
fun true fact: Jason Miller blocked me on twitter after I said he looked like someone drew a face on a thumb

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That’s just science.

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Also, like if a really fucked up police sketch was a person.

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It's funhouse mirror material.

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There's something about republiKKKlan male bipeds that just exudes hostility, anger, hatred - all irrational but all plainly evident in behaviors, utterances, facial expressions...and sexual deviancy. I think one of the solutions would be to enact legal sex work nationwide, with every establishment having adequate personal security inside and each worker provided with comprehensive health care to include full-range reproductive care as well as everything else a fully-functioning human should have. But their personal security would be first.

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or how about keep women safe and let these dudes have robots and inflatable dolls?

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Yep. Happy Lysistrata to you, MAGA.

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Aristophanes is laughing his ass off.

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They don't deserve robots and inflatable dolls. They deserve penis stretchers so they can all F--K themselves!

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Creative, Linda.

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Or at least real Vagina Dentata...

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I’m sure he meant it as a compliment

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Speaking of depraved Republicans, here is the latest Lincoln Project ad on their fearless leader. Joe Biden’s team owes these folks a debt of gratitude because this is the kind of ad that they probably would never make.


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I was thinking about this a few days ago when I read about Biden's "polar plunge" -- not that Trump would ever do anything like that because it would terrify him (and he knows how stupid it would make him look) -- and STILL the media talks about how feeble Biden is. I think there should be a requirement -- a law, even -- that anyone who wants to call Biden feeble must jump into the northern Atlantic between Thanksgiving and spring before publication in summer beach attire. With pics of the event to be published alongside the accusation of Biden's feebleness.

Trump should NOT be excluded from this -- it's not like he hasn't lied through his ass about Biden's physical condition at every opportunity. He won't, of course -- either stop the lying OR do the polar plunge himself, the snivelly-assed shithead.

But it does make me happy to see all the campaign ads that focus on Trump's advancing decrepitude anyway... MAGAts might not believe it, but it's harder to ignore if you're even marginally sane.

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I don’t know if you subscribe to Rick Wilson, but he knows that he can’t sway diehard, brainwashed MAGA Republicans. He’s trying to get into the heads of persuadable Republicans and independents who are sick and tired of Trump. Also, like he said in this intro to the video, some of these ads are just meant to get Trump really angry and prompt him to do and say more stupid things.

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I do. I support what he's up to completely -- as I said, the MAGAts might not believe the ads, but we really do need to peel off whatever marginally sane people would be tempted to vote for Trump just because Biden is "too old". And if we hurt Trump's feel-feels in the process, it's all good.

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I love how you use the term “marginally sane.” It’s sad that we’ve reached this point, but this is where we are...literally trying to convince people not to vote for a deranged narcissist because they can’t seem to figure this out for themselves.

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Shared and subscribed; thanks!

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You’re welcome. There’s another great ad in the archives about Trump‘s dementia. It’s really brilliant, including the background music.

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Thanks for sharing!

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fabulous! I always thought the majority of the trump hanger ons, had fat faces. What's up with that!

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😂😂you’re killing me this morning! 😂

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He’s a fucking chode!

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A) Badge of honor that.

B) Accurate AF observation.

Well done young man.

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The guy has NO chin... None... Yuck!

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🤣🤣🤣 instantly.

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I am laughing so hard, I love that description. Thanks, Jeff.

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Why were you complementing him? :D

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Attention WAPO, I matched with a guy on Bumble and then left our coffee "date" when he told me he worked for Herschel Walker's campaign. Dating in DC is fucking madness.

Stop asking women to compromise!! I'm not martyring myself/sanity to prop up the status quo.

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and make more fucking crazy maga babies. YUK

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Throw in a little fundamentalist Christianity, where the husband is the unquestioned Head of the Household, and you have a perfect scenario for abuse of female partners

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About that effing WAPO editorial, this is what I wrote on another substack: "My GOD this is so enraging. I feel an urge to c*str*te the person responsible at WashPo for this attempt to induce guilt in women. As if we did not have enough pressure on us to save democracy, oh, by the way, you REALLY need to get married and BREED. No. Men need women more than women need men and that really chaps their tender tushies."

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I’m in my 60s, never had children by choice (used very effective birth control, even while married), and never regretted it for one minute. In the immortal words of Gloria Steinem: “If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.”

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It's funny--I was just thinking yesterday that if men could get pregnant, abortion pills would be available at every CVS, and come in spicy and cool ranch flavors.

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You got it!!

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I hope someone is documenting this discussion. It's getting classic. Right out of consiousness raising back in late 60s when I was one of the Original California Girls. What times!

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I remember in the 1960's tossing my Betsy Wetsy (she peed) for Barbie. With Barbie I could fantasize about an exciting life and not the expected boring life of having babies. I hated babies when I was a little girl and frankly, still do. They cry, pee and shit then treat you like dirt when they get older. WTF

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😂😂 I had very legitimate reasons for not wanting children, including not wanting to bring them into a marriage that I knew I had to leave because he became an alcoholic. By the time I freed myself from that, I was almost 40 and didn’t feel it was a good time to start having kids. I also have a couple of genetic health issues that I really did not want to pass on to children. I don’t need some Republican asshole to tell me what I need to do with my life. These people are freaking out of their minds.

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I also never met a man that I wanted as a father to my children if I ever chose to have them. No single parenting or sperm bank for me, thank you.

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Me too! Finally found the right one at 54. No babies.

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I was never very inclined to want kids whether because it was at minimum a twenty year commitment much less a lifetime. I was looking at the environment even in junior high and didn't see the upside of adding more people to an overpopulated planet. That feeling has been a life long conviction. My not wanting to hold the baby every time one was passed over didn't help either. Sheesh, they really pushed that baby crap when I was a kid. Thank goodness there were enough baby lovers in the family that I could escape those events.

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Exactly the same! Since junior high (60 years ago or so) I knew I didn't want to cause more burden to our planet. Looking at the future, I am SO glad I didn't have kids. Who would subject another human to this rat-fucking mess?

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I know someone has takeover after my generation but sheesh, just thinking of our over-heated planet now and the current batch in power basically making out like fat rats with no concern of those that will inherited has mess.

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I agree. And it isn't fair to ask the next gen to try to cope with the mess we inherited. But what can we do? I've done it all including donating, protesting, marching, writing, calling....The fat rats are still in power.

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Right?! Fuck that! My step-daughter cemented my decision of never having kids. I AM grateful that she "grew up" when she reached her 30's though.

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My mom was just telling the story at Thanksgiving of how my Barbie kicked Ken out because he told her she shouldn’t go to law school. My little sister cried, so I told her that Ken could live in the pool cabana and clean the pool!lol Barbie is a bad ass bitch!

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I hope you write episodic series! Brilliant!

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I am 51, married, childless by choice and happy af! I also love Betty White’s quote, “If men could get pregnant, abortions would be available at Jiffy Lube”.

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I never heard that one from Betty White before but it is priceless.

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Childless by choice as well. And I don't feel deprived of the experience in it's entirety.

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My mother's generation plus the old world thinking she was raised with regarded a husband and his income security essential. Fortunately that is no longer the case whether woman want children and/ or a career. I think the happily married folk with kids is just dandy just not for me. And to pressure younger women is just another reflection of losing Roe where some of the trumpy, evangelical types think they should run the show.

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I love that quote, Janet, and I use it all the time when debating cretins about abortion. It shuts most of them up. I married a decent, fun man who changed overnight after we said I do. He expected to be my boss and for me to do what he said, when he said it, when he wanted it. I didn't. I finally divorced him, and my only real regret in life is that I didn't get an annulment, as I considered, right after the wedding.

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We have to take care of ourselves, because nobody else is going to do it. 💪🙌

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I will not feel guilt for having baseline standards...

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Exactly. Let's all line up for the lowest common denominator of males for breeding.

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I met a guy yesterday (I'm 71) and I said to a friend, "He's just not good enough." Then I remembered a phrase from the nineties that said, "Don't be so picky and accept Mr. Good Enough." Hell fucking no! Even at my age, if he ain't good enough, I'm not wasting 5 minutes of what's left of my time on this earth, with him. Well, with anyone for that matter.

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Go you! I'm 72 and am very picky about who I spend my remaining time with. I just adopted 2 male cats. That tells you where I am. LOL! There is a reason there are so many "crazy cat ladies".

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I'll be 72 in 2 weeks, so I'm really not 71, just hanging onto the number for a smidgen longer. I have 4 dogs now. Drove to Mexico with just one (Just published a book about it) and adopted three more. I also have one feral cat who came with my house, he's fabulous!

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I’ve decided a skip the next 4 birthdays and 68 for a while. No, really I expect to welcome 70 when it comes, with all my friends that are already there!

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Happy, happy birthday Sagittarian queen!!

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Happy Birthday!

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Congrats to you all around! What's the name of your book?

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Bravo Lorraine!

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023


I don't know who is hiding behind the "Editorial Board" nom-de-plume, but if I send any letter bombs this week, guess who's getting them.

Last Friday, they rhapsodized over how wonderful Sandra Fucking Day O'Connor was. As far as I'm concerned, she trashed any claim she had to being a groundbreaking jurist on women's issues by putting her own personal interests (in keeping the Presidency in Republican hands) ahead of what was legal AND what was right by voting to stop the count in Florida in 2000 and subvert a national election. She wanted to retire -- and to be sure REPUBLICANS got to nominate someone to replace her.

How about instead of having to put up with controlling and abusive men to keep them happy so they don't act out more, we require from THEM a minimum level of respect for our status as human beings with equal rights? Don't think anyone on the right has actually tried THAT yet.

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Sorry, the Sandra Day O'Connor piece was posted today, not Friday as I assumed for some reason, and it did have a byline beyond "Editorial Board" -- which I totally missed. Probably because my head was about to detonate lol.

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One of my favorite lines from an old comedian: "I believe that women are smarter than men because they have always possessed what we have been seeking."

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One of my favorites is from the legendary George Carlin: Women are crazy, and men are stupid. The reason women are crazy is because men are stupid.

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I really miss Carlin. We need him now.

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Strongly agree.

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Exhibit "A" in favor of why we need him now. "Brood mare for the state." Prescient. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgjGwOByays

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Whoever the member of the WAPO editorial board is who wrote that fucking article, FUCK YOU!! I strongly agree about castration. (With a rusty, dull knife).

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023

Jesus, Charlie, I will be sure to never get on your bad side. 😁

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Being in the same home as a Republican male for even another day of my life would cause my 7 years of sobriety to end.

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No man is worth losing your hard-earned sobriety over. Ever. But I hear you!

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Congrats! And this is very funny. 😊✌️

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Congrats! it would me too. (20 years!)

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I would not sacrifice my sobriety over anyone or anything…..and my sponsor is a Retrumplican where the unspoken rule is : no political talk. Period. 22 years and counting…ODAAT

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22 years is amazing! That's amazing congratulations and I would not risk mine for anyone either. I have 7 years in January I never thought it was possible and it's just been better and better everyday 💙

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Everyday clean and sober is a blessing. Cherish it!….

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That is “going to any length to achieve your sobriety”. Salute!

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I don't think that I would sacrifice my 31 years but, I would definitely go to prison for life if my husband was a closet repube. Thank the Universe that he isn't. 😁

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You and me both (36 years here)

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Yes I was so fond of the physical abuse I received from Trump supporting police in Alabama. Being trans means you are no longer a Marine who served in war. Then I definitely want a double dose of the sexual assault from these same loathsome individuals who claim to be men and view women, including trans women like myself, as some sexual rag doll for their pleasure.

The GOP and their constituents are repressive rapists and pedophiles and I have yet to find a good person who votes red.

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I am sorry for your experience, but I am not in the least bit surprised. And your last paragraph is completely true. The Daily Kos keeps an unbelievably long list of Republicans at the federal, state, and local levels who have been involved in sex-related crimes. Many of these people we never heard of because they are local officials, but the list goes on for pages. I’m not even sure how they keep track of this.

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Here is that list I mentioned. They’re up to part 45, so you can just imagine how extensive this is.


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Yikes! I’m so disgusted.

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Finally cancelled my subscription to the Washington Post. Their bullshit editorial was the last straw.

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I canceled mine for the same reason.

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I'm just sorry I didn't do it sooner. I also called the Post and gave them an earful, for what it's worth. Probably won't have any effect but it felt really good.

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I'm tempted to sign up just so I can cancel.

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Even better: call them and tell them why you WON'T subscribe and that you'll tell everyone you know not to subscribe. That will annoy the hell out of them.

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I call them "Whores for Hitler."

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Gobsmacked at that WaPo editorial. Missed it, so I went back to read it. WTF?! I wouldn’t date anyone that was a Trump fanatic. My standards probably aren’t the highest (I married my ex-husband once), but I still have my dignity. Why do so many GOP use “spare the rod, spoil the child” on their wives?

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HaHa! "I married my ex-husband once." That one tickled me for some reason.

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Once was plenty, twice would have been a signal to please commit me to a nice sanitarium

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I suspect you're a part-time comedy writer!

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lol, thanks, but I just like to make people laugh. My work emails were very popular.

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I can believe it

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I have suspected the same for a while now.

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Thanks, I’m here all week! 😄

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My 3rd husband and I are so politically aligned in our opinions it’s part of what keeps us engaged in conversations. We’re always talking and so far that’s what keeps us curious about what the other one has to say. So far this has been my favorite marriage.

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You have nothing to be ashamed of. Elizabeth Taylor married her ex-husband once too.

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I didn’t, but I thank you anyway!!

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Because they're fucking pigs.

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With low self esteem so that scaring and belittling others makes them feel better.

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It’s amazing to me that Mr Miller could get even one woman interested in him, much less 3.

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Yeah, I had that thought also! They must be crazy. You know, like the women who are attracted to inmates behind bars.

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Yeah. Miller is just gross. 🤮

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Self loathing and 💰

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He couldn't get a blowup doll interested in him.

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I wondered about that as well....😳

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This is a summary of sickness. Trump has unleashed a primal nastiness in these morally deficient men. I had not seen that WaPo piece. WTF!!!! I would never date a Trump lover...and in truth, I have distanced myself from any of these cult members. Their morals and value system are completely different than mine. 🙄

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I haven’t read this WAPO article yet, but I’m getting a good taste of it just from these comments. I may have to cancel my subscription. I was thinking about doing it anyway.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023

Same. Canceled NYT and am canceling WaPo.

ETA: Easy! Go to your account from the icon in the upper right, then Billing and Subscription and cancel from there.

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Yes, the Post at least makes it easy. The New York Times requires a phone call, or at least that was the case last year. I’m mostly reading the Guardian and ProPublica now anyway, as well as Substack, so I don’t need to support this bullshit anymore.

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It's truly sad when finding a paper that does a halfway decent job of reporting US news means going outside the country. I do worry occasionally about living in an echo chamber, but then realize I'm still far closer to reality than anyone listening to Fox or reading the NY Times.

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Thanks for this tip- helpful!

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Do it. I just did and it felt great. Call the paper and let them know why you're cancelling.

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I had to do this with the New York Times late last year, and I gave the woman an earful over the phone. They make it really hard to cancel because you can’t do it online. You have to call them and then wait a long time to get a customer service rep. I think with the Washington Post you can do it online, and I am going to take care of that shortly. This article made me spit coffee across the room. I am so pissed right now.

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I cancelled online and then called the paper to let them know exactly why I was getting out.

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I canceled NYT online too IIRC. Really considering WaPo too instead of waiting until my subscription runs out.

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"Hey women, we're sorry our side produces men whose own mothers avoid them, but could you take one for the team, lower your standards, and take pity on the poor dears? All we're asking is that you devote your health, wealth, and lives to a bunch of losers we couldn't parent properly and cover up for all our fuck-ups while we call you denons, take away your rights, and regularly try to rape or kill you."

WaPo, this is why no one takes you seriously any more. FFS!

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There are a lot of baffling things in today's post, but one of the biggies is how the hell did Thumbhead Miller find 3 women that would sleep with him??!!🤣🤣

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LOL! Thought the same thing! 😂

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Why are women being asked to compromise and settle for MAGA men and not the reverse?

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Thank you, Jeff - For giving us stories that matter! It sucks and it's frustrating that so many good Americans who support Frumpy just don't know how bad he and his supporters are. So evil!! Thank God for men who are on the Blue side of things. I know people on both sides, but the hypocrites seem to mostly come from the Right!

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Sick MAGA bastards seem to be always ok with whatever these deranged disciples of false idols like the mango madman do, no matter how bad it is. Interesting how right wing Christian values and despicable acts are constantly linked together these days.

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Did these Maga christo- fascist fucks ever hear of the Ten Commandments?

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Morality for thee, but not for me.

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Exactly what I was thinking ✅

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Which really suck because I considered myself a Christian. Though, I dont go to Church, especially after 2019 and I watch the Mango Madman, for myself and I realized the evangelicals were supporting and pushing him on Christians. Now I have a relationship with Christ, and I will leave it at that.

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I imagine that you left out the Ziegler menage et trois intentionally because we shouldn't be the moral police of what happens in other people's bedrooms. However it seems an important part of the story being the Zieglers judge so deeply about what happens in all bedrooms but their own.

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Jeff included the link to the Ziegler story which does mention it

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