Nancy Pelosi was on MSNBC this morning saying "time is running short for Biden to decide if he is staying in the race." In response I picked up the phone, called her office, and informed her staff that Biden has already made that decision and perhaps it's time to accept that decision. Except I was not nearly as polite as this post suggests. Then I called Minority Leader Jeffries, and suggested he get the house in order; again not in those exact words.
Ah Jeff, I was just typing this update about Pelosi when I fortunately saw yours. I enjoyed the part where she specifically called out the NYT, not knowing what happened to them that they say these things; I am paraphrasing, of course. That's perfect since you and multiple other writers have pointed out how the NYT has fallen.
out of curiosity, I just searched all 112,548 email addresses in the subscriber list for instances of, and the answer is zero. oh well
I contacted my representative and both senators on Monday, asking them to please not join the pile-on and to start calling out the news media as it is them that is driving the story.
I also contacted my governor, Pritzker, 2 State Senators, Duckworth (a gem), Durbin (a couch potato who is not trying to impeach SCOTUS treasonists) and Representative Jackson in the State of IL to ask l them to fully back Biden in word and deed. Here is what fascism expert Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat says about the media today.
I also have to say that I had the privilege of hearing Heather Cox Richardson speak to Democrats Abroad. I was one of thousands. She was wonderful and I believe it was recorded. She spoke for a brief time and then answered questions for the rest of the time. When asked about the history of having new candidates win this late in the game, she pointed out a couple of cases where it was tried and did not succeed. She also pointed out that which I had been thinking which is the press will go after anyone new like a vulture on a spring day, just like they have been going after Biden, and it will mean that that becomes the story and not Trump. He is having his national convention next week, and there is not even much discussion of that, like the fact that it is late in the game to have it.
She also pointed out that Biden has the delegates and it is not clear that they can transfer, and Biden has the war chest which might be able to transfer to Harris, but not anyone else. There were more reasons, like how people might lose heart who were invested in him. I am one who would lose heart, but I would still vote to keep Trump out for whomever, and fight for them. However, I hate inefficiency deep in my soul, so I would hate having the best, most gifted president pushed out. As someone told me Timothy Snyder said, Biden has a way with people where he gets things done. Heather Cox Richardson was saying too that he has been very effective. She also said, she is not a White House insider and is not a doctor. However, he has doctors who have published how he is doing, and it is good.
I also want to say that my Regional Democrats Abroad Leader sent this to me. It is a link to downloading an IRS complaint form against the Heritage Foundation, with suggestions on how to fill in the narrative. I would like to ask you to please consider downloading it, filling it out, printing and sending it, and then sharing it with friends. Let us make it expensive for them to threaten bloody warfare with the "Left" meaning mainstream Americans.
Seen on Mastodon. At this link you can download a PDF form to file a complaint to the IRS, requesting that they revoke the Heritage Foundation‘s non-profit status. Fill out the form and mail it to:
This is what is suggested on the sample form to fill in:
Based on the statements of Kevin Roberst, the Heritage Foundation’s president, on June 11 and July 2, the foundation’s mission is no longer solely “research and education,” but now includes preparing for a possibly bloody revolution.
Specifically, in an interview on “The War Room” on July 2, Roberts stated that the Heritage Foundation has developed a prominent series of policy plans (Project 2025) to overhaul the federal government under a Republican president, and that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”
Sure sounds like Roberts and the other authors of Project 2025 are planning to start a bloody war as part of the Heritage Foundation’s mission.
Pelosi calling for Biden to step aside is like the pot calling the kettle black! Christ almighty, half the time she's completely incoherent. I like Pelosi, but it's definitely time for her to step aside. Geezus...🤬
You had me until you said "I like Nancy"—because while I'm TOLD she was a real Progressive at one point? She's been a sub-Princess of NeoLib Evil for so long I'm sickened by her—just like I'm sickened by The Qween of NeoLib Evil Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Neo lib evil? When the other side is promoting actual evil fascism? Had you voted for Clinton, we would still have Roe, for starters. Not sure how much progress you think can be made when half the voting population are religious idiots.
...and the OTHER half worships the Clintons over Bernie Sanders and The Squad!
NeoLiberalism is what makes the Right Wing Majority possible, because rather than looking out for the working and middle income voters like Bernie, AOC, Ihlan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib et al are doing, NeoLibs only care about fucking Finance Industry Executives.
FYI, given Hillary said several times she wanted to "open a dialogue" with the KKKhrister Right over Women's Choice? I seriously doubt Roe v. Wade was in safe hands with the likes of HER....
I worship no one. Clinton spoke at one of my commencements at UIUC in the 90s about a national health plan she herself had created. In the 90s. Pelosi and Obama gave us the ACA. Marriage equality was a huge step forward.
You sound young. Had you voted Dem, we wouldn't be in this mess. "The more progressive than thou" Bernie brats.
Nancy,Nancy WTF no disrespect but did you get whacked in the noggin ? What are you thinking? Can’t the party ever ,ever show a United face ? This shit is gonna cost us at the polls ! Unity is essential for Christ sake ,we can’t give those assholes any ammunition to use against us ! All for one JOE ,one for all U.S.
That's really the ironic part of the MAGA-Q mythology, that Dems run everything by planning and executing intricate, minutely-timed schemes and plots years before the event.
Given the opportunity, I advise them that it's a miracle if we can organize a 1-car funeral.
I've always liked her and I think in no way is she not sharp as always. But considering that she's about Biden's age, I'm surprised she is commenting on this. Because if mandatory age limits were set for Congress, she'd be one of the first to go. And the recent events have put the spotlight back on how old Congress is.
At least get a new makeup person. Her appearance made Biden’s at the debate look youthful. I agree with the comment here that she faces the same choice as Biden even more so.
I’m going to blame it on heat exhaustion…weeks of 115 degrees days gives me a weird lazy DGAF feeling and I’m being sloppy. I’m just tired of the chaos and never ending political drama. We have one fucking goal…defeat fascism.
I heard early this morning that she had said that it was Biden's decision then suddenly there's all this horseshit of her saying he should reconsider. Not the same thing.
Like the time she told the Republicans to go ahead and paint targets on The Squad's backs? I've never forgiven her for that—or any number of other Rich White Privilege attacking the "peasants" in her own Party things she's done.
Speaking of people who should have stepped down long ago.... 🤬
WTF Sen. Michael Bennet? Show us your accomplishments in the Senate. Show us your schedule for the day. You don't have the stamina or the intelligence to compete with Biden. If you think the orange clown is going to win in a landslide, you aren't worth me wasting my time.
On May 2, 2019, Bennet announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States. He dropped out of the race on February 11, 2020, after a poor showing in the New Hampshire primary
Sounds like he’s hoping he’ll be chosen to replace Biden.
He got into the Senate by appointment, not by election the first time.
Anita, Democrats excel at shooting ourselves in the foot. I’m glad more of us pushed back hard on the stupid idea of having our accomplished incumbent step aside.
Yes, I think you're correct. She apparently has been besieged by big-money donors in CA, and she's worried about Adam Schiff and the next Democratic CA gubernatorial candidate (Newsom can't run again) if she doesn't take them seriously. Abigail Disney, for one, supposedly won't write another check for Dems until Biden exits.
I don't know how true that could just be rumor like everything else.
The power-structure of the entire world is weighing in on this US election. It may be world-order altering. The pressure must be intense and it’s only July… JOE STANDS UP to the nefarious forces. That likely makes him seem ‘quaint’ nowadays :/
Hi Jeff, amid all the garbage from Donald last night, delusional speech, sweating profusely, going off on tangents … well…. I feel compelled to point out Barron was out on stage.. he’s now 18… after that appearance he is fair game now, much to Mel’s disgust🥴BTW I sent mail to WH last night expressing my endorsement of our President, thanked him for all he has done for our country… Best to all fellow travelers.
I just made another donation...but we have got to get this shit done, because to tell you the truth, I don't know how long I can keep having 'political donations' as such a huge percentage of my budget!
IT'S BEEN 10 YEARS...AND IT'S GROWN EVERY YEAR!!! I know I'm not alone!🤬🤬🤬
I see Barron is Trump's newest pet pony to parade around. We have yet to hear Barron speak. Nothing like having your dad throw you under the bus, but he's done that with his other kids so no surprise.
I wonder what government office they're planning to give him? Hmm...what to give a recent high school graduate....? Maybe he'll be the MAGA answer to Taylor Swift (HAHAHAHAHAHA)
Should give the kid a pass… 18 today is still kiddie time ,it’s not like growing up during WWII,KOREA OR VIETNAM the kids back then grew up quick and died quicker ! The Baron might have a chance to be semi human ..granted not much of one , but maybe?! 🤔 if he turns out to be a monster 👹 then phuk him ,but a chance to change that friggen abomination of a family tree is a worthy cause !😬Or screw him just play the odds and drive a stake through his chest and be done with another branch of the tree of hate !
I'm guessing you don't wear a lot of stage makeup 😊 It smears if you touch it. His makeup person should be putting powder on his face for the greasy sheen, but I'm guessing he's refused it.
Nancy Pelosi was on MSNBC this morning saying "time is running short for Biden to decide if he is staying in the race." In response I picked up the phone, called her office, and informed her staff that Biden has already made that decision and perhaps it's time to accept that decision. Except I was not nearly as polite as this post suggests. Then I called Minority Leader Jeffries, and suggested he get the house in order; again not in those exact words.
Pelosi now claims her remarks are being 'misrepresented'
Ah Jeff, I was just typing this update about Pelosi when I fortunately saw yours. I enjoyed the part where she specifically called out the NYT, not knowing what happened to them that they say these things; I am paraphrasing, of course. That's perfect since you and multiple other writers have pointed out how the NYT has fallen.
Nancy must be reading Jeffs Column. In fact, MORE of these congress people need to read this column! 🤣
I think they’re all reading Jeff’s column by now.
out of curiosity, I just searched all 112,548 email addresses in the subscriber list for instances of, and the answer is zero. oh well
You think they’d use their real identity?
I imagine they use their private non business email adresses.
That's why there's tomorrow.
Well, one of the reasons.
i would use a fake name.
Oh, you’re joking.
And if so, they should be very afraid! 😂
I wonder if perhaps some of the top media owners and CEOs sercretly read Jeff's posts. They need to, they a dose of reality.
Jeff has access to his sub's email database I am sure.
Enquiring minds wanna know who some of the prominant readers are of this substack :-) <3
I contacted my representative and both senators on Monday, asking them to please not join the pile-on and to start calling out the news media as it is them that is driving the story.
#ImWithJoe #RidenWithBiden
I also contacted my governor, Pritzker, 2 State Senators, Duckworth (a gem), Durbin (a couch potato who is not trying to impeach SCOTUS treasonists) and Representative Jackson in the State of IL to ask l them to fully back Biden in word and deed. Here is what fascism expert Prof. Ruth Ben-Ghiat says about the media today.
I also have to say that I had the privilege of hearing Heather Cox Richardson speak to Democrats Abroad. I was one of thousands. She was wonderful and I believe it was recorded. She spoke for a brief time and then answered questions for the rest of the time. When asked about the history of having new candidates win this late in the game, she pointed out a couple of cases where it was tried and did not succeed. She also pointed out that which I had been thinking which is the press will go after anyone new like a vulture on a spring day, just like they have been going after Biden, and it will mean that that becomes the story and not Trump. He is having his national convention next week, and there is not even much discussion of that, like the fact that it is late in the game to have it.
She also pointed out that Biden has the delegates and it is not clear that they can transfer, and Biden has the war chest which might be able to transfer to Harris, but not anyone else. There were more reasons, like how people might lose heart who were invested in him. I am one who would lose heart, but I would still vote to keep Trump out for whomever, and fight for them. However, I hate inefficiency deep in my soul, so I would hate having the best, most gifted president pushed out. As someone told me Timothy Snyder said, Biden has a way with people where he gets things done. Heather Cox Richardson was saying too that he has been very effective. She also said, she is not a White House insider and is not a doctor. However, he has doctors who have published how he is doing, and it is good.
I also want to say that my Regional Democrats Abroad Leader sent this to me. It is a link to downloading an IRS complaint form against the Heritage Foundation, with suggestions on how to fill in the narrative. I would like to ask you to please consider downloading it, filling it out, printing and sending it, and then sharing it with friends. Let us make it expensive for them to threaten bloody warfare with the "Left" meaning mainstream Americans.
IRS complaint
Seen on Mastodon. At this link you can download a PDF form to file a complaint to the IRS, requesting that they revoke the Heritage Foundation‘s non-profit status. Fill out the form and mail it to:
This is what is suggested on the sample form to fill in:
Based on the statements of Kevin Roberst, the Heritage Foundation’s president, on June 11 and July 2, the foundation’s mission is no longer solely “research and education,” but now includes preparing for a possibly bloody revolution.
Specifically, in an interview on “The War Room” on July 2, Roberts stated that the Heritage Foundation has developed a prominent series of policy plans (Project 2025) to overhaul the federal government under a Republican president, and that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”
Sure sounds like Roberts and the other authors of Project 2025 are planning to start a bloody war as part of the Heritage Foundation’s mission.
See NYTimes reporting of this incident on July 3rd:
Thank you, Linda. You, my friend, are a FORCE!
I just called Jeffries’ office and told him to LEAD and tell ppl to F OFF - DESPITE the pressure.
This feels manufactured & we look like idiots.
Pelosi calling for Biden to step aside is like the pot calling the kettle black! Christ almighty, half the time she's completely incoherent. I like Pelosi, but it's definitely time for her to step aside. Geezus...🤬
You had me until you said "I like Nancy"—because while I'm TOLD she was a real Progressive at one point? She's been a sub-Princess of NeoLib Evil for so long I'm sickened by her—just like I'm sickened by The Qween of NeoLib Evil Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Neo lib evil? When the other side is promoting actual evil fascism? Had you voted for Clinton, we would still have Roe, for starters. Not sure how much progress you think can be made when half the voting population are religious idiots.
...and the OTHER half worships the Clintons over Bernie Sanders and The Squad!
NeoLiberalism is what makes the Right Wing Majority possible, because rather than looking out for the working and middle income voters like Bernie, AOC, Ihlan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib et al are doing, NeoLibs only care about fucking Finance Industry Executives.
FYI, given Hillary said several times she wanted to "open a dialogue" with the KKKhrister Right over Women's Choice? I seriously doubt Roe v. Wade was in safe hands with the likes of HER....
Anybody that thinks Hillary would have nominated the same 3 Extreme Court "justices" that Trump did is not thinking clearly, IMO.
I worship no one. Clinton spoke at one of my commencements at UIUC in the 90s about a national health plan she herself had created. In the 90s. Pelosi and Obama gave us the ACA. Marriage equality was a huge step forward.
You sound young. Had you voted Dem, we wouldn't be in this mess. "The more progressive than thou" Bernie brats.
HRC also said it was Wall Street that tanked her at the last minute, but idk…
She should consider not calling Diane Feinstein for advice, at least for the next 4 months.
Maybe she should step down..
Nancy,Nancy WTF no disrespect but did you get whacked in the noggin ? What are you thinking? Can’t the party ever ,ever show a United face ? This shit is gonna cost us at the polls ! Unity is essential for Christ sake ,we can’t give those assholes any ammunition to use against us ! All for one JOE ,one for all U.S.
Was it Will Rogers that said, "I don't belong to an organized political party. I'm a Democrat." That says it all.
That's really the ironic part of the MAGA-Q mythology, that Dems run everything by planning and executing intricate, minutely-timed schemes and plots years before the event.
Given the opportunity, I advise them that it's a miracle if we can organize a 1-car funeral.
Well if it makes you feel any better unity did not help the Republicans in 2020...just sayin'
That wasn’t unity more like a community of hate manifesting itself behind a common need for revenge !🤬🤯😵💫👿
I've always liked her and I think in no way is she not sharp as always. But considering that she's about Biden's age, I'm surprised she is commenting on this. Because if mandatory age limits were set for Congress, she'd be one of the first to go. And the recent events have put the spotlight back on how old Congress is.
At least get a new makeup person. Her appearance made Biden’s at the debate look youthful. I agree with the comment here that she faces the same choice as Biden even more so.
I wonder if she did that intentionally…
Pretty hard to misinterpret her words. She’s on the Diane Feinstein - RIP - track and I suspect she’s hoping her nephew Newsom can step in.
Yeah not sure of exact relation but they were related at one time, albeit distantly. Forgive my ignorance .
His Aunt was married to Pelosi’s brother-in-law I believe, per Wiki. Huh
No, not at all. People who think Newsom is unpopular in California must have another $50 million to spend in a recall
Yes I looked it up, should’ve done that before speaking
I’m going to blame it on heat exhaustion…weeks of 115 degrees days gives me a weird lazy DGAF feeling and I’m being sloppy. I’m just tired of the chaos and never ending political drama. We have one fucking goal…defeat fascism.
I watched the MSNBC segment. She said it.
Why do people say they did or didn't say something when we have it on video/audio? If you're going to lie, do it about something that can't be proved.
Those billionaire tax cuts are set to expire in 2025. That’s a WHOLE LOTTA pressure on one f’n election. My g-d.
I heard early this morning that she had said that it was Biden's decision then suddenly there's all this horseshit of her saying he should reconsider. Not the same thing.
Like the time she told the Republicans to go ahead and paint targets on The Squad's backs? I've never forgiven her for that—or any number of other Rich White Privilege attacking the "peasants" in her own Party things she's done.
Speaking of people who should have stepped down long ago.... 🤬
14or fight don’t trust anyone over 18 😳😂🤣
Another fan of WILD IN THE STREETS? 😀
No One Can Change the Shape of Things to Co-ome!
Yeah, let's just hope this time he doesn't vote 3rd fucking party.
You might want to tell Schumer that too. Senators are vying for their 15 minutes of fame. Democrats just can't stop shooting themselves in the foot.
WTF Sen. Michael Bennet? Show us your accomplishments in the Senate. Show us your schedule for the day. You don't have the stamina or the intelligence to compete with Biden. If you think the orange clown is going to win in a landslide, you aren't worth me wasting my time.
The guy always looks like he's just taken a 10mg Valium.
From Wikipedia:
On May 2, 2019, Bennet announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States. He dropped out of the race on February 11, 2020, after a poor showing in the New Hampshire primary
Sounds like he’s hoping he’ll be chosen to replace Biden.
He got into the Senate by appointment, not by election the first time.
Anita, Democrats excel at shooting ourselves in the foot. I’m glad more of us pushed back hard on the stupid idea of having our accomplished incumbent step aside.
Shame on Nancy- we all had her back when that was being said about her!
And been through some painful press conferences of hers along the way, too…
Tell George Clooney please
Have Dems ever heard of “The Art of Saying Nothing”… Mitch McC has a WHOLE workshop on it, I bet /s
Yeah that’s distressing. You hate to see a major donor and good actor wetting the bed
Oh nooooo Him too?????
Yes. He just wrote an editorial in the NYT, calling on Biden to end his candidacy.
🇺🇸 Let's SPEAK UP for JOE!! @NancyPelosi DC phone 202-225-4965
House Rep @HakeemJeffries DC phone 202-225-5936
Thanks, Chris
I think she’s getting pressure from the 1%. VladP is taking NO chances. He’s got them onboard …🙁 IMHO
Yes, I think you're correct. She apparently has been besieged by big-money donors in CA, and she's worried about Adam Schiff and the next Democratic CA gubernatorial candidate (Newsom can't run again) if she doesn't take them seriously. Abigail Disney, for one, supposedly won't write another check for Dems until Biden exits.
I don't know how true that could just be rumor like everything else.
Ms.Disney doesn't have to worry about losing her Social Security. She's a passionate Democrat for sure. However, she can afford her own consequences.
What's up with the willy thing? Thinking about his willy or trying to say, "really." 🤣🤣🤣
I was also thinking about where did willie went?
That nuance tracks - thanks👍
Well done!
She recently said that she was misquoted - she didn’t say that.
Yeah, I watched it - she said it.
She’s threading the needle… part of the job
Now is not the time to thread the needle, it's time for decisive action.
Absolutely- that’s why it’s especially chilling 😞
The power-structure of the entire world is weighing in on this US election. It may be world-order altering. The pressure must be intense and it’s only July… JOE STANDS UP to the nefarious forces. That likely makes him seem ‘quaint’ nowadays :/
Could that have been prerecorded?
No, it was on this morning's "Morning Joe."
No. She was with the opposition leader from Belarus. With no makeup.
Thank you. I cannot contact her from Germany, so I appreciate it.
Hi Jeff, amid all the garbage from Donald last night, delusional speech, sweating profusely, going off on tangents … well…. I feel compelled to point out Barron was out on stage.. he’s now 18… after that appearance he is fair game now, much to Mel’s disgust🥴BTW I sent mail to WH last night expressing my endorsement of our President, thanked him for all he has done for our country… Best to all fellow travelers.
A donation helps too, even $15.
Absolutely...every little bit helps.
I just made another donation...but we have got to get this shit done, because to tell you the truth, I don't know how long I can keep having 'political donations' as such a huge percentage of my budget!
IT'S BEEN 10 YEARS...AND IT'S GROWN EVERY YEAR!!! I know I'm not alone!🤬🤬🤬
I see Barron is Trump's newest pet pony to parade around. We have yet to hear Barron speak. Nothing like having your dad throw you under the bus, but he's done that with his other kids so no surprise.
I wonder what government office they're planning to give him? Hmm...what to give a recent high school graduate....? Maybe he'll be the MAGA answer to Taylor Swift (HAHAHAHAHAHA)
Should give the kid a pass… 18 today is still kiddie time ,it’s not like growing up during WWII,KOREA OR VIETNAM the kids back then grew up quick and died quicker ! The Baron might have a chance to be semi human ..granted not much of one , but maybe?! 🤔 if he turns out to be a monster 👹 then phuk him ,but a chance to change that friggen abomination of a family tree is a worthy cause !😬Or screw him just play the odds and drive a stake through his chest and be done with another branch of the tree of hate !
They’re trotting him out at 18. Fair game. He’s onstage with his horrible father
Ever notice that this guy's skin is a greasy sheen of moisture....but he never even wipes or touches his face. It's odd. 🤔
It would come off if he did. The face I mean.
I'm guessing you don't wear a lot of stage makeup 😊 It smears if you touch it. His makeup person should be putting powder on his face for the greasy sheen, but I'm guessing he's refused it.
What's the White House email? And what exactly did you say?