill never be able to forgive (and there are many) I will never be able to get past the fact that this life-long lying, cheating, fraudulent, corrupt, grifting, criminal conning, raping, piece of shit will die without ever facing even one fucking consequence.
That infuriates me beyond measure. How the utter fuck does he manage his whole miserable life to find enablers to save his worthless ass? Fuck, even Gotti went to jail.
Trump likely helped put him there Susan… there’s a reason Trump, with his mobbed up money laundering to all the crime families in America and Russia was protected from prosecution!!
Life isn't finished with him yet. Karma is sometimes not a tit for tat payback. And if he dies and never pays the piper, then that's what it is. Some things are out of our control. I'm not wasting my mental time anymore envisioning him in prison or financially ruined. He's a miserable SOB - always has been.
Just reading the headline about keeping rump "stupid and happy"--I doubt he is ever genuinely happy. And he's definitely ALWAYS going to be stupid.
Ha. If he's so stupid, how is he the president elect instead of Kamala Harris?
Easy! His worshippers are stupid.
His worshippers are Christian Nationalists. Here is Andra Watkins Explaining their End of the World beliefs and how it ties to what Trump and his team will be doing.
Part 1 https://open.substack.com/pub/andrawatkins/p/christian-nationalists-and-the-end?r=f0qfn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Part 2 https://open.substack.com/pub/andrawatkins/p/christian-nationalists-and-the-end-8b7?r=f0qfn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Part 3 https://open.substack.com/pub/andrawatkins/p/christian-nationalists-and-the-end-5c7?r=f0qfn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
Nope. That's not true. Many of the most powerful MAGAts are rich, well educated and ideologically inclined towards the same goals as Trump. What has happened within our culture and history to make Trump and authoritarianism so attractive? Yes, some people were simply low information voters, but that alone was not enough.
So, what is your theory?
I don't have one. I'm no expert at analyzing why people vote and for whom. But simplistic answers are pure garbage, and relying on them prevents us from ever doing the work we need to do, to prevent another Trump from gaining power.
I'm going with the Christian Nationalist theory above. It makes the most sense, even as sickening as it is. Thank you Linda Weide.
Miss America is never the most beautiful woman in America.
The US president is never the smartest man in America. (And *this* president lost the 2016 election by 3 million votes, lost the 2020 election by more than 7 million votes; and, in 2024, won the election by a plurality--not a majority--of the votes.)
Finally and very, very sadly, the election was decided by people who believe that the American president must be a straight white man who claims (with no evidence) to be a Christian while he displays the character of a petty, greedy, unfaithful, narcissistic, racist, sexual predator who cares nothing for other people, nothing for world peace, nothing other than himself.
The voters who put him into office this time have very short memories. Trump and his excellent team of liars gaslit Americans with lies about the economy he created/trashed (and the vast amount he added to the nation's deficit by cutting taxes for people and corporations that were already holding onto more money than they could ever need or use). He convinced people to overlook his mishandling of Covid and the hundreds of thousands of lies that led to unnecessary deaths. This time, he will be worse.
He and his followers act as if real life and real issues are just a reality show. Just look at the tv clowns and celebrities he is appointing to help ruin the economy and destroy the nation from within.
He lies and is not credible. Criminal mind.
He got smart people to rig the election.
1. Will there be a cage fight between Harp and Cannon over who gets to be the next Mrs. Orange Fuckwit? Pay-per-view please
2. How does inflation work? If you need a visual: Write “prices” on a helium balloon and let it go.
I think Alina Habba will enter that arena too, she of the "nice kidneys"
Not trying to sound misogynistic, but I can't help but wonder: ladies (I use that term advisedly), is there such a shortage of not awful men that you have to worship that lying, sexual assaulting, uncouth, crass, creepy, adultery committing, convict conman ignoramus?
Well done Doc - but it’s the money… I have more respect for sex workers who are out there at least acknowledging what it is they do for the money.
H12thDoc, reading about "I want to bring you joy" Harp, even bringing her printer on golf outings, women who "fall in love" with murderers in prison immediately came to mind. Some marry, even with the murders' life sentences. Harp is, as Jeff said, "creepy stalkerish". There are lots of fine young and older guys, I'm sure. Can anyone name ONE, just ONE, decent quality turd displays? I can't. Harp must be in desperate need of psychological help.
1.) He is mortal. and will die.
That’s worth celebrating.
I think proximity to power, money, fame is a big driver. Throughout history powerful men who were abhorrent have attracted a certain class of women.
Same as it ever was.
Like the grotesquely obese, increasingly stinky, and multiply divorced, philandering Henry VIII. (Whoa! I just realized that is a perfect description for the orange sadist! Except that h8 was a uxoricide, and o.s. isn't -- at least not so far.)
There are theories about what happened to Ivana...
I read where her NDA was about to expire so she would be free to tell her story. We already know Shitler raped her and ripped out her hair from their divorce deposition. Two of his goons were seen leaving her apartment building the day she died. Her death conveniently got Shitler and spawn out of a deposition because they were so sad. She is quickly cremated and her remains are put into a coffin that TEN men struggled to carry at her funeral. She is buried in a makeshift grave on Shitler's golf course because, tax deduction (even though it is completely overgrown and unrecognizable as a gravesite). One week later the Saudis have their fake golf tournament at the same golf course and shortly after that Jerod is given $2B from the Saudi Prince. So many dots.
Oh, my gosh!!! You're right!!!
uxoricide...A great new word for me. Thanks! Did not know this one. (I'm such nerd.)
If you were a REAL nerd, you've have known it! LOL!
Here’s the converse word - mariticide. Y’all run with it!!!!
Excuse me, Ivana died under mysterious circumstances falling down some stairs. Do you know anyone who has died from falling down stairs? I certainly don't. You get bruised, maybe break something but die? I'm skeptical.
Actually, I almost died from that very thing this summer and ended up in the Trauma ICU for a while. Falls account for 2% of all deaths in the elderly. (In my case, the fall down several stone steps resulted in multiple broken ribs, along with multiple pulmonary emboli. An embolus could have caused death, as could splenic rupture, or lung collapse. I am so fortunate that I came out the other end and am doing fine now.)
Possible, if you suffered a broken neck.
Amy Robsart, Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester's wife during Elizabeth I's reign, comes to mind. Same circumstances.
Interesting you'd bring Henry up right now, kd. I was watching a program about him two nights ago on PBS, and the comparison with drumpf struck me, too.
Irrefutably true. But her devotion is orders of magnitude nuttier and harder to understand
When Harp said: You are all that matters to me". I seriously felt ill. WTAF???
Maybe she wants a Daddy figure.
Gross! 😂😂
Me too, over the top!
Yeah! 🤮🤮🤮🤮
A lot of women do not have any self-esteem.
That's a very good question. Let's go to Harp for her answer, first.
Like Jeff said, Harp has a weird stalker kind of obsession with him. Eww. She needs professional help
They all need professional help, every single member of his creepy base. There aren’t enough ‘helpers’ in the entire country to get them out of the bubble.
Yeah, they all do, for differing reasons. Somehow Harp's obsession as a young, dewy eyed, "Christian" woman is in its own category of stalker-idol worship.
I think it's the Phyllis Shaflay gene theory with many of them. It's not uncommon for women not to recognize their own narcissistic abusers treatment as toxic. And then there are the ones who are defined by their own narcissism. As in Lake, coke head Marge, Melania, Ivanka and the rest. They wave their own misogyny flags. They're sadistic by nature.
I remember Phyllis Schlafly during the Reagan 80s being vehemently against the Equal Rights Amendment. Even back then I wondered, what kind of woman would be against the best interests of her own gender? Answer: a conservative woman.
Not sure where shaflay fits in here, but the rest of your analysis is right on target.
News flash. Women can be crazy too.
He's rich.
It could be the “prestige” of working in the White House/Trump administration.
Hurt me daddy I've been real bad.
Henry Kissinger said it the best: "Power is the best aphrodisiac."
Who are you calling a lady? My mom is dead, so....
Alina, yes, so young, turd so old. She could deliver a Diet Coke in a tiny black maid's outfit. Maybe add a little something to bring about his own personal End Time. Is Kari Lake out of the running?
LOL!!! So if we throw jabba the hutt into the mix, along with cannon, what is your bet on who will win? (I think it will be three Evil against one Good, to start with. Then the three Evils will have to fight it out. If it becomes two against one, which two would unite? And then when it comes down to the final two, who will be the Ultimate Winner? My Bets: Wings knocked out in the First Round; jabba in the Second Round; xerox in the Third Round; and THE WINNER IS: LOOPY LOOMER!!! This match will be presented by Linda McMahon. Since the demise of her former Ringmaster, the pedophilic Mel Phillips, is is TBD who will call the match. Get your popcorn ready, folks! This oughta be good .
Somebody needs to reproduce the “Claymation Celebrity Death Match” series to humorously explain the political implications of the sideshow our nation is now being subjected to:
Brilliant suggestion! Anybody listening?
I think the fight would actually be between Harp and Loomer: Good and Evil. I'd enjoy watching that one. I'll bet that Loomer would KO Harp in the first round.
It's more like Evil vs. More Evil. Not one of those supposedly female creatures who cluster around the orange dimwit is truly sane. Hardly any of male creatures who cluster
about the orange anus are truly sane, either.
Good point. I only called Wings "good" because she thinks she is.
great description of inflation!!!
Absofuckinglutely Tess!!
Maybe he will bring polygamy back.
But only with multiples of prenuptials.
And NDA's
I don't think polygamy ever left! lol
I don’t know about that, Kay-El. Your explanation smacks of science (e.g., balloons, helium), and we can’t have that.
Right. Just shut that sciency stuff right down.
I would like to think is common sense, but that ship has sailed as well
I think Sporky wouldn't mind entering that contest as well.
GREAT idea! And you know what? I think she would probably be the last one standing.
We should ask the magic cordless printer....
My magic 8 ball would like to fight the cordless printer.
Reply Hazy, Ask Again Later
I guess we can all expect to give up our Maple Syrup, although apparently Trump and Trudeau had a talk after Trump sent out the tweet. Afterwards Trump's Treasury Secretary apparently claimed that the threats were just leverage to get what Trump wants from people. Well, so far not talk with China or Mexico. We shall see. Already the war in Gaza was supposed to end the day after Trump won the election and the War in Ukraine, so are his miracle working powers are rusty or what?
Never will I do fake maple syrup. I’m trading getting the real stuff by making my own laundry detergent, which I’ve done before when times were tough.
I'm with you.
I’d like to think that inflation meant our salaries and bank accounts would automatically get bigger. Maybe even the actual banknotes. That’s the kind of inflation I could stand behind. Now that I’m thinking about it, I’m surprised Trump hasn’t floated that idea. “Inflation is very, very good.”
Kari Lake has been auditioning for Mrs. Fuckwit for some time.
She's too old and not blonde. He likes 'em young.
Good one and that balloon is headed straight for the stratosphere.
I guess inflation means you get to spend more on what you really want or substitute stuff that you never really wanted.
More on what you really want and the cheaper shit for things that don’t matter as much
Thanks for bringing a smile to my face Kay-EI!!
The ultimate cage fight model was Claymation’s Celebrity Death Match TV series that ran for about 5 years starting in the mid-90s:
Love it 😀 😍 ❤️
Of all the things Ill never be able to forgive (and there are many) I will never be able to get past the fact that this life-long lying, cheating, fraudulent, corrupt, grifting, criminal conning, raping, piece of shit will die without ever facing even one fucking consequence.
That infuriates me beyond measure. How the utter fuck does he manage his whole miserable life to find enablers to save his worthless ass? Fuck, even Gotti went to jail.
I just don't understand why so many people grovel for Stinky's approval.
Trump likely helped put him there Susan… there’s a reason Trump, with his mobbed up money laundering to all the crime families in America and Russia was protected from prosecution!!
One hundred percent, Patrick.
Life isn't finished with him yet. Karma is sometimes not a tit for tat payback. And if he dies and never pays the piper, then that's what it is. Some things are out of our control. I'm not wasting my mental time anymore envisioning him in prison or financially ruined. He's a miserable SOB - always has been.
You are right and the grim reaper will catch up with him sooner rather than later.
He will walk into hell with the devil, hand in hand, in fact he might even take over down there.
A reliable source tells me Old Scratch doesn't want him there because of T💩p's lack of morals.
Even Beelzebub don't wanna be shown up