
oh my god, this was a fun one to write. happy Memorial Weekend Sunday, everyone —

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It was fun to read as well. Your descriptive terms had me in stitches, as usual. Let’s hope you get to write about a conviction in NY later this week.

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You know, I was banned years ago from posting at the Washington Post when I graphically stated that I would crap on the steps of the Capital in front of the media when Trump would one day be laid in State. After being banned permanently, I ended my subscription to the paper.

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There will be great competition for space to do that. Better sign up early.

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The thought of him lying in state nauseates me.

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They can't possibly do that. It would desecrate the capitol. Oh, wait. He already did that.

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Someone bring a hat pin to be sure he's gone

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Believe me, that's exactly what it seemed, that you were having a powerful extra amount of fun. This is a great post. I'll laugh right up to the next time someone doesn't take him to task.

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Got damn, I’m never going to critique all your fucken this and fucken that. You got me.

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Truly a scene out of a Coen Brothers Movie. I can't stop laughing!

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The same to you, Mr Jeff! Goddamn that was funny reading. Except it does make one hurt a little bit that we didn't get to see RFK and Daffy Don debating, like the sea and the wind contending o'er which is the mightiest.

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...or which is the most ridiculous, blatant liar.

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I think more like two old roaches fighting over a stinking piece of rat dodo.

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Yes. Perhaps it is on Youtube somewhere by now. However, I am probably going to pass the bloviation. Who knew that Libertarians could have such a sense of humor. The two I have know just ruined the parties I attended when they were there because of friends who felt cool and tolerant to be friends with them. I am not that cool or that tolerant and found myself just being sickened by what they had to say, and given that they were both White men, they were not sickened by me because I am too inconsequential.

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That would be interesting

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If it was funny for you to write it was hilarious for me to read. I can’t stop laughing - trump trying to further bend his pretzel brain while spewing sh*t and being rewarded by booooos. And your finale “ YOU TOLD ME I WAS GOING TO SPEAK TO A BUNCH OF LIBRARIANS” absolutely describes his total lack of self awareness, whether you meant it as a joke or as something he actually said. Thank you Jeff for adding laughter to my day.

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This one takes the cake. I can’t stop watching it. I sent it to a friend in London who refuses to read anything about Trump and she is now laughing.

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I have to say, my favorite posts of yours are the ones which are laden with schadenfreude.

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It was a fun one to read Jeff. Hope you and Mrs Jeff have a peaceful Memorial Day as we all remember the fallen(you know, the “losers”)in all the many wars our patriots of all races, creeds and genders have fought in.

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Almost as much fun as it was to read and watch the video clips! Excellent job, Jeff! This was ‘good to my howdy’!!!

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Thank you for the best laugh I've had in a long time.

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I thought the GOP was full of nuts. Libertarians have outclassed them.

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I mean, like, uh, you know..... HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SUCH PERFECT ACCORDIAN HANDS!!!

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This may be the first time in the history of Libertarians that I've ever agreed with them on anything at all. I don't agree with their reasoning (other than that "dictator" thing), but had I been there, I'd have been booing as well.

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Let me get this straight. Trump promises to pardon Ulbricht Ross for the crime of distributing narcotics yet publicly states that under his administration drug dealers will get the death penalty. Damn, I love this shit!

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“I can’t define irony, but I know it when I see it” — Lelaina in Reality Bites

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They call that …..”our, lie, lie. These clowns will believe everything I say!”

I do hope he waits to breathe for me to believe anything he says. That day will never arrive!

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"What happens when a liar dies?"--The Riddler

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I don’t know, but hopefully, soon, we’ll find out when this one kicks the can and goes to his forever resting place in Hell!

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Where he will have to bow to a real dictator

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If maga does it it's not a crime.

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I'm pretty sure librarians would boo him too

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For a party that's also all about banning books and supporting illiteracy, the librarians would've gladly told the orange turd to go fuck himself.

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They would just use words he could not understand

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Which appears to be many.

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Haha. At a Library convention rubber chickens would have been handed out at the door! We are NOT a quiet bunch when under threat.

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Perhaps even loudly.

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“right now Trump is in the back of a limo with a bunch of staffers screaming YOU TOLD ME I WAS GOING TO SPEAK TO A BUNCH OF LIBRARIANS”

Because fuck you, that’s why!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😤😤😤😤

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Excellent point, yes they would!

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I am REALLY sure!!!!

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This is GOLD! The squeaky chickens! 😂 Actually, a rubber chicken should be Trumps VP pick. 🤣 "Ms. McArdle, I’d like to propose that we go tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself away from here.” JFC! You cant make any of this up! I enjoyed every word of this. 👏👏👏

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Hung chicken for vice president. Tom Cotton already has the neck for it though.

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It was wonderful!!💥💥🎉🎉💪

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Breaking News: This was all a Saturday Night Live sketch.

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Hi Jeff, I liked the fact MAGA attempted to grab all the good seats up front…then… arguments ensued… Why are MAGAS at this Libertarian convention? To make Donald feel welcomed? You are correct..it was a grade A shit show, better than SNL. The booing, the signs, the arguments among the unwashed masses.. 🤡 well, at least Donald did not appear with indicted gangsters as he did in the Bronx… I guess he’s raising the bar a bit. Have a fun holiday Jeff and fellow travelers.

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Grade A GOLD PLATED shit show.

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Golden Sneaker Shit Show.

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I think Putin is holding the Golded Shower Shit Show videos.

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I do hope the Libertarians pack the front rows at the GQP convention…. I know that will never happen cause Donald will only allow cultists to attend..but hey, a guy can hope🤠

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Libertarians are such an interesting people. At face value, a lot of what they say and believe makes sense, but put more than two of them in a room and the whole thing crumbles to nonsense. I wholeheartedly agree with their central belief system of "fuck off," but you can't run a government that way.

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most libertarian beliefs are just nonsense. take the idea that there should be no government regulations because it's in business's own self-interest to produce safe products, and so therefore they will produce safe products. no, the whole reason we put regulations in place is because business *wasn't* regulating itself

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Look what happens when Wall Street was “regulating” itself, when police departments “regulate” themselves. Total chaos and the public gets royally screwed.

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Boeing regulating itself is another prime candidate for the necessity of regulations.

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Absolutely. 👍🏼

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I would not fly with them now wheels might fall off

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Ayn Rand bullshit

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Sci-fi based political system.

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Justification for being a self-serving asshole while living in a society. Paul Ryan used to make his aides read "Atlas Shrugged." His useless ass is now collecting multiple fat paychecks from being on the Board of Directors of various companies.

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I have a pink 'Fuck Paul Ryan' button hanging off a bibelot in my tiny art-filled bathroom. I just can't get rid of it. Because Fuck Paul Ryan.

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He's on the board for my employer. No idea why: he has no juice in DC anymore. Has 0 experience in my field, and has shown himself to not know a damned thing about economics

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Including Fox "News"

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A L Ron Hubbard fantasy world.

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It would be interesting to know her views now if she were still alive given the number of issues with public transportation (malfunctioning trains and planes), water contamination, rising seal levels, climate change, etc.

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May 26·edited May 27Liked by Jeff Tiedrich

She'd insist private sector could do it, cash her Social Security check, then climb aboard a Boeing 737 Max.

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She is very high up on my list of people I would have personally liked to punch in the face.

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They are very childlike. I wonder if Walt Disney was a libertarian. All those castles in the air and dreams come true in the Disney World Experience but behind the scenes it is a brutally hierarchical highly controlled piranha tank workplace.

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Glen Beckibeckistanstan.(Old Stephanie Miller bit)😆😆

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Oooh, Stephanie was so great, back in the day. I once had to pull the car over because I was laughing too hard to drive.

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She's still great.

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" LIBBA - terians " what a smooth talker 🤣

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Took him a few tries at that

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He wasn't sure if there was LIBERAL somewhere in the word Libertarian. 🙄

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Excellent point

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Sure,we can TRUST the folks who give us nicotine,lead paint and pipes, aerosols,asbestos,

DDT, forever chemicals and who created a pile of un-recyled plastics the size of Texas floating in the Pacific.

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Right, and by their logic we don’t need law enforcement because, well no laws but also it’s in everyone’s best interest not to crime and steal and such right?

Which group is dumber, though… republicans or libertarians hmmmm I can’t decide. It’s like trying to decide which is more edible, a rotten peach or a rotten pear.

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Both groups are knuckle draggers, just with different fuck up skill sets.

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The top Libertarian is Charles Koch; enough said.

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If the product kills you, you can sue!

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Who would pay for our bloated military?

And for social services of the needy & elderly. And for dozens of other programs that you use?

Taxes have been used to support societies needs going back 3,000 years!

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A libertarian acquaintance once said that government should provide military, courts, and police. All else from private donations or charities. I asked about the Centers for Disease Control. No, charities should fund it. The FDA? No. I asked if he had heard of thalidomide. No. That the FDA prevented its widespread use and horrific consequences in the United States. No, he hadn’t heard of it. People could always sue if they had been harmed.

Young and arrogant, he was. He had been “harmed” because his college roommate got financial aid that he did not get. Therefore government shouldn’t be helping people.

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Dear Libertarians:

Did you hear the one about the Pastry Shop Owner who, prior to creation of the FDA’s oversight, shopped for *inexpensive* yellow coloration for his cake icing, and found some cheap. So he used the bright, yellow colorant in his cake icing, and lots of children really enjoyed eating that attractively yellow, sweet desert…

The shop Proprietor increased his profit nicely by using cheap coloring. It was yellow lead powder. Google lead-poisoning.

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😡🤬 That’s terrible! I wasn’t aware of that.

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...And never will....

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Then Ragan happened

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Then why have ANY laws if we're all "self-regulating".

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yeah what they say makes sense as long as you treat it in complete isolation and forget everything else about society, humanity, history, and arithmetic.

sure, charity is fine but it's wrong to compel people to be charitable. So people who through no fault of their own need help—the crippled, elderly, infirm, incapable—have to depend on "helping people" to be in fashion. Better to have sidewalks covered with corpses than use Men With Guns to compel people to help.

I hate libertarians.

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Or a society

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I’m not sure whether it’s funny, sad or both. But in RFK Jr. the REAL libs finally found a stupider poster child than Rand Paul. And how must that feel to be one-upped by a gnarled garden gnome …

See what I mean?

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What has me curious. Just exactly what party is RFK Jr.? His ‘campaign’ has reported he’s getting in as many state ballots as possible under whatever ticket he can get qualified for, for that state! How in the hell is this happening?

RFK Jr. doesn’t even know what party he’s actually affiliating himself with. He’s just giving speeches to different factions to get his signatures to get on a state ballot.

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He's gonna corner the rubber chicken market for sure.

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I think RFK jr should go away and “choke his chicken….”

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You had me at “anti-science gnarled garden gnome Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was there to speechify as well.’ 😂😆 Gawd how I love that tffg got BOO’D and heckled. And told to go fuck himself….pure gold!! I’ll bet this was fun to write, and you definitely deserved this, Jeff. We all needed this sublime news. Thank you!

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I would bet that there are some tRump campaign staffers who are looking for other opportunities this morning.

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how is this numpty even polling above 20% FFS

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Oh I forgot, and while TFFG is getting boo’d, our President was giving a commencement speech at West Point. Compare and contrast! CNN is covering the Boo baby Boo and the pundits are all smiling bigly!! Plus they actually led the newscast by featuring Biden all dignified at West Point. It is a good day.

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Old fella led on Face the Nation, looking most wise and presidential at West Point

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Hilarious! I loved the squeaky chicken at the end. Enjoy the holiday one and all.

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I thought you weren’t supposed to boo at a librarian convention. Libraries are supposed to be quiet places Oh wait, MAGA and Libertarians don’t go to libraries so they don’t know.

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Why would he go to the libertarian convention grubbing for votes when he’s supposedly so far ahead in the states that matter that crooked senile Joe could never catch him signed Just Wondering

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It’s called desperation.

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The rubber chicken in the left hand corner is fucking priceless. I saw that and thought, well, one got in!


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Isn't it?? Ive watched that a dozen times. 😂😂😂😂 I think I need to buy one now.

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What say we all show up at the MAGA lovefests with truckloads of rubber chickens??

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A new sound and symbol of the resistance! I want a t-shirt. "I'd like to propose that we go tell Donald Trump to go fuck himself." Picture of confiscated rubber chickens. Below pic, "Yes! That was my motion, too!" Never forget, Donald.

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I’m in Linda!

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There's gonna be a rubber chicken shortage!

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Hurry! Order now! 😆🐔 https://mcphee.com/collections/rubber-chickens

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Seriously considering the emotional support chicken. My dog would love it 😂

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Oh my gosh, so much to choose from! This is hilarious! I want one of each! 🤣

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Thanks Susan, mine's on the way. I so need this!

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Svengoolie warned us!!!!!!

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It reminded me of MST3K, Joel and the bots in the corner snarking away!!

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Hahahahaha.....you cannot remove all the rubber chickens from the world no matter how you try. Thank goodness. I heard he was furious as they slunk away.

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