The hills are alive with the sound of fuck you!

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I'm picturing Fani Willis, arms outstretched, spinning in a circle ala Julie Andrews. Life is good.

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So long. Farewell. Auf wiedersehen. Good night. 😂

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A mark, a yen, a buck or a pound- it's all that makes the world go round....


from Cabaret. The prologue musical for Trumpism.

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Meanwhile, back at the authoritarian ranch...

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Adieu, Adieu to you and you and you too! LOL, gotta love it!

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I most certainly a do!

Good one!!

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Excellent! Paraphrasing from MSNBC: If Fani Willis starts with Good Morning and ends with Yours In Service, you’re not going to have a good morning 😂.

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😂 You can bet your sweet ass on that!

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Hell yeah, Southern Sistahs do not play!

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Yeah, that signature line is killer. Like how “have a nice day” became the nineties way to say “go fuck yourself”.

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Right up there with "thoughts and prayers." Republicans, MAGAs in particular, have ruined a lot of old decent phrasings. And Fani Williams puts some proper teeth into her phrasing.

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She ain't playin'.

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That is true. Fani don't play. An old friend of mine from Hell's Kitchen used to say this, "I don't play. I never play. I quit grammar school 'cause they had recess. Cause I don't play!" That is what Fani Willis is saying to Meadows, Jeffrey Clark and other Trump criminals and defendants.

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Or "Bless your heart" down south.

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These two fuck-ups think their 💩 doesn’t stink. I’m kind of hoping they don’t surrender so we get to see them

arrested for being divas.

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I feel the same way! Do not show up! Get handcuffed and dragged to jail in the middle of the night.

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I don't know about these 2 wingnuts but at least Jeff Clark will have the forethought to actually put on pants...please!!

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Maybe we will get the equivalent of the white Bronco chase

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And put in a cell because the judge isn’t available to grant bond until some time later! 😂

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May-El, Margarita, Lori, and Deb, fun to imagine but please don’t wish for anything that could slow down these processes. Thank you.

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Heavens, no Susan! I don't want anything slowed down! I just think that if Clark or Meadows decides NOT to turn themselves in by the appointed time...and not one second later...they should have to sit in a cell, just like any other person who has to be brought in on a warrant. They should have to sit there until their bail can be arranged...hopefully they'll sit there overnight, and maybe even the weekend!

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Not offended, lol

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As I posted on another thread, it would make my day to see Fani Willis “enter some warrants in the system,” and have Mr. Clark and Mr. Meadows arrested by their local sheriff wherever they happen to be. Then Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat could arrange for one of his deputies to retrieve them whenever he gets around to it.

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“Yours in service” is the business version of “Bless your heart!”

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I never knew there were so many unique ways/sayings in which to say “fuck you..” according to geography. Please continue with my education while I watch the shitshow of a Retrumplican debate if I can stand it?!

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Meadows must be like me. Misunderstanding the system. But then, he's ostensibly a lawyer, as to where I'm a mere retired IT guy.

BUT....as I understand it, even if it's moved into a federal court, the charges don't change, the trial still takes place, and he can still be convicted in Fed court of violating a state law. All that essentially changes is the judge and courtroom.

I'm finding all this MAGA angst particularly gratifying, satisfying, and quite delicious. But I'm petty that way.

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I join you in the pettiness department!

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"Pettiness plays so rough" Bob Dylan. I love it!

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He may think he’ll have a better chance in federal court with a wider jury pool instead of just limited to Fulton County.

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Also, delay delay delay. Nice try boneheads. All you are doing is making the judge mad.

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Yes. They’ve learned from the Delayer-in-Chief.

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He does, however, anyone disposed to believe he's completely innocent will be weeded out in voire dire. The fact is though, he's still going to be tried in front of a Georgia jury for breaking Georgia law.

Even right wingers aren't sympathetic to an outsider who broke their state's laws. If Meadows was a Georgian, he might stand a chance, but as it is....

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No cameras in Federal Court is my reasoning as to why he wants to move to a Federal courthouse. Also, if he is granted this option it strengthens Trump's request.

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Wouldn’t moving it to federal court and conviction make it potentially eligible for a pardon?

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No, because it’s still a state crime.

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I thought I read that if it’s tried in Federal court instead of State court a president can then later pardon the convicted felons. Am I wrong?

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I’m making an assumption, but would a conviction in federal court, even of state crimes, be pardonable by a president?

I understand that tfg is at least partially running again hoping he can either pardon himself or make the charges go away if he wins. A president can only pardon federal crimes and even then, a pardon requires an admission of guilt.

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As far as I know, the answer is no. The conviction would only be for a state crime, despite the trial being in a federal court. All the fed court gets is a fed judge, and bigger jury pool. Plus there are different processes they can use to file motions in federal court.

However, his motion to remove hinges solely on a federal judge being willing to grant the motion to hear the case.

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You know, if they didn't want to have to make travel arrangements and get arrested and go to court, all they had to do was not pour dozens of hours into felonious capers, in the words of Tupac.

It's so easy, a baby can do it.

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You nailed it!

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I wonder how the “party of law and order” will cover this bullshit at the debate tonight.

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They’ll ignore it or claim witch hunt of two fine Americans 🙄

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But if the shoe was on the other foot the would even skip introductions and foam from their mouths at the outrage!

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And out ahead of the coming Tiedrich column on Jeff Clark's fantasy fuckery, I'll just say that this is what we got when Stupid installed all these people who had no fucking idea what they were doing. To run our government. Thanks for nothing. Now pass the popcorn.

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"All the best people". Who either now hate his guts or are about to get three hots and a cot.

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Made me smile!

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In my best Rod Serling voice... imagine if you will, you are the subject of a disbarment hearing in Cali and you are forced to ask the panel for a 2 day recess to report, in Atlanta, to a criminal RICO indictment, be photographed and fingerprinted and after posting bail you return to your disbarment hearing.. This guy is chicken fried fucked in Cali and Atlanta... may I present the defendant John Eastman...soon to be an ex member of any bar... except the new one.... The Fuck Around and Find Out Bar and Grill... HAHAHA

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One of the most unlikeable of all the little Trumpian fanatics and enablers.

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There are so many to choose from. Remember when Rachel used to keep track of everyone trump fired from his cabinet? Time for a new list.

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Yes it is.

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This was such a joy to read, Ms Fanni must have suppressed a tiny smile as she signed this. Delicious. It was also very classy of her to resist spelling Mr Moran’s name with two o’s. Ooh I like her a lot. It reminds me when ultraconvangelicals write to us asking for money and sign it “Yours in Christ”. We know Christ doesn’t need the money. I like to sign mine simply “In Service” (to who or what I’m not committing) rather than “Out of Service “ which is my usual mysterious state.

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Makes me think of the meme of the MAGA idiot with the sign “Get a brain Morans!” 😄

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Lol it actually said “Get a Brian...

So ridiculous

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You’re right! I’d forgotten that

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Do you think it registers, ever? Someone must have pointed it out. Or the humiliation online?

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It seems like when it happens, smarter minds point out the obvious and then the ignorant disappear, ready to screw up another day

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Probably right. File under Too ignorant to be embarrassed!

That or, Proud to be an Assclown for Trump!

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Did you see the poster that said ... superior jeans? Hahahahaha!

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Sounds about right, lol

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I have said this for years...black women are going to save the world.

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Ditto. I say it to my husband all of the time.

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I have to borrow “ultraconvangelicals “ love it!

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And, I’ve had more credible excuses from undergraduates who lose a grandparent every semester at finals!🤣

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Such a clown show... entitled white males who will now find out they no longer are.....

They have gotten away with this behavior for their whole lives....

Looks like this ends now!!!! Here's hoping!

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Actually, I'd like it if some of these fucks don't show up for booking. We can all use some good late-summer entertainment.

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I don't think they will actually try that out unless they prefer being held until trial.

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But not at the expense of speed.

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Thanks, Jeff. Love “yours in service”.

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